Releases: chaoss/augur
Releases · chaoss/augur
American Pie
This release includes significant refactoring and optimization of:
- Worker Architecture (created a shared class for what is now understood as the "shared part" acorss workers)
- Documentation (Significant improvements, including the API docs)
- Facade Worker (Updated Logic for use of logging architecture, worker architecture, and performance optimization. Facade is fully assimilated)
- Pull Request Worker (pull request files, and pull request commits associated with a pull request are now stored in new database entities)
- Contributor Worker
- Repo Info Worker: Now records whether a repository is a fork, and also notes if a repository is archived in the repo table.
- A New Worker: The Release Worker: Logs all new releases of repositories
- augur.config.json
- Logging architecture
- Critical development fixes
The Slow Rush
Release Notes
- Augur now provides a variety of Docker containers for getting started with Augur quicker than ever. These Docker containers also power our new testing infrastructure, which makes our test environment reproducible for all developers and CI builds.
- New contributor_worker focused on collecting contributor data from GitHub and mapping corporate affiliations with these contributors where possible
- Updates to our database schema to include new information about contributor affiliations
- The ability to contrast merged and non-merged (to master) pull requests through the addition of two tables which store commit and file information for non-merged to master pull requests
- Complete rewrite of Augur's documentation with a renewed focus on simplicity and clarity
- Variety of new CLI commands for interfacing with the database and for control Augur processes
- Variety of enhancements to the workers and the data collection infrastructure
- Variety of enhancements to the installation process
Ice Storm
Release Notes
- New Release of Augur @sgoggins (#536)
- Merge pull request #532 from chaoss/dev @sgoggins (#533)
- Updating dev-spdx-scanner with dev @sgoggins (#532)
- fixed a committer counting issues in the API. @sgoggins (#531)
- Dev: Bringing current dev into dev-spdx-scanner @sgoggins (#530)
- Updating SPDX Scanner @sgoggins (#500)
- CII back-to-basics @Nebrethar (#477)
- Update PR worker @parthsharma2 (#476)
- Updates to SPDX Scanner, auto-config from augur.config.json @Nebrethar (#475)
- Link to OSI approved license lists @Nebrethar (#474)
- Group no-warranty files together & license file lists @Nebrethar (#469)
- Pull Request Worker now collects pull_request_repo data @parthsharma2 (#463)
- Facade date @sgoggins (#473)
- Update badging worker to use JSON field in DB @ccarterlandis (#470)
- Update to test branch. @sgoggins (#471)
- Switch to using only using pip for installs @ccarterlandis (#468)
- Quick Fix for JSON SPDX Document @Nebrethar (#467)
- Dev @michaelwoodruffdev (#465)
- Dev mw @michaelwoodruffdev (#462)
- Dev @michaelwoodruffdev (#461)
- Remove All Errors on Previous OSI PR @Nebrethar (#459)
- Add Basic OSI Approval Metric @Nebrethar (#458)
Montreal Expos Win the World Series
Release Notes
- Risk Metric and Graph Updates @sgoggins (#456)
- Hotfixes for SPDX Documents @Nebrethar (#457)
- Accommodate DB Changes in SPDX Document Retrieval @Nebrethar (#455)
I don't know's on third.
Release Notes
- Fixing potential bug in
augur util kill
What's on Second.
Release Notes
- Facade, documentation, and installation updates @sgoggins (#450)
- Add count metric @Nebrethar (#451)
- Graph Repairs for insight worker. @sgoggins (#449)
- Update Michael's branch again. @sgoggins (#448)
- make sure dev-mw is up to date with dev @michaelwoodruffdev (#446)
- Adding the value worker to the master branch @sgoggins (#445)
- Value worker merged into dev @sgoggins (#444)
- updating value worker with dev content. @sgoggins (#443)
- updating value worker branch with latest released software. @sgoggins (#442)
Who's on First?
Release Notes
- Updating master branch with significant improvements @sgoggins (#438)
- Dev @michaelwoodruffdev (#437)
- Dev @sgoggins (#436)
- Dev @sgoggins (#435)
- Enable exit function to run during housekeeper startup @sgoggins (#434)
- Dev mw @michaelwoodruffdev (#433)
- update goggins branch @sgoggins (#430)
- Merging Contributor Updates to Facade Worker @sgoggins (#429)
- Updating my branch @sgoggins (#428)
- Dev Update @sgoggins (#427)
- Change to SPDX-recommended license links @Nebrethar (#426)
- Documentation Update @sgoggins (#425)
- Updating Value Branch with Dev Latest @sgoggins (#424)
- Add ability to create new repo groups from CLI @ccarterlandis (#423)
Tomorrow's Catching
Today is Pitching
- Hotfix v0.10.1 @ccarterlandis (#421)
- Release v.0.10.0 @sgoggins (#420)
- Compartmentalize installation process @ccarterlandis (#419)
- implement dynamic year range in LinesOfCodeChart.vue @michaelwoodruffdev (#418)
- Repo Info Worker: Count commits using Github API v4 @parthsharma2 (#414)
- dependabot notices back to dev. @sgoggins (#411)
- Merge work from Open Source Day 2019 in dev @ccarterlandis (#410)
- Fix bug that causes task failure when inserting PR meta data @parthsharma2 (#408)
Release v0.9.5
Release Notes
- Moved work from dev branch into master.