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milaniliev edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 8 revisions

By default, Rack::Bug will only allow ‘’ to connect. To enable other IPs, you need to provide a different IP mask in the options.

To enable SQL query running/profiling, Rack::Bug requires that you set the secret key.

And, finally, it’s tremendously good practice to set a good password if you’re not running Rack::Bug from localhost.

So, here’s all of them:
config.middleware.use "Rack::Bug", :ip_masks => [""),"my.ip.as_seen.from_server")], :secret_key => "RgXEMzQVJkZ5YKL8YKhO5EXR3EkrXtoJyUekAVB4ceAbccRGEO+uCLN0G88gB/e/g83u9ojvZv1daWE5pBAvjg==", :password => "rack-bug-secret"

You can easily generate a secure random number of any length using ActiveSupport::SecureRandom:

ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(64) # 64-char base64-encoded secret key

(Pulled from, many thanks!)

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