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TxSpec: WIP
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v0d1ch committed Jun 3, 2024
1 parent ebb5e0a commit 98676b5
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 24 deletions.
105 changes: 81 additions & 24 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Api (
import Cardano.Ledger.Core (EraTx (getMinFeeTx))
import Cardano.Ledger.Credential (Credential (..))
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe.Strict (StrictMaybe (..))
import Data.Set qualified as Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,14 +77,16 @@ import Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxTraceSpec (ModelSnapshot (..), generateUTxOFromModel
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Wallet (ErrCoverFee (..), coverFee_)
import Hydra.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod (..))
import Hydra.Contract.Commit qualified as Commit
import Hydra.Contract.Error (toErrorCode)
import Hydra.Contract.HeadError (HeadError (SnapshotNumberMismatch, TooOldSnapshot))
import Hydra.Contract.HeadState (utxoHash)
import Hydra.Contract.HeadTokens (headPolicyId, mkHeadTokenScript)
import Hydra.Contract.Initial qualified as Initial
import Hydra.Crypto (aggregate, sign)
import Hydra.HeadId (HeadId (..))
import Hydra.Ledger (hashUTxO)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (adaOnly, addInputs, addReferenceInputs, addVkInputs, emptyTxBody, genOneUTxOFor, genTxOutWithReferenceScript, genUTxO1, genUTxOAdaOnlyOfSize, genValue, genVerificationKey, unsafeBuildTransaction)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (EvaluationReport, maxTxExecutionUnits, propTransactionEvaluates)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (EvaluationReport, evaluateTx, maxTxExecutionUnits, propTransactionEvaluates)
import Hydra.Party (Party)
import Hydra.Snapshot (ConfirmedSnapshot (..), Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber)
import PlutusLedgerApi.Test.Examples qualified as Plutus
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ spec =

describe "Decrement" $ do
prop "Decrement,close, contest and fanout sequence works" $
prop "Alter snapshots to trigger validator errors" $
forAllBlind arbitrary $ \chainContext -> do
let ctx@ChainContext{scriptRegistry} =
chainContext{ownVerificationKey = alicePVk, networkId = testNetworkId}
Expand All @@ -271,19 +274,33 @@ spec =

let parameters = HeadParameters (UnsafeContestationPeriod $ naturalFromInteger healthyContestationPeriodSeconds) [alice, bob, carol]

let decrementAction = produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters decrementSnapshot
let closeAction = produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters decrementSnapshot
let contestAction = produceContest ctx scriptRegistry headId' decrementSnapshot
let fanoutAction = produceFanout ctx headTxIn decrementSnapshot
let (fanoutTxResult, _finalUTxO) = flip runState spendableUTxO $ do
_ <- decrementAction
_ <- closeAction
_ <- contestAction
let decrementSnapshots =
[ (decrementSnapshot, decrementSnapshot, Nothing)
, (mutateSnapshotNumber (\a -> abs $ a - 1) decrementSnapshot, decrementSnapshot, Just SnapshotNumberMismatch)

let closeSnapshots =
[ (decrementSnapshot, decrementSnapshot, Nothing)
, (mutateSnapshotNumber (\a -> abs $ a - 1) decrementSnapshot, decrementSnapshot, Just SnapshotNumberMismatch)

let decrementAction = produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters
let closeAction = produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters
-- let contestAction = produceContest ctx scriptRegistry headId'
-- let fanoutAction = produceFanout ctx headTxIn

case fanoutTxResult of
Left err -> counterexample ("Failure when running actions | " <> err) $ property False
Right _ -> property True
fst $ flip runState spendableUTxO $ do
( \(decrementSn, _, expectedDecrementErr) -> do
decrementAction decrementSn expectedDecrementErr

