diff --git a/MST_Extra/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json b/MST_Extra/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json
index 860c46b..34da133 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json
@@ -247,6 +247,30 @@
       "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 1 } ]
+  {
+    "type": "furniture",
+    "id": "f_hobo_stove_placed",
+    "looks_like": "hobo_stove",
+    "name": "placed hobo stove",
+    "description": "A small improvised wood stove, placed on the ground.  It can only burn small amounts of wood at a time, but it will keep a fire safe from wind and rain.",
+    "symbol": "#",
+    "color": "red",
+    "move_cost_mod": -1,
+    "coverage": 15,
+    "required_str": 1,
+    "//": "INDOORS and BLOCK_WIND are used to ensure it doesn't go out.  Doesn't let you move onto it to prevent exploiting that.",
+    "deployed_item": "hobo_stove",
+    "examine_action": "fireplace",
+    "max_volume": "1 L",
+    "bash": {
+      "str_min": 4,
+      "str_max": 10,
+      "sound": "clatter!",
+      "sound_fail": "clang!",
+      "items": [ { "item": "hobo_stove", "count": 1 } ]
+    }
+  },
     "type": "furniture",
     "id": "f_hobo_stove_clay_placed",
diff --git a/MST_Extra/item_groups.json b/MST_Extra/item_groups.json
index aa852f1..3cb2f33 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/item_groups.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/item_groups.json
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
     "id": "medieval",
-    "copy-from": "medieval",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "crossbow_makeshift", 1 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "crossbow_makeshift", 1 ] ]
     "id": "survivorzed_extra",
-    "copy-from": "survivorzed_extra",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "hat_hooded", 1 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "hat_hooded", 1 ] ]
     "id": "tools_survival",
-    "copy-from": "tools_survival",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "hobo_stove", 3 ], [ "tinder", 3 ], [ "canteen_wood", 2 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "hobo_stove", 3 ], [ "tinder", 3 ], [ "canteen_wood", 2 ] ]
     "id": "museum_primitive",
-    "copy-from": "museum_primitive",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": {
-      "items": [ [ "atlatl", 50 ], [ "javelin", 30 ], [ "primitive_hoe", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 5 ], [ "makeshift_sled_item", 1 ] ]
-    }
+    "items": [ [ "atlatl", 50 ], [ "javelin", 30 ], [ "primitive_hoe", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 5 ], [ "makeshift_sled_item", 1 ] ]
     "id": "hive",
-    "copy-from": "hive",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "beehive_empty", 1 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "beehive_empty", 1 ] ]
     "id": "museum_misc",
-    "copy-from": "museum_misc",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "jar_clay", 20 ], [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ], [ "tinderbox_clay", 5 ], [ "hobo_stove_clay", 10 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "jar_clay", 20 ], [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ], [ "tinderbox_clay", 5 ], [ "hobo_stove_clay", 10 ] ]
     "id": "antique",
-    "copy-from": "antique",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 10 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 10 ] ]
     "id": "church",
-    "copy-from": "church",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ]
     "id": "reading_lights",
-    "copy-from": "reading_lights",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ]
     "id": "kitchen",
-    "copy-from": "kitchen",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "ammo": 75,
-    "magazine": 100,
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "extend": {
-      "entries": [
-        { "item": "bread_garlic", "prob": 7 },
-        { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 2, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" }
-      ]
-    }
+    "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 7 ] ]
     "id": "groce_bread",
-    "copy-from": "groce_bread",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 20 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 20 ] ]
     "id": "restaur_kitchen",
-    "copy-from": "restaur_kitchen",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 14 ] ] }
+    "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 14 ] ]
     "id": "vet_utility",
-    "copy-from": "vet_utility",
     "type": "item_group",
-    "extend": { "items": [ [ "jerky_offal", 20 ] ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "preserved_food",
-    "copy-from": "preserved_food",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "extend": { "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 20, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" } ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "foodintincan",
-    "copy-from": "foodintincan",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "extend": { "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 1 } ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "cannedfood",
-    "copy-from": "cannedfood",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "extend": { "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 4, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" } ] }
+    "items": [ [ "jerky_offal", 20 ] ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/armor.json b/MST_Extra/items/armor.json
index 5ab2b80..e53156f 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/armor.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/armor.json
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
     "material": [ "leather" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "brown",
+    "covers": [ "arm_l", "arm_r" ],
+    "coverage": 50,
+    "encumbrance": 5,
     "warmth": 15,
     "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 5, "coverage": 50, "covers": [ "arm_l", "arm_r" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
     "id": "armwrap_fur",
@@ -26,10 +28,12 @@
     "material": [ "fur" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "brown",
+    "covers": [ "arm_l", "arm_r" ],
+    "coverage": 50,
+    "encumbrance": 5,
     "warmth": 20,
     "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 5, "coverage": 50, "covers": [ "arm_l", "arm_r" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
     "id": "legwrap_leather",
@@ -42,10 +46,12 @@
     "material": [ "leather" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "brown",
+    "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
+    "coverage": 50,
+    "encumbrance": 5,
     "warmth": 15,
     "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 5, "coverage": 50, "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
     "id": "legwrap_fur",
@@ -58,10 +64,12 @@
     "material": [ "fur" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "brown",
+    "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
+    "coverage": 50,
+    "encumbrance": 5,
     "warmth": 20,
     "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 5, "coverage": 50, "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
     "id": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
@@ -78,10 +86,12 @@
     "looks_like": "sheet",
     "repairs_like": "sheet",
     "color": "white",
+    "covers": [ "torso", "arm_l", "arm_r", "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
+    "coverage": 85,
+    "encumbrance": 10,
     "warmth": 10,
     "material_thickness": 1,
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 10, "coverage": 85, "covers": [ "torso", "arm_l", "arm_r", "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
     "id": "cloak_makeshift_blanket",
@@ -94,12 +104,11 @@
     "price": 5500,
     "looks_like": "blanket",
     "repairs_like": "blanket",
-    "material": [ "cotton" ],
     "color": "blue",
+    "encumbrance": 30,
     "warmth": 50,
     "material_thickness": 3,
-    "environmental_protection": 1,
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 30, "coverage": 85, "covers": [ "torso", "arm_l", "arm_r", "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
+    "environmental_protection": 1
     "id": "cloak_makeshift_down_blanket",
@@ -111,14 +120,13 @@
     "volume": "31 L",
     "price": 5500,
     "price_postapoc": 150,
-    "material": [ "cotton" ],
     "looks_like": "down_blanket",
     "repairs_like": "down_blanket",
     "color": "blue",
+    "encumbrance": 40,
     "warmth": 70,
     "material_thickness": 3,
-    "environmental_protection": 1,
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 40, "coverage": 85, "covers": [ "torso", "arm_l", "arm_r", "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
+    "environmental_protection": 1
     "id": "cloak_makeshift_fur_blanket",
@@ -134,10 +142,10 @@
     "looks_like": "fur_blanket",
     "repairs_like": "fur_blanket",
     "color": "brown",
+    "encumbrance": 50,
     "warmth": 80,
     "material_thickness": 4,
-    "environmental_protection": 1,
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 50, "coverage": 85, "covers": [ "torso", "arm_l", "arm_r", "leg_l", "leg_r" ] } ]
+    "environmental_protection": 1
     "id": "quiver_atlatl",
@@ -147,16 +155,9 @@
     "description": "A leather quiver worn at the waist, lengthened to hold atlatl darts.  Activate to store up to 10 darts.",
     "weight": "400 g",
     "volume": "1 L",
-    "material": [ "leather" ],
-    "pocket_data": [ { "ammo_restriction": { "atlatl": 10 }, "moves": 30 } ],
-    "armor": [
-      {
-        "encumbrance": 5,
-        "coverage": 15,
-        "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
-        "specifically_covers": [ "leg_upper_l", "leg_upper_r" ]
-      }
-    ]
+    "coverage": 15,
+    "encumbrance": 5,
+    "pocket_data": [ { "ammo_restriction": { "atlatl": 10 }, "moves": 30 } ]
     "id": "quiver_birchbark_atlatl",
@@ -166,15 +167,8 @@
     "description": "A quiver woven from strips of birch bark, worn at the waist, lengthened to hold atlatl darts.  Activate to store up to 10 darts.",
     "weight": "800 g",
     "volume": "1 L",
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "pocket_data": [ { "ammo_restriction": { "atlatl": 10 }, "moves": 30 } ],
-    "armor": [
-      {
-        "encumbrance": 15,
-        "coverage": 15,
-        "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
-        "specifically_covers": [ "leg_upper_l", "leg_upper_r" ]
-      }
-    ]
+    "coverage": 15,
+    "encumbrance": 15,
+    "pocket_data": [ { "ammo_restriction": { "atlatl": 10 }, "moves": 30 } ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/comestibles.json b/MST_Extra/items/comestibles.json
index 7c6a95a..6297558 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/comestibles.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/comestibles.json
@@ -161,26 +161,5 @@
     "//": "Not millable as it requires a bit more drying to make into flour, and there may be technical issues if allowed to process less calorie-dense material into flour.",
     "vitamins": [ [ "vitC", 1 ], [ "vitA", 3 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "potted_meat",
-    "copy-from": "pemmican",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "potted meat" },
-    "conditional_names": [
-      { "type": "FLAG", "condition": "CANNIBALISM", "name": { "str_sp": "potted person" } },
-      { "type": "COMPONENT_ID", "condition": "mutant", "name": { "str_sp": "potted freak" } }
-    ],
-    "weight": "155 g",
-    "container": "can_medium",
-    "calories": 452,
-    "charges": 2,
-    "description": "Meat cooked and preserved in butter or melted fat, a form of food preservation from the days before canning.  Also known as confit.  Rich and fattening, it will last for a long time.",
-    "price": "12 USD",
-    "price_postapoc": "4 USD",
-    "material": [ "flesh" ],
-    "vitamins": [ [ "vitA", 7 ], [ "vitC", 16 ], [ "calcium", 2 ], [ "iron", 69 ], [ "vitB", 781 ] ],
-    "fun": 1,
-    "extend": { "flags": [ "EATEN_HOT" ] }
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/containers.json b/MST_Extra/items/containers.json
index de02c2e..731c50f 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/containers.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/containers.json
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
     "price": 2000,
     "to_hit": -1,
     "bashing": 1,
+    "material": [ "wood" ],
     "symbol": ")",
     "color": "light_gray",
-    "pocket_data": [
+	"pocket_data": [
         "pocket_type": "CONTAINER",
         "watertight": true,
@@ -21,19 +22,8 @@
         "max_contains_weight": "3 kg"
-    "armor_data": {
-      "sided": true,
-      "armor": [
-        {
-          "material": [ { "type": "wood", "covered_by_mat": 100, "thickness": 1.0 } ],
-          "coverage": 10,
-          "encumbrance": 4,
-          "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ],
-          "specifically_covers": [ "leg_hip_r", "leg_hip_l" ]
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "flags": [ "BELTED", "OVERSIZE", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ]
+    "armor_data": { "covers": [ "leg_l", "leg_r" ], "sided": true, "coverage": 5, "encumbrance": 5, "material_thickness": 1 },
+    "flags": [ "WAIST" ]
     "id": "jar_clay",
@@ -47,7 +37,7 @@
     "material": [ "clay" ],
     "symbol": ")",
     "color": "brown",
-    "pocket_data": [
+	"pocket_data": [
         "pocket_type": "CONTAINER",
         "watertight": true,
@@ -62,7 +52,7 @@
     "id": "bucket_log",
     "type": "GENERIC",
-    "category": "container",
+	"category": "container",
     "name": { "str": "makeshift wooden bucket" },
     "description": "A large bucket for holding water, made from hollowing out a log and adding handles made of natural cordage.  Can hold 7 liters.",
     "weight": "2725 g",
@@ -71,7 +61,7 @@
     "material": [ "wood" ],
     "symbol": ")",
     "color": "brown",
-    "pocket_data": [
+	"pocket_data": [
         "pocket_type": "CONTAINER",
         "watertight": true,
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/item_overrides.json b/MST_Extra/items/item_overrides.json
index eb4db86..82ece4b 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/item_overrides.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/item_overrides.json
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+  {
+    "id": "char_purifier",
+    "copy-from": "char_purifier",
+    "type": "TOOL",
+    "name": { "str": "charcoal water purifier" },
+    "sub": "water_purifier"
+  },
     "id": "rubber_slug",
     "copy-from": "rubber_slug",
@@ -87,6 +94,24 @@
     "dispersion": 14,
     "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_60" ] }
+  {
+    "id": "magic_8_ball",
+    "copy-from": "magic_8_ball",
+    "type": "AMMO",
+    "name": { "str": "Magic 8-Ball" },
+    "ammo_type": "rock",
+    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 4 },
+    "range": 10,
+    "dispersion": 14,
+    "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_2" ] }
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "tinderbox_on",
+    "copy-from": "tinderbox_on",
+    "sub": "oil_lamp_on",
+    "type": "TOOL",
+    "name": { "str": "ember carrier (lit)", "str_pl": "ember carriers (lit)" }
+  },
     "id": "tarp",
     "copy-from": "tarp",
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/tool_armor.json b/MST_Extra/items/tool_armor.json
index 349a816..6274edd 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/tool_armor.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/tool_armor.json
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
     "category": "tools",
     "weight": "1800 g",
     "color": "brown",
+    "covers": [ "torso" ],
+    "initial_charges": 1,
     "use_action": {
       "type": "musical_instrument",
       "speed_penalty": 15,
@@ -29,10 +31,11 @@
     "price": 500,
     "material": [ "wood", "leather" ],
     "volume": "2500 ml",
+    "encumbrance": 10,
     "bashing": 4,
-    "flags": [ "BELTED" ],
-    "material_thickness": 2,
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 10, "coverage": 10, "covers": [ "torso" ], "specifically_covers": [ "torso_waist" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "WAIST" ],
+    "coverage": 10,
+    "material_thickness": 2
     "id": "mask_gas_makeshift",
@@ -49,14 +52,17 @@
     "material": [ "cotton", "plastic" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "light_gray",
+    "covers": [ "head", "mouth", "eyes" ],
+    "coverage": 100,
+    "encumbrance": 20,
     "warmth": 15,
     "material_thickness": 2,
     "environmental_protection": 1,
     "environmental_protection_with_filter": 15,
     "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "rigid": true, "ammo_restriction": { "gasfilter_m": 100 } } ],
+    "max_charges": 100,
     "ammo": [ "gasfilter_m" ],
     "use_action": "GASMASK",
-    "flags": [ "OUTER", "HELMET_COMPAT" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 20, "coverage": 100, "covers": [ "head", "mouth", "eyes" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "OUTER", "HELMET_COMPAT" ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/items/tools.json b/MST_Extra/items/tools.json
index 179390e..0a2e68a 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/items/tools.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/items/tools.json
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@
     "material": [ "clay" ],
     "color": "brown",
     "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "rigid": true, "watertight": true, "ammo_restriction": { "lamp_oil": 250 } } ],
+    "max_charges": 250,
     "use_action": {
       "target": "oil_lamp_clay_on",
       "msg": "You light the lamp.",
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@
     "id": "tinderbox_clay",
     "copy-from": "tinderbox",
-    "sub": "tinderbox",
+    "sub": "clay_canister",
     "type": "TOOL",
     "name": { "str": "clay ember carrier" },
     "description": "This is a small ceramic fire pot, with a lid and small holes for controlled airflow.  It can nurture a smoldering ember for a long time, to start fires without modern tools.",
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@
     "id": "tinderbox_clay_on",
     "copy-from": "tinderbox_on",
-    "sub": "tinderbox_on",
+    "sub": "oil_lamp_on",
     "type": "TOOL",
     "name": { "str": "clay ember carrier (lit)", "str_pl": "clay ember carriers (lit)" },
     "description": "This is a small ceramic fire pot, with a lid and small holes for controlled airflow.  An ember is smoldering inside it, and can be used to start a campfire.",
@@ -294,6 +295,7 @@
     "color": "light_gray",
     "ammo": [ "pitch_wood" ],
     "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "rigid": true, "ammo_restriction": { "pitch_wood": 100 } } ],
+    "max_charges": 100,
     "charges_per_use": 1,
     "qualities": [ [ "CUT", 1 ], [ "BUTCHER", 11 ], [ "SAW_W", 1 ] ],
     "use_action": [
@@ -348,8 +350,7 @@
     "color": "light_gray",
     "sub": "water_purifier",
     "ammo": "charcoal",
-    "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "ammo_restriction": { "charcoal": 500 } } ],
-    "charges_per_use": 1,
+    "max_charges": 500,
     "flags": [ "ALLOWS_REMOTE_USE" ]
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@
     "material": "clay",
     "symbol": ")",
     "color": "brown",
-    "pocket_data": [
+	"pocket_data": [
         "pocket_type": "CONTAINER",
         "watertight": true,
diff --git a/MST_Extra/modinfo.json b/MST_Extra/modinfo.json
index 8231243..305f049 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/modinfo.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/modinfo.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     "name": "MST Extra",
     "authors": [ "Chaosvolt" ],
     "description": "The sequel to CDDA's old More Survival Tools mod, adding additional useful innawoods content.",
-    "version": "DDA version, update 4/10/2022",
+    "version": "DDA version, update 6/16/2021",
     "category": "items",
     "dependencies": [ "dda" ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/obsolete.json b/MST_Extra/obsolete.json
index 2811736..dffcb2b 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/obsolete.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/obsolete.json
@@ -199,10 +199,12 @@
     "material": [ "paper" ],
     "symbol": "[",
     "color": "light_gray",
+    "covers": [ "torso" ],
+    "coverage": 30,
+    "encumbrance": 12,
     "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "CONTAINER", "rigid": true, "max_contains_volume": "8 L", "max_contains_weight": "16 kg", "moves": 300 } ],
     "material_thickness": 2,
-    "flags": [ "BELTED", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ],
-    "armor": [ { "encumbrance": 12, "coverage": 30, "covers": [ "torso" ] } ]
+    "flags": [ "BELTED", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ]
