Exporter for GitHub
This script requires a personal access token
with access to the repository you are exporting from. The owner
and repo
arguments can be found in the repository url.
See the table below for examples of owner
and repo
Description | URL | owner | repo |
GitHub.com example | https://github.com/foo/bar | foo | bar |
GitHub Enterprise example | https://ghe.host/foo/bar | foo | bar |
$ npm install -g @github/github-artifact-exporter-cli
$ github-artifacts-exporter COMMAND
running command...
$ github-artifacts-exporter (-v|--version|version)
@github/github-artifact-exporter-cli/2.0.1 darwin-x64 node-v16.2.0
$ github-artifacts-exporter --help [COMMAND]
$ github-artifacts-exporter COMMAND
github-artifact-exporter.exe search:issues --owner github --repo caseflow --token <github-token> --since 2020-06-01 --until 2020-06-08 --format CSV > issue_export.csv
github-artifact-exporter.exe search:issues --owner github --repo caseflow --token <github-token> --state closed --updatedSince 2020-06-01 --updatedUntil 2020-06-08 --labels "Type: Bug" --format CSV > issue_export.csv
github-artifact-exporter.exe repo:commits --owner github --repo caseflow --token <github-token> --since 2020-06-01 --until 2020-06-08 --format CSV > commit_export.csv
github-artifact-exporter.exe repo:pulls --owner github --repo caseflow --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --format CSV > pulls_export.csv
github-artifacts-exporter help [COMMAND]
github-artifacts-exporter repo
github-artifacts-exporter repo:commits
github-artifacts-exporter repo:milestones
github-artifacts-exporter repo:projects
github-artifacts-exporter repo:pulls
github-artifacts-exporter repo:releases
github-artifacts-exporter search
github-artifacts-exporter search:issues
display help for github-artifacts-exporter
$ github-artifacts-exporter help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Export GitHub artifacts from a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
See code: src/commands/repo.ts
Export GitHub Commits for a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo:commits
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--branch=branch [default: master] git branch to export commits for
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--since=since search commits created after yyyy-mm-dd
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
--until=until search commits created before yyyy-mm-dd
See code: src/commands/repo/commits.ts
Export GitHub Milestones for a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo:milestones
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
See code: src/commands/repo/milestones.ts
Export GitHub Milestones for a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo:projects
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--projectNumber=projectNumber Project number from where to pull cards
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
See code: src/commands/repo/projects.ts
Export GitHub Pull Requests for a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo:pulls
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner (required) GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo (required) GitHub repository name
--since=since search pull requests created after yyyy-mm-dd
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
--until=until search pull requests created before yyyy-mm-dd
See code: src/commands/repo/pulls.ts
Export GitHub Releases for a repository
$ github-artifacts-exporter repo:releases
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
See code: src/commands/repo/releases.ts
GitHub Search base command
$ github-artifacts-exporter search
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
See code: src/commands/search.ts
Export GitHub Issues using Search
$ github-artifacts-exporter search:issues
--baseUrl=baseUrl [default: https://api.github.com] GitHub base url
--dateFormat=dateFormat [default: isoDateTime] Date format to use when building issue list. Examples: mm/dd/yyyy
--format=(JSONL|JSON|CSV) [default: JSONL] export format
--jira transform output into a usable format for importing to Jira
--labels=labels search issues with these labels (comma separated)
--owner=owner GitHub repository owner
--query=query Search query matching GitHub issue search syntax
--repo=repo GitHub repository name
--since=since search issues created after yyyy-mm-dd
--state=(open|closed) search issues in this state
--token=token (required) GitHub personal access token
--until=until search issues created before yyyy-mm-dd
--updatedSince=updatedSince search issues updated after yyyy-mm-dd
--updatedUntil=updatedUntil search issues updated before yyyy-mm-dd
See code: src/commands/search/issues.ts