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264 lines (196 loc) · 15.4 KB

Change Log

Version 2.0.1 (2014-11-12)

  • LIB-CORE:Fixed NPE in ForegroundLinearLayout
  • LIB-CORE:Fixed expand area with CardWithList

Version 2.0.0 (2014-11-07)

  • LIB: Added the new CardViewNative! based on Google CardView (Learn how to migrate your cards)
  • LIB: New aar modules. [(doc)[(
  • LIB-CARDS: New module with built-in cards.
  • LIB-CARDS: Material Cards (doc)
  • LIB-CARDS: Top Colored Cards (doc)
  • LIB-RECYCLERVIEW: Ner module with support for the new RecyclerView
  • LIB-RECYCLERVIEW: Added a CardRecyclerView and a CardArrayRecyclerViewAdapter (doc)
  • EXTRA-STAGGERED and EXTRA-DRAGDROP: split from old extra lib.

Version 1.9.1 (2014-09-18)

  • LIB: Added two built-in Undobars with Material Design (doc)
  • LIB: Now you can customize the animation of the UndoBar and you can enable an action to swipe it off the screen (doc)
  • LIB: Added a new OnUndoHideSwipeListListener to listen for when the Undo controller hides the Undo Bar (doc)
  • LIB: Fixed a bug in UndoBar to Keep mInternalObjects in sync for CardArrayAdapter so that undo always works as expected
  • DEMO: Updated example with UndoBar (List with swipe and undo)

Version 1.9.0 (2014-08-30)

  • LIB: Added a method to expand and collpase the card in programmatic way (doc)

  • LIB: Added a callback at the start of the expansion/collapsing animation (doc)

  • LIB: Added the ability to expand and collapse the card with a longClick (doc)

  • LIB: Added a method to add dinamically Sections to a SectionedCardAdapter (doc)

  • LIB: Added a feature to restrict card swipe direction (doc)

  • LIB-EXTRA: Updated the drap and drop list. Now you can drag over the card (doc)

  • LIB-EXTRA: Updated ListViewAnimations dependency to 3.1.0

    It contains a little BREAKING CHANGE on the mListView.setOnItemMovedListener. listener (doc)

  • DEMO: Added an example to expand/collapse action in programmatic way

  • DEMO-EXTRA: Updated all dependencies to last releases

Version 1.8.0 (2014-07-14)

  • LIB: Added a SectionedCardAdapter which allows to display a CardList with Sections (doc)
  • LIB: Added a parameter to customize the swipe action (doc)
  • LIB: Fixed the CAB feature with the ForegroundLinearLayout
  • DEMO: Added an example with SectionedCardAdapter

Version 1.7.3 (2014-06-20)

  • LIB: Removed labels app_name to prevent issue with the new Manifest merger

Version 1.7.2 (2014-06-18)

  • LIB: Changed the visibility of theinit() method and its call.

It contains a BREAKING CHANGE .* (doc)

  • LIB: Fixed the issue with Observer when the CardWithList works in a CardListView

Version 1.7.1 (2014-06-14)

  • LIB: Removed application labels from android-libs manifest to prevent issues with the new Manifest merger

Version 1.7.0 (2014-06-10)

  • LIB: Added a new feature to display a list of items inside a Card (doc)

  • LIB: Added a feature to customize dynamically the undoBar message (doc)

    It contains a BREAKING CHANGE with UndoBar and UndoBarUIElements feature. Read the above link to migrate your code.

  • LIB-EXTRA: Updated Etsy-Grid dependency to 1.0.5

  • DEMO: Added a new example for Card with List

  • DEMO-Extra: Added a new example for Card with List integrated with WeatherLib

  • DEMO-Extra: Improved staggered grid examples.

  • DEMO-Extra: updated all libraries.

