diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst index 8007f481e..4caae2ea8 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.rst +++ b/CHANGELOG.rst @@ -1,21 +1,29 @@ CHANGELOG ========= -v0.14.0 --------- +v0.14.0 (Mar 18th 2022) +----------------------- + +**Changes buildspec structure** -- Add PAGING output using ``--pager`` option which is available for ``buildtest buildspec find``, ``buildtest report``, ``buildtest report summary``, and ``buildtest history list`` command `#1012 `_ `#1016 `_, `#1017 `_ -- Remove **buildtest edit** command and now this is **buildtest buildspec edit-file**. Add new command ``buildtest buildspec edit`` which will edit buildspecs based on testname while ``buildtest buildspec edit-file`` uses filepath `#1006 `_, `#1007 `_ - Add support for test dependencies in buildspec using the ``needs`` property. `#1000 `_, `#1003 `_, `#1015 `_ -- Add new option ``buildtest build --modules``, ``buildtest build --module-purge`` and ``buildtest build --unload-modules`` which allows one to specify modules to load/unload on command line and purging modules command before running any test. `#1004 `_, `#1020 `_ -- Add new option ``buildtest build --rerun`` which will rerun last successful **buildtest build** command which can be used to repeat a command without having to remember what you typed. `#1023 `_ -- Add new option ``buildtest build --executor-type`` to filter test by executor types which can be **local** or **batch**. `#1026 `_ - Add ``compilers`` property in script schema for defining multiple compilers when using the ``type: script`` in buildspec. This can be used in the ``run`` section for selecting multiple compilers `#999 `_ - Add field ``nvhpc`` to settings schema for compiler declaration and under compiler schema for using nvhpc compiler `#996 `_ - Remove the ``run_only`` property from schema, remove buildspec examples and update user documentation `#994 `_ +- Remove version numbers from all schemas, example buildspec, refactor codebase and update user documentation `#988 `_ + +**New command line options:** + +- Add PAGING output using ``--pager`` option which is available for ``buildtest buildspec find``, ``buildtest report``, ``buildtest report summary``, and ``buildtest history list`` command `#1012 `_ `#1016 `_, `#1017 `_ +- Add new option ``buildtest build --modules``, ``buildtest build --module-purge`` and ``buildtest build --unload-modules`` which allows one to specify modules to load/unload on command line and purging modules command before running any test. `#1004 `_, `#1020 `_ +- Add new option ``buildtest build --rerun`` which will rerun last successful **buildtest build** command which can be used to repeat a command without having to remember what you typed. `#1023 `_ +- Add new option ``buildtest build --executor-type`` to filter test by executor types which can be **local** or **batch**. `#1026 `_ +- Remove **buildtest edit** command and now this is **buildtest buildspec edit-file**. Add new command ``buildtest buildspec edit`` which will edit buildspecs based on testname while ``buildtest buildspec edit-file`` uses filepath `#1006 `_, `#1007 `_ - Add new option ``buildtest --lastlog`` to see output of last build log. Enable RichHandler for logging `#993 `_ + +**Miscelleaneous Updates** + - buildtest has a logo! `#989 `_ -- Remove version numbers from all schemas, example buildspec, refactor codebase and update user documentation `#988 `_ - Enable bash completion support for zsh `#987 `_ - Refactor Polling Implementation for Batch Job Submission `#986 `_ - Add documentation on starting PBS container `#985 `_ diff --git a/buildtest/__init__.py b/buildtest/__init__.py index 299b05ea0..0e777f891 100644 --- a/buildtest/__init__.py +++ b/buildtest/__init__.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -BUILDTEST_VERSION = "0.13.0" +BUILDTEST_VERSION = "0.14.0" __version__ = BUILDTEST_VERSION BUILDTEST_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2021-2022, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Shahzeb Siddiqui, and Vanessa Sochat. All rights reserved." diff --git a/docs/what_is_buildtest.rst b/docs/what_is_buildtest.rst index 8046f365b..10bdc8810 100644 --- a/docs/what_is_buildtest.rst +++ b/docs/what_is_buildtest.rst @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ Timeline :header: "Date", "Version", "Description" :widths: 20, 20, 80 + **Mar 18th 2022**, "`v0.14.0 `_", "Remove ``version`` property from buildspec structure and all schema files. Add support for test dependencies using ``needs`` property. Several new options to **buildtest build** such as ``--rerun``, ``--executor-type``, ``--modules``, ``--module-purge``, ``--unload-modules``. Add ``--pager`` option for several buildtest commands for PAGING output." **Jan 20th 2022**, "`v0.13.0 `_", "Add options ``--proc`` and ``--nodes`` to **buildtest build** to specify arbitrary process and node count for batch jobs. Add new commands ``buildtest unittests`` and ``buildtest stylecheck``. Allow one to specify alternate python wrapper via environment ``BUILDTEST_PYTHON``. " **Dec 17th 2021**, "`v0.12.0 `_", "Make use of `rich `_ library for printing output for various buildtest commands. Add new commands such ``buildtest debugreport`` and ``buildtest config edit``. We removed few commands including ``buildtest config summary``, ``buildtest inspect id``." **Sep 9th 2021**, "`v0.11.0 `_", "Re-implement core implementation of running and polling jobs using asynchronous job submission. In addition we added several new commands including: **buildtest cd**, **buildtest path** and **buildtest path** and we enable alias for sub-commands."