- implement awk
- implement lomuto partitioning in std sort
- implement ganache in rust
- implement libsignal in rust
- implement midi 2.0
- coreutils benchmark
- tokei but sorted by crate - which crates contribute the most code
- implement activitypub https://activitypub.rocks/
- implement a private token on top of ckb
- use the zcash rust libraries
- https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/ZcashWP.pdf
- implement "age" encryption tool
- add hyperscan to rust-regex
- implement junction concurrent hashmaps in rust
- create a systems language benchmark using real-world software
- e.g. grep, ls, http, key-value
- implement qrencode in rust
- implement wireguard in rust
- implement OpenBLAS in rust
- implement a pic compiler
- implement nongnu libunwind in rust
- just the stack tracing to begin with, for use in backtrace-rs
- implement faster-utf8-vaidator for core run_utf8_validation
- unpdf - convert pdf research papers to html
- implement redis with crossbeam-skiplist
- re-implement sphinx
- re-implement 'data landscape' projects
- substrate on ckb
- implement vst3.0 in rust
- implement vst2.0 in rust
- site to collect rust new contributor issues
- rust assembler with high/low level assembly language
- ArcMutex, etc
- jekyll clone in rust
- start by just replacing jekyll code
- use new linux aio for files https://lwn.net/Articles/776703/
- occassion-emoji.com - find emoji's by occassion
- rustfmt/clippy integration into cargo test
- port https://github.com/rv8-io/rv8 to rust
- port dynasm to rust
- crate loc counter that accounts for dependencies
- maybe just modify tokei
- auditable cryptobin in rust
- better sql https://edgedb.com/blog/we-can-do-better-than-sql/
- lucene in rust
- rust module extraction tool
- use item dependency graph
- show modules that are crate-independent
- show crate-dependencies of modules
- recommend refactoring plan
- show wich items are being imported the most,
outside of their module
- these are the items to abstract first
- show which items are being imported the most into module M.
- enforce that mods don't have crate dependencies
- with annotation
- asm black_box
- pthreads in rust, binary compatible
- alloc-free unwinder
- mustache template macros
- write good documentation guidelines
- runtime machine code function inliner
- tool to turn off cargo default features
- one at a time, in dag order
- count the numbers of - and _ in crate names
- revive https://github.com/brson/pwrabs
- revive https://github.com/brson/cargo-index-tool
- double-fail finder
- convert terminal text w/ ANSI escapes to HTML
- convert markdown to text w/ ANSI escapes
- lib to create ansi escape sequences
- lib to strip ANSI escapes from a stream
- implement SSTable
- simple cli logger
- use log macros like println - no extra "junk" like timestamps
- env vars can turn on traditional env_logger
- kv server
- multiple frontends: HTTP GET/PUT, memcached, in-process
- tikv,
- multiple backends: fs, tikv, rocks, berkelydb, sled
- multiple frontends: HTTP GET/PUT, memcached, in-process
- matrix server
- rust mdn documentation project
- implement heap layers and mesh
- rust project metadata infobase
- bin/lib info from gimli / symbolic (?)
- debuginfo from gimli and (something)
- lib metadata via rustc
- rustc metadata via rustc
- q:s
- how much time / space can I save be deleting dupe deps?
- Rust WAF https://github.com/0xInfection/Awesome-WAF
- least-common-denominator sql
- create a test suite of well-specced sql features that passes in every common database
- create database adapters that expose only the common functionality
- create an implementation of common-sql
- error_type! / quick_error! for Fail
- Security tools in Rust
- OpenGPG reimplementation
- LSM tree or persistent ART
- contribute to uutils
- create BTree / HashMap initializers from tupels. Does this not exist?!
- rust contribution guide
- list all rust validation projects
- top-down performance in rust
- rust-wiki.com
- rustdoc-lint
- crate that allows defining 'cfg' macros
- for repeated cfgs, instead of #[cfg(all(jemalloc, not(fuzzing)))] write #[cfg(jemalloc_on)]
- rustup that adds key system packages like cmake
- zero-allocate symbolicated backtraces
- rust microservice toolkit
- everything is also a library
- built on pingcap where possible
- comprehensive authentication microservice
- comprehensive etcd-like microservice
- for now just create an etcd api for tikv
- comprehensive payments microservice
- message bus
- either kafa or a kafka layer on top of tikv
- mysql (or postgres) microservice - TiDB
- notifications microservice - web and mobile
- user tracking
- metricsc - prometheus + grafana
- DNS? Does anybody need this?
- service mesh - linkerd?
- raft microservice / library
- implement rosie pattern matching in rust
- cloneables
- haproxy / nginx / varnish
- implement grep with ripgrep (and egrep etc)
- and ag, and ack
- turn chalk/datafrog/differential-dataflow into a real language
- hook up datafrog to differential/timely-dataflow
- give datafrog a datlog syntax
- simd mempcy+utf8 verify
- wtf does this mean
- remove duplicate deps in rust's Cargo.lock
- reimplement emacs in rust
- simd-optimize mem.rs
- run bloaty mcbloatface on std / rustc
- write an 'aspect-oriented' instrumentation systam for rust/std
- use polkadot to build a payed distriuted hash table
- s-chord plus token incentives
- http://zoo.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs722/2011/Jason_chord.pdf
- http://www.cs.unm.edu/~treport/tr/05-04/chord.pdf
- maybe like sia?
