Bumped order-api version from 1.0.24 to 1.0.25
Bumped order-api version from 1.0.24 to 1.0.25
Bumped checkout-api version from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14
Bumped checkout-api version from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14
Orders page in the dashboard app
Orders page in the dashboard app
fixing checkout consumer issue: still some issues
fixing checkout consumer issue: still some issues
Force push
fixing checkout consumer issue: still some issues
fixing checkout consumer issue: still some issues
fix load test after changing catalog response
fix load test after changing catalog response
fixing the fetchAll not returning all items
fixing the fetchAll not returning all items
fixing the unit tests
fixing the unit tests
Force push
Github actions: using matrix:architecture: [amd64, arm64] for pushing…
Github actions: using matrix:architecture: [amd64, arm64] for pushing…
Deploying catalog-api:0.0.18
Deploying catalog-api:0.0.18
Bumped catalog-api version from 0.0.17 to 0.0.18
Bumped catalog-api version from 0.0.17 to 0.0.18
Deploying web-app:0.0.12
Deploying web-app:0.0.12
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.11 to 0.0.12
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.11 to 0.0.12
Adding pagination for catalog-api and Adding catalogs Page for dashbo…
Adding pagination for catalog-api and Adding catalogs Page for dashbo…
Pull request merge
Adding pagination on orders-api when we getting all orders
Adding pagination on orders-api when we getting all orders
Adding pagination for catalog-api and Adding catalogs Page for dashbo…
Adding pagination for catalog-api and Adding catalogs Page for dashbo…
Deploying web-app:0.0.11
Deploying web-app:0.0.11
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.10 to 0.0.11
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.10 to 0.0.11
Deploying web-app:0.0.10
Deploying web-app:0.0.10
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.9 to 0.0.10
Bumped web-app version from 0.0.9 to 0.0.10
Deploying order-api:1.0.24
Deploying order-api:1.0.24
Bumped order-api version from 1.0.23 to 1.0.24
Bumped order-api version from 1.0.23 to 1.0.24
Deploying checkout-api:0.0.13
Deploying checkout-api:0.0.13
Bumped checkout-api version from 0.0.12 to 0.0.13
Bumped checkout-api version from 0.0.12 to 0.0.13