     "type": "recipe",
@@ -228,35 +230,5 @@
     "type": "recipe",
     "result": "cattail_rhizome_cooked",
     "obsolete": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_hobo_stove_placed",
-    "looks_like": "hobo_stove",
-    "name": "placed hobo stove",
-    "description": "A small improvised wood stove, placed on the ground.  It can only burn small amounts of wood at a time, but it will keep a fire safe from wind and rain.",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "color": "red",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "coverage": 15,
-    "required_str": 1,
-    "//": "INDOORS and BLOCK_WIND are used to ensure it doesn't go out.  Doesn't let you move onto it to prevent exploiting that.",
-    "deployed_item": "hobo_stove",
-    "examine_action": "fireplace",
-    "max_volume": "1 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 4,
-      "str_max": 10,
-      "sound": "clatter!",
-      "sound_fail": "clang!",
-      "items": [ { "item": "hobo_stove", "count": 1 } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_poultice",
-    "id_suffix": "wet",
-    "obsolete": true
diff --git a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_ammo.json b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_ammo.json
index f32d0be..fff97cb 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_ammo.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_ammo.json
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     "skill_used": "fabrication",
     "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
     "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "30 m",
+    "time": "30 h",
     "autolearn": true,
     "using": [ [ "blacksmithing_standard", 1 ] ],
     "proficiencies": [
diff --git a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_food.json b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_food.json
index 37bf7f4..86a2066 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_food.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_food.json
@@ -369,29 +369,5 @@
     "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 } ],
     "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "mortar_pestle", -1 ] ] ],
     "components": [ [ [ "tree_bacon", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "potted_meat",
-    "activity_level": "LIGHT_EXERCISE",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "75 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "autolearn": [ [ "cooking", 4 ] ],
-    "book_learn": [ [ "family_cookbook", 3 ], [ "scots_cookbook", 2 ] ],
-    "qualities": [
-      { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 },
-      { "id": "BOIL", "level": 1 },
-      { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 },
-      { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 }
-    ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 20, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "edible_tallow_lard", 1, "LIST" ], [ "any_butter", 5, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "meat_red_raw", 1, "LIST" ], [ "fish", 1 ], [ "meat_offal", 1, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_other.json b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_other.json
index 36935f5..5598e40 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_other.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_other.json
@@ -358,7 +358,11 @@
     "autolearn": true,
     "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SEW", "level": 1 } ],
     "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "birchbark", 7 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 4, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pine_bough", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 100 ] ] ]
+    "components": [
+      [ [ "birchbark", 7 ] ],
+      [ [ "cordage_short", 4, "LIST" ] ],
+      [ [ "pine_bough", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 100 ] ]
+    ]
     "type": "recipe",
@@ -394,24 +398,57 @@
     "tools": [ [ [ "mortar_pestle", -1 ], [ "rock_quern", -1 ], [ "clay_quern", -1 ], [ "food_processor", 20 ] ] ],
     "components": [
-        [ "rag", 3 ],
-        [ "felt_patch", 3 ],
-        [ "leather", 3 ],
-        [ "fur", 3 ],
-        [ "cured_hide", 3 ],
-        [ "cured_pelt", 3 ],
-        [ "birchbark", 3 ]
+        [ "rag", 5 ],
+        [ "felt_patch", 5 ],
+        [ "leather", 5 ],
+        [ "tanned_hide", 1 ],
+        [ "fur", 5 ],
+        [ "tanned_pelt", 1 ],
+        [ "cured_hide", 5 ],
+        [ "cured_pelt", 5 ],
+        [ "birchbark", 5 ]
+      [ [ "thyme", 2 ], [ "garlic", 1 ], [ "garlic_clove", 6 ], [ "raw_dandelion", 8 ] ]
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "result": "makeshift_poultice",
+    "id_suffix": "wet",
+    "activity_level": "LIGHT_EXERCISE",
+    "type": "recipe",
+    "category": "CC_OTHER",
+    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MEDICAL",
+    "skill_used": "firstaid",
+    "difficulty": 0,
+    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
+    "time": "2 m",
+    "autolearn": true,
+    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
+    "components": [
+      [
+        [ "rag", 5 ],
+        [ "felt_patch", 5 ],
+        [ "leather", 5 ],
+        [ "tanned_hide", 1 ],
+        [ "fur", 5 ],
+        [ "tanned_pelt", 1 ],
+        [ "cured_hide", 5 ],
+        [ "cured_pelt", 5 ],
+        [ "birchbark", 5 ]
+      ],
+      [ [ "thyme_oil", 1 ], [ "tar_oil", 1 ], [ "honey_glassed", 5 ], [ "honey_bottled", 5 ], [ "oil_garlic", 6 ] ],
-        [ "thyme", 2 ],
-        [ "thyme_oil", 1 ],
-        [ "garlic", 1 ],
-        [ "garlic_clove", 6 ],
-        [ "oil_garlic", 6 ],
-        [ "raw_dandelion", 8 ],
-        [ "tar_oil", 1 ],
-        [ "honey_glassed", 5 ],
-        [ "honey_bottled", 5 ]
+        [ "rag", 2 ],
+        [ "felt_patch", 2 ],
+        [ "withered", 2 ],
+        [ "straw_pile", 2 ],
+        [ "clay_lump", 2 ],
+        [ "charcoal", 2 ],
+        [ "cattail_stalk", 2 ],
+        [ "flour", 2 ],
+        [ "cornmeal", 2 ],
+        [ "oatmeal", 2 ],
+        [ "tinder", 25 ]
@@ -542,7 +579,7 @@
     "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SEW", "level": 1 } ],
     "components": [
       [ [ "water_clean", 1 ], [ "water", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "tanned_hide", 1 ], [ "cured_hide", 6 ], [ "leather", 6 ] ],
+      [ [ "cured_hide", 1 ], [ "tanned_hide", 6 ] ],
       [ [ "cordage_short", 6, "LIST" ] ],
       [ [ "log", 1 ] ]
@@ -609,7 +646,7 @@
     "autolearn": true,
     "using": [ [ "earthenware_firing", 90 ] ],
     "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_pottery", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 2 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 5 ] ] ]
+    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 5 ] ] ] 
     "type": "recipe",
@@ -683,7 +720,10 @@
     "time": "50 m",
     "autolearn": true,
     "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ], [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ] ]
+    "components": [
+      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ],
+      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ]
+    ]
     "type": "recipe",
diff --git a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_overrides.json b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_overrides.json
index 95ced70..c2ff75e 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_overrides.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/recipes/recipe_overrides.json
@@ -121,6 +121,20 @@
     "components": [ [ [ "leather", 9 ], [ "cured_hide", 9 ] ] ],
     "flags": [ "BLIND_HARD" ]
+  {
+    "type": "recipe",
+    "activity_level": "NO_EXERCISE",
+    "result": "water_clean",
+    "category": "CC_FOOD",
+    "id_suffix": "using_water_purifier",
+    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS",
+    "skill_used": "cooking",
+    "time": "9 s",
+    "autolearn": true,
+    "tools": [ [ [ "water_purifier", 1 ], [ "pur_tablets", 1 ], [ "char_purifier", 1 ] ] ],
+    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ] ] ],
+    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ]
+  },
     "type": "recipe",
     "result": "pliers",
@@ -135,6 +149,20 @@
     "tools": [ [ [ "tongs", -1 ] ], [ [ "crucible", -1 ], [ "crucible_clay", -1 ] ], [ [ "forge", 100 ], [ "oxy_torch", 20 ] ] ],
     "components": [ [ [ "steel_chunk", 1 ], [ "scrap", 3 ] ], [ [ "plastic_chunk", 1 ], [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ] ]
+  {
+    "type": "recipe",
+    "result": "pot_makeshift",
+    "activity_level": "MODERATE_EXERCISE",
+    "category": "CC_OTHER",
+    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
+    "skill_used": "survival",
+    "skills_required": [ "cooking", 1 ],
+    "difficulty": 1,
+    "time": "20 m",
+    "autolearn": true,
+    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
+    "components": [ [ [ "sheet_metal", 1 ], [ "sheet_metal_small", 4 ] ] ]
+  },
     "type": "recipe",
     "result": "pemmican",
@@ -290,11 +318,11 @@
     "skill_used": "survival",
     "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 1 ],
     "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "5 m",
+    "time": "15 m",
+    "reversible": true,
     "autolearn": true,
     "book_learn": [ [ "mag_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_survival", 1 ], [ "cookbook", 2 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "nail", -1 ], [ "spike", -1 ], [ "sharp_rock", -1 ], [ "rebar", -1 ], [ "spear_rebar", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "can_medium", 1 ] ], [ [ "scrap", 3 ] ] ]
+    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
+    "components": [ [ [ "can_medium", 1 ], [ "can_food", 2 ], [ "scrap", 4 ] ] ]
diff --git a/MST_Extra/recipes/requirements.json b/MST_Extra/recipes/requirements.json
index 5ddf226..888610c 100644
--- a/MST_Extra/recipes/requirements.json
+++ b/MST_Extra/recipes/requirements.json
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
     "id": "adhesive",
     "type": "requirement",
     "//": "Materials used for joining (typically non-metallic) parts",
-    "components": [ [ [ "duct_tape", 25 ], [ "superglue", 1 ], [ "bone_glue", 1 ], [ "pitch_wood", 25 ] ] ]
+    "components": [ [ [ "duct_tape", 25 ], [ "superglue", 1 ], [ "bone_glue", 1 ], [ "pitch_wood", 50 ] ] ]
     "id": "waterproofing",
     "type": "requirement",
     "//": "Materials for waterproofing leather and wooden items.",
-    "components": [ [ [ "wax", 1 ], [ "pine_bough", 5 ], [ "pitch_wood", 25 ] ] ]
+    "components": [ [ [ "wax", 1 ], [ "pine_bough", 5 ], [ "pitch_wood", 50 ] ] ]
     "id": "fletching",
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/professions.json b/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/professions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1fcc9..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/professions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "subtype": "collection",
-    "id": "quiver_crossbow_wanderer",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "bolt_wood", "charges": 20 } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "subtype": "collection",
-    "id": "quiver_javelin_prehistoric",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "atlatl_dart_stone", "charges": 10 } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "profession",
-    "id": "wanderer",
-    "name": "Wanderer",
-    "description": "You always preferred the comfort of the open sky, far from the complexities of modern life.  Though from the looks of it, things have changed since last time you've been anywhere near civilization.",
-    "points": 5,
-    "skills": [
-      { "level": 3, "name": "survival" },
-      { "level": 3, "name": "fabrication" },
-      { "level": 1, "name": "tailor" },
-      { "level": 3, "name": "gun" },
-      { "level": 2, "name": "rifle" },
-      { "level": 2, "name": "cooking" }
-    ],
-    "items": {
-      "both": {
-        "ammo": 100,
-        "items": [
-          "loincloth_fur",
-          "cloak_fur",
-          "backpack_leather",
-          "boots_fur",
-          "gloves_fur",
-          "scarf_fur",
-          "copper_knife",
-          "pot_makeshift",
-          "waterskin",
-          "flint_steel"
-        ],
-        "entries": [
-          { "item": "crossbow_makeshift", "ammo-item": "bolt_wood", "custom-flags": [ "auto_wield" ] },
-          { "item": "copper_knife", "container-item": "sheath" },
-          { "item": "quiver", "contents-group": "quiver_crossbow_wanderer" },
-          { "item": "tinderbox", "charges": [ 10, 20 ] }
-        ]
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "profession",
-    "id": "caveman",
-    "name": "Prehistoric Hunter",
-    "description": "An out-of-place living relic of prehistory, stranded in an unfamiliar and terrifying world.  Life as a hunter-gatherer was hard, but at least you didn't have to fight the living dead, and you had your kin to stand beside you.  Here, you're on your own.",
-    "points": 2,
-    "skills": [
-      { "level": 1, "name": "survival" },
-      { "level": 1, "name": "fabrication" },
-      { "level": 1, "name": "cooking" },
-      { "level": 3, "name": "gun" },
-      { "level": 2, "name": "throw" },
-      { "level": 3, "name": "melee" },
-      { "level": 2, "name": "stabbing" },
-      { "level": 1, "name": "dodge" }
-    ],
-    "traits": [ "ILLITERATE" ],
-    "items": {
-      "both": {
-        "items": [
-          "loincloth_fur",
-          "cloak_fur",
-          "backpack_leather",
-          "boots_fur",
-          "waterskin",
-          "atlatl",
-          "hand_axe",
-          "clay_pot",
-          "fire_drill"
-        ],
-        "entries": [
-          { "item": "spear_stone", "custom-flags": [ "auto_wield" ] },
-          { "item": "primitive_knife", "container-item": "sheath" },
-          { "item": "quiver_atlatl", "contents-group": "quiver_javelin_prehistoric" }
-        ]
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/scenarios.json b/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/scenarios.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e5ff4d..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/scenarios.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "scenario",
-    "id": "wilderness",
-    "copy-from": "wilderness",
-    "extend": { "allowed_locs": [ "swamp" ] }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/start_locations.json b/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/start_locations.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 74c536a..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/chargen/start_locations.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "start_location",
-    "id": "swamp",
-    "name": "Swamp",
-    "terrain": [ "forest_water" ],
-    "flags": [ "ALLOW_OUTSIDE" ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/effects.json b/MST_Extra_BN/effects.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cecbe90..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/effects.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "effect_type",
-    "id": "lightsnare",
-    "name": [ "Stuck in a light snare" ],
-    "desc": [ "You can't move until you get free!" ],
-    "apply_message": "You are snared!",
-    "rating": "bad",
-    "show_in_info": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "effect_type",
-    "id": "heavysnare",
-    "name": [ "Stuck in a heavy snare" ],
-    "desc": [ "You can't move until you get free!" ],
-    "apply_message": "You are snared!",
-    "rating": "bad",
-    "show_in_info": true
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/construction.json b/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/construction.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 482f590..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/construction.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_door_frame",
-    "description": "Build Door",
-    "//": "Step 1: door frame",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 1 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 6 ] ], [ [ "nail", 12 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_window_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "t_door_frame"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_door_frame_2",
-    "description": "Build Door",
-    "//": "Step 1: door frame",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "80 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 6 ], [ "stick", 6 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 4, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_window_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "t_door_frame"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_door_frame_3",
-    "description": "Build Door",
-    "//": "Step 1: door frame",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "80 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 12 ], [ "stick", 12 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 4, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "t_door_frame"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_window_empty",
-    "description": "Build Window",
-    "//": "Step 1: window frame",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "time": "90 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 15 ], [ "stick", 15 ], [ "log", 2 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "t_window_empty"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_beehive",
-    "description": "Build Beehive",
-    "//": "Hive lure includes classic of sweet water, or a few other substitutes.  Bee balm tea however is because we don't have lemongrass.",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "DIG", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "beehive_empty", 1 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "sweet_water", 1 ],
-        [ "bee_balm_tea", 1 ],
-        [ "honey_bottled", 3 ],
-        [ "honey_glassed", 3 ],
-        [ "syrup", 3 ],
-        [ "beet_syrup", 5 ]
-      ]
-    ],
-    "pre_flags": "DIGGABLE",
-    "post_terrain": "t_hive_young"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_cpurifier",
-    "description": "Build Charcoal Purifier",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "25 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ], [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 6 ], [ "2x4", 6 ] ],
-      [ [ "birchbark", 12 ], [ "withered", 24 ], [ "straw_pile", 24 ], [ "string_36", 2 ] ]
-    ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_char_purifier"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_leather_curtain",
-    "description": "Build Leather Door Curtain",
-    "//": "Door frame not required",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "tailor", 1 ] ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "nail", 4 ], [ "pointy_stick", 2 ], [ "spike", 2 ] ],
-      [ [ "leather_tarp", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "stick", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "withered", 12 ], [ "straw_pile", 12 ], [ "string_36", 1 ] ]
-    ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "t_door_curtain_leather_c"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_sill_dirt",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Still",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "DIG", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "bottle_glass", 2 ] ] ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_terrain": "t_dirtmound",
-    "post_terrain": "f_still_mounds"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_sill_sand",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Still",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "DIG", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "bottle_glass", 2 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_sandmound",
-    "post_terrain": "f_still_mounds"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_pulley_lifter",
-    "description": "Build Pulley Lifter",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 5 ], [ "mechanics", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "rope_makeshift_30", 1 ], [ "rope_30", 1 ], [ "vine_30", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "stick", 8 ], [ "2x4", 8 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 10 ] ]
-    ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_flags": [ "INDOORS", "SUPPORTS_ROOF" ],
-    "post_terrain": "f_pulley_lifter"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_well_bucket",
-    "description": "Add Bucket And Pulley To Covered Well",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 4 ], [ "survival", 4 ] ],
