Version 1.7.1: 18/06/2019 pom.xml fixes Moved CHANGLOG and LICENSE to md rather than txt Updated license headers to Copyright 2019 Dependencies: apache commons-lang3 3.9 apache commons-logging 1.2 apache commons-net 3.6 jaxb-apit 2.4.0-b180830.0359
Version 1.7.0: 16/06/201 Changed to Apache 2.0 license Added XmlUtilities Added ListReverser Added Indirection helpers Dependencies: apache commons-lang3 3.9 apache commons-logging 1.2 apache commons-net 3.6 jaxb-apit 2.4.0-b180830.0359
Version 1.6.2: 01/04/2016 Updated dependencies and update to java 1.8. Dependencies: apache commons-lang3 3.4 apache commons-logging 1.2 apache commons-net 3.4 igniterealtime smack 4.1.6
Version 1.61: 20/05/2012 (407) Re-implemented com.ceridwen.util.collection.PersistentQueue for backwards compatibility Dependencies: apache commons lang 3.1 apache commons net 3.1 apache commons logging 1.1.1
Version 1.60: 25/03/2012 (400) Implemented more resilient persistent queue based on com.gaborcselle code Modified collections Queue and Spooler interfaces to templates Dependencies: apache commons lang 3.1 apache commons net 3.1 apache commons logging 1.1.1
Version 1.51: 15/03/2012 (390) Use Specification-* where Implementation-* not available Bugfix: Null pointer exception thrown by LibraryIdentifier.equals for certain libraries Dependencies: apache commons lang 3.1 apache commons net 3.1 apache commons logging 1.1.1
Version 1.50: 14/03/2012 (384) Version reporting now based on jar manifest files Queue, Spool etc refactored into Collections subpackage Update commons net 2.0 to 3.1 Update commons lang3 from 3.0 to 3.1 Dependencies: apache commons lang 3.1 apache commons net 3.1 apache commons logging 1.1.1
Version 1.40: 22/07/2011 (360) Refactored to use StringUtils.isEmpty
Version 1.30: 13/11/2010 (336) Added REST LogHandler Syslog extracted to dedicated class Added throttle to AbstractLogHandler Bugfix: Syslog messages would be truncated Bugfix: removed hardcoded from address in SMTPLogHandler
Version 1.20: 3/11/2010 (255) Allowed setting of initial delay for PersistentQueue Updated copyright notices to GPL3
Version 1.10: 27/10/2010 (123) Updated commons logging from 1.1 to 1.1.1 Updated commons net from 1.4.1 to 2.0 Templated classes based on JDK 1.6 warnings
Version 1.02: 23/1/2007 (93) Added peek to queue implementations
Version 1.01: 3/6/2005 (22) Added SyslogLogHandler Refactored to create an AbstractLogHandler with the main publish method Exceptions when reading no longer prevent removal Added JabberLogHandler
Version 1.00: 25/10/2004 (12)