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658 lines (559 loc) · 32 KB

File metadata and controls

658 lines (559 loc) · 32 KB


  • Release June 12th 2024
  • Fix: removed the possibility of prototype pollution in formatters. This can only occur if the parent NodeJS application has the same security issue. CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H.
  • Update some dependencies


  • Release February 15th 2023
  • Bump dependencies
  • Formatters add(), mul(), sub() and div() accept simple mathematical expressions inside parenthesis.
    • Example: {d.val:add(.otherQty + .vat * .price - 10 / 2)
    • Only mathematical operators +, *, -, / are allowed, without parenthesis
    • Multiplication and division operators (*, /) has higher precedence than the addition/substration operator (+, -) and thus will be evaluated first.
  • Exits on SIGTERM. When the signal is received
  • Experimental: add the possibility to duplicate rows using an attribute of an object (200 repetitions maximum) Data:
      { "id" : "A", "qty" : 2 },
      { "id" : "B", "qty" : 3 },
      { "id" : "C", "qty" : 0 },
      { "id" : "D", "qty" : 1 }
    Template: {d[i].id} - {d[i+1*qty].id} Result: A - A - B - B - B - D
  • Add options.isDebugActive. If true, POST /render returns additional information in debug sub-object:
      "renderId" : "file.pdf",
      "debug"    : {
        "markers" : ["{}", "{[i].id}"] // all markers found in template


  • Accepts "OpenDocument Text Flat XML" (.fodt) template files
  • Includes v3.3.3: fix timezone conversion with latest IANA database to manage correctly Daylight Saving Time


  • Remove compatibility with NodeJS 10.x. V8 uses timsort since NodeJS 11. So we can remove timsort dependency. NodeJS 12+ required.
  • Bump DayJS to 1.10.7
  • Bump debug to 4.3.2
  • Improve thread management of LibreOffice on Linux:
    • The system which auto-restarts LibreOffice when it crashes or if there is a conversion timeout could hang indefinitely on Linux. On the Enterprise Edition, the global watchdog system is able to fix this bad behavior but it is slow. Now, the LibreOffice is correctly killed. No zombie processes remaining.
    • Avoid launching the parent process "oosplash" of LibreOffice
    • Improve auto-restart mechanism
    • Add debug logs
    • All tests passed on Linux 😅


  • Release November 26th 2021
  • Fix timezone conversion with latest IANA database to manage correctly Daylight Saving Time 2021-11-18T08:05+0000 -> Europe/London -> Thursday, November 18, 2021 8:05 AM


  • Accept null for the attribute complement in options


  • Release July 21th 2021
  • Fix corrupted document when accessing a sub-object in an array {d.surrounding[i].subArray[0]}, within a surrounding loop


  • Release June 15th 2021 [EE only]


  • Release June 10th 2021 [EE only]


  • Release May 25th 2021 [EE only]


  • Release May 21th 2021
  • Accepts letter W to get the week number in formatD formatter


  • Release May 10th 2021

  • Fix broken Excel files. It removes the alert which appears sometime when opening the file with MS Excel.

  • Update DayJS dependency from 1.9.6 to 1.10.4.

  • Fix date formatters (formatD...) and number formatters (formatN...) when the country code is used in options.lang. It accepts lower case or upper case for the locale. Example:


      date  : '20140131 23:45:00',
      price : 1000.1234

    Template: {} {d.price:formatN()}


    • de-DE => Friday 1.000,123 (before) Freitag 1.000,123 (after)
    • fr-fr => Friday 1 000,123 (before) vendredi 1 000,123 (after)
  • Fix number formatting for these locales: nl-be, am, ar, ar-dz, ar-bh, ar-eg, ar-iq, ar-jo, ar-kw, ar-lb, ar-ly, ar-ma, ar-om, ar-qa, ar-sa, ar-sy, ar-tn, ar-ae, ar-ye, az-az, bn, bs, zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-mo, zh-sg, zh-tw, hr, da, en-au, en-bz, en-ca, en-cb, en-in, en-ie, en-jm, en-nz, en-ph, en-tt, fa, fr-lu, de-li, de-lu, de-ch, el, he, hi, id, it-it, it-ch, ja, kn, ko, ms-bn, ms-my, ml, mr, ro-mo, ro, ru-mo, sr-sp, sl, es-ar, es-bo, es-cl, es-co, es-do, es-ec, es-sv, es-gt, es-hn, es-mx, es-ni, es-pa, es-py, es-pe, es-pr, es-es, es-uy, es-ve, sw, ta, te, th, tr, uz-uz, vi, de, es, it


