Computer Graphics 2015 SpbAU ( OpenGL )
To build it via 2013 or 2015 visual studio you should declare platform toolset for each project in Properties->General and then open commons.props and change additional library dir to vc120 or vc140 for vs2013 and vs2015 respectively.
Visualize Mandelbrot set and map 1D texture on it. Iterations number and r^2 can be controlled from two sliders
Draws box with cubemap and bunny with enviroment map texture.
- Camera controls - WASD + mouse.
- Draw wireframes - V.
Draw a simple textured scene with nanosuit soldier from crysis and projets a smiling texture on it
- Camera controls - WASD + mouse.
- Switch texture filtering:
- 1 - Nearest
- 2 - Linear
- 3 - Linear mipmap
- Switch texture from smiling to dynamic texture from virtual camera - G.
- Hold space + camera controls to move projector
Draw nanosuit soldier from crysis using deferred shading. Supports directional and point lights
- Camera controls - WASD + mouse
- Draw wireframes - V
- To switch between attachments(position, normal, diffuse, specular, final render) use keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively.
- Use P to switch point light volumes rendering on/off.