diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js index 42e43b3..30df22c 100644 --- a/gulpfile.js +++ b/gulpfile.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ /* jshint node: true */ +'use strict'; var gulp = require('gulp'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); @@ -15,6 +16,10 @@ var jscs = require('gulp-jscs'); var filter = require('gulp-filter'); var istanbul = require('gulp-istanbul'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; +var rocambole = require('rocambole'); +var rocamboleToken = require('rocambole-token'); +var vinylMap = require('vinyl-map'); +var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var COMPILER_PATH = 'node_modules/closurecompiler/compiler/compiler.jar'; var LIBTESS_SRC = ['./src/libtess.js', './src/**/*.js']; @@ -23,21 +28,64 @@ var LIBTESS_SRC = ['./src/libtess.js', './src/**/*.js']; var LINT_SRC = LIBTESS_SRC.concat([ './gulpfile.js', './libtess.cat.js', + './libtess.debug.js', './{build,examples,test,third_party}/**/*.{js,html}', '!./build/externs/*', '!./test/browser/*-browserified.js', '!./test/expectations/*', '!./third_party/node_modules/**', - // NOTE(bckenny): It takes two minutes to lint these. Remove for now. + // NOTE(bckenny): It takes two minutes to lint these. Skip them for now. '!./examples/osm/nyc_midtown_*.js' ]); gulp.task('build-cat', function() { + var removedAsserts = 0; + function stripAsserts(node) { + // looking only for `libtess.assert` calls + if (node.type !== 'CallExpression' || + node.callee.type !== 'MemberExpression' || + node.callee.property.name !== 'assert' || + node.callee.object.type !== 'Identifier' || + node.callee.object.name !== 'libtess') { + return; + } + + // need to expand [startToken, endToken] to include beginning whitespace and + // ending `;` + var startToken = node.startToken; + if (startToken.prev.type === 'WhiteSpace' && + startToken.prev.prev.type === 'LineBreak') { + startToken = startToken.prev.prev; + } + var endToken = node.endToken; + if (endToken.next.value === ';') { + endToken = endToken.next; + } + + // because our lint rules require things like always using curly braces, we + // can safely remove libtess.assert(...) calls without replacing them with + // `void 0` or the like. + rocamboleToken.eachInBetween(startToken, endToken, rocamboleToken.remove); + removedAsserts++; + } + return gulp.src(LIBTESS_SRC.concat('./build/node_export.js')) - // remove license at top of each file + // remove license at top of each file except first (which begins '@license') .pipe(replace(/^\/\*[\s\*]+Copyright 2000[\s\S]*?\*\//m, '')) - .pipe(concat('libtess.cat.js')) + .pipe(concat('libtess.debug.js')) + .pipe(gulp.dest('.')) + + // remove asserts + .pipe(vinylMap(function(code, filename) { + var stripped = rocambole.moonwalk(code.toString(), stripAsserts); + console.log('asserts removed: ' + removedAsserts); + + return stripped.toString(); + })) + // turn off debug (for checkMesh, etc) + .pipe(replace('libtess.DEBUG = true;', 'libtess.DEBUG = false;')) + .pipe(rename('libtess.cat.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); }); @@ -93,7 +141,7 @@ gulp.task('browserify-tests', function() { // TODO(bckenny): is there a less-dumb way of doing this? .require('./test/browser/fake-chai.js', {expose: 'chai'}) .require('./test/browser/fake-libtess.js', - {expose: '../libtess.cat.js'}) + {expose: '../libtess.debug.js'}) .require('./test/browser/fake-libtess.js', {expose: '../libtess.min.js'}) @@ -146,10 +194,10 @@ gulp.task('test', ['lint'], function() { // TODO(bckenny): clean this up gulp.task('coverage', ['build'], function(doneCallback) { - // use libtess.cat.js for coverage testing (see TODO in test/common.js) + // use libtess.debug.js for coverage testing (see TODO in test/common.js) process.env.testType = 'coverage'; - gulp.src('libtess.cat.js') + gulp.src('libtess.debug.js') .pipe(istanbul()) .on('finish', function() { gulp.src('test/*.test.js') @@ -181,7 +229,7 @@ gulp.task('browserify-expectations-viewer', function() { return browserify('./test/expectations-viewer.js') .require('./test/browser/fake-chai.js', {expose: 'chai'}) .require('./test/browser/fake-libtess.js', - {expose: '../libtess.cat.js'}) + {expose: '../libtess.debug.js'}) .require('./test/browser/fake-libtess.js', {expose: '../libtess.min.js'}) diff --git a/libtess.cat.js b/libtess.cat.js index 9b7ad9f..997bd32 100644 --- a/libtess.cat.js +++ b/libtess.cat.js @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ var libtess = {}; * Whether to run asserts and extra debug checks. * @define {boolean} */ -libtess.DEBUG = true; +libtess.DEBUG = false; /** @@ -289,7 +289,6 @@ libtess.geom.vertLeq = function(u, v) { * @return {number} double. */ libtess.geom.edgeEval = function(u, v, w) { - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.vertLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v.s - u.s; var gapR = w.s - v.s; @@ -318,7 +317,6 @@ libtess.geom.edgeEval = function(u, v, w) { * @return {number} double. */ libtess.geom.edgeSign = function(u, v, w) { - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.vertLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v.s - u.s; var gapR = w.s - v.s; @@ -363,7 +361,6 @@ libtess.geom.transLeq = function(u, v) { * @return {number} double. */ libtess.geom.transEval = function(u, v, w) { - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.transLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.transLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v.t - u.t; var gapR = w.t - v.t; @@ -393,7 +390,6 @@ libtess.geom.transEval = function(u, v, w) { * @return {number} double. */ libtess.geom.transSign = function(u, v, w) { - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.transLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.transLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v.t - u.t; var gapR = w.t - v.t; @@ -1330,7 +1326,6 @@ libtess.normal.dot_ = function(u, v) { libtess.normal.normalize_ = function(v) { var len = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]; - libtess.assert(len > 0); len = Math.sqrt(len); v[0] /= len; v[1] /= len; @@ -1499,8 +1494,6 @@ libtess.render.renderMesh = function(tess, mesh, flagEdges) { // check that face has only three edges var e = f.anEdge; - libtess.assert(e.lNext.lNext.lNext === e, - 'renderMesh called with non-triangulated mesh'); // Loop once for each edge (there will always be 3 edges) do { if (flagEdges) { @@ -1749,7 +1742,6 @@ libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_ = function(tess, reg) { // It was created with zero winding number, so it better be // deleted with zero winding number (ie. it better not get merged // with a real edge). - libtess.assert(reg.eUp.winding === 0); } reg.eUp.activeRegion = null; @@ -1769,7 +1761,6 @@ libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_ = function(tess, reg) { * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} newEdge [description]. */ libtess.sweep.fixUpperEdge_ = function(reg, newEdge) { - libtess.assert(reg.fixUpperEdge); libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(reg.eUp); reg.fixUpperEdge = false; @@ -1866,7 +1857,6 @@ libtess.sweep.isWindingInside_ = function(tess, n) { } // TODO(bckenny): not reached - libtess.assert(false); return false; }; @@ -1992,7 +1982,6 @@ libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_ = function(tess, regUp, eFirst, eLast, eTopLeft, // Insert the new right-going edges in the dictionary var e = eFirst; do { - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(e.org, e.dst())); libtess.sweep.addRegionBelow_(tess, regUp, e.sym); e = e.oNext; } while (e !== eLast); @@ -2036,7 +2025,6 @@ libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_ = function(tess, regUp, eFirst, eLast, eTopLeft, } regPrev.dirty = true; - libtess.assert(regPrev.windingNumber - e.winding === reg.windingNumber); if (cleanUp) { // Check for intersections between newly adjacent edges. @@ -2270,7 +2258,6 @@ libtess.sweep.checkForLeftSplice_ = function(tess, regUp) { var eLo = regLo.eUp; var e; - libtess.assert(!libtess.geom.vertEq(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst())); if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst())) { if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst(), eUp.org) < 0) { @@ -2324,11 +2311,6 @@ libtess.sweep.checkForIntersect_ = function(tess, regUp) { var isect = new libtess.GluVertex(); - libtess.assert(!libtess.geom.vertEq(dstLo, dstUp)); - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstUp, tess.event, orgUp) <= 0); - libtess.assert(libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstLo, tess.event, orgLo) >= 0); - libtess.assert(orgUp !== tess.event && orgLo !== tess.event); - libtess.assert(!regUp.fixUpperEdge && !regLo.fixUpperEdge); if (orgUp === orgLo) { // right endpoints are the same @@ -2358,10 +2340,6 @@ libtess.sweep.checkForIntersect_ = function(tess, regUp) { libtess.geom.edgeIntersect(dstUp, orgUp, dstLo, orgLo, isect); // The following properties are guaranteed: - libtess.assert(Math.min(orgUp.t, dstUp.t) <= isect.t); - libtess.assert(isect.t <= Math.max(orgLo.t, dstLo.t)); - libtess.assert(Math.min(dstLo.s, dstUp.s) <= isect.s); - libtess.assert(isect.s <= Math.max(orgLo.s, orgUp.s)); if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(isect, tess.event)) { /* The intersection point lies slightly to the left of the sweep line, @@ -2665,7 +2643,6 @@ libtess.sweep.connectLeftDegenerate_ = function(tess, regUp, vEvent) { // Compiler eliminate dead code. // e.org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait // for e.org to be pulled from the queue - libtess.assert(libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_); if (libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_) { libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_(tess, e, vEvent.anEdge); } @@ -2696,7 +2673,6 @@ libtess.sweep.connectLeftDegenerate_ = function(tess, regUp, vEvent) { // vEvent coincides with e.dst(), which has already been processed. // Splice in the additional right-going edges. /* istanbul ignore next */ - libtess.assert(libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_) { @@ -2711,7 +2687,6 @@ libtess.sweep.connectLeftDegenerate_ = function(tess, regUp, vEvent) { // We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges. // there are some left edges too - libtess.assert(eTopLeft !== eTopRight); libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, reg); // TODO(bckenny): something to null? libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eTopRight); eTopRight = eTopLeft.oPrev(); @@ -2900,6 +2875,9 @@ libtess.sweep.initEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. */ libtess.sweep.doneEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { + // NOTE(bckenny): fixedEdges is only used in the assert below, so ignore so + // when asserts are removed jshint won't error. + /* jshint unused:false */ var fixedEdges = 0; var reg; @@ -2908,10 +2886,7 @@ libtess.sweep.doneEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { // only the two sentinel edges, plus at most one "fixable" edge // created by connectRightVertex(). if (!reg.sentinel) { - libtess.assert(reg.fixUpperEdge); - libtess.assert(++fixedEdges === 1); } - libtess.assert(reg.windingNumber === 0); libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, reg); } @@ -3015,7 +2990,6 @@ libtess.sweep.removeDegenerateFaces_ = function(mesh) { for (var f = mesh.fHead.next; f !== mesh.fHead; f = fNext) { fNext = f.next; var e = f.anEdge; - libtess.assert(e.lNext !== e); if (e.lNext.lNext === e) { // A face with only two edges @@ -3067,7 +3041,6 @@ libtess.tessmono.tessellateMonoRegion_ = function(face) { * be close to the edge we want. */ var up = face.anEdge; - libtess.assert(up.lNext !== up && up.lNext.lNext !== up); for (; libtess.geom.vertLeq(up.dst(), up.org); up = up.lPrev()) { } for (; libtess.geom.vertLeq(up.org, up.dst()); up = up.lNext) { } @@ -3102,7 +3075,6 @@ libtess.tessmono.tessellateMonoRegion_ = function(face) { // Now lo.org == up.dst() == the leftmost vertex. The remaining region // can be tessellated in a fan from this leftmost vertex. - libtess.assert(lo.lNext !== up); while (lo.lNext.lNext !== up) { tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.connect(lo.lNext, lo); lo = tempHalfEdge.sym; @@ -3699,20 +3671,13 @@ libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluGetTessProperty = function(which) { switch (which) { case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: // tolerance should be in range [0..1] - libtess.assert(0 <= this.relTolerance && this.relTolerance <= 1); return this.relTolerance; case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: var rule = this.windingRule; - libtess.assert(rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD || - rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO || - rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE || - rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE || - rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO); return rule; case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: - libtess.assert(this.boundaryOnly === true || this.boundaryOnly === false); return this.boundaryOnly; default: @@ -4506,52 +4471,26 @@ libtess.GluMesh.prototype.checkMesh = function() { var f; var fPrev = fHead; for (fPrev = fHead; (f = fPrev.next) !