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Libtpa Programming Guide


Libtpa(Transport Protocol Acceleration) is a DPDK based userspace TCP stack implementation. It provides customized APIs only. Therefore modification is needed if you want to get the performance boost for your applications.

This documentation provides detailed descriptions on those APIs.

Architecture Overview

Before heading to the libtpa API descriptions, it's necessary to give an overview guide about the libtpa architecture.

shared-nothing model

Libtpa is designed for high performance. It takes the shared-nothing model to avoid lock in datapath. That means one TCP connection will be processed in one worker thread only: all operations, including connect, write, read, close, have to be invoked in the same worker thread.


You can not create the connection at worker A and then do the write in worker B. Doing so results to undefined behaviour, including crash.

run to completion

Libtpa also takes the classical DPDK running model: run to completion. As described below in the worker API section, the app has to keep calling tpa_worker_run to drive the TCP stack.


That is an intruder. It basically means your application has to be reshaped to the run to completion model to use libtpa. We may introduce other models in future, to avoid such intrudes that have to be made to your applications.

Libtpa API

Libtpa API can be loosely divided into five parts: connection management, read/write, worker execution, event handling, and misc. Below gives detailed descriptions for each of them.

Connection Management

Libtpa provides simplified APIs compared with POSIX APIs for managing TCP connections.


int tpa_connect_to(const char *server, uint16_t port,
                   const struct tpa_sock_opts *opts);

It starts a new active connection, where

  • server specifies the server address. It has to be an ipv4 or ipv6 address in string format.
  • port specifies the remote port to connect to.
  • opts specifies additional options can be applied to this new connection. It could simply be NULL when nothing special needed. So far, only the option local_port is relevant to active connections.
  * Provides extra options for socks going to be created by
  * tpa_connect_to and tpa_connect_to.
 struct tpa_sock_opts {
      * When @listen_scaling is set to
      * - 0: passive connections will be only distributed to the worker
      *      where this listen sock has been bound to.
      * - 1: passive connections will be distributed to all workers.
      * tpa_listen_on only.
     uint64_t listen_scaling:1;
     uint64_t bits_reserved:63;

      * A private data set by user for listen sock. It could be
      * retrieved by tpa_sock_info_get when a new sock is accepted.
      * tpa_listen_on only.
     void *data;

      * Specifies a local port to bind to.
      * tpa_connect_to only.
     uint16_t local_port;
     uint8_t reserved[128 - 18];  /* XXX: it's ugly */
 } __attribute__((packed));


As stated before, for socks created by tpa_connect_to, they will be bound to the worker thread where this API is invoked.

It's also worth mentioning that the connect API is non-blocking. You need to watch the OUT event if you want to know when the connection is established.

On success, it returns a sock id (let's call it sid from now on). Like fd, a negative value means error. Here is an example:

int sid;

sid = tpa_connect_to("::1", 80, NULL);
if (sid < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "failed to connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return -1;


int tpa_listen_on(const char *local, uint16_t port,
                  const struct tpa_sock_opts *opts);

It creates a sock listening on the given address and port. Where,

  • local specifies the local address, it could be NULL to support dual stack. Or, it can be set to a specific IPv4 or IPv6 address, then only the one specific IP version is supported.
  • port specifies the local port to listen on
  • opts works the same as tpa_connect_to. There are two options relevant to a listen sock: listen_scaling and data.


By default, only the worker thread that starts the tpa_listen_on call will get new passive connections. And due to the shared-nothing model, you can't distribute those new socks to other workers at the application level after accepting them.

If you want to get those new socks distributed "evenly" to all workers, you need to set listen_scaling. Note that it will not be perfect even though: as it's the NIC RSS doing the distribution under the hood. If you have just a few socks, it's very likely some workers get more passive connection while some get slightly fewer.


int tpa_accept_burst(struct tpa_worker *worker, int *sid, int nr_sid);

It returns an array of newly accepted socks assigned to the given worker. If you want to fetch detailed sock information, such as remote address, the private data set at tpa_listen_on, etc, the below function does the job.

struct tpa_sock_info {
    struct tpa_worker *worker;

    /* it's the set by user */
    void *data;

    struct tpa_ip local_ip;
    struct tpa_ip remote_ip;
    uint16_t local_port;
    uint16_t remote_port;

    uint8_t reserved[76];

int tpa_sock_info_get(int sid, struct tpa_sock_info *info);

Below is a short listen & accept demo.

 int sid;

 if (tpa_listen_on(NULL, 80, NULL) < 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "failed to listen on port 80: %s\n",
     return -1;

 while (1) {
     /* explained later */

     if (tpa_accept_burst(worker, &sid, 1) == 1)

     /* ... */


void tpa_close(int sid);

It simply closes the connection identified by the given sid.

Read and Write

Libtpa supports both zero copy for read and write. It also supports non-zero copy write. It does not implement non-zero copy read API though.


struct tpa_iovec {
    void    *iov_base;
    uint64_t iov_phys;
    uint32_t iov_len;
    uint32_t iov_reserved;
    void    *iov_param;
    union {
        void (*iov_read_done)(void *iov_base, void *iov_param);
        void (*iov_write_done)(void *iov_base, void *iov_param);

ssize_t tpa_zreadv(int sid, struct tpa_iovec *iov, int nr_iov);


  • tpa_iovec is a libtpa customized iovec struct, with few fields extended mainly for zero copy implementation.

    The new fields are:

    • iov_phys specifies the starting physical address of the iov.
    • iov_read/write_done is a callback the app/libtpa should invoke when the corresponding iov is read/written, respectively. It will be further explained.
    • iov_param is the extra param for the above callback.