    • de => Freitag 1,000.123 (before) Freitag 1.000,123 (after)


  • Fix locale de-de
  • Fix: Do not break documents if the i+1 row contains some markers coming from parent object or condition blocks (rare)


  • Release March 4rd 2021
  • Fix: v3.1.0 introduced a backward compatibility issue with reports made with v1/v2. Now, filter with boolean works like this (same behavior as numbers)
    • data => template => condition result in array
    • data.myBoolean = true => d.array[i, myBoolean=true] => true
    • data.myBoolean = "true" => d.array[i, myBoolean=true] => true
    • data.myBoolean = "false" => d.array[i, myBoolean=true] => false
    • data.myBoolean = false => d.array[i, myBoolean=true] => false
    • data.myBoolean = "true" => d.array[i, myBoolean='true'] => true
    • data.myBoolean = true => d.array[i, myBoolean='true'] => false


  • Release March 4rd 2021
  • [EE] fixes


  • Release March 3rd 2021
  • Accepts boolean in array filters d.array[i, myBoolean=true]


  • Fix: aliases beginning with same prefix names are properly rendered in the generated reports instead of not being skip.


  • 👋🏻 NOTE: This version contains breaking changes of undocumented features. So if you use only documented features so far, you should not be concerned by these breaking changes.

  • ⚡️ Manage timezone + new date formatters + switch from MomentJS to DayJS

    • If not defined by you in options.complement, {} returns the current date in UTC.

    • [BREAKING CHANGE]: remove old date formatter which were not documented: format, parse, addDays and convert. You should use formatD instead and new formatters below. They were very old formatters, the chance you use them is low because you had to look into the source code to know their existance.

    • New formatters:

      • addD(amount, unit [, patternIn]) : add days, month to a date. formatD can be used after without specifying patternIn
      • subD(amount, unit [, patternIn]) : subtract days, month to a date. formatD can be used after without specifying patternIn
      • startOfD(amount, unit [, patternIn]) : Set a date to the start of a unit of time. formatD can be used after without specifying patternIn
      • endOfD(amount, unit [, patternIn]) : Set a date to the end of a unit of time. formatD can be used after without specifying patternIn
    • [BREAKING CHANGE]: We try to stay as close as possible as the previous parsing algorithm. But 1997-12-17 07:37:16-08 is not accepted anymore without specifying an input pattern or writing 1997-12-17 07:37:16-08:00

    • Accept a new options to set the timezone of formatD. Examples:


          date     : '2020-11-28T21:54:00.000Z',  // ISO 8601 UTC
          dateWTZ  : '2020-11-28T21:54:00',       // without timezone
          dateTZ   : '2020-11-28T21:54:00-04:00', // with America/New_York timezone offset
          dateUnix : 1606600440                   // UNIX timestamp in seconds UTC of 2020-11-28T21:54:00.000Z

      Template => Result

      if options.timezone = 'Europe/Paris' (default)

      • {} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 10:54 PM
      • {d.dateWTZ:formatD(LLLL)} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 9:54 PM
      • {d.dateTZ:formatD(LLLL)} => Sunday , November 29, 2020 2:54 AM
      • {d.dateUnix:formatD(LLLL, X)} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 10:54 PM

      if options.timezone = 'America/New_York'

      • {} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 4:54 PM
      • {d.dateWTZ:formatD(LLLL)} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 3:54 PM
      • {d.dateTZ:formatD(LLLL)} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 8:54 PM
      • {d.dateUnix:formatD(LLLL, X)} => Saturday, November 28, 2020 4:54 PM

      List of timezone:

  • Fix: if a path does not exist inside a formatter argument, it returns an empty string instead of the error "[[C_ERROR]] attribute_name not defined". It fixes some weird behaviour with ifEM formatters

  • Accepts to convert the first page of docx or odt templates into a JPEG file with converTo : 'jpg'

  • Improve HTML type detection. Accepts html5 without doctype.

  • Adding padl and padr string formatter.

  • Fix doc issue on carbone website

  • Accepts Adobe Indesign IDML file as a template

  • Improve the parsing processing by moving the function "removeXMLInsideMarkers" before the building stage.