-    "time": "240 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "DIG", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "bucket", 1 ], [ "bucket_log", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rope_makeshift_30", 1 ], [ "rope_30", 1 ], [ "vine_30", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "stick", 8 ], [ "2x4", 8 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 10 ] ]
-    ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_covered_well",
-    "post_terrain": "t_covered_well_bucket"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wood_windbreak",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Windbreak",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 0 ] ],
-    "time": "50 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 8 ], [ "2x4", 8 ], [ "stick_long", 4 ], [ "log", 2 ] ], [ [ "pointy_stick", 4 ] ] ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_barricade_windbreak"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_tarp_leanto",
-    "skill": "survival",
-    "description": "Build Leather Tarp Lean-To",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "50 m",
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "pointy_stick", 4 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 4, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "leather_tarp", 1 ] ] ],
-    "pre_note": "Can be deconstructed without tools.",
-    "pre_flags": [ "DIGGABLE", "FLAT" ],
-    "post_terrain": "t_tarptent_leather"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_rack",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Wooden Rack",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "160 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 14 ], [ "stick", 14 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 3, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_rack_wood_makeshift"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_counter",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Counter",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 6 ], [ "stick", 6 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_counter_makeshift"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_table",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Table",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 6 ], [ "stick", 6 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_table_makeshift"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_chair",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Chair",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 4 ], [ "stick", 4 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 1, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_chair_makeshift"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_makeshift_bench",
-    "description": "Build Makeshift Bench",
-    "category": "FURN",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [
-      [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ],
-      [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-      [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ]
-    ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 4 ], [ "stick", 4 ] ], [ [ "adhesive", 1, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty",
-    "post_terrain": "f_bench_makeshift"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wood_stairs_up_half",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Staircase",
-    "//": "Step 1: stairs frame in an empty space",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 5 ], [ "survival", 5 ] ],
-    "time": "360 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 8 ], [ "stick", 8 ] ], [ [ "log", 1 ] ] ],
-    "pre_special": "check_empty_up_OK",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up_half"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wood_stairs_up",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Staircase",
-    "//": "Step 2: complete the half made stairs with timber framework",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 5 ], [ "survival", 5 ] ],
-    "time": "360 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 4 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up_half",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up",
-    "post_special": "done_wood_stairs"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wooden_platform_1",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Platform",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "120 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 1 ] ], [ [ "2x4", 12 ], [ "stick", 12 ] ] ],
-    "pre_note": "Must be built over ledges or other open space.  Limited constructions can be built on top of it.",
-    "pre_flags": "NO_FLOOR",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wooden_platform_2",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Platform",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "100 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ], [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 4 ], [ "stick", 4 ] ], [ [ "2x4", 12 ], [ "wood_panel", 3 ] ] ],
-    "pre_note": "Must be built over ledges or other open space.  Limited constructions can be built on top of it.",
-    "pre_flags": "NO_FLOOR",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wall_wattle_half_platform",
-    "description": "Build Wattle-and-Daub Wall",
-    "//": "Step 1: half of a wall on a wooden platform",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "time": "50 m",
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "2x4", 5 ], [ "stick", 10 ] ],
-      [ [ "material_quicklime", 4 ], [ "material_limestone", 4 ], [ "clay_lump", 4 ] ],
-      [ [ "pebble", 10 ], [ "material_sand", 10 ] ],
-      [ [ "straw_pile", 4 ], [ "cattail_stalk", 4 ], [ "dogbane", 4 ], [ "pine_bough", 4 ] ],
-      [ [ "water", 5 ], [ "water_clean", 5 ] ]
-    ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wall_wattle_half"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wall_half_platform",
-    "description": "Build Wood Wall",
-    "//": "frame wall on a wooden platform",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 10 ] ], [ [ "nail", 20 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wall_half"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_wall_log_half_platform",
-    "description": "Build Log Wall",
-    "//": "Step 1: half of a log wall on a wooden platform",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ] ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "AXE", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 2 ] ], [ [ "stick", 3 ], [ "2x4", 6 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding",
-    "post_terrain": "t_wall_log_half"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "construction",
-    "id": "constr_mst_floor_noroof_platform",
-    "description": "Build Wooden Floor",
-    "//": "Makes an outside wooden paving, similar to what would be used in patios.",
-    "category": "CONSTRUCT",
-    "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 1 ] ],
-    "time": "100 m",
-    "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 14 ] ], [ [ "nail", 28 ] ] ],
-    "pre_terrain": "t_wooden_scaffolding",
-    "post_terrain": "t_floor_noroof"
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json b/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 860c46b..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/furniture.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_char_purifier",
-    "name": "charcoal purifier",
-    "description": "A makeshift filter constructed to hold a supply of charcoal, for purifying water.",
-    "symbol": "=",
-    "looks_like": "char_purifier",
-    "bgcolor": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "required_str": -1,
-    "crafting_pseudo_item": "char_purifier_fake",
-    "examine_action": "reload_furniture",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "withered", "count": 24 }, { "item": "stick", "count": 6 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 8,
-      "str_max": 30,
-      "sound": "crunch!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump!",
-      "items": [ { "item": "withered", "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "stick", "count": [ 2, 4 ] } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_still_mounds",
-    "name": "makeshift still",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "looks_like": "bottle_glass",
-    "description": "A pair of glass bottles insulated with dirt or sand.  With careful alignment, it serves as a crude alembic by boiling away liquid in the first container, condensing into the second.",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "required_str": -1,
-    "crafting_pseudo_item": "mound_distillation",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "bottle_glass", "count": 2 } ] },
-    "max_volume": "3000 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "crunch!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "glass_shard", "count": [ 1, 2 ] } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_pulley_lifter",
-    "name": "rope and pulley lifter",
-    "symbol": "|",
-    "looks_like": "vp_crane_tiny",
-    "description": "A system of ropes and pulleys hanging from the ceiling, rigged up to serve as a block and tackle for lifting vehicle components, or even light enough vehicles.  It isn't very powerful, but it'll do in a pinch.",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": 0,
-    "required_str": -1,
-    "crafting_pseudo_item": "pulley_lifting",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "rope_makeshift_30", "count": 1 }, { "item": "2x4", "count": 8 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 8,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "crunch!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "rope_makeshift_6", "count": [ 3, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 4 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_barricade_windbreak",
-    "name": "wooden windbreak",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "bgcolor": "brown",
-    "looks_like": "t_wall_log_half",
-    "description": "A waist-high barricade made of stout saplings, held in place by poles hammered into the ground.  Primarily used to keep the wind out, but also works to fence in  a campsite.",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "required_str": -1,
-    "flags": [
-      "CLIMB_SIMPLE",
-      "ORGANIC",
-      "MOUNTABLE",
-      "CLIMBABLE",
-      "PERMEABLE",
-      "BLOCK_WIND"
-    ],
-    "examine_action": "chainfence",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "stick", "count": 8 }, { "item": "pointy_stick", "count": 4 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 3,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "stick", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "t_tarptent_leather",
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "name": "leather tarp lean-to",
-    "description": "A makeshift shelter made from a lather tarp and stakes driven into the ground.",
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "looks_like": "t_tarptent",
-    "color": [ "brown" ],
-    "move_cost": 2,
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 6,
-      "str_max": 12,
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "sound": "crash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whack!",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "stick", "count": [ 1, 2 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "leather", "count": [ 4, 8 ] }
-      ]
-    },
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "pointy_stick", "count": 4 }, { "item": "withered", "count": 8 }, { "item": "leather_tarp", "count": 1 } ]
-    },
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_rack_wood_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "f_rack_wood",
-    "name": "makeshift wooden rack",
-    "symbol": "{",
-    "description": "A simple wooden rack, made using rudimentary joinery and adhesive.  Display your items on it.",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "coverage": 70,
-    "required_str": 8,
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": 12 } ] },
-    "max_volume": "6000 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 5,
-      "str_max": 38,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 12 } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_counter_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "f_counter",
-    "name": "makeshift counter",
-    "description": "A bit rustic for most kitchens, made from simple joinery and wood glue.",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "color": "blue",
-    "move_cost_mod": 2,
-    "coverage": 60,
-    "required_str": 11,
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": 6 } ] },
-    "max_volume": "4000 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 11,
-      "str_max": 38,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 2, 5 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 3 } ]
-    },
-    "examine_action": "workbench",
-    "workbench": { "multiplier": 1.1, "mass": 200000, "volume": "75L" }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_table_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "f_table",
-    "name": "makeshift table",
-    "description": "Sit down when you eat!  At least the legs seem to be joined up properly, so it probably won't fall apart if you eat off it.",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "color": "red",
-    "move_cost_mod": 2,
-    "coverage": 50,
-    "required_str": 6,
-    "max_volume": "4000 L",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": 6 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 50,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 2, 4 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 3 } ]
-    },
-    "examine_action": "workbench",
-    "workbench": { "multiplier": 1.1, "mass": 200000, "volume": "75L" }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_chair_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "f_chair",
-    "name": "makeshift chair",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "description": "Sit down, have a drink.  It probably won't fall apart if you do, the joinery looks sturdy enough.",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": 1,
-    "coverage": 40,
-    "comfort": 1,
-    "floor_bedding_warmth": -1500,
-    "bonus_fire_warmth_feet": 1000,
-    "required_str": 5,
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": 3 } ] },
-    "max_volume": "4000 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 5,
-      "str_max": 18,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 1 } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_bench_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "f_bench",
-    "name": "makeshift bench",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "description": "More a bed for woodsmen than hobos, or maybe guests at a feast hall.  Put together with nothing but wood joints and some glue.",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": 1,
-    "coverage": 35,
-    "comfort": 1,
-    "floor_bedding_warmth": -1500,
-    "bonus_fire_warmth_feet": 1000,
-    "required_str": 9,
-    "max_volume": "4000 L",
-    "deconstruct": { "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": 3 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 11,
-      "str_max": 38,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "items": [ { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": 1 } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_hobo_stove_clay_placed",
-    "looks_like": "clay_pot",
-    "name": "placed clay oven",
-    "description": "A portable clay oven, placed on the ground.  It can't hold much wood at once, but it will keep a fire safe from wind and rain.",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "coverage": 15,
-    "required_str": 1,
-    "//": "INDOORS and BLOCK_WIND are used to ensure it doesn't go out.  Doesn't let you move onto it to prevent exploiting that.",
-    "deployed_item": "hobo_stove_clay",
-    "examine_action": "fireplace",
-    "max_volume": "10 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 8,
-      "str_max": 30,
-      "sound": "crack!",
-      "sound_fail": "whunk!",
-      "items": [ { "item": "ceramic_shard", "count": [ 1, 5 ] } ]
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/overrides.json b/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/overrides.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a41338..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/overrides.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_tree_pine",
-    "name": "pine tree",
-    "looks_like": "t_tree",
-    "description": "A towering coniferous tree that belongs to the 'Pinus' genus, with the New England species varying from 'P. strobus', 'P. resinosa' and 'P. rigida'.  If you examined the tree more closely, you might find usable sticky whorls and unharvested pinecones.  Also, you could cut it down with the right tools.",
-    "symbol": "4",
-    "color": "green",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "coverage": 80,
-    "transforms_into": "t_tree_pine_harvested",
-    "examine_action": "harvest_ter",
-    "harvest_by_season": [
-      {
-        "seasons": [ "spring" ],
-        "entries": [ { "drop": "pine_bough", "base_num": [ 2, 8 ] }, { "drop": "pinecone", "base_num": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "drop": "pinebark", "base_num": [ 1, 4 ] } ]
-      },
-      {
-        "seasons": [ "summer", "autumn", "winter" ],
-        "entries": [ { "drop": "pine_bough", "base_num": [ 2, 8 ] }, { "drop": "pinecone", "base_num": [ 1, 4 ] } ]
-      }
-    ],
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 80,
-      "str_max": 180,
-      "sound": "crunch!",
-      "sound_fail": "whack!",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "stick_long", "count": [ 3, 10 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 10, 25 ] } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_tree_birch_harvested",
-    "name": "birch tree",
-    "looks_like": "t_tree_harvested",
-    "description": "A tall deciduous tree of the 'Betula' genus, with the characteristic peeling bark.  Species like 'B. alleghaniensis', 'B. papyrifera', and 'B. populifolia' are the most common in the New England region.  Looks like there isn't enough rhytidome to peel off yet.  You could cut it down with the right tools.",
-    "symbol": "7",
-    "color": "green",
-    "transforms_into": "t_tree_birch",
-    "examine_action": "harvested_plant",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "coverage": 80,
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 80,
-      "str_max": 180,
-      "sound": "crunch!",
-      "sound_fail": "whack!",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "stick_long", "count": [ 3, 10 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 10, 25 ] } ]
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/terrain.json b/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/terrain.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 170f78b..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/terrain.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_hive_young",
-    "name": "empty beehive",
-    "description": "A traditional beehive, dug in slightly and baited to attract bees.  It will take a while before any bees decide to make use of it.",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "transforms_into": "t_hive_growing",
-    "deconstruct": { "ter_set": "t_dirt", "items": [ { "item": "beehive_empty", "count": 1 } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 4, 8 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_hive_growing",
-    "name": "growing beehive",
-    "description": "A traditional beehive, dug in slightly and buzzing with slight activity.  Some bees have started work on this hive, but it won't be ready just yet.",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "transforms_into": "t_hive_ready",
-    "deconstruct": { "ter_set": "t_dirt", "items": [ { "item": "beehive_empty", "count": 1 }, { "item": "wax", "count": [ 1, 6 ] } ] },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "wax", "count": [ 0, 1 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 4, 8 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_hive_ready",
-    "name": "mature beehive",
-    "description": "A traditional beehive, dug in slightly and buzzing with activity.  The colony is doing well enough that you could harvest a good amount without the hive dying off.",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "color": "yellow",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "transforms_into": "t_hive_recovering",
-    "examine_action": "harvest_ter",
-    "harvest_by_season": [
-      {
-        "seasons": [ "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" ],
-        "entries": [ { "drop": "honeycomb", "base_num": [ 1, 8 ] } ]
-      }
-    ],
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "beehive_empty", "count": 1 }, { "item": "honeycomb", "count": [ 1, 6 ] } ]