( \(closeSn, _, expectedCloseErr) -> do
closeAction closeSn expectedCloseErr

mutateSnapshotNumber :: (SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber) -> Snapshot Tx -> Snapshot Tx
mutateSnapshotNumber fn snapshot =
Expand All @@ -295,25 +312,30 @@ mutateUTxOToDecommit fn snapshot =
let toDecommit = fn (utxoToDecommit snapshot)
in snapshot{utxoToDecommit = toDecommit}

produceDecrement :: ChainContext -> ScriptRegistry -> HeadId -> HeadParameters -> Snapshot Tx -> State UTxO (Either String Tx)
produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters snapshot = do
produceDecrement :: ChainContext -> ScriptRegistry -> HeadId -> HeadParameters -> Snapshot Tx -> Maybe HeadError -> State UTxO Property
produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters snapshot expectedError = do
spendableUTxO <- get
let decommitValue = foldMap (txOutValue . snd) (UTxO.pairs $ fromMaybe mempty $ utxoToDecommit snapshot)
case decrement ctx headId parameters spendableUTxO snapshot signatures of
Left err -> pure (Left $ "Decrement tx:" <> show err)
Left err -> pure (counterexample ("Decrement tx:" <> show err) $ property False)
Right tx -> do
put $ utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
pure $ Right tx
let spendableUTxO' =
foldMap (\(txin, txout) -> UTxO.singleton (txin, modifyTxOutValue (<> decommitValue) txout)) (UTxO.pairs (utxoFromTx tx))
<> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
put spendableUTxO'
pure $ evaluateAndMatchError tx spendableUTxO' expectedError
signatures = aggregate [sign sk snapshot | sk <- [aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk]]

produceClose :: ChainContext -> ScriptRegistry -> HeadId -> HeadParameters -> Snapshot Tx -> State UTxO (Either String Tx)
produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters snapshot = do
produceClose :: ChainContext -> ScriptRegistry -> HeadId -> HeadParameters -> Snapshot Tx -> Maybe HeadError -> State UTxO Property
produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters snapshot expectedError = do
spendableUTxO <- get
case close ctx spendableUTxO headId parameters ConfirmedSnapshot{snapshot, signatures} 0 (0, posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) of
Left err -> pure (Left $ "Close tx: " <> show err)
Left err -> pure (counterexample ("Close tx: " <> show err) $ property False)
Right tx -> do
put $ utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
pure $ Right tx
let spendableUTxO' = utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
put spendableUTxO'
pure $ evaluateAndMatchError tx spendableUTxO' expectedError
signatures = aggregate [sign sk snapshot | sk <- [aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk]]

Expand All @@ -333,6 +355,41 @@ produceFanout ctx seedTxIn snapshot = do
spendableUTxO <- get
pure $ first (("Fanout tx: " <>) . show) $ fanout ctx spendableUTxO seedTxIn (utxo snapshot) (utxoToDecommit snapshot) 0

hasHigherSnapshotNumber :: [(Snapshot Tx, Snapshot Tx, Maybe String)] -> Bool
hasHigherSnapshotNumber =
any (\(mutated, original, _) -> number mutated > number original)

hasLowerSnapshotNumber :: [(Snapshot Tx, Snapshot Tx, Maybe String)] -> Bool
hasLowerSnapshotNumber =
any (\(mutated, original, _) -> number mutated < number original)

-- | Evaluates the transaction and in case the expected error is provided
-- it will yield green test since we indeed got the expected error.
evaluateAndMatchError :: Tx -> UTxO -> Maybe HeadError -> Property
evaluateAndMatchError tx spendableUTxO expectedError =
case evaluateTx tx spendableUTxO of
Left err ->
property False
& counterexample ("Transaction: " <> renderTxWithUTxO spendableUTxO tx)
& counterexample ("Phase-1 validation failed: " <> show err)
Right redeemerReport ->
if isJust expectedError
any isLeft (Map.elems redeemerReport) && contains expectedError (show redeemerReport)
& counterexample ("Transaction: " <> renderTxWithUTxO spendableUTxO tx)
& counterexample ("Redeemer report: " <> show redeemerReport)
& counterexample ("Error doesn't match: " <> show expectedError)
& counterexample "Phase-2 validation failed"
all isRight (Map.elems redeemerReport)
& counterexample ("Transaction: " <> renderTxWithUTxO spendableUTxO tx)
& counterexample ("Redeemer report: " <> show redeemerReport)
& counterexample "Phase-2 validation failed"
contains Nothing _ = False
contains (Just expectedError') searchStr =
isJust (findIndex (isPrefixOf (T.unpack $ toErrorCode expectedError')) (tails searchStr))

genPerfectModelSnapshot :: Gen ModelSnapshot
genPerfectModelSnapshot = do
snapshotNumber <- arbitrary
Expand Down

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