  • Support officially to embed translations markers inside other markers: { {t(Tuesday)} ) }

  • Performance: reduce disk IO when converting document

  • Performance: deactivate image compression by default to speed up PDF conversion

  • [BREAKING CHANGE]: remove the possibility to use convertTo.formatOptionsRaw for CSV export. This feature was not documented and can lead to security issues. Use convertTo.formatOptions instead.

  • new paramater in Carbone.set

    • renderPath : Carbone.set can changes the default path where rendered files are temporary saved. By default, it creates the directory carbone_render in Operating System temp directory. It creates the path automatically
  • new paramater in Carbone.render

    • renderPrefix : If defined in options object. Carbone.render returns a file path instead of a buffer, and it adds this prefix in the rendered filename The generated filename contains three parts: - the prefix - a secure Pseudo-Random part of 22 characters - the report name, encoded in specific base64 to generate safe POSIX compatible filename on disk /renderpath/<prefix><22-random-chars><encodedReportName.extension> This filename can be decoded with the function Carbone.decodeOuputFilename(pathOrFilename). It is the user responsability to delete the file or not.
  • New function decodeOuputFilename(): when renderPrefix is used, the returned filename can be parsed with this function. It decodes filename an returns an object with two parameters js { extension : 'pdf', // output file extension reportName : 'decoded report name' // reportName }

  • [BREAKING CHANGE]: Carbone.convert function signature has changed. Now, it accepts the same options as Carbone.renders: You must use Carbone.convert(fileBuffer, options, callback) instead of Carbone.convert(fileBuffer, convertTo, options, callback)


  • Release September 23rd 2020
  • Fixes arrayJoin(\n):convCRLF. Now it works in carbone v2.x.x like in v1.x.x.
  • Removes 'zipfile' dev dependency. Tests use unzip from the system instead.
  • 8.1.3 mocha upgrade


  • Release September 1st, 2020
  • Performance: huge gain from x11 to x30 for the compression of reports. Now, some huge reports takes 0.1s to render instead of 4s. It reduces also the blocking of Node's event loop.
  • New rendering option hardRefresh: The content of the report is refreshed at the end of the Carbone process. For example, it can be used to refresh the table of content or update calculations. The option convertTo has to be defined.


  • Release August 10th, 2020
  • Fix locales de-ch and pt-br
  • Fix direct access in a nested array {d.array[i].nestedArray[i=0].id}


  • Release July 8th, 2020
  • Add regression tests


  • Release June 28th, 2020

  • 🚀 Accepts dynamic variables in all formatters!

    Carbone passes data to formatters if parameters start with a dot . and is not surrounded by quotes. Here is an example:


        id : 10,
        qtyA : 20,
        subObject : {
          qtyB : 5,
          qtyC : 3
        subArray : [{
          id : 1000,
          qtyE : 3

    Template => Result

    do mathematical operations:
    {d.subObject.qtyB:add(.qtyC)} => 8 (5+3)

    read parent attributes if you use two dots, grandparents if you use three dots, etc...
    {d.subObject.qtyB:add(.qtyC):add(..qtyA)} => 28 (5+3+20)

    read parent objects and their children attributes (no limit in depth)
    {d.subArray[i].qtyE:add(..subObject.qtyC) => 6 (3+3)

    It returns an error if the attribute does not exist
    {d.subArray[i].qtyE:add(..badAttr) => [[C_ERROR]] badAttr not defined

    You cannot access arrays
    {d.subObject.qtyB:add(..subArray[0].qtyE)} => [[C_ERROR]] subArray[0] not defined

  • ⚡️ New conditional formatters, and a new IF-block system to hide/show a part of the document

    • ifEQ (value) : Matches values that are equal to a specified value, it replaces ifEqual
    • ifNE (value) : Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value
    • ifGT (value) : Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
    • ifGTE (value) : Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
    • ifLT (value) : Matches values that are less than a specified value.
    • ifLTE (value) : Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
    • ifIN (value) : Matches any of the values specified in an array or string, it replaces ifContain
    • ifNIN (value) : Matches none of the values specified in an array or string
    • ifEM (value) : Matches empty values, string, arrays or objects, it replaces ifEmpty
    • ifNEM (value) : Matches not empty values, string, arrays or objects
    • and (value) : AND operator between two consecutive conditional formatters
    • or (value) : (default) OR operator between two consecutive conditional formatters
    • hideBegin and hideEnd : hide text block between hideBegin and hideEnd if condition is true
    • showBegin and showEnd : show a text block between showBegin and showEnd if condition is true
    • show (message) : print a message if condition is true
    • elseShow (message) : print a message if condition is false
    • len() : returns the length of a string or array.