== fHead; fPrev = f) { - libtess.assert(f.prev === fPrev); e = f.anEdge; do { - libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); - libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); - libtess.assert(e.lFace === f); e = e.lNext; } while (e !== f.anEdge); } - libtess.assert(f.prev === fPrev && f.anEdge === null && f.data === null); // vertices var v; var vPrev = vHead; for (vPrev = vHead; (v = vPrev.next) !== vHead; vPrev = v) { - libtess.assert(v.prev === vPrev); e = v.anEdge; do { - libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); - libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); - libtess.assert(e.org === v); e = e.oNext; } while (e !== v.anEdge); } - libtess.assert(v.prev === vPrev && v.anEdge === null && v.data === null); // edges var ePrev = eHead; for (ePrev = eHead; (e = ePrev.next) !== eHead; ePrev = e) { - libtess.assert(e.sym.next === ePrev.sym); - libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); - libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.org !== null); - libtess.assert(e.dst() !== null); - libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); - libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); } - libtess.assert(e.sym.next === ePrev.sym && - e.sym === this.eHeadSym && - e.sym.sym === e && - e.org === null && e.dst() === null && - e.lFace === null && e.rFace() === null); }; @@ -4857,8 +4796,6 @@ libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.init = function() { var p = 0; var r = p + this.size_ - 1; for (i = p; i < r; ++i) { - libtess.assert(this.leq_(this.keys_[this.order_[i + 1]], - this.keys_[this.order_[i]])); } } // #endif @@ -5025,7 +4962,6 @@ libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.remove = function(curr) { } curr = -(curr + 1); - libtess.assert(curr < this.max_ && this.keys_[curr] !== null); this.keys_[curr] = null; while (this.size_ > 0 && this.keys_[this.order_[this.size_ - 1]] === null) { @@ -5236,7 +5172,6 @@ libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.remove = function(hCurr) { var n = this.nodes_; var h = this.handles_; - libtess.assert(hCurr >= 1 && hCurr <= this.max_ && h[hCurr].key !== null); var curr = h[hCurr].node; n[curr].handle = n[this.size_].handle; @@ -5278,7 +5213,6 @@ libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.floatDown_ = function(curr) { ++child; } - libtess.assert(child <= this.max_); var hChild = n[child].handle; if (child > this.size_ || this.leq_(h[hCurr].key, h[hChild].key)) { diff --git a/libtess.debug.js b/libtess.debug.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eca61d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/libtess.debug.js @@ -0,0 +1,5409 @@ +/** + * @license + * Copyright 2000, Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to + * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the + * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or + * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and + * either this permission notice or a reference to http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ + * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR + * IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation, + * Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics, + * Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. + * Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated + * elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved. + */ + +/** + * @author ericv@cs.stanford.edu (Eric Veach) + * @author bckenny@google.com (Brendan Kenny) + */ + +/** + * Base namespace. + * @const + */ +var libtess = {}; + + +/** + * Whether to run asserts and extra debug checks. + * @define {boolean} + */ +libtess.DEBUG = true; + + +/** + * Checks if the condition evaluates to true if libtess.DEBUG is true. + * @param {*} condition The condition to check. + * @param {string=} opt_message Error message in case of failure. + * @throws {Error} Assertion failed, the condition evaluates to false. + */ +libtess.assert = function(condition, opt_message) { + if (libtess.DEBUG && !condition) { + throw new Error('Assertion failed' + + (opt_message ? ': ' + opt_message : '')); + } +}; + + +/** + * [sweepDebugEvent description] + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess + */ +libtess.sweepDebugEvent = function(tess) { + // TODO(bckenny): closure debug flag/debugger support + // sweep event updated +}; + + +/** + * [GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD description] + * @type {number} + * @const + */ +libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD = 1e150; +// NOTE(bckenny): from glu.pl generator + + +/** + * Normally the polygon is projected to a plane perpendicular to one of the + * three coordinate axes before tessellating in 2d. This helps numerical + * accuracy by forgoing a transformation step by simply dropping one coordinate + * dimension. + * + * However, this can affect the placement of intersection points for non-axis- + * aligned polygons. Setting TRUE_PROJECT to true will instead project onto a + * plane actually perpendicular to the polygon's normal. + * + * NOTE(bckenny): I can find no instances in which this mode has ever been used, + * but it's difficult to search for. This was a compile-time setting in the + * original, so setting this as constant. If this is exposed in the public API, + * remove the ignore coverage directives on libtess.normal.projectPolygon and + * libtess.normal.normalize_. + * @type {boolean} + * @const + */ +libtess.TRUE_PROJECT = false; + + +/** + * We cache vertex data for single-contour polygons so that we can + * try a quick-and-dirty decomposition first. + * @type {number} + * @const + */ +libtess.TESS_MAX_CACHE = 100; + + +/** + * [GLU_TESS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE description] + * @type {number} + * @const + */ +libtess.GLU_TESS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = 0.0; + + +/** + * The begin/end calls