Note: The dates included here are the dates of the commits that were made to the repository. The actual release dates may be different.
- Add exception checking when trying to write to the localstorage (discovered while parsing a HUGE json bundle)
- Happy new year! - I'm back from holidays and have a few minor tweaks
- Debug output tab now doesn't popup in the questionnaire tester if there is only information messages
- Refinements to the styling of the debug output issues display (used in the questionnaire tester and elsewhere)
- Add a
copy bundle to clipboard
button on the Extract test page (for David)
- Update the extensions that indicate $extract support in the questionnaire tester
- Include detecting the POC template extension
as an indicator to display the extract tab in the questionnaire tester - Update the CSIRO renderer to 0.44.3
- Update the LForms renderer to 36.6.0
- Pre-pop toolbar button added (that doesn't switch tabs)
- resource editor tab consistency improvements
- Extract toolbar button added (that reads the renderer before switching tabs and extracting the data)
- Resolved issue with inconsistent tabs in fhirpath code editors (to 4 space tabs) - thanks for reporting it Elliot.
- Released to main
- Updated csiro renderer to 0.44.2
- Resolved bug with variable display in the fhirpath tester not refreshing when the variable was changed
- Extensive error handling improvements in the questionnaire tester pre-pop/context tabs
- Support search bundles in the questionnaire tester pre-pop tab
- Extensive work on the Context and pre-populate tabs in the questionnaire tester
- Enable save support for Questionnaires under very specific conditions (explicit matching publisher and resourceIds)
- Add the
tab to provide test data to the pre-populate and extract operations in the questionnaire tester.- Supports
as parameters to the tester via the URL (If you want to include the display as well as the reference, put it after a comma in the URL parameter e.g.subject=Patient/123,John Doe
- Supports
- Tidy up the tab numbering in the questionnaire tester so that it is selected by name rather than number (to easy maintenance)
- Update the old "pre-populate" tab to show the items (missed passing through the collection)
- Models tab in the form tester will auto-load any model query passed in the URL
- Extract tab layout cleaned up
- Support saving the QuestionnaireResponse in the form tester (after allocating an ID)
- Update the CSIRO renderer to v0.44.0
- Include a models tab on the form tester to permit providing model(s) to the $extract operation
- Correct the context/content parameters to the $extract operation in the questionnaire tester
- Capture and report pre-pop issues returned from $populate in the questionnaire tester
- Update form pre-pop tester to include other URL to evaluate the pre-pop against
- Update the CSIRO renderer to v0.40.1
- Update the CSIRO renderer to v0.40.0
- Enhance the POC $extract Questionnaire tester based on initial testing
- in the FML test page, show the output tab (if not already visible) after running the test
- questionnaire test page improved outcome issue handling for save/extract
- Update HealthSamurai Aidbox closure fhirpath engine description
- Update the fhirpath.js to v3.15.1
- Update the CSIRO renderer to v0.37.2
- Update new FML window prototype (at /fml)
- Update the TwinPaneTab control to try and be more consistent with the tab height sizing using flexbox
- Add the ResourceEditor control
- StructureDefinition page to use the new ResourceEditor
- No longer hide the AI Chat config controls behind "Say the magic word"
- Include the HealthSamurai Aidbox closure fhirpath engine
- Include the Beda Software Python fhirpath engine
- Include a simple FML validation based on a verified ANTLR grammar (work in progress)
- Update the LForms renderer to 36.1.3
- Include the fhirpath expression in the Library search page row extension section
- Include a POC of the $extract Questionnaire tester
- Update the Ace editor to the 1.34.2/0.0.48
- Update the CSIRO pre-pop to 2.2.0
- Update the CSIRO renderer to 0.35.0
- Update axios to 1.7.2 (rectifying some security vulnerabilities)
- remove bootstrap-vue
- Update marked to 11.0.0
- Remove use of the EasyTable component (converted to Vuetify datatable)
- Include nav shortcuts from the fields, variables, behaviors and pre-pop sections in the questionnaire tester page
- Update the LForms renderer to 36.0.4
- Resolve CSIRO renderer tracking linkId when tabs are in the form being rendered (Thanks Sean)
- Update the publishing tab on the Questionnaire test page to correctly link to the tester page
- resolve issue with JSON editors resizing correctly when the twintabpanel changes modes/tabs
- Update the Questionnaire test page to select the tab(s) by name as well as index, and also support a
to select 2 tabs at once - Update the Questionnaire search page to open the questionnaire tester tab rather than the ghost page from the forms-lab
- Improve reliability of the UseContexts search box on library and questionnaire resources (including some defaults)
- Update landing page to indicate that 5.8.1 of the FirelySDK is now being used
- Update to 36.0.3 of the NLM LForms
- Update to 0.25.2 of CSIRO's questionnaire renderer
- Release dev version to production!