    No formatters can be chained after hideBegin, hideEnd, showBegin, showEnd.

    These new formatters replace the old ones ifEqual, ifEmpty and ifContain. We keep these old formatters for backwards compatibility. You should avoid using them in new templates.


        id : 10,
        qtyA : 20

    Template => Result

    print simple message according to the result of a condition
    {'hey')} => hey

    print simple message according to the result of multiple conditions, combining with dynamic variables! 🤩
    {'hey'):elseShow('hide')} => hey

    hide or show a block of text in the document ⚡️
    {} block of text {} => block of text
    {} block of text {} =>

    A smart and generic algorithm detects automatically pattern (paragraph, bullet-list, etc) to remove in document even if the conditional block is not placed correctly in XML. For example: BEGIN<p> blabla END</p> becomes BEGIN<p> blabla </p>END. It improves the final result by removing empty spaces in document.

  • ☀️ Accepts to iterate on attributes of objects as is if it was an array

      myObject : {
        paul : '10',
        jack : '20',
        bob  : '30'

    In the report:

      {d.myObject[i].att} {d.myObject[i].val}
      {d.myObject[i+1].att} {d.myObject[i+1].val}
    • use .att to print the attribute
    • use .val to print the value

    You can even access nested objects and nested arrays inside val: {d.myObject[i].val.myArray[i].id}

  • Fix: avoid crashing when a static image was inserted in a loop in MS Word templates

  • Update totals in ODS and XSLX files

  • formatC supports many crypto currencies

  • Fix: Accepts comma in formatter parameters such as {d.sentenceExist:ifEqual(1, 'Some sentence, some more sentences.')}

  • Fix: nested array in XML (but not in JSON) was not printed correctly

  • Fix: avoid crashing when a sub-object is null or undefined in data

  • Fix: avoid crashing when the parent object of an array is null or undefined in data

  • Eslint code + add eslint tools

  • Fix: accepts dashes characters in JSON data. Before, Carbone crashes when using {}

  • Fix: avoid crashing when a XLSX template contains charts

  • Beta: supports dynamic charts rendering in XLSX if these conditions are met:

    • first, draw a chart in MS Excel and replace your data with Carbone markers
    • datas of the chart should be placed at the top-left corner of the spreadsheet
    • all numbers are formatted with formatN() formatter
  • Fix: accepts white-space in array filters with simple quote and double quotes Example: {[i, type='Tesla car'].name} {[i, type="Tesla car"].name}

  • Fix LibreOffice detection on Windows

  • Remove compatibility with older NodeJS versions (lower than 10.15.0)

  • Upgrade some dependencies (moment, debug, yauzl) and remove useless ones (should)

  • Accepts non-alphanumeric characters in variables names, values, ... For example, {d.i💎d} is allowed

  • Fix many security issues and reduce memory consumption

  • Fix crash when markers are next to each over {}{d.other} in many situations:

    • with or without conditional blocks
    • with or without loops
  • Fix crash when some documents like DOCX contain images in repetition section

  • Accept direct access in arrays such as {d.myArray[2].val} instead of {d.myArray[i=2].val}

  • Fix crash when two consecutive arrays, nested in object, were used

  • Remove useless soft-page-break in ODT documents as suggested by the OpenDocument specification

  • LibreOffice 6+ has a memory leak. So Carbone automatically restarts LibreOffice after a certain amount of document conversion. The number of conversions depends on new parameters factoryMemoryFileSize and factoryMemoryThreshold

  • Add conversion timeout parameter converterFactoryTimeout (60s by default). It kills LibreOffice if the conversion is too long and returns an error

  • Remove deprecated NodeJS "new Buffer"

  • Fix: avoid crashing if a object/array is null or undefined. Print empty text instead.

  • Fix: variables, which begin by the same characters, were not detected correctly since NodeJS 11


  • Release June 11, 2019
  • Fix arrayMap() if used with an array of strings or integer


