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Welcome to the College Resource Sharing Website! This platform is designed to facilitate the sharing of educational resources among college students. Whether you need lecture notes, study guides, practice exams, or any other material, this website is here to help you.


Every year we require notes and previous year questions to study for our exams and for this we contact many people and sometimes we don't get the resources at the right time.
So to cope up with that we are building this resource sharing webiste to help the students so that they get the right resources at the right time.
More deatils of the project our provided at this Notion Link.

Tech Stack

  • It's powered by React,
  • It uses Tailwind CSS framework,
  • It is build and deployed with Vite
  • Configuration of Git in your system.
  • IDE (recommendation: VSCode)
  • Nothing else you are good to go!!

Run Locally

Follow the steps mentioned below to setup the project locally on your computer

  1. Fork the repository by clicking on Fork option on top right of the main repository.
  2. Open Command Prompt/Terminal on your local computer.
  3. Clone the forked repository by adding your own GitHub username in place of <username>.
    git clone<username>/resource-sharing/
  1. Navigate to the resource-sharing directory.
    cd resource-sharing
  1. Install all resource-sharing dependencies.
    npm install
  1. Run the website locally.
    npm run dev
  1. Access the live development server at localhost:5173.


To discuss about the project the you may reach out the maintainers on the discord or any other social channel.
Don't hesistate to ask any doubt 😄

How to Contribute

Try picking up some good-first-issue from the issue section and make pull request for them.