To track my solutions for Xamarin.Forms
- Fully Custom tabbar (support badge, colorfull icon etc)
- Scroll Position Reset Issues (on Android)
Custom Flyout Panel- Update : Bad user experence, use Custom Side Drawer instead.
- Flyout right side
- To enable scroll
- Padding > 0 (recommend 1 or 0.1, otherwise when stop may hide partical header)
- If StackLayout as child, VerticalOptions<>"Start"
- Set child's padding to keep space
- Case layout over head when use as root
- Wrap by AbsoluteLayout to fix it
- Corner Radius not show on iOS sometimes
- Make sure child element has margin, same value (can only set XY) as CornerRadius
- My case is StackLayout as child
- Custom Side Drawer
- No render, no third party lib
- Specified cast is not valid
- Check xaml bindings
- Check if you push a page, with NavigationPage
await Navigation.PushAsync(new **NavigationPage**(new SomeContentPage()));
- [Android] data wiped everytime uninstall
- Turn off backup via Settings -> System -> Backup, turn off whaterver backup provider(mine is Google Drive)