  • Release March 13, 2019
  • Add new formatters
    • convCurr(targetCurrency, sourceCurrency) to convert from one currency to another
    • formatN() format number according to the locale (lang). Examples:
      • old toFixed(2):toFR can be replaced by formatN(2)
    • formatC() format currency according to the locale and the currency
      • old toFixed(2)} {t(currency)} can be replaced by formatC(2)
    • formatD() format date according to the locale. Same as convDate, but consider parameters are swapped for consistency with formatN. Moreover, patternIn is ISO8601 by default.
    • convDate() is deprecated
    • add(valueToAdd), mul(valueToMultiply), sub(valueToSubstract),div(value) : mathematical operations
    • substr(start, end) : slice strings
  • carbone.set and carbone.render have new options
    • currencySource : default currency of source data. Ex 'EUR'
    • currencyTarget : default target currency when the formatter convCurr is used without target
    • currencyRates : rates, based on EUR { EUR : 1, USD : 1.14 }
  • Fix memory leaks: one file descriptor remains opened
  • Fix crash when template is not correct
  • Now option.lang must use the i18n format 'fr-fr' instead of just 'fr'
  • Add fallback to basic sorting when timsort crashes
  • Bump debug and moment to fix vulnerabilities
  • Remove Support of NodeJS 4


  • Release October 11, 2018
  • Better Windows support by improving path detection for soffice and python across all operating platforms. Done by Robert Kawecki (@rkaw92).


  • Release February 26, 2018
  • Fix: should find markers even if there is a opening bracket { before the markers
  • Fix: accept to nest arrays in XML whereas these arrays are not nested in JSON
  • Fix: markers were not parsed if formatters were used directly on d or c like this {d:ifEmpty('yeah')} ...
  • Fix: keep the first element of the array if the custom iterator is constant
  • Fix a lot of strange bugs when using a filter without iterators in arrays (ex. {d.cities[i=0].temperature})
  • Optimization: gain x10 when sorting 1 Million of rows
  • Add formatter unaccent to remove accent from string
  • carbone.set does not overwrite user-defined translations
  • Accepts iteration on non-XML. Example: {d[i].brand} , {d[i+1].brand}
  • Add new formatters
    • unaccent() to remove accent from string
    • count() to print a counter in loops. Usage: {d[i].name:count()}
    • convCRLF() to convert text, which contains \r\n or \n, into "real" carriage return in odt or docx document
  • Formatters which have the property canInjectXML = true can inject XML in documents
  • Return an error in render callback when LibreOffice is not detected
  • Get the last object of an array using negative values when filtering with i iterator
    • {d.cities[i=-1].temperature} shows the temperature (if the array is not empty) of the last city
    • {d.cities[i=-2].temperature} shows the temperature of the city before the last
    • ...


  • Release October 13, 2017
  • Automatically remove XML-incompatible control codes (U+0000 to U+0008 and U+000B to U+000C and U+000E to U+001F) before inserting data in templates
  • Fix: ifEqual did not work correctly with boolean values


  • Release June 7, 2017 - First Public Release, First Public Demo on the Web2day event!
  • It loads all lang at startup, and it is able to change the lang at runtime
  • Avoid unnecessary synchronous code in carbone.set
  • Improve documentation
  • Default template path is working directory by default
  • Return the list of supported format when an unknown options.convertTo is used
  • Accept more input type
  • Remove deprecated formatters
  • carbone.set takes into account changes on factories and startFactory parameters
  • Fix: a report without markers, except lang ones, is translated
  • Fix: avoid creating LibreOffice zombies when node crashes
  • Fix: avoid using LibreOffice if options.convertTo equals input file extension
  • Fix: improve markers detection to avoid removing some XML variable like {DSDSD-232D} used in DOCX
  • Fix: now compatible with node v4.5.0+, v6+, v8+


  • Release February 22, 2017
  • Access properties of the parent object with two (or more) points .. and then access children properties as usual: {d.cities[i, temp=20]}
  • Do not crash when there is a javascript error during building process
  • Improve error outputs: detect when an unknown formatter is used, and propose a correction


  • Release February 20, 2017
  • Access properties of the parent object with two points .. or more. Use case: conditional printing of properties using filters in nested arrays:
    • {d.cities[i, temp=20]..countryName} prints d.countryName only when the temperature of cities equals 20
  • Built-in conditional formatters, which starts by if, stop propagation to next formatters if the condition is true
  • New formatters:
    • convEnum(d, type): convert enums to human readable values
    • ifEqual(d, value, messageIfTrue, continueOnSuccess): show message if d == value, and stop propagation to next formatters unless continueOnSuccess is true
    • ifContain(d, value, messageIfTrue, continueOnSuccess): show message if d contains value, and stop propagation to next formatters unless continueOnSuccess is true
    • print(d, message): print message
  • New function carbone.renderXML(xmlString, data, options, callback) to render XML directly
  • Change the lang dynamically in carbone.render and carbone.renderXML with options.lang = 'fr'. The date formatter is automatically propagated on formatters such as convDate
  • Replace module zipfile by yauzl: faster, lighter, asynchrone
  • XLSX templates are accepted (beta)
  • Parse embedded XLSX and DOCX documents
  • Add a tool to search a text within a marker in all reports carbone find :formatterName