-    },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "wax", "count": [ 2, 12 ] },
-        { "item": "honeycomb", "count": [ 0, 3 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 4, 8 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_hive_recovering",
-    "name": "recovering beehive",
-    "description": "A traditional beehive, dug in slightly and buzzing with activity.  The colony is still recovering from last harvest.",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "transforms_into": "t_hive_regrowing",
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "beehive_empty", "count": 1 }, { "item": "honeycomb", "count": [ 0, 1 ] } ]
-    },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "wax", "count": [ 1, 6 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 4, 8 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_hive_regrowing",
-    "name": "regrowing beehive",
-    "description": "A traditional beehive, dug in slightly and buzzing with activity.  The colony is rebuilding honeycombs and producing more honey, but it still isn't ready.",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "transforms_into": "t_hive_ready",
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "beehive_empty", "count": 1 }, { "item": "honeycomb", "count": [ 1, 3 ] } ]
-    },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 12,
-      "str_max": 40,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump.",
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "wax", "count": [ 2, 6 ] },
-        { "item": "honeycomb", "count": [ 0, 1 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 4, 8 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 2, 6 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_door_curtain_leather_c",
-    "name": "closed leather door curtain",
-    "description": "Hides from an animal hung up as a door.  Could be easily taken down for supplies or placed somewhere else.",
-    "symbol": "+",
-    "looks_like": "t_door_curtain_c",
-    "color": "dark_gray",
-    "move_cost": 0,
-    "roof": "t_flat_roof",
-    "open": "t_door_curtain_leather_o",
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "stick", "count": 1 }, { "item": "leather_tarp", "count": 1 }, { "item": "withered", "count": 12 } ]
-    },
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 1,
-      "str_max": 8,
-      "sound": "rrrrip!",
-      "sound_fail": "slap!",
-      "sound_vol": 8,
-      "sound_fail_vol": 2,
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "sheet", "count": [ 0, 1 ] },
-        { "item": "leather", "count": [ 4, 10 ] },
-        { "item": "stick", "count": 1 },
-        { "item": "withered", "count": [ 2, 12 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_door_curtain_leather_o",
-    "name": "open leather door curtain",
-    "description": "Hides from an animal hung up as a door.  Could be easily taken down for supplies or placed somewhere else.  These curtains are open, bundled and tied next to the doorway.",
-    "symbol": "'",
-    "looks_like": "t_door_curtain_o",
-    "color": "dark_gray",
-    "move_cost": 2,
-    "roof": "t_flat_roof",
-    "deconstruct": {
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [ { "item": "stick", "count": 1 }, { "item": "leather_tarp", "count": 1 }, { "item": "withered", "count": 12 } ]
-    },
-    "close": "t_door_curtain_leather_c",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 1,
-      "str_max": 8,
-      "sound": "rrrrip!",
-      "sound_fail": "slap!",
-      "sound_vol": 8,
-      "sound_fail_vol": 2,
-      "ter_set": "t_dirt",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "sheet", "count": [ 0, 1 ] },
-        { "item": "leather", "count": [ 4, 10 ] },
-        { "item": "stick", "count": 1 },
-        { "item": "withered", "count": [ 2, 12 ] }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_wooden_scaffolding",
-    "looks_like": "t_sh_bridge",
-    "name": "wooden platform",
-    "description": "A surface of wooden scaffolding extending out, supported by solid wooden joists and brackets to transfer the weight onto other supporting structure.  Solid enough to build further wood or similar constructions onto it.",
-    "symbol": ".",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "move_cost": 4,
-    "flags": [ "TRANSPARENT", "FLAMMABLE_HARD" ],
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 8,
-      "str_max": 80,
-      "sound": "smash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump!",
-      "ter_set": "t_null",
-      "items": [ { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 15, 30 ] } ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "terrain",
-    "id": "t_covered_well_bucket",
-    "name": "well with bucket and pulley",
-    "looks_like": "t_covered_well",
-    "description": "Deep well collecting ground water.  A simple bucket and pulley allows drawing water from it.",
-    "symbol": "&",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "move_cost": 2,
-    "coverage": 40,
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 80,
-      "str_max": 300,
-      "sound": "crash!",
-      "sound_fail": "whump!",
-      "ter_set": "t_pit",
-      "items": [
-        { "item": "rock", "count": [ 8, 18 ] },
-        { "item": "2x4", "count": [ 0, 2 ] },
-        { "item": "nail", "charges": [ 1, 4 ] },
-        { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 1, 2 ] }
-      ]
-    },
-    "examine_action": "water_source"
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/traps.json b/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/traps.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1448668..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/furniture_and_terrain/traps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "trap",
-    "id": "tr_light_snare",
-    "name": "light snare trap",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "visibility": 5,
-    "avoidance": 10,
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "action": "snare_light",
-    "drops": [ "light_snare_kit" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "trap",
-    "id": "tr_heavy_snare",
-    "name": "heavy snare trap",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "symbol": "^",
-    "visibility": 3,
-    "avoidance": 10,
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "action": "snare_heavy",
-    "drops": [ "heavy_snare_kit" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "trap",
-    "id": "tr_raincatcher_leather",
-    "name": "leather raincatcher",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "symbol": "V",
-    "visibility": -1,
-    "avoidance": 0,
-    "difficulty": 99,
-    "action": "none",
-    "drops": [ "tarp_raincatcher_leather" ],
-    "benign": true,
-    "funnel_radius": 342
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/item_groups.json b/MST_Extra_BN/item_groups.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4644d..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/item_groups.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "medieval",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "crossbow_makeshift", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "survivorzed_extra",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "hat_hooded", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tools_survival",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "hobo_stove", 3 ], [ "tinder", 3 ], [ "canteen_wood", 2 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "museum_primitive",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "atlatl", 50 ], [ "javelin", 30 ], [ "primitive_hoe", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 5 ], [ "makeshift_sled_item", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "hive",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "beehive_empty", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "museum_misc",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "jar_clay", 20 ], [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ], [ "tinderbox_clay", 5 ], [ "hobo_stove_clay", 10 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "antique",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 10 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "church",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "reading_lights",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "oil_lamp_clay", 20 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "kitchen",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "ammo": 75,
-    "magazine": 100,
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "entries": [
-      { "item": "bread_garlic", "prob": 7 },
-      { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 2, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" }
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "groce_bread",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 20 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "restaur_kitchen",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "bread_garlic", 14 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "vet_utility",
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "items": [ [ "jerky_offal", 20 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "butcher_meat",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 1 } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "preserved_food",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 20, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "foodintincan",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 1 } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "item_group",
-    "id": "cannedfood",
-    "subtype": "distribution",
-    "entries": [ { "item": "potted_meat", "prob": 4, "charges": 12, "container-item": "jar_3l_glass_sealed" } ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 403ed35..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "bearing_lead",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "lead pellet" },
-    "description": "Hefty round projectiles cast from lead, useful as ammunition for slings.",
-    "weight": "12 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 100,
-    "bashing": 1,
-    "material": [ "lead" ],
-    "symbol": "=",
-    "color": "dark_gray",
-    "count": 30,
-    "ammo_type": "pebble",
-    "range": 13,
-    "//": "I don't get why sling ammo is all stab damagetype, but this means can't use bash if I want to be consistent with vanilla.",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 7, "armor_penetration": 1 },
-    "dispersion": 12,
-    "loudness": 0,
-    "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "looks_like": "javelin",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "wooden atlatl dart" },
-    "description": "A long, flexible dart for a spear-thrower, with a fire-hardened sharpened point.",
-    "weight": "70 g",
-    "volume": "100 ml",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "cutting": 6,
-    "symbol": "/",
-    "count": 1,
-    "ammo_type": "atlatl",
-    "range": 15,
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 11, "armor_penetration": 1 },
-    "dispersion": 80,
-    "loudness": 0,
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 2 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 6 } ],
-    "effects": [ "RECOVER_25" ],
-    "flags": [ "SPEAR" ],
-    "price": 1000,
-    "price_postapoc": 75,
-    "qualities": [ [ "COOK", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl_dart_iron",
-    "copy-from": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "looks_like": "javelin_iron",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "iron atlatl dart" },
-    "description": "A long, flexible dart for a spear-thrower, with an iron spear point.",
-    "weight": "170 g",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "bashing": 2,
-    "cutting": 9,
-    "range": 10,
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 17, "armor_penetration": 3 },
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 3 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 9 } ],
-    "price": 2500,
-    "price_postapoc": 100,
-    "effects": [ "RECOVER_40" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl_dart_stone",
-    "copy-from": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "looks_like": "javelin_stone",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "stone atlatl dart" },
-    "description": "A long, flexible dart for a spear-thrower, with a small stone spearhead.",
-    "weight": "150 g",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "bashing": 1,
-    "cutting": 7,
-    "range": 10,
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 13, "armor_penetration": 2 },
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 1 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 7 } ],
-    "price": 1500,
-    "price_postapoc": 80,
-    "effects": [ "RECOVER_30" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl_dart_copper",
-    "copy-from": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "looks_like": "javelin_copper",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "copper atlatl dart" },
-    "description": "A long, flexible dart for a spear-thrower, with a copper spear point.",
-    "weight": "200 g",
-    "color": "light_red",
-    "bashing": 3,
-    "cutting": 8,
-    "range": 10,
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 16, "armor_penetration": 2 },
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 3 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 8 } ],
-    "price": 2000,
-    "price_postapoc": 90,
-    "effects": [ "RECOVER_35" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "id": "pitch_wood",
-    "category": "spare_parts",
-    "symbol": ",",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "pitch" },
-    "description": "Sticky resin made from pine or birch tar.  The adhesive isn't strong enough for heavy duty usages, but it can be used as a varnish or holding together small items, or for improvised repairs with the right tools.",
-    "price": 900,
-    "material": [ "oil" ],
-    "weight": "1 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "ammo_type": "pitch_wood",
-    "count": 50,
-    "flags": [ "UNRECOVERABLE" ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo_types.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo_types.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 012a09f..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ammo_types.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl",
-    "name": "atlatl dart",
-    "default": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "type": "ammunition_type"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "ammunition_type",
-    "id": "pitch_wood",
-    "name": "pitch",
-    "default": "pitch_wood"
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/armor.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/armor.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e66c884..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/armor.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "pack_basket",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "pack basket" },
-    "description": "A large hand made straw basket, with shoulder straps to wear like a backpack.",
-    "weight": "300 g",
-    "volume": "8 L",
-    "price": 1000,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "material": "paper",
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "covers": [ "torso" ],
-    "coverage": 30,
-    "encumbrance": 12,
-    "storage": "8 L",
-    "material_thickness": 2,
-    "flags": [ "BELTED", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "sheath_birchbark",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "birchbark sheath", "str_pl": "birchbark sheathes" },
-    "description": "A hand made sheath made from birch bark, for holding knives and other small blades.  Activate to sheathe/draw a weapon.",
-    "weight": "200 g",
-    "volume": "500 ml",
-    "price": 1500,
-    "material": [ "paper" ],
-    "symbol": "|",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "covers": [ "leg_either" ],
-    "coverage": 7,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "holster",
-      "holster_prompt": "Sheath knife",
-      "holster_msg": "You sheath your %s",
-      "max_volume": "750 ml",
-      "draw_cost": 3,
-      "flags": [ "SHEATH_KNIFE" ]
-    },
-    "flags": [ "WAIST", "OVERSIZE", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "armwrap_leather",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "pair of leather armwraps", "str_pl": "pairs of leather armwraps" },
-    "description": "Leather patches wrapped around the arms, better than nothing in a pinch.",
-    "weight": "137 g",
-    "volume": "750 ml",
-    "price": 525,
-    "material": [ "leather" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "covers": [ "arms" ],
-    "coverage": 50,
-    "encumbrance": 5,
-    "warmth": 15,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "armwrap_fur",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "pair of fur armwraps", "str_pl": "pairs of fur armwraps" },
-    "description": "Fur pelts wrapped around the arms, better than nothing in a pinch.",
-    "weight": "154 g",
-    "volume": "750 ml",
-    "price": 700,
-    "material": [ "fur" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "covers": [ "arms" ],
-    "coverage": 50,
-    "encumbrance": 5,
-    "warmth": 20,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "legwrap_leather",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "pair of leather legwraps", "str_pl": "pairs of leather legwraps" },
-    "description": "Leather patches wrapped around the legs, as improvised leggings.",
-    "weight": "137 g",
-    "volume": "750 ml",
-    "price": 525,
-    "material": [ "leather" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "covers": [ "legs" ],
-    "coverage": 50,
-    "encumbrance": 5,
-    "warmth": 15,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "legwrap_fur",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "pair of fur legwraps", "str_pl": "pairs of fur legwraps" },
-    "description": "Fur pelts wrapped around the legs, as improvised leggings.",
-    "weight": "154 g",
-    "volume": "750 ml",
-    "price": 700,
-    "material": [ "fur" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "covers": [ "legs" ],
-    "coverage": 50,
-    "encumbrance": 5,
-    "warmth": 20,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-    "flags": [ "OVERSIZE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift sheet cloak" },
-    "description": "A bedsheet draped around the shoulders and pinned in place to wear like a cloak.  Less encumbering since it leaves your hands free, and won't trip you up.",
-    "weight": "771 g",
-    "volume": "5 L",
-    "price": 2000,
-    "price_postapoc": 50,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "material": [ "cotton" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "looks_like": "sheet",
-    "repairs_like": "sheet",
-    "color": "white",
-    "covers": [ "torso", "arms", "legs" ],
-    "coverage": 85,
-    "encumbrance": 10,
-    "warmth": 10,
-    "material_thickness": 1,
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cloak_makeshift_blanket",
-    "copy-from": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift blanket cloak" },
-    "description": "A blanket draped around the shoulders and pinned in place to wear like a cloak.  Less encumbering since it leaves your hands free, and won't trip you up.",
-    "weight": "1123 g",
-    "volume": "15 L",
-    "price": 5500,
-    "looks_like": "blanket",
-    "repairs_like": "blanket",
-    "color": "blue",
-    "encumbrance": 30,
-    "warmth": 50,
-    "material_thickness": 3,
-    "environmental_protection": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cloak_makeshift_down_blanket",
-    "copy-from": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift down-filled blanket cloak" },
-    "description": "A warm blanket draped around the shoulders and pinned in place to wear like a cloak.  Less encumbering since it leaves your hands free, and won't trip you up.",
-    "weight": "3500 g",
-    "volume": "31 L",
-    "price": 5500,
-    "price_postapoc": 150,
-    "looks_like": "down_blanket",
-    "repairs_like": "down_blanket",
-    "color": "blue",
-    "encumbrance": 40,
-    "warmth": 70,
-    "material_thickness": 3,
-    "environmental_protection": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cloak_makeshift_fur_blanket",
-    "copy-from": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift fur blanket cloak" },
-    "description": "A heavy fur blanket draped around the shoulders and pinned in place to wear like a cloak.  Less encumbering since it leaves your hands free, and won't trip you up.",
-    "weight": "3500 g",
-    "volume": "31 L",
-    "price": 19500,
-    "price_postapoc": 250,
-    "material": [ "cotton", "fur" ],