Version 1.6.0 (2014-05-06)

  • LIB: Added a CardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter (doc)
  • LIB-EXTRA: Added a CardListDragDropView, a cardList with drag and drop support: (doc)
  • LIB-EXTRA: Added a new method to add external adapter different from CardGridStaggeredArrayAdapter (doc)
  • Added Travis CI support
  • DEMO: Added an example with CardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter
  • DEMO-Extra: Added an example with CardListDragDropView
  • DEMO-Extra: Added an example with CardGridStaggered + ListViewAnimation

Version 1.5.0 (2014-03-21)

  • LIB-EXTRA: Added a CardGridStaggeredView (doc)
  • LIB: Added the chance to use a ForegroundLinearLayout in your Card (doc)
  • LIB: Added a feature to use a own OnScrollListener with CardListView and Swipe Action (doc)
  • LIB: Added the method ViewToClickToExpand.setupCardElement() to enable the expand/collapse action on the default card elements (doc)
  • LIB: Introduced a flag to disable the default broadcast after a bitmap is attached to an imageView in CardThumbnail (doc)
  • DEMO-Extra: Added examples with StaggeredGridView
  • DEMO-Extra: Added an example with a List with expand-inside.(source)

Version 1.4.2 (2014-03-07)

  • LIB: new expand/collapse methods are now available also for CardCursorAdapter (doc)

    It contains a BREAKING CHANGE with CardCursorApdater and Expand feature. Read the above link to migrate your code.

Version 1.4.0 (2014-03-02)

  • LIB: expand/collapse methods are completely new.(Fixed issues with smooth scroll, proper height measure, parent lose when expanded view isn't entirely visible...)
  • LIB: Added a feature to add the PopupMenu in CardHeader entirely from code (doc)
  • DEMO: Added an example with PopupMenu in CardHeader built programmatically (in Header screen)
  • DEMO-Extras: updated all libraries.

Version 1.3.0 (2014-01-25)

  • LIB: Added a CardGridArrayMultiChoiceAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Added a CardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Added a CardHeader.OnPrepareCardHeaderPopupMenuListener to customize the popupMenu dynamically.(doc)
  • DEMO: Added an example with CardGridArrayMultiChoiceAdapter
  • DEMO: Added an example with CardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter
  • DEMO: Added an example with the popupMenu changed dynamically (in Header screen)
  • Migrated library and demo to gradle 1.10 and gradle-plugin 0.8.0

Version 1.2.0 (2014-01-07)

  • LIB: Added a feature to enable the expand/collapse action anywhere not only on button header (doc)
  • LIB: Added a feature to provide a custom undoBar (doc)
  • DEMO: Added a new section CardExpand with new feature to enable the expand/collapse action anywhere
  • LIB: Fixed some issues with swipe action: swipe with ExpandCard, swipe with cards with different height, un-highlight items on swipe, swipe and onClickListener events
  • LIB: Fixed overflow rounded icon in xxhdpi resources
  • LIB: Fixed margin to default title on Header
  • LIB: Added a right margin on header buttons
  • Migrated library and demo to gradle 1.9 and gradle-plugin 0.7.0

Version 1.1.0 (2013-12-16)

  • LIB: Added a CustomSource interface to load the CardThumbnails from your custom source preserving the built-in feature as AsyncTask and LRUCache. (doc)
  • LIB: Added a method to modify your bitmap before it is attached to the image View. In this way you can build rounded or circular images for example(doc)
  • LIB: Changed the overflow icon in Header with 3 rounded dots. If you would like to use the old icon read this.
  • LIB: Added state_activated in default card_selector
  • DEMO: Added an example with CustomSource (in Thumbnail screen)
  • DEMO: Added examples with circular and rounded images (in Misc and Google Birthday screen)
  • DEMO: Added an example with a Card with contextual action mode in Card page (doc)
  • DEMO: Added an example with Header with buttons on the left (in Header screen)

Version 1.0.0 (2013-12-03)

  • DEMO-extras: Added an example with StickyListHeaders by Emil Sjölander (doc)
  • LIB: Added a CardGridCursorAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Added a new method to change dynamically the card background with a Drawable object. (doc)
  • LIB: Fixed an issue on CardHeader.OnClickCardHeaderPopupMenuListener. (You can see this page to fix your code)
  • LIB: Minor fixes (removed clickable warning, removed scaleType in base thumbnail layout)
  • DEMO: Added an example to change dynamically the card background
  • DEMO: Added an example with CardGridCursorAdapter (source)