  • Release December 1, 2016
  • Bump moment.js to 2.17.0
  • Add some powerful and tested formatters: ifEmpty, arrayJoin, arrayMap, convDate, lowerCase, upperCase, ucFirst, ucWords
  • Fix: in formatters convert, format, addDays, parse: if the date is null or undefined these formatters return null or undefined instead of "Invalid Date"


  • Fix: carbone.render crash if options contains formatName without formatOptionsRaw and formatOptions


  • Fix: on OSX, the LibreOffice 5.2 path has changed
  • Possibility to add the source file extension in options when using convert(data, convertTo, options, callback) function. It is mandatory for CSV files otherwise LibreOffice does not understand the file type.
    fieldSeparator  : ',',
    textDelimiter   : '"',
    characterSet    : '76',
    sourceExtension : '.csv'


  • Fixed crash when a document cannot be parsed. It returns an error instead of crashing


  • Fixed crash when a document cannot be converted (ods -> doc for example). It returns an error instead of crashing
  • Update documentation to install LibreOffice 5.1 on Ubuntu Server
  • Fix: crashed when using a nested undefined object inside a template


  • Upgrade Zipfile, improve some tests for Node.js 4.x compatibility


  • Fixed crash when data contains a lot of nested arrays


  • Fix a performance issue when a template isn't using iterators at all, this issue caused the array of data to become really big in some cases even though only a small portion of the data was really used


  • CarboneJS Server can be used on a remote server. CarboneJS send the document by socket instead of writing a file locally (only when a document conversion occurs)
  • CarboneJS Server 0.11 is still compatible with CarboneJS v0.10 clients
  • Add two benchmarks tests
  • Fix a random failure in a test


  • Allow the comparison operator != in your template: {[engine.power != 3].name}

  • Add a newline at the end of the lang file

  • Fix: Translation, upper and lower case order does not depend on user's language anymore

  • Do not restart LibreOffice if the document is corrupted (restart it only after 10 consecutive attemps)

  • Return an error when the document cannot be converted

  • Improve stability in general

  • Socket connections have been improved:

    • it manages TLS communications
    • it increases the delay between two connection attempts exponentially until it reaches a maximum delay of 20sec
  • Fix bugs in tests

  • Compatible with Node v0.12

  • Update zipfile dependency

  • Now, the repetition algorithm can flatten an array of objects!!

    • it accepts to increment multiple arrays in the same time
    • it repeats automatically all markers that are on the same row of all nested arrays



      'site' : {'label':'site_A'},
      'cars' : [
          'name': 'prius',
          'spec': {'weight': 1},
          'name': 'civic',
          'spec': {'weight': 2},
      'site' : {'label':'site_B'},
      'cars' : [{
          'name': 'modelS',
          'spec': {'weight': 1},
            {'brand':'uni' },


site car name weight brand
{d[i].site.label} d[i].cars[i].name} {d[i].cars[i].spec.weight} {d[i].cars[i].wheels[i].brand}
{d[i+1].site.label} d[i+1].cars[i+1].name} {d[i+1].cars[i+1].spec.weight} {d[i+1].cars[i+1].wheels[i+1].brand}


site car name weight brand
site_A prius 1 mich
site_A prius 1 cont
site_A civic 2 mich
site_B modelS 1 mich
site_B modelS 1 uni
site_B modelS 1 cont


  • Add new conversion options for CSV export

Now it is possible to pass conversion options to LibreOffice. The attribute convertTo can be an object instead of a string:

  var _options = {
    'convertTo' : {
      'formatName' : 'csv',
      'formatOptions' : {
        'fieldSeparator'    : '+',
        'textDelimiter'     : '"',
        'characterSet'      : '0'
  carbone.render(_filePath, data, _options, function(err, result){
  var _options = {
    'convertTo' : {
      'formatName' : 'csv',
      'formatOptionsRaw' : '124,34,0'
  carbone.render(_filePath, data, _options, function(err, result){
  • Improve LibreOffice detection algorithm for Linux. Now, it supports any version of LibreOffice
  • BUG fix: When two nested arrays were incremented in the same time {[i+1].subtab[i+1]}, it could generate bad XML in certain cases