-    "looks_like": "fur_blanket",
-    "repairs_like": "fur_blanket",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "encumbrance": 50,
-    "warmth": 80,
-    "material_thickness": 4,
-    "environmental_protection": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "quiver_atlatl",
-    "copy-from": "quiver",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "atlatl dart quiver" },
-    "description": "A leather quiver worn at the waist, lengthened to hold atlatl darts.  Activate to store up to 10 darts.",
-    "weight": "400 g",
-    "volume": "1 L",
-    "coverage": 15,
-    "encumbrance": 5,
-    "use_action": { "type": "bandolier", "capacity": 10, "ammo": [ "atlatl" ], "draw_cost": 30 }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "quiver_birchbark_atlatl",
-    "copy-from": "quiver_birchbark",
-    "type": "ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "birchbark atlatl dart quiver" },
-    "description": "A quiver woven from strips of birch bark, worn at the waist, lengthened to hold atlatl darts.  Activate to store up to 10 darts.",
-    "weight": "800 g",
-    "volume": "1 L",
-    "coverage": 15,
-    "encumbrance": 15,
-    "use_action": { "type": "bandolier", "capacity": 10, "ammo": [ "atlatl" ], "draw_cost": 30 }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/comestibles.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/comestibles.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 311c4c2..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/comestibles.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "tea_willow",
-    "copy-from": "tea",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "willow tea" },
-    "container": "bottle_glass",
-    "healthy": -1,
-    "stim": 0,
-    "description": "A bitter herbal tea made from willow bark, used since ancient times as a mild painkiller.",
-    "price": 1250,
-    "fun": -3,
-    "use_action": { "type": "consume_drug", "effects": [ { "id": "pkill1", "duration": 90 } ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tar_oil",
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "comestible_type": "MED",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "tar oil" },
-    "description": "A thick, runny tar typically made from birch bark or pine.  Among various historical uses, it is also used as an antiseptic.",
-    "weight": "40 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "material": [ "oil" ],
-    "symbol": "~",
-    "color": "yellow",
-    "phase": "liquid",
-    "use_action": { "type": "heal", "disinfectant_power": 2, "bite": 0.8, "move_cost": 100 }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "oil_garlic",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "garlic oil" },
-    "weight": "25 g",
-    "color": "white",
-    "container": "bottle_glass",
-    "comestible_type": "MED",
-    "symbol": "~",
-    "quench": -8,
-    "healthy": 4,
-    "description": "A strong-tasting extract made from garlic, traditionally used to help resist infection, especially in Eastern Europe.  Not as powerful as modern full-strength antibiotics, but better than nothing.  Use once every 12 hours.",
-    "charges": 6,
-    "price": 1000,
-    "material": [ "garlic" ],
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "phase": "liquid",
-    "fun": -8,
-    "use_action": "WEAK_ANTIBIOTIC",
-    "flags": [ "NPC_SAFE", "NUTRIENT_OVERRIDE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "garlic_roasted",
-    "copy-from": "garlic",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "roasted garlic" },
-    "spoils_in": "180 days",
-    "quench": -1,
-    "description": "Cloves of garlic, lightly seasoned and roasted.",
-    "price": 800,
-    "material": [ "garlic" ],
-    "fun": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "bread_garlic",
-    "copy-from": "bread",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "garlic bread" },
-    "calories": 105,
-    "quench": -2,
-    "description": "Bread cooked with garlic and seasonings.",
-    "price": 100,
-    "material": [ "wheat", "garlic" ],
-    "vitamins": [ [ "vitC", 6 ], [ "calcium", 12 ], [ "iron", 5 ] ],
-    "charges": 3,
-    "fun": 3
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "chili_pepper_roasted",
-    "copy-from": "chili_pepper",
-    "name": { "str": "roasted chili pepper" },
-    "description": "Spicy chili pepper, lightly seasoned and roasted.",
-    "charges": 1,
-    "fun": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_poultice",
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "comestible_type": "MED",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift poultice" },
-    "description": "A primitive poultice using improvised antiseptic, held in place by a cloth or leather wrap.  Applied loosely, it is designed to stave off infection but can still help staunch bleeding.",
-    "weight": "70 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 300,
-    "material": [ "veggy" ],
-    "symbol": "!",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "charges": 3,
-    "stack_size": 9,
-    "use_action": { "type": "heal", "bandages_power": 3, "bleed": 0.75, "bite": 0.75, "move_cost": 300 }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "posca",
-    "copy-from": "fruit_wine",
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "posca" },
-    "description": "A traditional Roman drink made of cheap, often sour wine watered down, and usually made more palatable with herbs and honey.",
-    "weight": "230 g",
-    "charges": 1,
-    "healthy": 0,
-    "price": 250,
-    "container": "waterskin",
-    "vitamins": [ [ "vitA", 10 ], [ "vitC", 6 ], [ "calcium", 2 ], [ "iron", 1 ] ],
-    "calories": 60,
-    "quench": 40,
-    "stim": -1,
-    "fun": 3,
-    "addiction_potential": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "cattail_rhizome_cooked",
-    "copy-from": "cattail_rhizome",
-    "name": { "str": "cooked cattail rhizome" },
-    "spoils_in": "2 days 12 hours",
-    "comestible_type": "FOOD",
-    "description": "A cooked rhizome from a cattail plant.  Crisp and starchy, it's a fair bit less stringy and more palatable after being cooked.",
-    "fun": 0
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "porridge_cooked",
-    "copy-from": "wheat",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "porridge" },
-    "weight": "247 g",
-    "spoils_in": "10 days",
-    "comestible_type": "FOOD",
-    "symbol": "%",
-    "description": "Simple fare made from cooking wheat or barley, bland but filling.",
-    "flags": [ "EATEN_HOT" ],
-    "fun": -1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "jerky_offal",
-    "copy-from": "jerky",
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "jerked offal" },
-    "description": "Salty dried organ meat.  Smells a bit like dog food, but will last a long time.",
-    "fun": -2,
-    "healthy": -1,
-    "calories": 92,
-    "proportional": { "price": 0.8 }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "tree_bacon",
-    "looks_like": "bacon",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "roasted bark" },
-    "weight": "300 g",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "comestible_type": "FOOD",
-    "spoils_in": "360 days",
-    "symbol": ",",
-    "quench": -3,
-    "healthy": 1,
-    "calories": 240,
-    "description": "Tree bacon, slices of inner bark from birch or pine that have been roasted, to render them less stringy and more edible.  Can be eaten as-is, or dried and milled into flour.  While commonly considered a survival food, it is relatively palatable.",
-    "price": 120,
-    "price_postapoc": 40,
-    "material": [ "dried_vegetable" ],
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "//": "Not millable as it requires a bit more drying to make into flour, and there may be technical issues if allowed to process less calorie-dense material into flour.",
-    "vitamins": [ [ "vitC", 1 ], [ "vitA", 3 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
-    "id": "potted_meat",
-    "copy-from": "pemmican",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "potted meat" },
-    "conditional_names": [
-      { "type": "FLAG", "condition": "CANNIBALISM", "name": { "str_sp": "potted person" } },
-      { "type": "COMPONENT_ID", "condition": "mutant", "name": { "str_sp": "potted freak" } }
-    ],
-    "weight": "155 g",
-    "container": "can_medium",
-    "calories": 452,
-    "charges": 2,
-    "description": "Meat cooked and preserved in butter or melted fat, a form of food preservation from the days before canning.  Also known as confit.  Rich and fattening, it will last for a long time.",
-    "price": "12 USD",
-    "price_postapoc": "4 USD",
-    "material": [ "flesh" ],
-    "vitamins": [ [ "vitA", 7 ], [ "vitC", 16 ], [ "calcium", 2 ], [ "iron", 69 ], [ "vitB", 781 ] ],
-    "fun": 1,
-    "extend": { "flags": [ "EATEN_HOT" ] }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/containers.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/containers.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b5f12..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/containers.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "canteen_birchbark",
-    "type": "CONTAINER",
-    "category": "other",
-    "name": { "str": "birchbark canteen" },
-    "description": "A small container make from pieces of birchbark stitched together, sealed with pitch or similar material.  Holds 1.5 liters and has a simple carry strap.",
-    "weight": "853 g",
-    "volume": "1500 ml",
-    "price": 2000,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "bashing": 1,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ")",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "contains": "1500 ml",
-    "seals": true,
-    "watertight": true,
-    "armor_data": { "covers": [ "leg_either" ], "coverage": 5, "encumbrance": 5, "material_thickness": 1 },
-    "flags": [ "WAIST", "OVERSIZE", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "jar_clay",
-    "type": "CONTAINER",
-    "category": "other",
-    "name": { "str": "clay jar" },
-    "description": "A half-liter clay jar, glazed for waterproofing with a tight-fitting wooden stopper.",
-    "weight": "150 g",
-    "volume": "500 ml",
-    "bashing": 4,
-    "material": [ "clay" ],
-    "symbol": ")",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "contains": "500 ml",
-    "seals": true,
-    "watertight": true,
-    "unseals_into": "null",
-    "qualities": [ [ "CONTAIN", 1 ], [ "BOIL", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "copy-from": "jar_clay",
-    "type": "CONTAINER",
-    "category": "other",
-    "name": { "str": "sealed clay jar" },
-    "description": "A half-liter clay jar, glazed for waterproofing with a tight-fitting wooden stopper.  Sealed tightly with wax, to preserve contents from rot.",
-    "symbol": ")",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "seals": false,
-    "preserves": true,
-    "unseals_into": "jar_clay"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "bucket_log",
-    "type": "CONTAINER",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift wooden bucket" },
-    "description": "A large bucket for holding water, made from hollowing out a log and adding handles made of natural cordage.  Can hold 7 liters.",
-    "weight": "2725 g",
-    "volume": "10 L",
-    "price": 100,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ")",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "contains": "7 L",
-    "watertight": true,
-    "qualities": [ [ "CONTAIN", 1 ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/generic.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/generic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e7fee66..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/generic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "javelin_stone",
-    "copy-from": "javelin",
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "name": { "str": "stone javelin" },
-    "description": "A throwing spear with a stone spearhead.",
-    "material": [ "wood", "stone" ],
-    "weight": "700 g",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "cutting": 13,
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 5 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 14 } ],
-    "price": 2000,
-    "price_postapoc": 275
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "javelin_copper",
-    "copy-from": "javelin_iron",
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "name": { "str": "copper javelin" },
-    "description": "A copper-tipped throwing spear.",
-    "material": [ "wood", "copper" ],
-    "weight": "1100 g",
-    "color": "light_red",
-    "cutting": 16,
-    "thrown_damage": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 5 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 16 } ],
-    "price": 9000,
-    "price_postapoc": 500
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_frame_item",
-    "name": { "str": "sled frame" },
-    "description": "A flexible frame made from wooden crosspieces lashed together.",
-    "weight": "4000 g",
-    "to_hit": -2,
-    "color": "brown",
-    "symbol": "]",
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "volume": "3750 ml",
-    "bashing": 5,
-    "category": "veh_parts",
-    "price": 500
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_basket_item",
-    "name": { "str": "woven storage basket" },
-    "description": "A folding basket made from woven straw or birchbark, supported by a wooden framework.",
-    "weight": "3000 g",
-    "to_hit": -5,
-    "color": "cyan",
-    "symbol": "]",
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "volume": "5 L",
-    "bashing": 3,
-    "category": "veh_parts",
-    "price": 1000
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "beehive_empty",
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "name": { "str": "empty beehive" },
-    "description": "A large, enclosed wooden box with multiple sliding frames in it.  With something to attract bees, it can be used to grow a hive.",
-    "weight": "10000 g",
-    "volume": "20 L",
-    "price": 9200,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": "-",
-    "color": "brown"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cordage_6_leather",
-    "copy-from": "string_6",
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "name": { "str": "short leather cord" },
-    "description": "A 6-inch (or about 15 cm) long piece of rawhide or leather cord.  Useful for some purposes, but not as strong or flexible as proper string.",
-    "proportional": { "price": 0.5 },
-    "material": [ "leather" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cordage_36_leather",
-    "copy-from": "string_36",
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "name": { "str": "long leather cord" },
-    "description": "A 3-foot (or about 90 cm) long piece of rawhide or leather cord.  Useful for some purposes, but not as strong or flexible as proper string.",
-    "proportional": { "price": 0.5 },
-    "material": [ "leather" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "GENERIC",
-    "id": "pinebark",
-    "looks_like": "tanbark",
-    "symbol": ",",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "pinebark" },
-    "description": "A sheet of faintly resinous inner bark, stripped from a pine tree.",
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "weight": "323 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "bashing": 4,
-    "to_hit": 1
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/item_overrides.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/item_overrides.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a85e7b5..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/item_overrides.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "rubber_slug",
-    "copy-from": "rubber_slug",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "rubber slug" },
-    "ammo_type": "pebble",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 2 },
-    "range": 10,
-    "dispersion": 7,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "BEANBAG", "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_2" ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "petrified_eye",
-    "copy-from": "petrified_eye",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "petrified eye" },
-    "ammo_type": "rock",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 7 },
-    "range": 10,
-    "dispersion": 14,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_80" ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "spiral_stone",
-    "copy-from": "spiral_stone",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "spiral stone" },
-    "ammo_type": "rock",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 7 },
-    "range": 10,
-    "dispersion": 14,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_80" ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "chunk_sulfur",
-    "copy-from": "chunk_sulfur",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "chunk of sulfur" },
-    "ammo_type": "rock",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 7 },
-    "range": 10,
-    "dispersion": 14,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "BLINDS_EYES", "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING" ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "material_limestone",
-    "copy-from": "material_limestone",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "limestone" },
-    "ammo_type": "pebble",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 2 },
-    "range": 10,
-    "dispersion": 14,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING" ] }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "baseball",
-    "copy-from": "baseball",
-    "type": "AMMO",
-    "name": { "str": "baseball" },
-    "ammo_type": "rock",
-    "damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 5 },
-    "range": 14,
-    "dispersion": 14,
-    "extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES", "NON-FOULING", "RECOVER_60" ] }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ranged.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/ranged.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b209ae4..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/ranged.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "atlatl",
-    "type": "GUN",
-    "name": { "str": "atlatl" },
-    "description": "A wooden tool for supporting a javelin, to throw it more effectively than by hand.",
-    "weight": "116 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 500,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "bashing": 1,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": "(",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "ammo": "atlatl",
-    "skill": "throw",
-    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 10 },
-    "range": 15,
-    "dispersion": 120,
-    "sight_dispersion": 140,
-    "durability": 6,
-    "clip_size": 1,
-    "reload": 100,
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "crossbow_makeshift",
-    "type": "GUN",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift crossbow" },
-    "description": "A simple, handmade crossbow of the Skane style, with a wooden peg that is pushed up from underneath to loose the bowstring.  Not as powerful as other crossbow designs, but it is easier to draw the bow back.  Bolts fired from this weapon have a good chance of remaining intact for re-use.",
-    "weight": "2185 g",
-    "volume": "1 L",
-    "price": 1500,
-    "price_postapoc": 1000,
-    "bashing": 7,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": "(",
-    "color": "green",
-    "looks_like": "crossbow",
-    "ammo": "bolt",
-    "skill": "rifle",
-    "range": 6,
-    "loudness": 8,
-    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 30 },
-    "dispersion": 500,
-    "durability": 5,
-    "clip_size": 1,
-    "reload": 300,
-    "valid_mod_locations": [ [ "underbarrel", 1 ], [ "sights", 1 ], [ "accessories", 2 ] ],
-    "flags": [ "PRIMITIVE_RANGED_WEAPON" ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/tool_armor.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/tool_armor.json
deleted file mode 100644
index de47d7b..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/tool_armor.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "TOOL_ARMOR",
-    "id": "side_drum_makeshift",
-    "name": { "str": "side drum" },
-    "category": "tools",
-    "weight": "1800 g",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "covers": [ "torso" ],
-    "initial_charges": 1,
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "musical_instrument",
-      "speed_penalty": 15,
-      "volume": 20,
-      "fun": 2,
-      "fun_bonus": 2,
-      "description_frequency": 20,
-      "player_descriptions": [
-        "You play a simple rhythm on the drum.",
-        "You strike a steady beat on the side drum.",
-        "Your drum beats with the cadence of an army on the march."