Version 0.9.0 (2013-11-19)

  • LIB: Added a CardCursorAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Fixed an issue collapsing cards when you don't have enough items to fill the screen.
  • DEMO: Added an example with CardCursorAdapter (source)
  • DEMO-extras: Added an example with Crouton by Benjamin Weiss (doc)
  • DEMO-extras: Updated ActionBar-PullToRefresh example to new API (0.9.1)
  • DEMO-extras: minor fixes

Version 0.8.0 (2013-11-11)

  • DEMO-extras: Added an example with ListViewAnimations by Niek Haarman (doc)
  • DEMO-extras: Added an example with grid and ListViewAnimations
  • LIB: Added a new method to add external adapter different from CardArrayAdapter. (doc)
  • LIB: Fixed margin on shadow according to rounded corners
  • DEMO: Fixed resources for XXHDPI screen
  • Migrated library and demo to sdk 19 (updated gradle files)

Version 0.7.0 (2013-11-01)

  • DEMO-extras: Added an example with ActionBar-PullToRefresh by Chris Banes (doc)
  • LIB: Added a new method to change dynamically the card background. (doc)
  • LIB: Added errorResourceId in CardThumbnail (doc)
  • LIB: Improved Broadcast when the download is finished/cancelled in CardViewThumbnail (doc)
  • LIB: Improved caching in CardThumbnail
  • DEMO: Added an example with colored cards (source)
  • DEMO: Fixed issues on Google Stock Card (NPE) and NavigationDrawer (Resources$NotFoundException)

Version 0.6.0 (2013-10-20)

  • LIB: CardThumbnail can load image with your favorite library (doc)
  • DEMO-extras: Added an extra demo with an integration with Picasso library in CardThumbnail
  • DEMO-extras: Added an extra demo with an integration with Ion library in CardThumbnail
  • DEMO-extras: Added an extra demo with an integration with Android-Universal-Image-Loader in CardThumbnail

Version 0.5.0 (2013-10-13)

  • LIB: Now you can export your card as Bitmap (doc)
  • LIB: Now adapters support cards with different Inner Layouts (doc)
  • LIB: Added an Undo Action on swipe in CardArrayAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Added a method to replace the inner layout in a card: cardView.replaceCard(Card card). - (doc)
  • LIB: Added a id field in the Card model.
  • LIB: Added a type field in the Card model. It can be useful with adapters.
  • LIB: Changed the card background. Now cards have a default corner radius = 2dp. You can customize it easily . (doc)
  • LIB: Added Broadcast to know when the download is finished and image is attached to ImageView through CardViewThumbnail (doc)
  • DEMO: Added the share action in BirthDayCardFragment and StockCardFragment to export a card in a bitmap format.
  • DEMO: Added a list with different inner layouts.
  • DEMO: Added an example with undo action.
  • DEMO: Added an example with "replace inner layout" in Refresh card example.

Version 0.4.0 (2013-10-06)

  • LIB: Added CardGridView with a CardGridArrayAdapter. - (doc)
  • DEMO: Added a simple Grid View
  • DEMO: Added a grid of Cards as Google Play

Version 0.3.0 (2013-10-01)

  • LIB: Added CardListView with a CardArrayAdapter. - (doc)
  • LIB: Added a method to refresh card: cardView.refreshCard(card). - (doc)
  • DEMO: Added a card refresh example
  • DEMO: Added a simple list example
  • DEMO: Added a list with expandable and collapsible cards
  • DEMO: Added a list of Cards as Google Play

Version 0.2.0 (2013-09-26)

  • Card Library is now pushed to Maven Central as a AAR

Version 0.1.1 (2013-09-14)

  • LIB: Rename folder in demo and library
  • DEMO: Removed addToBackStack in Demo

Version 0.1.0 (2013-09-19)

Initial release.