All notable changes to the "jsonviewer" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- fix/improve: not render when have ‘ in json key or value
- fix/improve: #11 "parseError": "Invalid character '\n' at position "
- fix/improve: retain context when hidden tabs.
- fix: #8 uint64 numbers are displayed incorrectly
- replace json editor with a version forked by myself. to make long number correct (use bigint)
- fix: #7 Json viewer will break (cannot be rendered properly) if there is a text
in any json strings
- fix: comment-json module not found
- new: open json with comments by Alex Giddings
- update: add some other modes to the editor (open a menu)
- update: upgrade version of JSONEditor to v9.9.0
- update: dev tools, engine to vscode 1.34 and shift tslint to eslint
- update: use new api of webview
- change js resource link to local file
- fixed: See nothing on Dark theme
- fix bug: Icons not display
- update viwer to JSONEditor's Viewer
- command menu display as 'Open in json viewer'
- add project icon
- fix some mistake on the document