Releases: caewok/fvtt-walled-templates
Fix conflict with light mask
Fix conflict with light mask where both modules define the same getters.
Improved sweep algorithm
Relies on a version of ClockwiseSweep that can accept arbitrary boundary polygons and temporary walls. Fixes issue #1.
DnD5e spell details
Add checks so that when first drawing a new template, the outline shape will have walls blocked if that is the world default.
dnd5e only: Add a checkbox in spell details for AoE spells to determine whether walls block on a per-spell basis.
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
Fix world setting for walls block
Actually check the world setting for whether walls should block templates by default when creating new templates.
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.0.3
Full functionality
Fixed issue with templates facing west. Fixed flag for debugging field-of-vision polygons. Added hook to set the enabled flag when template is first created, so that templates work properly when first placed on the canvas. Added screenshots to the main git readme page.
Initial public release
Initial public release. Basic functionality present for all template types: circle, cone, flat cone, rectangle, ray. Templates automatically update when walls are added, modified, or removed. Templates re-draw on canvas load.
Known issues when templates are facing certain directions (primarily west) or are rotated to the west.
Initial framework
0.0.1-alpha1 Merge branch 'release/0.0.1-alpha'