Write your own configuration files.
Example of a configuration file in YAML format:
ConfigName: game1 # Setting name. This setting specifies which game you will patch.
FilePath: save.zip # Save file path. This setting can use an HTTP path like: https://test.com/test.zip
ZipPassword: password # If the zip file requires a password, enter the password here. If not, leave this setting as an empty string ('').
PatchFiles: # Specify which files in the zip file will be copied to the DestinationPath. If all files should be copied, leave this setting as an empty list.
- file1
- file2
DestinationPath: destinationPath # Destination path. Specify the path to save the data folder. If set to an empty string (''), a window will prompt for selection. this setting can use environment path by using %variable_name%
Sometimes, if a game has multiple files that need to be copied to different folders, then this example can be helpful.
- ConfigName: # Setting name. This setting specifies which game you will patch.
FilePath: test.7z # Save file path. This setting can use an HTTP path like: https://test.com/test.zip
ZipPassword: "" # If the zip file requires a password, enter the password here. If not, leave this setting as an empty string ('').
- test1.txt
- test2.txt
DestinationPath: test_dest1 # Destination path. Specify the path to save the data folder. If set to an empty string (''), a window will prompt for selection. this setting can use environment path by using %variable_name%
# above is second config in same config name
- FilePath: test.7z
ZipPassword: ""
- test3.txt
- test4.txt
DestinationPath: test_dest2
Store configuration files in the "config" folder with arbitrary filenames. You can also place them in subdirectories.