-      ],
-      "npc_descriptions": [
-        "play a simple rhythm on the drum.",
-        "strike a steady beat on the side drum.",
-        "sound the cadence of an army on the march."
-      ]
-    },
-    "symbol": "-",
-    "description": "A handmade side drum with a shoulder strap, allowing you to wear it while playing.",
-    "price": 500,
-    "material": [ "wood", "leather" ],
-    "volume": "2500 ml",
-    "encumbrance": 10,
-    "bashing": 4,
-    "flags": [ "WAIST" ],
-    "coverage": 10,
-    "material_thickness": 2
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "mask_gas_makeshift",
-    "type": "TOOL_ARMOR",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift gas hood" },
-    "looks_like": "balclava",
-    "category": "clothing",
-    "//": "Realistically it would be always on, but there's no way to make it only deplete charges in gas without the use action.",
-    "description": "A hood with added lenses and pockets for filter material sewn between layers of fabric, similar to designs common in WWI.  It is designed to be worn over a helmet.  It must be prepared before use.",
-    "weight": "850 g",
-    "volume": "1500 ml",
-    "price": 4000,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "material": [ "cotton", "plastic" ],
-    "symbol": "[",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "covers": [ "head", "mouth", "eyes" ],
-    "coverage": 100,
-    "encumbrance": 20,
-    "warmth": 15,
-    "material_thickness": 2,
-    "environmental_protection": 1,
-    "environmental_protection_with_filter": 15,
-    "max_charges": 100,
-    "ammo": [ "gasfilter_m" ],
-    "use_action": "GASMASK",
-    "flags": [ "OUTER", "HELMET_COMPAT" ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/tools.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/tools.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ef913d7..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/tools.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "heavy_snare_kit",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "heavy snare kit" },
-    "description": "This is a kit for a simple trap consisting of a rope noose and a snare trigger.  It requires a tree nearby.  It is effective at trapping monsters.",
-    "weight": "1066 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 250,
-    "cutting": 10,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "place_trap",
-      "needs_neighbor_terrain": "t_tree",
-      "trap": "tr_heavy_snare",
-      "moves": 200,
-      "practice": 4,
-      "done_message": "You set the snare trap."
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "light_snare_kit",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "light snare kit" },
-    "description": "This is a kit for a simple trap consisting of a string noose and a snare trigger.  It requires a young tree nearby.  It is effective at trapping and killing some small animals.",
-    "weight": "886 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 100,
-    "cutting": 6,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "place_trap",
-      "needs_neighbor_terrain": "t_tree_young",
-      "trap": "tr_light_snare",
-      "moves": 150,
-      "practice": 2,
-      "done_message": "You set the snare trap."
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "snare_trigger",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "snare trigger" },
-    "description": "This is a stick that has been cut into a trigger mechanism for a snare trap.",
-    "weight": "850 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 0,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "brown"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "primitive_hoe",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "stone hoe" },
-    "description": "This is a farming implement made with a broad stone blade, that can be used to till earth.",
-    "weight": "1300 g",
-    "volume": "1 L",
-    "price": 1000,
-    "to_hit": 1,
-    "bashing": 10,
-    "cutting": 5,
-    "material": [ "stone", "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "qualities": [ [ "DIG", 1 ] ],
-    "use_action": "MAKEMOUND"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_item",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "symbol": "0",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift sled" },
-    "description": "A simple pulk sled and folded framework that can hold a modest amount of gear, traditionally used to drag equipment across snowy terrain.",
-    "price": 2000,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "weight": "9500 g",
-    "volume": "11250 ml",
-    "bashing": 10,
-    "to_hit": -5,
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "unfold_vehicle",
-      "vehicle_name": "makeshift_sled_vehicle",
-      "unfold_msg": "You unfold and deploy the makeshift sled.",
-      "moves": 200
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "log_canoe_item",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "symbol": "0",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "name": { "str": "log canoe" },
-    "description": "A traditional dugout boat made from logs burned and carved to shape, along with handmade oars.  Bulky as it is, it can still be picked up and carried by a reasonably fit person.  Use it to deploy and make ready.",
-    "price": 20000,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "weight": "26316 g",
-    "volume": "26750 ml",
-    "bashing": 20,
-    "to_hit": -10,
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "unfold_vehicle",
-      "vehicle_name": "log_canoe_vehicle",
-      "unfold_msg": "You deploy the log canoe.",
-      "moves": 100
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "mound_distillation",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "copy-from": "fake_item",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "makeshift distillation" },
-    "description": "This exists only to allow makeshift stills to provide distilling quality.",
-    "qualities": [ [ "DISTILL", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "pulley lifting",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "copy-from": "fake_item",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "pulley lifting" },
-    "description": "This exists only to allow rope and pulley lifters to provide some engineering qualities.",
-    "qualities": [ [ "LIFT", 1 ], [ "JACK", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "id": "tarp_raincatcher_leather",
-    "copy-from": "tarp_raincatcher",
-    "name": { "str": "leather tarp raincatcher" },
-    "description": "Some sticks and string with a leather tarp, to set up an improvised raincatcher.",
-    "weight": "4736 g",
-    "material": [ "wood", "leather" ],
-    "use_action": {
-      "type": "place_trap",
-      "allow_under_player": true,
-      "trap": "tr_raincatcher_leather",
-      "moves": 100,
-      "practice": 0,
-      "done_message": "You set up the raincatcher, waiting to collect water."
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "oil_lamp_clay",
-    "copy-from": "oil_lamp",
-    "sub": "oil_lamp",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay oil lamp (off)", "str_pl": "clay oil lamps (off)" },
-    "description": "This is a small clay container with a wick, an ancient form of oil lamp.  It does not provide much light, but it lasts a long time.  Use it to turn it on.",
-    "weight": "620 g",
-    "volume": "250 ml",
-    "price": 800,
-    "material": [ "clay" ],
-    "color": "brown",
-    "initial_charges": 250,
-    "max_charges": 250,
-    "use_action": {
-      "target": "oil_lamp_clay_on",
-      "msg": "You light the lamp.",
-      "active": true,
-      "need_fire": 1,
-      "need_charges": 1,
-      "need_charges_msg": "The lamp is empty.",
-      "type": "transform"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "oil_lamp_clay_on",
-    "copy-from": "oil_lamp_clay",
-    "looks_like": "oil_lamp_on",
-    "sub": "oil_lamp_on",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay oil lamp" },
-    "description": "This is a small clay container with a wick, an ancient form of oil lamp.  It does not provide much light, but it lasts a long time.  It does not provide much light, but it lasts a long time.  It is turned on.  Use it to turn it off.",
-    "turns_per_charge": 200,
-    "revert_to": "oil_lamp_clay",
-    "use_action": { "target": "oil_lamp_clay", "msg": "The lamp is extinguished.", "menu_text": "Turn off", "type": "transform" },
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tinderbox_clay",
-    "copy-from": "tinderbox",
-    "sub": "tinderbox",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay ember carrier" },
-    "description": "This is a small ceramic fire pot, with a lid and small holes for controlled airflow.  It can nurture a smoldering ember for a long time, to start fires without modern tools.",
-    "material": "clay",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "use_action": {
-      "target": "tinderbox_clay_on",
-      "msg": "You light the tinder.",
-      "active": true,
-      "need_fire": 1,
-      "need_fire_msg": "You need a lighter or fire to light this.",
-      "need_charges": 1,
-      "need_charges_msg": "The ember carrier is out of tinder.",
-      "type": "transform"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tinderbox_clay_on",
-    "copy-from": "tinderbox_on",
-    "sub": "tinderbox_on",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay ember carrier (lit)", "str_pl": "clay ember carriers (lit)" },
-    "description": "This is a small ceramic fire pot, with a lid and small holes for controlled airflow.  An ember is smoldering inside it, and can be used to start a campfire.",
-    "material": "clay",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "revert_to": "tinderbox_clay",
-    "use_action": [
-      { "type": "firestarter", "moves": 200, "moves_slow": 2000 },
-      {
-        "target": "tinderbox_clay",
-        "msg": "The ember is extinguished.",
-        "active": false,
-        "menu_text": "Extinguish",
-        "type": "transform"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "hobo_stove_clay",
-    "looks_like": "clay_pot",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay oven" },
-    "description": "This is a ancient style of portable ceramic oven.  Use it to place on the ground, allowing you to keep a small fire safe from wind and rain.",
-    "weight": "2500 g",
-    "volume": "2 L",
-    "price": 4000,
-    "to_hit": -2,
-    "bashing": 4,
-    "material": "clay",
-    "symbol": ",",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "use_action": [ { "type": "deploy_furn", "furn_type": "f_hobo_stove_clay_placed" } ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "misc_repairkit_makeshift",
-    "looks_like": "misc_repairkit",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift repair kit" },
-    "description": "This is a portable toolkit, consisting of a primitive knife for carving replacement parts, an adze for more heavy-duty wood cutting, and a patch of soft material for cleaning surfaces.  It can be used to repair certain items if supplied with pitch, though it isn't ideal for complex work.",
-    "weight": "1800 g",
-    "volume": "1500 ml",
-    "price": 1000,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "bashing": 2,
-    "material": [ "stone", "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "ammo": "pitch_wood",
-    "max_charges": 100,
-    "charges_per_use": 1,
-    "qualities": [ [ "CUT", 1 ], [ "BUTCHER", 11 ], [ "SAW_W", 1 ] ],
-    "use_action": [
-      {
-        "type": "repair_item",
-        "item_action_type": "repair_metal",
-        "materials": [ "acidchitin", "bone", "chitin", "paper", "cardboard", "wood", "kevlar_rigid" ],
-        "skill": "fabrication",
-        "tool_quality": 1,
-        "cost_scaling": 0.1,
-        "move_cost": 2000
-      }
-    ],
-    "flags": [ "ALLOWS_REMOTE_USE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "hand_drill_makeshift",
-    "copy-from": "hand_drill",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "flint drill" },
-    "description": "A prehistoric woodworking tool, little more than a fine sharp blade tipping a makeshift bow drill.  It's rather limited in usage, primarily meant to be used on wood.",
-    "price": 200,
-    "material": [ "wood", "stone" ],
-    "qualities": [ [ "DRILL", 1 ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "fire_plough",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "fire plough" },
-    "description": "A simple form of primitive firemaking, little more than two pieces of wood with a groove worn into one of them, to light an ember through friction.  Starting a fire with this will be laborious and slow, but it's better than nothing.",
-    "weight": "1040 g",
-    "volume": "2500 ml",
-    "price": 0,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": ",",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "initial_charges": 25,
-    "max_charges": 25,
-    "charges_per_use": 1,
-    "use_action": { "type": "firestarter", "moves": 1000, "moves_slow": 50000 },
-    "flags": [ "FIRESTARTER" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "char_purifier_fake",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "makeshift water purifier" },
-    "description": "This is a pseudo item.",
-    "material": [ "wood", "cotton" ],
-    "symbol": ";",
-    "color": "light_gray",
-    "sub": "water_purifier",
-    "ammo": "charcoal",
-    "max_charges": 500,
-    "flags": [ "ALLOWS_REMOTE_USE" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "pot_canning_clay",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "clay canning pot" },
-    "sub": "pot_canning",
-    "looks_like": "pot_canning",
-    "description": "A very large 25 liter earthenware pot, primarily meant for canning food via the water bath method, though it can cook normal foods just as well.  Canning foods with it will require a lot of water.  If you're only canning a couple of jars at a time, you'd fill it up with rocks or something to displace the water above the lids.",
-    "weight": "3250 g",
-    "volume": "25005 ml",
-    "price": 10000,
-    "to_hit": -2,
-    "bashing": 9,
-    "material": "clay",
-    "symbol": ")",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "container_data": { "contains": "25 L", "watertight": true },
-    "qualities": [ [ "COOK", 3 ], [ "BOIL", 2 ], [ "CONTAIN", 1 ], [ "CHEM", 1 ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/items/wheels.json b/MST_Extra_BN/items/wheels.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 306d2a0..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/items/wheels.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_runners_item",
-    "category": "veh_parts",
-    "type": "WHEEL",
-    "name": { "str_sp": "sled runners" },
-    "description": "Simple wooden runners for a hand-pulled sled.",
-    "weight": "2500 g",
-    "volume": "2500 ml",
-    "price": 500,
-    "bashing": 6,
-    "to_hit": -1,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": "]",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "diameter": 1,
-    "width": 1
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "log_frame_item",
-    "category": "veh_parts",
-    "type": "WHEEL",
-    "name": { "str": "log frame" },
-    "description": "A heavy section of frame carved from a log. Usable for a raft, log canoe, outriggers for a boat, etc.",
-    "weight": "8500 g",
-    "volume": "8750 ml",
-    "price": 100,
-    "bashing": 8,
-    "to_hit": -8,
-    "material": [ "wood" ],
-    "symbol": "]",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "diameter": 35,
-    "width": 6
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/modinfo.json b/MST_Extra_BN/modinfo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index afde9c0..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/modinfo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "MOD_INFO",
-    "id": "MST_Extra",
-    "name": "MST Extra",
-    "authors": [ "Chaosvolt" ],
-    "description": "The sequeal to CDDA's old More Survival Tools mod, adding additional useful innawoods content.",
-    "version": "BN version, update 2/14/2022",
-    "category": "items",
-    "dependencies": [ "dda" ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/monstergroup_additions.json b/MST_Extra_BN/monstergroup_additions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a135a..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/monstergroup_additions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "name": "GROUP_FOREST",
-    "type": "monstergroup",
-    "override": false,
-    "auto_total": true,
-    "monsters": [
-      { "monster": "mon_chicken", "freq": 3, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 2880 },
-      { "monster": "mon_chicken", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 1440, "pack_size": [ 1, 8 ] },
-      { "monster": "mon_cow", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 3, "starts": 4320 },
-      { "monster": "mon_cow", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 3, "starts": 5040, "pack_size": [ 1, 3 ] },
-      { "monster": "mon_horse", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 2160 },
-      { "monster": "mon_horse", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 3600, "pack_size": [ 1, 4 ] },
-      { "monster": "mon_pig", "freq": 2, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 2880 },
-      { "monster": "mon_pig", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 1440, "pack_size": [ 1, 6 ] },
-      { "monster": "mon_zombie_pig", "freq": 2, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 2160 },
-      { "monster": "mon_zombie_pig", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 2, "starts": 3600, "pack_size": [ 1, 5 ] },
-      { "monster": "mon_sheep", "freq": 2, "cost_multiplier": 3, "starts": 4320 },
-      { "monster": "mon_sheep", "freq": 1, "cost_multiplier": 3, "starts": 5040, "pack_size": [ 1, 5 ] }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/obsolete.json b/MST_Extra_BN/obsolete.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b9cd9..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/obsolete.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "hat_hooded",
-    "type": "MIGRATION",
-    "replace": "hat_boonie"
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "hat_hooded",
-    "obsolete": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_poultice",
-    "id_suffix": "wet",
-    "obsolete": true
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tanning_hide_small",
-    "copy-from": "tanning_hide",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "scrap of tanning leather", "str_pl": "scraps of tanning leather" },
-    "description": "A small piece of treated animal hide, undergoing the chemical processes required to become leather.  You will be able to activate it to unroll and make use of it when it is done.",
-    "weight": "80 g",
-    "volume": "200 ml",
-    "use_action": {
-      "target": "leather",
-      "msg": "You carefully unfold the tanning leather scrap and shake it clean.",
-      "moves": 150,
-      "type": "delayed_transform",
-      "transform_age": 5760,
-      "not_ready_msg": "The scrap of tanning leather isn't done yet.",
-      "//": "Should be 9.6 hours, but I suspect the timing hasn't been updated yet."