- tonka: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~petar/5ttt.org/
- nginx-like web server
- self-contained
- rhai bindings, others
- node emulation?
- python asyncio integration
- rust history browser
- rust v c++ v c, etc benchmark
- nts/ntp client/server https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp-19
- productize servo
- review r/rust
- review twir
- review rfcs
- review release predictions
- review release notes
- read /r/rust
- read urlo
- read irlo
- praise commenters
- review prs
- review rustup prs
- review cargo prs
- review guideniles book
- do upcoming feature report (for twir?)
- write blog posts
- do markdown shootout
- hack on cretonne
- reactive controls systems
- lalrpop rust grammer
- rustc cretonne backend
- procuctize serve browser
- productize servo app platform
- do outstandig prs
- andle control over projects
- check in on projects we've handed control over
- fix bug in doc-testing used for cookbook
- triage cookbook
- make a vector game with pathfinder
- accellerate is_ascii
- update twoway for intrinsics
- optimize memchr to match glibc with intrinsics
- compare core memchr to sushi's memchr
- contribute to https://github.com/joncatanio/cannoli
- write for rust edition guide
- hack on cargobomb windows support
- hack on cargobomb rustfix
- rust anthology
- stdx
- tystack
- rust api guidelines
- rust cookbook
- chamber
- rust playbook
- profiling iterator
- struct-of-vecs
- rust-skeptic
- local rust installer
- rustupult
- bash/powershell one-liner to build and run any rust program
- antigen rust
- nested bump-region allocator
- single-threaded allocator
- ngstd ("nug-stud"), no-generics std
- for no-generics, abi-compat-rust,
- crate some common data structures
- rustup sanity check
- check for functioning environment
- configure rust to work in any environment
- fedora -> sudo yum install gcc, etc.
- macos -> download and install xcode, etc.
- make a rustup plugin
- O.G. Rust Series
- og_fmt the fmt` macro
- og_lovecraft - lovecraft faults
- og_strbuf - String -> StrBuf
- heap dump/restore for rust ala glibc dumper
- rust: the language: the game (rust-the-game.md)
- cli-kit
- everything i need when making a cli program
- reexports
- log, error-chain, reqwest
- script functions
- run, download, copy_dir, remove_dir_all
- systems conveniences
- dojob, hardlink, flock, symlink_dir
- symlink-aware remove_dir
- retry with exponential decay
- I/O conveniences
- write_string, read_string, write_lines, read_lines,
- run while intercepting output (tee?)
- deployment
- pack and repack multiple-platform bins into one
- self-update
- aws/gce/azure/kubernetes jobs
- atomic-io, io-tree, io-sift
- framework for doing cargobomb-style distributed io
- framework for creating reliable programs that recover from crashes
- look into redux model for state changes
- http/2 framework
- chamber, gaol, ipc-channel sandbox
- semver tool
- anthology
- rust http server throwdown
- battleplan https://gist.github.com/brson/9b20cb38d90a707a37c7d3ec0b5ba8d5
- rust-mob
- rust platform++
- instant distributed systems
- adjectives: distributed, secure, solid, heterogeneous, diverse, welcoming, easy, expansive, inevitable, indestructable, indomitable
- a tool and cargo metapackage for defining, building, validating, deploying, and maintaining distributed systems
- suitable for games, apps, websites, ioc, botnets
- showcase the best of rust
- project templates for platforms and roles
- (builds on rust platform platform support)
- android, iOS, flatpak, windows
- web server, message server, clients, android game wasm app
- focus on higher-level laguage for UIs, rust for infrastructure
- (builds on rust platform bridges)
- java for android, ruby for websites, swift for ios, python for whatever, C# for windows / unity, javascript for web
- make rust appeal to all language communities
- use rust for for the common infrastructure
- build and test on many platforms, mostly via docker
- (builds on platform infrastructure support)
- automatic deployment to cloud, app stores, devices
- integrate with kubernetes or something like it
- automatic security and authentication
- include some scheme for securing communications and use it across all platforms
- integration with payment platforms, add networks, cryptocurrency?
- multiple communication strategies, mqtt, https, p2p
- device mangement framework with web interface
- aws, android, ios, desktop packages, stores
- make it easy to bring up exotic hardware platforms quickly
- capture the next-gen thing as a value-add
- mob-platform collects all the components it builds on
- build on existing rust libs
- investigate botnet c&c
- other names
- throng, throngs, throngings, cabal, clan, swarm, clique, coterie, packwolf, wolfpack, conclave, powwow, council, gathering, congregation, throngregation, band, rust-society, invasion, raid, assault, breach, incursion, incur, incrust, onslaught, rust-onslaught, usurper, usurpation, marauder, irruption, irrupst, irrupt, irupt, erupt, burst, flare, flareup, flargun, spew
- futures-based rt-guarantees
- create a templating system for parsing snips of markdown into an html template, for more advanced layout
- create a system for piping colored console output into a filter that outputs html with proper color attributes
- benchmarking service ala coveralls.io
- rewrite xen in rust
- implement etcd with raft-rs
- create markdown-editing web-app for mobile
- create a wasm dynamic linker
- write a reddit client with new api
- create a global shared rust crate cache
- implement fuchsia's microkernel in rust
- package servo
- add afl to cargo-fuzz
- add hongfuzz to cargo-fuzz
- cretonne rustc backend
- cretone custom compiler
- get more proof for rust being fastest language in the world
- cargo-crusader
- rust-api-guidelines
- re-annotitade std