vagrant up -- --type=single_centos_jenkins
Redhat/CentOS only.
Note this overrides the 80 -> 8080 forwarding we do for Mission Portal. With Jenkins we forward 8080 to 8080.
The default policy will synchronize ${WORKSPACE}/myartifacts
(as an example).
To create something useful in {WORKSPACE}/myartifacts
, add a build
step shell call to do /usr/bin/rsync -a --delete /etc/rc.d ${WORKSPACE}/myartifacts
. Again, this is just an example of a copy.
Install the PostBuildScript Plugin (, available from the Jenkins plugin configuration screen)
For your project, add a post-build shell (not a script path) to call /vagrant/resources/plugins/
This script calls sudo /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent
. You'll need to give the jenkins
user permission to run it, e.g.
(grep /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent /etc/sudoers | grep jenkins) || echo 'jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent' >> /etc/sudoers
(but please, use visudo or the Design Center sudoers sketch to do this properly or talk to your friendly sysadmin)
In the console output for your build, you should see something like this:
2013-10-03T17:53:12+0000 info: Using command line specified bundlesequence
2013-10-03T17:53:12+0000 notice: R: feature: feature_set_90m_jenkinsnotify => SET class 'jenkinsnotify for '90m'
2013-10-03T17:53:12+0000 notice: R: feature: have jenkinsnotify
That indicates that the jenkinsnotify
class was set correctly.
In the CFEngine agent output, using the velocity2013
policy from [fill in final URL], you should see:
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 info: Executing 'no timeout' ... '/tmp/jenkins-postbuild'
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 info: Completed execution of '/tmp/jenkins-postbuild'
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 info: Executing 'no timeout' ... '/usr/bin/rsync -a --delete /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test/workspace/myartifacts /var/tmp/deployment'
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 info: Completed execution of '/usr/bin/rsync -a --delete /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test/workspace/myartifacts /var/tmp/deployment'
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 notice: R: Deployment script enabled
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 notice: R: The build succeeded recently! Deploying from /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test/workspace to /var/tmp/deployment
2013-10-03T18:18:28+0000 notice: R: The build was deployed successfully to /var/tmp/deployment
If the deployment was not attempted (e.g. the sudo command didn't work) or the deployment was already made successfully you'll see:
2013-10-03T18:18:02+0000 info: Executing 'no timeout' ... '/tmp/jenkins-postbuild'
2013-10-03T18:18:02+0000 info: Completed execution of '/tmp/jenkins-postbuild'
2013-10-03T18:18:02+0000 notice: R: Deployment script enabled
2013-10-03T18:18:02+0000 info: Recording promise valuations
That indicates that the policy knows about the deployment but the
class wasn't set. That class is cleared upon a
successful deployment.