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tanning_pelt_small",
-    "copy-from": "tanning_pelt",
-    "type": "TOOL",
-    "name": { "str": "scrap of tanning fur", "str_pl": "scraps of tanning fur" },
-    "description": "A small piece of treated animal pelt, undergoing the chemical processes required to become fur.  You will be able to activate it to unroll and make use of it when it is done.",
-    "weight": "80 g",
-    "volume": "200 ml",
-    "use_action": {
-      "target": "fur",
-      "msg": "You carefully unfold the tanning fur scrap and shake it clean.",
-      "moves": 150,
-      "type": "delayed_transform",
-      "transform_age": 5760,
-      "not_ready_msg": "The scrap of tanning fur isn't done yet.",
-      "//": "Should be 9.6 hours, but I suspect the timing hasn't been updated yet."
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tanning_hide_small",
-    "obsolete": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tanning_pelt_small",
-    "obsolete": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "furniture",
-    "id": "f_hobo_stove_placed",
-    "looks_like": "hobo_stove",
-    "name": "placed hobo stove",
-    "description": "A small improvised wood stove, placed on the ground.  It can only burn small amounts of wood at a time, but it will keep a fire safe from wind and rain.",
-    "symbol": "#",
-    "color": "red",
-    "move_cost_mod": -1,
-    "coverage": 15,
-    "required_str": 1,
-    "//": "INDOORS and BLOCK_WIND are used to ensure it doesn't go out.  Doesn't let you move onto it to prevent exploiting that.",
-    "deployed_item": "hobo_stove",
-    "examine_action": "fireplace",
-    "max_volume": "1 L",
-    "bash": {
-      "str_min": 4,
-      "str_max": 10,
-      "sound": "clatter!",
-      "sound_fail": "clang!",
-      "items": [ { "item": "hobo_stove", "count": 1 } ]
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_ammo.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_ammo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4cc63..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_ammo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "bearing_lead",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "gun", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "45 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_fabrication", 1 ] ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "press", -1 ], [ "material_sand", -1 ], [ "clay_lump", -1 ] ], [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "lead", 60 ], [ "gold_small", 60 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "atlatl_dart_wood",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "fire", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "broom", 1 ], [ "pool_cue", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "atlatl_dart_iron",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "blacksmithing_standard", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CHISEL", "level": 3 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "broom", 1 ], [ "pool_cue", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ], [ [ "scrap", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "atlatl_dart_stone",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "book_learn": [ [ "manual_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_survival", 2 ], [ "survival_book", 2 ] ],
-    "autolearn": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "broom", 1 ], [ "pool_cue", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rock", 1 ], [ "ceramic_shard", 1 ], [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "atlatl_dart_copper",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "broom", 1 ], [ "pool_cue", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "scrap_copper", 1 ], [ "copper", 100 ] ]
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_armor.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_armor.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fb1a80e..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_armor.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "result": "pack_basket",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_STORAGE",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "24 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "straw_pile", 10 ], [ "birchbark", 12 ] ], [ [ "cordage", 2, "LIST" ], [ "filament", 90, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "sheath_birchbark",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_STORAGE",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "20 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "decomp_learn": 3,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "birchbark", 3 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "armwrap_leather",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_ARMS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "leather", 12 ], [ "cured_hide", 12 ] ] ],
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "armwrap_fur",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_ARMS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "fur", 12 ], [ "cured_pelt", 12 ] ] ],
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "legwrap_leather",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_LEGS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "leather", 12 ], [ "cured_hide", 12 ] ] ],
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "legwrap_fur",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_LEGS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "fur", 12 ], [ "cured_pelt", 12 ] ] ],
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "mask_gas_makeshift",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_HEAD",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ [ "fabrication", 2 ], [ "survival", 2 ] ],
-    "time": "25 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "decomp_learn": 3,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_fireman", 2 ], [ "atomic_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_gaswarfare", 2 ] ],
-    "using": [ [ "sewing_standard", 60 ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "rag", 8 ] ],
-      [ [ "goggles_ski", 1 ], [ "goggles_swim", 1 ], [ "glasses_safety", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "cloak_makeshift_sheet",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_SUIT",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "sheet", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 1 ], [ "splinter", 1 ], [ "skewer_bone", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "cloak_makeshift_blanket",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_SUIT",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "blanket", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 1 ], [ "splinter", 1 ], [ "skewer_bone", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "cloak_makeshift_down_blanket",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_SUIT",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "down_blanket", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 1 ], [ "splinter", 1 ], [ "skewer_bone", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "cloak_makeshift_fur_blanket",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_SUIT",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "fur_blanket", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "nail", 1 ], [ "splinter", 1 ], [ "skewer_bone", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "quiver_atlatl",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_STORAGE",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "gun", 1 ],
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "decomp_learn": 3,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "recipe_arrows", 1 ] ],
-    "using": [ [ "sewing_standard", 3 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "leather", 3 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "quiver_birchbark_atlatl",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_ARMOR",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_STORAGE",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 1 ], [ "gun", 1 ] ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "decomp_learn": 3,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "recipe_arrows", 2 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "birchbark", 5 ] ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_food.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_food.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2820b..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_food.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tea_willow",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 5 ],
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "12 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_survival", 4 ], [ "atomic_survival", 4 ], [ "survival_book", 3 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "BOIL", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "water_boiling_heat", 8, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "willowbark", 2 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "offal_canned",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "id_suffix": "clay",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water", 10 ] ],
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "container": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "result_mult": 2,
-    "using": [ [ "waterproofing", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 100, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pot_canning", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "water", 11 ], [ "water_clean", 11 ] ],
-      [ [ "jar_clay", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "offal", 2 ], [ "liver", 5 ], [ "sweetbread", 5 ], [ "kidney", 5 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "meat_canned",
-    "id_suffix": "clay",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water", 10 ] ],
-    "container": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "result_mult": 2,
-    "using": [ [ "waterproofing", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 100, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pot_canning", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 11 ], [ "water_clean", 11 ] ], [ [ "jar_clay", 1 ] ], [ [ "meat_red_raw", 2, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "fish_canned",
-    "id_suffix": "clay",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water", 10 ] ],
-    "container": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "result_mult": 2,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "using": [ [ "waterproofing", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 100, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pot_canning", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 11 ], [ "water_clean", 11 ] ], [ [ "jar_clay", 1 ] ], [ [ "fish", 2 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "veggy_canned",
-    "id_suffix": "clay",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water", 10 ] ],
-    "container": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "result_mult": 2,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "using": [ [ "waterproofing", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 100, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pot_canning", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "water", 11 ], [ "water_clean", 11 ] ],
-      [ [ "jar_clay", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "mushroom", 4 ], [ "veggy_any_uncooked", 2, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "apple_canned",
-    "id_suffix": "clay",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water", 10 ] ],
-    "container": "jar_clay_sealed",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "result_mult": 2,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "using": [ [ "waterproofing", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 100, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pot_canning", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "water", 11 ], [ "water_clean", 11 ] ],
-      [ [ "jar_clay", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "sweet_fruit", 4, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "sugar", 20 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "garlic_roasted",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 67, 5 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 5, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "garlic", 1 ], [ "garlic_clove", 6 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "salt", 5 ],
-        [ "seasoning_salt", 5 ],
-        [ "pepper", 5 ],
-        [ "chilly-p", 5 ],
-        [ "curry_powder", 5 ],
-        [ "seasoning_italian", 5 ],
-        [ "wild_herbs", 5 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "bread_garlic",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "20 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 67, 5 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "charges": 1,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "cookbook_italian", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "flatbread", 1 ], [ "bread", 1 ], [ "cornbread", 1 ], [ "wastebread", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "garlic_roasted", 1 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "salt", 10 ],
-        [ "seasoning_salt", 10 ],
-        [ "pepper", 10 ],
-        [ "chilly-p", 10 ],
-        [ "curry_powder", 10 ],
-        [ "seasoning_italian", 10 ],
-        [ "wild_herbs", 10 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "chili_pepper_roasted",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 67, 5 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 5, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "chili_pepper", 1 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "salt", 5 ],
-        [ "seasoning_salt", 5 ],
-        [ "pepper", 5 ],
-        [ "chilly-p", 5 ],
-        [ "curry_powder", 5 ],
-        [ "seasoning_italian", 5 ],
-        [ "wild_herbs", 5 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "salt",
-    "id_suffix": "distillation",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "water_clean" ] ],
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "charges": 10,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "DISTILL", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "water_boiling_heat", 3, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "salt_water", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "posca",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "result_mult": 5,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "BOIL", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "water_boiling_heat", 3, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "water", 4 ], [ "water_clean", 4 ] ],
-      [ [ "bum_wine", 6 ], [ "fruit_wine", 3 ], [ "dandelion_wine", 3 ], [ "pine_wine", 3 ] ],
-      [ [ "honey_bottled", 3 ], [ "honey_glassed", 1 ], [ "sugar", 10 ] ],
-      [ [ "wild_herbs", 10 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cattail_rhizome_cooked",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "//": "Slight waste as can't specify two and a half stacks of plant fiber, but this would be less thorough than rendering it into starch anyway.",
-    "byproducts": [ [ "plant_fibre", 2 ] ],
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "18 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 40, 5 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 5, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "cattail_rhizome", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "porridge_cooked",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_VEGGI",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "9 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "wheat", 1 ], [ "barley", 1 ] ], [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "jerky_offal",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "1 h",
-    "charges": 1,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [
-        [ "salt_water", 1 ],
-        [ "saline", 1 ],
-        [ "salt", 1 ],
-        [ "soysauce", 1 ],
-        [ "seasoning_salt", 1 ],
-        [ "pepper", 2 ],
-        [ "chem_saltpetre", 1 ]
-      ],
-      [ [ "lung", 1 ], [ "liver", 1 ], [ "kidney", 1 ], [ "sweetbread", 1 ], [ "offal", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tree_bacon",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "9 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 8, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "pinebark", 1 ], [ "birchbark", 2 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "flour",
-    "id_suffix": "bark",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 3 ],
-    "time": "50 m",
-    "charges": 8,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 3 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "rock_quern", -1 ], [ "clay_quern", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "tree_bacon", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "flour",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "id_suffix": "bark_food_processor",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 3 ],
-    "charges": 8,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 3 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "food_processor", 20 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "tree_bacon", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "flour",
-    "id_suffix": "bark_mortar",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 3 ],
-    "charges": 8,
-    "time": "1 h 20 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 3 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "mortar_pestle", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "tree_bacon", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "potted_meat",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "75 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "autolearn": [ [ "cooking", 4 ] ],
-    "book_learn": [ [ "family_cookbook", 3 ], [ "scots_cookbook", 2 ] ],
-    "qualities": [
-      { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 },
-      { "id": "BOIL", "level": 1 },
-      { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 },
-      { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 }
-    ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 20, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "edible_tallow_lard", 1, "LIST" ], [ "any_butter", 5, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "meat_red_raw", 1, "LIST" ], [ "fish", 1 ], [ "meat_offal", 1, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_medsandchemicals.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_medsandchemicals.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5772792..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_medsandchemicals.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "result": "pitch_wood",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_CHEM",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_CHEM_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "recipe_arrows", 1 ], [ "textbook_survival", 1 ], [ "survival_book", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 3, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "tar_oil", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "oil_garlic",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_CHEM",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_CHEM_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "BOIL", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "garlic", 2 ], [ "garlic_clove", 12 ] ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_other.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_other.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f9bab23..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_other.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "flint_steel",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 3 ],
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": 10000,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_survival", 2 ], [ "mag_survival", 3 ] ],
-    "using": [ [ "forging_standard", 1 ], [ "steel_tiny", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 3 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cured_hide",
-    "id_suffix": "drying",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "cooking", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "raw_leather", 1 ], [ "raw_tainted_leather", 1 ], [ "raw_hleather", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cured_pelt",
-    "id_suffix": "drying",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "cooking", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 83, 5 ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "raw_fur", 1 ], [ "raw_tainted_fur", 1 ], [ "raw_hfur", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "sharp_rock",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 0,
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "rock", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tarp",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "folding_poncho", 1 ], [ "folding_poncho_on", 1 ], [ "emer_blanket", 1 ], [ "emer_blanket_on", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "duct_tape", 20 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "snare_trigger",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TRAPS",
-    "skill_used": "traps",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 0,
-    "time": "2 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "light_snare_kit",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TRAPS",
-    "skill_used": "traps",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "5 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "cordage", 1 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "snare_trigger", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "heavy_snare_kit",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TRAPS",
-    "skill_used": "traps",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "8 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "rope_natural_short", 1 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "snare_trigger", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "waterskin",
-    "id_suffix": "sealed_stomach",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "stomach_sealed", 1 ] ], [ [ "cordage", 1, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "waterskin2",
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-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "large_stomach_sealed", 1 ] ], [ [ "cordage", 1, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tree_spile",
-    "id_suffix": "bone",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "2 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "bone", 1 ], [ "bone_human", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "hand_paddles",
-    "id_suffix": "cordage",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_VEHICLE",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 2 ], [ "stick", 2 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 2, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "tar_oil",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MEDICAL",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "batch_time_factors": [ 80, 4 ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "pine_bough", 5 ], [ "birchbark", 5 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "primitive_hoe",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rock", 1 ], [ "ceramic_shard", 1 ], [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "cordage_short", 2, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_sled_frame_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_PARTS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 3 ], [ "2x4", 3 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 4, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_sled_runners_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_PARTS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "5 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 2 ], [ "2x4", 2 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_sled_basket_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_PARTS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 2 ], [ "2x4", 2 ] ], [ [ "straw_pile", 20 ], [ "birchbark", 24 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_sled_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_PARTS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 7 ], [ "2x4", 7 ] ],
-      [ [ "straw_pile", 20 ], [ "birchbark", 24 ] ],
-      [ [ "cordage", 1, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "vehicle_sled", 2, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "makeshift_sled_item",