- Add new shortcut to test an expression using ctrl+enter in the fhirpath tester
- Preliminary work for displaying navigation markers from the AST to the actual expression in the FHIRPath tester (coming soon for dotnet)
- Updated to the public main branch of fhirpath.js (3.13.0) now that the defineVariable function is included in the main branch
- sharing Fhirpath AI chat via clipboard now includes the name of the model that a message is from
- Changed the npm package for accessing AI projects to the
[email protected]
npm package
- Toggle single/dual pane view on the FHIRPath and Form Tester pages
- include the
function link to the docs in the AST - while dynamically scanning the resource for used variables ensure than none defined using
are included in the list that the user should enter are included.
- Add ability to use the CSIRO renderer to navigate to an item in the questionnaire definition json tab
- Updated the fhirpath.js library to 3.10.4 (still with the prototype
function that is now calleddefineVariable
) - added some sample conversations that I've had with the Questionnaire AI (in the form of a chatbot) on the questionnaire test page
- AI Chat prompt refinements (and supporting jsonpatch markdown blocks)
- Refactored the twin pane tab control into the fhirpath and form tester pages
- Twin pane tab control now has the lock left/right buttons and auto tab switcher features
- dotnet tester now supports 3 custom functions - for helping with debugging
- propname(): The name of the property that the current node is in (if it is a property and not the result of a calculation)
- pathname(): The full simple path to the current node (if it is a property and not the result of a calculation)
- shortpathname(): The same as pathname, but without indexers if the property is not natively a collection
- fixed issue with primitive extensions not selecting correctly in the context navigator
- Add brief highlight to the navigated node in the JSON when selecting from trace/error list
- Questionnaire test page added (with initial support for NLM lforms and CSIRO questionnaire renderers)
- FhirPath test page now has a link from the context header (in results and trace) to the raw JSON resource to ease navigation
- Update version of fhirpath.js included to 3.9.0 (with the prototype
function) - Include links to the SDC extended functions
- IPS demo also has a validate questionnaire feature - using the forms-lab Q def validation service
- FHIR Map test page now uses the examples server address from the settings page
- The HAPI fhir map engine (hosted with the fhirpath-lab) is now available to test on the FHIR Map test page
- First draft of the sqlonfhir-v2 test page (has known issues) now available
- From the AST view provide hyperlinks to the fhirpath spec for functions (i.e. link
to the relevant bookmark in the spec)
- Variables can be passed through the URL using the
syntax to set a variable calledxxx
in an expression (and used%xxx
) - Fix bug with library resources saving/loading contained resources in the test resource
- Better handling of errors when loading/saving library resources from the server
- progress indicator when saving a library resource
- Addition of the
Reset expression and context
button to the test page - Removal of the Terminology Server URL from the resource page (still uses the value in the settings page)
- Add new settings URL for where to retrieve example resources from (changes default from sqlonfhir-r4 to the public HAPI demo server)
- Support creating and editing Library resources from the fhirpath expression test page
- requires
Show Advanced Properties
and aDefault Provider Field
to be set in the settings page
- requires