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Polyglot: to translate different languages with different translators!

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An Intellij platform plugin project.

If your project is relevant to many languages in which translation is needed, this plugin will help you a lot.

A good plugin is No.1 productive force!

一个 Intellij 插件项目, 当工程需要支持多语言时, 本插件能够帮助你省去在浏览器或者翻译软件与你的项目之间来回切换的麻烦.



  • Download plugins/polyglot-x.x.x.jar and install into your IDE
  • clone this project, Build | Build project, then you will see build/libs/polyglot-x.x.x.jar
  • Intellij IDEA -> Preferences -> Plugins -> Settings -> Install from Disk, select and load polyglot-x.x.x.jar or search polyglot from MarketPlace, then click and install polyglot


  • 支持常规的语言翻译, 诸如中文, 中文繁体, 英/法/德/俄语等
  • 支持非常规的语言翻译, 诸如粤语, 文言文, 伊朗语, 越南语等
  • 支持已经死亡的或者虚构的语言翻译, 诸如古英语, 中古法语, 梵语, 阿拉贡语, 希伯语等
  • 支持 每日一句 功能
  • 支持 取词划义 功能

Visual Effects



  • 支持谷歌取词划义功能
  • 支持百度取词划义功能
  • 添加 Android 多语言字符串支持


Open-source is no easy job, for which I have to sacrifice my weekends and other non-working hours.
开源不易, 尤其是对于全职的开源爱好者. 需要占用不少下班以及周末时间.
If you think this plugin is meaningful, is worthy, you are welcome to support this project by following:
如果您觉着这个项目是值得做的, 是做的有意义的, 可以通过以下方式来表达支持:

  • Watch/Star/Fork this project. 关注/标星/Fork 该项目.

  • Share/Recommend this plugin(polyglot) to your friends/work mates. 向朋友或者同事推荐该插件.

  • Highly rate polyglot in Marketplace. 在应用市场对 polyglot 进行评分

  • Create PR s. 提交 PR.

  • Create Issue s. 反馈问题, 提供您的建议或者想法.

  • If you love this plugin, you may donate for maintain this project and this plugin. 如果你喜欢这个插件, 可以考虑捐赠, 以持续地对该项目跟插件进行维护.

    Open Collective 支付宝/Alipay 微信/Wechat PayPal
    polyglot Collective alipay wechat Support

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邮箱地址:[email protected]

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