-    "id_suffix": "assembly",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_PARTS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "5 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "makeshift_sled_frame_item", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "makeshift_sled_runners_item", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "makeshift_sled_basket_item", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "vehicle_sled", 2, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "beehive_empty",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 3 ],
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_fabrication", 4 ], [ "atomic_survival", 3 ], [ "survival_book", 3 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 4 ], [ "stick", 8 ] ], [ [ "nail", 10 ], [ "pointy_stick", 5 ], [ "spike", 5 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "log_frame_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "20 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "tools": [ [ [ "fire", -1 ] ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "log_canoe_item",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "tools": [ [ [ "fire", -1 ] ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 3 ] ], [ [ "hand_paddles", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "canteen_birchbark",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "tailor",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SEW", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "birchbark", 7 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 4, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "pine_bough", 10 ], [ "pitch_wood", 100 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "jar_clay",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "25 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "cordage_short", 2 ], [ "glazing", 1 ], [ "earthenware_firing", 50 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 5 ] ], [ [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "stick", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "makeshift_poultice",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MEDICAL",
-    "skill_used": "firstaid",
-    "difficulty": 0,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "2 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "mortar_pestle", -1 ], [ "rock_quern", -1 ], [ "clay_quern", -1 ], [ "food_processor", 20 ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [
-        [ "rag", 3 ],
-        [ "felt_patch", 3 ],
-        [ "leather", 3 ],
-        [ "fur", 3 ],
-        [ "cured_hide", 3 ],
-        [ "cured_pelt", 3 ],
-        [ "birchbark", 3 ]
-      ],
-      [
-        [ "thyme", 2 ],
-        [ "thyme_oil", 1 ],
-        [ "garlic", 1 ],
-        [ "garlic_clove", 6 ],
-        [ "oil_garlic", 6 ],
-        [ "raw_dandelion", 8 ],
-        [ "tar_oil", 1 ],
-        [ "honey_glassed", 5 ],
-        [ "honey_bottled", 5 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tarp_raincatcher_leather",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "45 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "pointy_stick", 3 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 3, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "leather_tarp", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "result": "side_drum_makeshift",
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 4 ],
-    "time": "90 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "sewing_standard", 25 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SEW", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "water_clean", 1 ], [ "water", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "cured_hide", 6 ], [ "leather", 6 ] ],
-      [ [ "cordage_short", 6, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "log", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "pot_canning_clay",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "time": "60 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "cordage_short", 2 ], [ "glazing", 2 ], [ "earthenware_firing", 140 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 2 ], [ "water_clean", 2 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 15 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "bucket_log",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_CONTAINERS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "log", 1 ] ], [ [ "cordage", 3, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "oil_lamp_clay",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "earthenware_firing", 70 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 3 ] ], [ [ "cordage_short", 2, "LIST" ], [ "rag", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "tinderbox_clay",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "45 m",
-    "book_learn": [ [ "mag_survival", 1 ], [ "textbook_survival", 1 ] ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "earthenware_firing", 90 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 5 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "hobo_stove_clay",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 3,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "book_learn": [ [ "mag_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_survival", 1 ], [ "cookbook", 2 ] ],
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "earthenware_firing", 100 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ], [ [ "clay_lump", 8 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "misc_repairkit_makeshift",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "time": "1 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "decomp_learn": 1,
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "primitive_knife", 1 ], [ "copper_knife", 1 ], [ "makeshift_knife", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "primitive_adze", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rag", 1 ], [ "leather", 1 ], [ "fur", 1 ], [ "faux_fur", 1 ], [ "felt_patch", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "hand_drill_makeshift",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 4,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 4 ],
-    "time": "25 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "using": [ [ "cordage_short", 1 ], [ "adhesive", 1 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick", 2 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "bone", 1 ], [ "bone_human", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rock", 1 ], [ "ceramic_shard", 1 ], [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "fire_plough",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "50 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "flags": [ "BLIND_EASY" ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ], [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cordage_6_leather",
-    "result_mult": 3,
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "time": "20 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "leather", 1 ], [ "fur", 1 ], [ "cured_hide", 1 ], [ "cured_pelt", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cordage_36_leather",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "time": "40 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "leather", 2 ], [ "fur", 2 ], [ "cured_hide", 2 ], [ "cured_pelt", 2 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "cordage_36_leather",
-    "id_suffix": "weaving",
-    "category": "CC_OTHER",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_MATERIALS",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "time": "5 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "components": [ [ [ "cordage_6_leather", 6 ] ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_overrides.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_overrides.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ed27ea6..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_overrides.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "bearing",
-    "category": "CC_AMMO",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_AMMO_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "gun", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "45 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "book_learn": [ [ "textbook_fabrication", 1 ] ],
-    "using": [ [ "forging_standard", 5 ] ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "press", -1 ] ], [ [ "crucible", -1 ], [ "crucible_clay", -1 ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "copper", 50 ], [ "tin", 50 ], [ "bismuth", 50 ], [ "solder_wire", 50 ], [ "silver_small", 50 ], [ "scrap", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "pemmican",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_MEAT",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 5,
-    "charges": 4,
-    "time": "45 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 20, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "edible_tallow_lard", 1, "LIST" ] ],
-      [
-        [ "jerky", 2 ],
-        [ "jerky_offal", 2 ],
-        [ "dry_meat", 2 ],
-        [ "meat_smoked", 2 ],
-        [ "dry_fish", 2 ],
-        [ "salted_fish", 2 ],
-        [ "fish_smoked", 2 ]
-      ],
-      [
-        [ "dry_veggy", 2 ],
-        [ "dry_fruit", 2 ],
-        [ "dry_mushroom", 2 ],
-        [ "juice_pulp", 4 ],
-        [ "irradiated_strawberries", 1 ],
-        [ "strawberries", 1 ],
-        [ "irradiated_blueberries", 1 ],
-        [ "blueberries", 1 ],
-        [ "irradiated_cherries", 1 ],
-        [ "cherries", 1 ],
-        [ "irradiated_cranberries", 1 ],
-        [ "cranberries", 1 ],
-        [ "irradiated_raspberries", 1 ],
-        [ "raspberries", 1 ],
-        [ "irradiated_blackberries", 1 ],
-        [ "blackberries", 1 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "deluxe_eggs",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "6 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "eggs_bird", 2, "LIST" ], [ "egg_reptile", 2 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "bacon", 2 ],
-        [ "meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "mutant_meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_smoked", 1 ],
-        [ "dry_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "rehydrated_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "sausage", 2 ],
-        [ "sausage_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "bratwurst_sausage", 2 ],
-        [ "jerky", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky_offal", 1 ],
-        [ "salted_fish", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_salted", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_canned", 1 ],
-        [ "can_chicken", 1 ],
-        [ "can_spam", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "salted_fish", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_canned", 1 ],
-        [ "cracklins", 2 ],
-        [ "can_sardine", 1 ],
-        [ "can_tuna", 1 ],
-        [ "can_salmon", 1 ],
-        [ "can_herring", 1 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "deluxe_eggs",
-    "id_suffix": "from_powder",
-    "category": "CC_FOOD",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER",
-    "skill_used": "cooking",
-    "difficulty": 1,
-    "time": "6 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "COOK", "level": 2 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 2, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "powder_eggs", 2 ] ],
-      [
-        [ "bacon", 2 ],
-        [ "meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "mutant_meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_smoked", 1 ],
-        [ "dry_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "rehydrated_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "sausage", 2 ],
-        [ "sausage_cooked", 2 ],
-        [ "bratwurst_sausage", 2 ],
-        [ "jerky", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky_offal", 1 ],
-        [ "salted_fish", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_salted", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_canned", 1 ],
-        [ "can_chicken", 1 ],
-        [ "can_spam", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "salted_fish", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_canned", 1 ],
-        [ "cracklins", 2 ],
-        [ "can_sardine", 1 ],
-        [ "can_tuna", 1 ],
-        [ "can_salmon", 1 ],
-        [ "can_herring", 1 ]
-      ],
-      [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_weapon.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_weapon.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d40a71..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/recipe_weapon.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "atlatl",
-    "category": "CC_WEAPON",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_WEAPON_RANGED",
-    "skill_used": "survival",
-    "skills_required": [ "fabrication", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "10 m",
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "stick", 1 ], [ "broom", 1 ], [ "mop", 1 ], [ "2x4", 1 ], [ "pool_cue", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "javelin_stone",
-    "category": "CC_WEAPON",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_WEAPON_PIERCING",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ [ "survival", 2 ], [ "throw", 2 ] ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 }, { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "book_learn": [ [ "manual_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_survival", 2 ], [ "survival_book", 2 ] ],
-    "autolearn": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "spear_wood", 1 ], [ "pointy_stick", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "rag", 1 ], [ "felt_patch", 1 ], [ "leather", 1 ], [ "fur", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "duct_tape", 20 ], [ "filament", 20, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "rock", 1 ], [ "ceramic_shard", 1 ], [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "javelin_copper",
-    "category": "CC_WEAPON",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_WEAPON_PIERCING",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "throw", 2 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "javelin", 1 ] ], [ [ "scrap_copper", 1 ], [ "copper", 100 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "crossbow_makeshift",
-    "category": "CC_WEAPON",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_WEAPON_RANGED",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 1 ],
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "time": "15 m",
-    "reversible": true,
-    "autolearn": true,
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
-    "using": [ [ "cordage", 3 ] ],
-    "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 2 ], [ "stick", 4 ] ], [ [ "splinter", 1 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "recipe",
-    "result": "spear_stone",
-    "id_suffix": "realism",
-    "category": "CC_WEAPON",
-    "subcategory": "CSC_WEAPON_PIERCING",
-    "skill_used": "fabrication",
-    "difficulty": 2,
-    "skills_required": [ "survival", 2 ],
-    "time": "30 m",
-    "book_learn": [ [ "manual_survival", 2 ], [ "textbook_survival", 2 ], [ "survival_book", 2 ] ],
-    "autolearn": [ [ "fabrication", 3 ], [ "survival", 3 ] ],
-    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 }, { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 1 } ],
-    "components": [
-      [ [ "stick_long", 1 ], [ "long_pole", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "ceramic_shard", 1 ], [ "sharp_rock", 1 ] ],
-      [ [ "adhesive", 1, "LIST" ] ],
-      [ [ "cordage_short", 2, "LIST" ] ]
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/requirements.json b/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/requirements.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddf226..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/recipes/requirements.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "adhesive",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Materials used for joining (typically non-metallic) parts",
-    "components": [ [ [ "duct_tape", 25 ], [ "superglue", 1 ], [ "bone_glue", 1 ], [ "pitch_wood", 25 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "waterproofing",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Materials for waterproofing leather and wooden items.",
-    "components": [ [ [ "wax", 1 ], [ "pine_bough", 5 ], [ "pitch_wood", 25 ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "fletching",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Materials for fletching arrows.",
-    "components": [
-      [
-        [ "feather", 10 ],
-        [ "duct_tape", 40 ],
-        [ "cardboard", 10 ],
-        [ "bag_plastic", 1 ],
-        [ "bottle_plastic_small", 1 ],
-        [ "plastic_chunk", 1 ],
-        [ "aluminum_foil", 40 ],
-        [ "cash_card", 2 ],
-        [ "birchbark", 1 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "meat_nofish",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Any type of raw meat except for fish.  About 300-400kcal of meat.",
-    "components": [
-      [
-        [ "meat_red", 1, "LIST" ],
-        [ "liver", 5 ],
-        [ "kidney", 5 ],
-        [ "lung", 5 ],
-        [ "sweetbread", 5 ],
-        [ "bacon", 4 ],
-        [ "lunchmeat", 5 ],
-        [ "bologna", 5 ],
-        [ "can_spam", 4 ],
-        [ "can_chicken", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "dry_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky_offal", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_smoked", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_salted", 1 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "meat_cooked",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "meat you'd put on a sandwich, edit adds jerked offal to the list.",
-    "components": [
-      [
-        [ "meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "mutant_meat_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_smoked", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_salted", 1 ],
-        [ "dry_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "rehydrated_meat", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky", 1 ],
-        [ "jerky_offal", 1 ],
-        [ "bacon", 1 ],
-        [ "lunchmeat", 2 ],
-        [ "bologna", 5 ],
-        [ "can_spam", 4 ],
-        [ "fried_spam", 4 ],
-        [ "can_chicken", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_smoked", 1 ],
-        [ "can_herring", 1 ],
-        [ "can_salmon", 1 ],
-        [ "can_tuna", 1 ],
-        [ "can_sardine", 1 ],
-        [ "can_clams", 1 ],
-        [ "fish_pickled", 1 ],
-        [ "cracklins", 1 ],
-        [ "meat_aspic", 1 ],
-        [ "sausage", 1 ],
-        [ "sausage_cooked", 1 ],
-        [ "bratwurst_sausage", 1 ]
-      ]
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "vehicle_sled",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "For repairing makeshift sleds.",
-    "components": [ [ [ "adhesive", 1, "LIST" ], [ "cordage_short", 1, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cordage",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Materials used for tying items, primitive bowstrings, and other uses involving string or makeshift cordage, 36 g/90 cm of cordage per unit.",
-    "components": [ [ [ "string_36", 1 ], [ "cordage_36", 1 ], [ "cordage_36_leather", 1 ], [ "cordage_short", 6, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "cordage_short",
-    "type": "requirement",
-    "//": "Materials used for tying smaller items requiring less string, 6 g/15 cm of cordage per unit.",
-    "components": [ [ [ "string_6", 1 ], [ "cordage_6", 1 ], [ "cordage_6_leather", 1 ], [ "filament", 50, "LIST" ] ] ]
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicleparts.json b/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicleparts.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d0b5cd..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicleparts.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_frame_part",
-    "type": "vehicle_part",
-    "name": "sled frame",
-    "item": "makeshift_sled_frame_item",
-    "location": "structure",
-    "symbol": "h",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "broken_color": "brown",
-    "durability": 15,
-    "folded_volume": 15,
-    "breaks_into": [ { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 0, 6 ] } ],
-    "flags": [ "MOUNTABLE", "FOLDABLE" ],
-    "requirements": {
-      "install": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 0 ] ], "time": 60000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] },
-      "removal": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 20000 },
-      "repair": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 30000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] }
-    },
-    "damage_reduction": { "all": 12 }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_runner_part",
-    "type": "vehicle_part",
-    "name": "sled runners",
-    "item": "makeshift_sled_runners_item",
-    "location": "under",
-    "symbol": "o",
-    "broken_symbol": "x",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "durability": 25,
-    "damage_modifier": 50,
-    "folded_volume": 10,
-    "flags": [ "WHEEL", "STABLE", "FOLDABLE" ],
-    "breaks_into": [ { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 3, 6 ] } ],
-    "requirements": {
-      "install": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 0 ] ], "time": 60000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] },
-      "removal": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 20000 },
-      "repair": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 30000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] }
-    },
-    "damage_reduction": { "all": 8 }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "vehicle_part",
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_basket_part",
-    "name": "woven storage basket",
-    "symbol": "o",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "broken_symbol": "#",
-    "broken_color": "brown",
-    "damage_modifier": 60,
-    "durability": 40,
-    "folded_volume": 20,
-    "size": 100,
-    "item": "makeshift_sled_basket_item",
-    "location": "center",
-    "breaks_into": [ { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 4, 9 ] } ],
-    "requirements": {
-      "install": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 0 ] ], "time": 60000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] },
-      "removal": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 20000 },
-      "repair": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 30000, "using": [ [ "vehicle_sled", 1 ] ] }
-    },
-    "damage_reduction": { "all": 6 }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "log_frame_part",
-    "type": "vehicle_part",
-    "name": "log frame",
-    "item": "log_frame_item",
-    "location": "structure",
-    "symbol": "j",
-    "color": "brown",
-    "broken_color": "brown",
-    "durability": 300,
-    "folded_volume": 35,
-    "breaks_into": [ { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 20, 30 ] } ],
-    "requirements": {
-      "install": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ], "time": 60000, "using": [ [ "rope_natural_short", 1 ] ] },
-      "removal": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 2 ] ], "time": 20000 },
-      "repair": { "skills": [ [ "survival", 2 ] ], "time": 30000, "using": [ [ "rope_natural_short", 1 ] ] }
-    },
-    "damage_reduction": { "all": 52 }
-  }
diff --git a/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicles.json b/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicles.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f6c04..0000000
--- a/MST_Extra_BN/vehicles/vehicles.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "id": "makeshift_sled_vehicle",
-    "type": "vehicle",
-    "name": "makeshift sled",
-    "blueprint": [ "#" ],
-    "parts": [
-      { "x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "makeshift_sled_frame_part" },
-      { "x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "makeshift_sled_runner_part" },
-      { "x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "makeshift_sled_basket_part" }
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "log_canoe_vehicle",
-    "type": "vehicle",
-    "name": "log canoe",
-    "blueprint": [ "-#-" ],
-    "parts": [
-      { "x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "log_frame_part" },
-      { "x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "hand_paddles" },
-      { "x": 1, "y": 0, "part": "log_frame_part" },
-      { "x": -1, "y": 0, "part": "log_frame_part" }
-    ]
-  }