must be properly nested. We keep track of + * the current state to enforce the ordering. + * + * @enum {number} + */ +libtess.tessState = { + // TODO(bckenny): only used in GluTesselator, probably move there + T_DORMANT: 0, + T_IN_POLYGON: 1, + T_IN_CONTOUR: 2 +}; + + +/** + * The input contours parition the plane into regions. A winding + * rule determines which of these regions are inside the polygon. + * + * For a single contour C, the winding number of a point x is simply + * the signed number of revolutions we make around x as we travel + * once around C (where CCW is positive). When there are several + * contours, the individual winding numbers are summed. This + * procedure associates a signed integer value with each point x in + * the plane. Note that the winding number is the same for all + * points in a single region. + * + * The winding rule classifies a region as "inside" if its winding + * number belongs to the chosen category (odd, nonzero, positive, + * negative, or absolute value of at least two). The current GLU + * tesselator implements the "odd" rule. The "nonzero" rule is another + * common way to define the interior. The other three rules are + * useful for polygon CSG operations. + * + * @enum {number} + */ +libtess.windingRule = { + // NOTE(bckenny): values from enumglu.spec + GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD: 100130, + GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO: 100131, + GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE: 100132, + GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE: 100133, + GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO: 100134 +}; + + +/** + * The type of primitive return from a "begin" callback. GL_LINE_LOOP is only + * returned when GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY is true. Values of enum match WebGL + * constants. + * + * @enum {number} + */ +libtess.primitiveType = { + // TODO(bckenny): doc types + GL_LINE_LOOP: 2, + GL_TRIANGLES: 4, + GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: 5, + GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: 6 +}; + + +/** + * The types of errors provided to error callback. + * @enum {number} + */ +libtess.errorType = { + // TODO(bckenny) doc types + // NOTE(bckenny): values from enumglu.spec + GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_POLYGON: 100151, + GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_POLYGON: 100153, + GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_CONTOUR: 100152, + GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_CONTOUR: 100154, + GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE: 100155, + GLU_TESS_NEED_COMBINE_CALLBACK: 100156 +}; + + +/** + * GLU enums necessary for this project. + * see enumglu.spec + * TODO(bckenny): better source for these? + * + * @enum {number} + */ +libtess.gluEnum = { + // NOTE(bckenny): values from enumglu.spec + // TODO(bckenny): most enums under here? drop GLU? or rename in other ways + GLU_TESS_MESH: 100112, // from tess.c + GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: 100142, + GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: 100140, + GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: 100141, + + // TODO(bckenny): should this live in errorType? + GLU_INVALID_ENUM: 100900, + GLU_INVALID_VALUE: 100901, + + GLU_TESS_BEGIN: 100100, + GLU_TESS_VERTEX: 100101, + GLU_TESS_END: 100102, + GLU_TESS_ERROR: 100103, + GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG: 100104, + GLU_TESS_COMBINE: 100105, + GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: 100106, + GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: 100107, + GLU_TESS_END_DATA: 100108, + GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: 100109, + GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: 100110, + GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: 100111 +}; + + +/** @typedef {number} */ +libtess.PQHandle; + + +// TODO(bckenny): better typing on key? +/** @typedef {Object} */ +libtess.PQKey; + + + +// TODO(bckenny): get rid of this: +// NOTE(bckenny): using NO_BRANCH_CONDITIONS = false + +/* global libtess */ + +/** @const */ +libtess.geom = {}; + + +/** + * [vertEq description] + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.geom.vertEq = function(u, v) { + return u.s === v.s && u.t === v.t; +}; + + +/** + * Returns true if u is lexicographically <= v. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.geom.vertLeq = function(u, v) { + return (u.s < v.s) || (u.s === v.s && u.t <= v.t); +}; + + +/** + * Given three vertices u,v,w such that geom.vertLeq(u,v) && geom.vertLeq(v,w), + * evaluates the t-coord of the edge uw at the s-coord of the vertex v. + * Returns v.t - (uw)(v.s), ie. the signed distance from uw to v. + * If uw is vertical (and thus passes thru v), the result is zero. + * + * The calculation is extremely accurate and stable, even when v + * is very close to u or w. In particular if we set v.t = 0 and + * let r be the negated result (this evaluates (uw)(v.s)), then + * r is guaranteed to satisfy MIN(u.t,w.t) <= r <= MAX(u.t,w.t). + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} w [description]. + * @return {number} double. + */ +libtess.geom.edgeEval = function(u, v, w) { + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.vertLeq(v, w)); + + var gapL = v.s - u.s; + var gapR = w.s - v.s; + + if (gapL + gapR > 0) { + if (gapL < gapR) { + return (v.t - u.t) + (u.t - w.t) * (gapL / (gapL + gapR)); + } else { + return (v.t - w.t) + (w.t - u.t) * (gapR / (gapL + gapR)); + } + } + + // vertical line + return 0; +}; + + +/** + * Returns a number whose sign matches geom.edgeEval(u,v,w) but which + * is cheaper to evaluate. Returns > 0, == 0 , or < 0 + * as v is above, on, or below the edge uw. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} w [description]. + * @return {number} double. + */ +libtess.geom.edgeSign = function(u, v, w) { + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.vertLeq(v, w)); + + var gapL = v.s - u.s; + var gapR = w.s - v.s; + + if (gapL + gapR > 0) { + return (v.t - w.t) * gapL + (v.t - u.t) * gapR; + } + + // vertical line + return 0; +}; + + +/** + * Version of VertLeq with s and t transposed. + * Returns true if u is lexicographically <= v. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.geom.transLeq = function(u, v) { + return (u.t < v.t) || (u.t === v.t && u.s <= v.s); +}; + + +/** + * Version of geom.edgeEval with s and t transposed. + * Given three vertices u,v,w such that geom.transLeq(u,v) && geom.transLeq(v,w), + * evaluates the t-coord of the edge uw at the s-coord of the vertex v. + * Returns v.s - (uw)(v.t), ie. the signed distance from uw to v. + * If uw is vertical (and thus passes thru v), the result is zero. + * + * The calculation is extremely accurate and stable, even when v + * is very close to u or w. In particular if we set v.s = 0 and + * let r be the negated result (this evaluates (uw)(v.t)), then + * r is guaranteed to satisfy MIN(u.s,w.s) <= r <= MAX(u.s,w.s). + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} w [description]. + * @return {number} double. + */ +libtess.geom.transEval = function(u, v, w) { + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.transLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.transLeq(v, w)); + + var gapL = v.t - u.t; + var gapR = w.t - v.t; + + if (gapL + gapR > 0) { + if (gapL < gapR) { + return (v.s - u.s) + (u.s - w.s) * (gapL / (gapL + gapR)); + } else { + return (v.s - w.s) + (w.s - u.s) * (gapR / (gapL + gapR)); + } + } + + // vertical line + return 0; +}; + + +/** + * Version of geom.edgeSign with s and t transposed. + * Returns a number whose sign matches geom.transEval(u,v,w) but which + * is cheaper to evaluate. Returns > 0, == 0 , or < 0 + * as v is above, on, or below the edge uw. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} w [description]. + * @return {number} double. + */ +libtess.geom.transSign = function(u, v, w) { + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.transLeq(u, v) && libtess.geom.transLeq(v, w)); + + var gapL = v.t - u.t; + var gapR = w.t - v.t; + + if (gapL + gapR > 0) { + return (v.s - w.s) * gapL + (v.s - u.s) * gapR; + } + + // vertical line + return 0; +}; + + +/** + * [edgeGoesLeft description] + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} e [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.geom.edgeGoesLeft = function(e) { + return libtess.geom.vertLeq(e.dst(), e.org); +}; + + +/** + * [edgeGoesRight description] + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} e [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.geom.edgeGoesRight = function(e) { + return libtess.geom.vertLeq(e.org, e.dst()); +}; + + +/** + * [vertL1dist description] + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @return {number} [description]. + */ +libtess.geom.vertL1dist = function(u, v) { + return Math.abs(u.s - v.s) + Math.abs(u.t - v.t); +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): vertCCW is called nowhere in libtess and isn't part of the +// public API. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * For almost-degenerate situations, the results are not reliable. + * Unless the floating-point arithmetic can be performed without + * rounding errors, *any* implementation will give incorrect results + * on some degenerate inputs, so the client must have some way to + * handle this situation. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} u [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} w [description]. + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.geom.vertCCW = function(u, v, w) { + return (u.s * (v.t - w.t) + v.s * (w.t - u.t) + w.s * (u.t - v.t)) >= 0; +}; + + +/** + * Given parameters a,x,b,y returns the value (b*x+a*y)/(a+b), + * or (x+y)/2 if a==b==0. It requires that a,b >= 0, and enforces + * this in the rare case that one argument is slightly negative. + * The implementation is extremely stable numerically. + * In particular it guarantees that the result r satisfies + * MIN(x,y) <= r <= MAX(x,y), and the results are very accurate + * even when a and b differ greatly in magnitude. + * + * @private + * @param {number} a [description]. + * @param {number} x [description]. + * @param {number} b [description]. + * @param {number} y [description]. + * @return {number} [description]. + */ +libtess.geom.interpolate_ = function(a, x, b, y) { + //(a = (a < 0) ? 0 : a, b = (b < 0) ? 0 : b, ((a <= b) ? ((b == 0) ? ((x+y) / 2) : (x + (y-x) * (a/(a+b)))) : (y + (x-y) * (b/(a+b))))) + a = (a < 0) ? 0 : a; + b = (b < 0) ? 0 : b; + + if (a <= b) { + if (b === 0) { + return (x + y) / 2; + } else { + return x + (y - x) * (a / (a + b)); + } + } else { + return y + (x - y) * (b / (a + b)); + } +}; + + +/** + * Given edges (o1,d1) and (o2,d2), compute their point of intersection. + * The computed point is guaranteed to lie in the intersection of the + * bounding rectangles defined by each edge. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} o1 [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} d1 [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} o2 [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} d2 [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} v output. + */ +libtess.geom.edgeIntersect = function(o1, d1, o2, d2, v) { + /* This is certainly not the most efficient way to find the intersection + * of two line segments, but it is very numerically stable. + * + * Strategy: find the two middle vertices in the VertLeq ordering, + * and interpolate the intersection s-value from these. Then repeat + * using the TransLeq ordering to find the intersection t-value. + */ + var z1; + var z2; + var tmp; + + if (!libtess.geom.vertLeq(o1, d1)) { + // Swap(o1, d1); + tmp = o1; + o1 = d1; + d1 = tmp; + } + if (!libtess.geom.vertLeq(o2, d2)) { + // Swap(o2, d2); + tmp = o2; + o2 = d2; + d2 = tmp; + } + if (!libtess.geom.vertLeq(o1, o2)) { + // Swap(o1, o2); + tmp = o1; + o1 = o2; + o2 = tmp; + // Swap(d1, d2); + tmp = d1; + d1 = d2; + d2 = tmp; + } + + if (!libtess.geom.vertLeq(o2, d1)) { + // Technically, no intersection -- do our best + v.s = (o2.s + d1.s) / 2; + + } else if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(d1, d2)) { + // Interpolate between o2 and d1 + z1 = libtess.geom.edgeEval(o1, o2, d1); + z2 = libtess.geom.edgeEval(o2, d1, d2); + if (z1 + z2 < 0) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } + v.s = libtess.geom.interpolate_(z1, o2.s, z2, d1.s); + + } else { + // Interpolate between o2 and d2 + z1 = libtess.geom.edgeSign(o1, o2, d1); + z2 = -libtess.geom.edgeSign(o1, d2, d1); + if (z1 + z2 < 0) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } + v.s = libtess.geom.interpolate_(z1, o2.s, z2, d2.s); + } + + // Now repeat the process for t + if (!libtess.geom.transLeq(o1, d1)) { + // Swap(o1, d1); + tmp = o1; + o1 = d1; + d1 = tmp; + } + if (!libtess.geom.transLeq(o2, d2)) { + // Swap(o2, d2); + tmp = o2; + o2 = d2; + d2 = tmp; + } + if (!libtess.geom.transLeq(o1, o2)) { + // Swap(o1, o2); + tmp = o1; + o1 = o2; + o2 = tmp; + // Swap(d1, d2); + tmp = d1; + d1 = d2; + d2 = tmp; + } + + if (!libtess.geom.transLeq(o2, d1)) { + // Technically, no intersection -- do our best + v.t = (o2.t + d1.t) / 2; + + } else if (libtess.geom.transLeq(d1, d2)) { + // Interpolate between o2 and d1 + z1 = libtess.geom.transEval(o1, o2, d1); + z2 = libtess.geom.transEval(o2, d1, d2); + if (z1 + z2 < 0) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } + v.t = libtess.geom.interpolate_(z1, o2.t, z2, d1.t); + + } else { + // Interpolate between o2 and d2 + z1 = libtess.geom.transSign(o1, o2, d1); + z2 = -libtess.geom.transSign(o1, d2, d1); + if (z1 + z2 < 0) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } + v.t = libtess.geom.interpolate_(z1, o2.t, z2, d2.t); + } +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): could maybe merge GluMesh and mesh.js since these are +// operations on the mesh + +/** @const */ +libtess.mesh = {}; + +/****************** Basic Edge Operations **********************/ + + +/** + * makeEdge creates one edge, two vertices, and a loop (face). + * The loop consists of the two new half-edges. + * + * @param {libtess.GluMesh} mesh [description]. + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.makeEdge = function(mesh) { + // TODO(bckenny): probably move to GluMesh, but needs Make* methods with it + + var e = libtess.mesh.makeEdgePair_(mesh.eHead); + + // complete edge with vertices and face (see mesh.makeEdgePair_) + libtess.mesh.makeVertex_(e, mesh.vHead); + libtess.mesh.makeVertex_(e.sym, mesh.vHead); + libtess.mesh.makeFace_(e, mesh.fHead); + + return e; +}; + + +/** + * meshSplice(eOrg, eDst) is the basic operation for changing the + * mesh connectivity and topology. It changes the mesh so that + * eOrg.oNext <- OLD( eDst.oNext ) + * eDst.oNext <- OLD( eOrg.oNext ) + * where OLD(...) means the value before the meshSplice operation. + * + * This can have two effects on the vertex structure: + * - if eOrg.org != eDst.org, the two vertices are merged together + * - if eOrg.org == eDst.org, the origin is split into two vertices + * In both cases, eDst.org is changed and eOrg.org is untouched. + * + * Similarly (and independently) for the face structure, + * - if eOrg.lFace == eDst.lFace, one loop is split into two + * - if eOrg.lFace != eDst.lFace, two distinct loops are joined into one + * In both cases, eDst.lFace is changed and eOrg.lFace is unaffected. + * + * Some special cases: + * If eDst == eOrg, the operation has no effect. + * If eDst == eOrg.lNext, the new face will have a single edge. + * If eDst == eOrg.lPrev(), the old face will have a single edge. + * If eDst == eOrg.oNext, the new vertex will have a single edge. + * If eDst == eOrg.oPrev(), the old vertex will have a single edge. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrg [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eDst [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.meshSplice = function(eOrg, eDst) { + // TODO: more descriptive name? + + var joiningLoops = false; + var joiningVertices = false; + + if (eOrg === eDst) { + return; + } + + if (eDst.org !== eOrg.org) { + // We are merging two disjoint vertices -- destroy eDst.org + joiningVertices = true; + libtess.mesh.killVertex_(eDst.org, eOrg.org); + } + + if (eDst.lFace !== eOrg.lFace) { + // We are connecting two disjoint loops -- destroy eDst.lFace + joiningLoops = true; + libtess.mesh.killFace_(eDst.lFace, eOrg.lFace); + } + + // Change the edge structure + libtess.mesh.splice_(eDst, eOrg); + + if (!joiningVertices) { + // We split one vertex into two -- the new vertex is eDst.org. + // Make sure the old vertex points to a valid half-edge. + libtess.mesh.makeVertex_(eDst, eOrg.org); + eOrg.org.anEdge = eOrg; + } + + if (!joiningLoops) { + // We split one loop into two -- the new loop is eDst.lFace. + // Make sure the old face points to a valid half-edge. + libtess.mesh.makeFace_(eDst, eOrg.lFace); + eOrg.lFace.anEdge = eOrg; + } +}; + + +/** + * deleteEdge(eDel) removes the edge eDel. There are several cases: + * if (eDel.lFace != eDel.rFace()), we join two loops into one; the loop + * eDel.lFace is deleted. Otherwise, we are splitting one loop into two; + * the newly created loop will contain eDel.dst(). If the deletion of eDel + * would create isolated vertices, those are deleted as well. + * + * This function could be implemented as two calls to __gl_meshSplice + * plus a few calls to memFree, but this would allocate and delete + * unnecessary vertices and faces. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eDel [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.deleteEdge = function(eDel) { + var eDelSym = eDel.sym; + var joiningLoops = false; + + // First step: disconnect the origin vertex eDel.org. We make all + // changes to get a consistent mesh in this "intermediate" state. + if (eDel.lFace !== eDel.rFace()) { + // We are joining two loops into one -- remove the left face + joiningLoops = true; + libtess.mesh.killFace_(eDel.lFace, eDel.rFace()); + } + + if (eDel.oNext === eDel) { + libtess.mesh.killVertex_(eDel.org, null); + + } else { + // Make sure that eDel.org and eDel.rFace() point to valid half-edges + eDel.rFace().anEdge = eDel.oPrev(); + eDel.org.anEdge = eDel.oNext; + + libtess.mesh.splice_(eDel, eDel.oPrev()); + + if (!joiningLoops) { + // We are splitting one loop into two -- create a new loop for eDel. + libtess.mesh.makeFace_(eDel, eDel.lFace); + } + } + + // Claim: the mesh is now in a consistent state, except that eDel.org + // may have been deleted. Now we disconnect eDel.dst(). + if (eDelSym.oNext === eDelSym) { + libtess.mesh.killVertex_(eDelSym.org, null); + libtess.mesh.killFace_(eDelSym.lFace, null); + + } else { + // Make sure that eDel.dst() and eDel.lFace point to valid half-edges + eDel.lFace.anEdge = eDelSym.oPrev(); + eDelSym.org.anEdge = eDelSym.oNext; + libtess.mesh.splice_(eDelSym, eDelSym.oPrev()); + } + + // Any isolated vertices or faces have already been freed. + libtess.mesh.killEdge_(eDel); +}; + +/******************** Other Edge Operations **********************/ + +/* All these routines can be implemented with the basic edge + * operations above. They are provided for convenience and efficiency. + */ + + +/** + * addEdgeVertex(eOrg) creates a new edge eNew such that + * eNew == eOrg.lNext, and eNew.dst() is a newly created vertex. + * eOrg and eNew will have the same left face. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrg [description]. + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.addEdgeVertex = function(eOrg) { + // TODO(bckenny): why is it named this? + + var eNew = libtess.mesh.makeEdgePair_(eOrg); + var eNewSym = eNew.sym; + + // Connect the new edge appropriately + libtess.mesh.splice_(eNew, eOrg.lNext); + + // Set the vertex and face information + eNew.org = eOrg.dst(); + + libtess.mesh.makeVertex_(eNewSym, eNew.org); + + eNew.lFace = eNewSym.lFace = eOrg.lFace; + + return eNew; +}; + + +/** + * splitEdge(eOrg) splits eOrg into two edges eOrg and eNew, + * such that eNew == eOrg.lNext. The new vertex is eOrg.dst() == eNew.org. + * eOrg and eNew will have the same left face. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrg [description]. + * @return {!libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.splitEdge = function(eOrg) { + var tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.addEdgeVertex(eOrg); + var eNew = tempHalfEdge.sym; + + // Disconnect eOrg from eOrg.dst() and connect it to eNew.org + libtess.mesh.splice_(eOrg.sym, eOrg.sym.oPrev()); + libtess.mesh.splice_(eOrg.sym, eNew); + + // Set the vertex and face information + eOrg.sym.org = eNew.org; // NOTE(bckenny): assignment to dst + eNew.dst().anEdge = eNew.sym; // may have pointed to eOrg.sym + eNew.sym.lFace = eOrg.rFace(); // NOTE(bckenny): assignment to rFace + eNew.winding = eOrg.winding; // copy old winding information + eNew.sym.winding = eOrg.sym.winding; + + return eNew; +}; + + +/** + * connect(eOrg, eDst) creates a new edge from eOrg.dst() + * to eDst.org, and returns the corresponding half-edge eNew. + * If eOrg.lFace == eDst.lFace, this splits one loop into two, + * and the newly created loop is eNew.lFace. Otherwise, two disjoint + * loops are merged into one, and the loop eDst.lFace is destroyed. + * + * If (eOrg == eDst), the new face will have only two edges. + * If (eOrg.lNext == eDst), the old face is reduced to a single edge. + * If (eOrg.lNext.lNext == eDst), the old face is reduced to two edges. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrg [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eDst [description]. + * @return {!libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.connect = function(eOrg, eDst) { + var joiningLoops = false; + var eNew = libtess.mesh.makeEdgePair_(eOrg); + var eNewSym = eNew.sym; + + if (eDst.lFace !== eOrg.lFace) { + // We are connecting two disjoint loops -- destroy eDst.lFace + joiningLoops = true; + libtess.mesh.killFace_(eDst.lFace, eOrg.lFace); + } + + // Connect the new edge appropriately + libtess.mesh.splice_(eNew, eOrg.lNext); + libtess.mesh.splice_(eNewSym, eDst); + + // Set the vertex and face information + eNew.org = eOrg.dst(); + eNewSym.org = eDst.org; + eNew.lFace = eNewSym.lFace = eOrg.lFace; + + // Make sure the old face points to a valid half-edge + eOrg.lFace.anEdge = eNewSym; + + if (!joiningLoops) { + // We split one loop into two -- the new loop is eNew.lFace + libtess.mesh.makeFace_(eNew, eOrg.lFace); + } + return eNew; +}; + +/******************** Other Operations **********************/ + + +/** + * zapFace(fZap) destroys a face and removes it from the + * global face list. All edges of fZap will have a null pointer as their + * left face. Any edges which also have a null pointer as their right face + * are deleted entirely (along with any isolated vertices this produces). + * An entire mesh can be deleted by zapping its faces, one at a time, + * in any order. Zapped faces cannot be used in further mesh operations! + * + * @param {libtess.GluFace} fZap [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.zapFace = function(fZap) { + var eStart = fZap.anEdge; + + // walk around face, deleting edges whose right face is also NULL + var eNext = eStart.lNext; + var e; + do { + e = eNext; + eNext = e.lNext; + + e.lFace = null; + if (e.rFace() === null) { + // delete the edge -- see mesh.deleteEdge above + if (e.oNext === e) { + libtess.mesh.killVertex_(e.org, null); + + } else { + // Make sure that e.org points to a valid half-edge + e.org.anEdge = e.oNext; + libtess.mesh.splice_(e, e.oPrev()); + } + + var eSym = e.sym; + + if (eSym.oNext === eSym) { + libtess.mesh.killVertex_(eSym.org, null); + + } else { + // Make sure that eSym.org points to a valid half-edge + eSym.org.anEdge = eSym.oNext; + libtess.mesh.splice_(eSym, eSym.oPrev()); + } + libtess.mesh.killEdge_(e); + } + } while (e !== eStart); + + // delete from circular doubly-linked list + var fPrev = fZap.prev; + var fNext = fZap.next; + fNext.prev = fPrev; + fPrev.next = fNext; + + // TODO(bckenny): memFree( fZap ); + // TODO(bckenny): probably null at callsite +}; + +// TODO(bckenny): meshUnion isn't called within libtess and isn't part of the +// public API. Could be useful if more mesh manipulation functions are exposed. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * meshUnion() forms the union of all structures in + * both meshes, and returns the new mesh (the old meshes are destroyed). + * + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh1 + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh2 + * @return {!libtess.GluMesh} + */ +libtess.mesh.meshUnion = function(mesh1, mesh2) { + // TODO(bceknny): probably move to GluMesh method + var f1 = mesh1.fHead; + var v1 = mesh1.vHead; + var e1 = mesh1.eHead; + + var f2 = mesh2.fHead; + var v2 = mesh2.vHead; + var e2 = mesh2.eHead; + + // Add the faces, vertices, and edges of mesh2 to those of mesh1 + if (f2.next !== f2) { + f1.prev.next = f2.next; + f2.next.prev = f1.prev; + f2.prev.next = f1; + f1.prev = f2.prev; + } + + if (v2.next !== v2) { + v1.prev.next = v2.next; + v2.next.prev = v1.prev; + v2.prev.next = v1; + v1.prev = v2.prev; + } + + if (e2.next !