Note that although this function just looks like the readv system call, it has a huge semantic difference: all fields in this struct are filled by libtpa (instead of by the APP like the readv system call). This is for implementing the zero copy read, and the justice is simple: only libtpa knows the data buffer address and size. Both of them are unpredictable for the APP at the time this API gets invoked.

Thus, when the APP has done the processing of the read iov, it should invoke the iov_read_done callback to reclaim the memory allocated by libtpa. Here is an example:

 struct tpa_iovec iov;
 ssize_t ret;

 ret = tpa_zreadv(sid, &iov, 1);
 if (ret < 0) {
     if (errno == EAGAIN) {
         return 0;

      /* error happened; handle it here */

 if (ret == 0) {
     /* EOF reached; close it */

 if (ret > 0) {
         /* process the read buffer at iov.iov_base */
         process_data(iov.iov_base, iov.iov_len);

         /* free it when the process is done */
         iov.iov_read_done(iov.iov_base, iov.iov_param);


Libtpa has two write APIs.

ssize_t tpa_write(int sid, const void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t tpa_zwritev(int sid, const struct tpa_iovec *iov, int nr_iov);

The none-zero copy version works just like the write system call.

The zero copy version is also quite similar to the writev system call, except three more fields need to be filled by the APP:

  • iov_phys: this is needed for NIC to do DMA, therefore zero copy.
  • iov_write_done: when the data is completely transferred (when the TCP ACK is received), libtpa will invoke this callback to let the APP be aware of it(to free the buffer, etc).
  • iov_param: an extra param filled by APP and will be echoed back to the APP when the above callback is invoked.


The iov_phys is not needed for Mellanox NIC. Instead, it requires the corresponding memory region to be :ref:`registered <extmem_reg>`.

When iov_phys is set to 0, there is a special meaning in libtpa. It means the zero copy write is disabled, and libtpa will fallback to the non-zero copy version.

Since Mellanox doesn't really care about the physical address and 0 means disabling zero copy write, you can see iov_phys is set to 1 in example applications like swing, just to enable the zero copy write.

Below is a simple zwrite example with fallback being used:

 static void free_write_buffer(void *iov_base, void *iov_param)

 ssize_t tpa_zwrite_example(size_t size)
     struct tpa_iovec iov;
     ssize_t ret;

     iov.iov_len  = size;
     iov.iov_base = malloc(size);
     iov.iov_phys = 0;
     iov.iov_param = NULL;
     iov.iov_write_done = free_write_buffer;

     ret = tpa_zwritev(sid, &iov, 1);
     if (ret < 0)
         iov.iov_write_done(iov.iov_base, iov.iov_param);

     return ret;


Both tpa_write and tpa_zwritev are atomic, meaning either all data are written or nothing will. This has an advantage. It simplifies the error handling. We don't have to worry about that one iov is partially written.

It has a drawback though. If the write is too large that the whole sock send queue can't hold it, then the write would always fail with EAGAIN error. You can workaround it by:

  • enlarging the sock send queue length by setting the cfg tcp.snd_queue_size (which is set to 512 by default). Or,
  • breaking the large write to many smaller ones

Worker Execution

The worker is the core TCP stack processing unit. There should be one worker per datapath thread. The number of worker is set by below function:

int tpa_init(int nr_worker);

This function also initializes the whole libtpa system, including the DPDK initialization. It should be invoked first before all other libtpa functions get invoked.

Then there is a per-worker initialization function:

struct tpa_worker *tpa_worker_init(void);

This function must be executed first at the corresponding worker thread. It returns the worker pointer that is needed for the rest worker APIs. Note that this function must be executed once only.

A worker gets executed every time below function get invoked:

void tpa_worker_run(struct tpa_worker *worker);

It is the core of the libtpa, which basically does three things:

  • tcp input: receives packets from NIC, feeds them to the TCP stack (decaping the net headers, finding the right sock, etc) and then delivers the TCP payload to the sock receive queue if any.
  • tcp output: handles the write request from the APP, feeds them to the TCP stack (encaping the net headers, etc) and then sends them out to wire.
  • tcp timeout: handles the retransmission timeouts, etc.

Event Handling

Libtpa provides two event related APIs. They are epoll alike, while they are quite different in some ways.

struct tpa_event {
    uint32_t events;
    void *data;

int tpa_event_ctrl(int sid, int op, struct tpa_event *event);
int tpa_event_poll(struct tpa_worker *worker, struct tpa_event *events, int max);

As you see, there is no epoll_create equivalent in libtpa. The reason behind it is, as stated above, that every connection in libtpa is bound to a specific worker. Thus, the APP only has to register or remove some events to a specific connection with the API tpa_event_ctrl, then libtpa will find the correct worker so that a later call of tpa_event_poll(worker, ...) could catch them.


external memory management


This section applies to Mellanox NICs only

For Mellanox NICs, you need to register the memory region first if you want to do zero copy write with buffers inside that region.

int tpa_extmem_register(void *virt_addr, size_t len, uint64_t *phys_addrs,
                        int nr_page, size_t page_size);
int tpa_extmem_unregister(void *virt_addr, size_t len);
 void *buf = aligned_alloc(4096, 4096);

 if (tpa_extmem_register(buf, 4096, NULL, 1, 4096) != 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "failed to register external memory: %s\n", strerror(errno));

You then can do zero copy write with address within the range [buf, buf + 4096).


Libtpa repo has few example applications. Both swing and techo are good examples to look at: both are short and simple.