== e2) { + e1.sym.next.sym.next = e2.next; + e2.next.sym.next = e1.sym.next; + e2.sym.next.sym.next = e1; + e1.sym.next = e2.sym.next; + } + + // TODO(bckenny): memFree(mesh2); + // TODO(bckenny): If function is kept, remove mesh2's data to enforce. + return mesh1; +}; + + +/** + * deleteMesh(mesh) will free all storage for any valid mesh. + * @param {libtess.GluMesh} mesh [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.deleteMesh = function(mesh) { + // TODO(bckenny): unnecessary, I think. + // TODO(bckenny): might want to explicitly null at callsite + // lots of memFrees. see also DELETE_BY_ZAPPING +}; + +/************************ Utility Routines ************************/ + + +/** + * Creates a new pair of half-edges which form their own loop. + * No vertex or face structures are allocated, but these must be assigned + * before the current edge operation is completed. + * + * TODO(bckenny): warning about eNext strictly being first of pair? (see code) + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eNext [description]. + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.makeEdgePair_ = function(eNext) { + var e = new libtess.GluHalfEdge(); + var eSym = new libtess.GluHalfEdge(); + + // TODO(bckenny): how do we ensure this? see above comment in jsdoc + // Make sure eNext points to the first edge of the edge pair + // if (eNext->Sym < eNext ) { eNext = eNext->Sym; } + + // NOTE(bckenny): check this for bugs in current implementation! + + // Insert in circular doubly-linked list before eNext. + // Note that the prev pointer is stored in sym.next. + var ePrev = eNext.sym.next; + eSym.next = ePrev; + ePrev.sym.next = e; + e.next = eNext; + eNext.sym.next = eSym; + + e.sym = eSym; + e.oNext = e; + e.lNext = eSym; + + eSym.sym = e; + eSym.oNext = eSym; + eSym.lNext = e; + + return e; +}; + + +/** + * splice_ is best described by the Guibas/Stolfi paper or the + * CS348a notes. Basically, it modifies the mesh so that + * a.oNext and b.oNext are exchanged. This can have various effects + * depending on whether a and b belong to different face or vertex rings. + * For more explanation see mesh.meshSplice below. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} a [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} b [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.splice_ = function(a, b) { + var aONext = a.oNext; + var bONext = b.oNext; + + aONext.sym.lNext = b; + bONext.sym.lNext = a; + a.oNext = bONext; + b.oNext = aONext; +}; + + +/** + * makeVertex_(eOrig, vNext) attaches a new vertex and makes it the + * origin of all edges in the vertex loop to which eOrig belongs. "vNext" gives + * a place to insert the new vertex in the global vertex list. We insert + * the new vertex *before* vNext so that algorithms which walk the vertex + * list will not see the newly created vertices. + * + * NOTE: unlike original, acutally allocates new vertex. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrig [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} vNext [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.makeVertex_ = function(eOrig, vNext) { + // insert in circular doubly-linked list before vNext + var vPrev = vNext.prev; + var vNew = new libtess.GluVertex(vNext, vPrev); + vPrev.next = vNew; + vNext.prev = vNew; + + vNew.anEdge = eOrig; + // leave coords, s, t undefined + // TODO(bckenny): does above line mean 0 specifically, or does it matter? + + // fix other edges on this vertex loop + var e = eOrig; + do { + e.org = vNew; + e = e.oNext; + } while (e !== eOrig); +}; + + +/** + * makeFace_(eOrig, fNext) attaches a new face and makes it the left + * face of all edges in the face loop to which eOrig belongs. "fNext" gives + * a place to insert the new face in the global face list. We insert + * the new face *before* fNext so that algorithms which walk the face + * list will not see the newly created faces. + * + * NOTE: unlike original, acutally allocates new face. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eOrig [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluFace} fNext [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.makeFace_ = function(eOrig, fNext) { + // insert in circular doubly-linked list before fNext + var fPrev = fNext.prev; + var fNew = new libtess.GluFace(fNext, fPrev); + fPrev.next = fNew; + fNext.prev = fNew; + + fNew.anEdge = eOrig; + + // The new face is marked "inside" if the old one was. This is a + // convenience for the common case where a face has been split in two. + fNew.inside = fNext.inside; + + // fix other edges on this face loop + var e = eOrig; + do { + e.lFace = fNew; + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== eOrig); +}; + + +/** + * killEdge_ destroys an edge (the half-edges eDel and eDel.sym), + * and removes from the global edge list. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eDel [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.killEdge_ = function(eDel) { + // TODO(bckenny): in this case, no need to worry(?), but check when checking mesh.makeEdgePair_ + // Half-edges are allocated in pairs, see EdgePair above + // if (eDel->Sym < eDel ) { eDel = eDel->Sym; } + + // delete from circular doubly-linked list + var eNext = eDel.next; + var ePrev = eDel.sym.next; + eNext.sym.next = ePrev; + ePrev.sym.next = eNext; + + // TODO(bckenny): memFree( eDel ); (which also frees eDel.sym) + // TODO(bckenny): need to null at callsites? +}; + + +/** + * killVertex_ destroys a vertex and removes it from the global + * vertex list. It updates the vertex loop to point to a given new vertex. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} vDel [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} newOrg [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.killVertex_ = function(vDel, newOrg) { + var eStart = vDel.anEdge; + + // change the origin of all affected edges + var e = eStart; + do { + e.org = newOrg; + e = e.oNext; + } while (e !== eStart); + + // delete from circular doubly-linked list + var vPrev = vDel.prev; + var vNext = vDel.next; + vNext.prev = vPrev; + vPrev.next = vNext; + + // TODO(bckenny): memFree( vDel ); + // TODO(bckenny): need to null at callsites? +}; + + +/** + * killFace_ destroys a face and removes it from the global face + * list. It updates the face loop to point to a given new face. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluFace} fDel [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluFace} newLFace [description]. + */ +libtess.mesh.killFace_ = function(fDel, newLFace) { + var eStart = fDel.anEdge; + + // change the left face of all affected edges + var e = eStart; + do { + e.lFace = newLFace; + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== eStart); + + // delete from circular doubly-linked list + var fPrev = fDel.prev; + var fNext = fDel.next; + fNext.prev = fPrev; + fPrev.next = fNext; + + // TODO(bckenny): memFree( fDel ); + // TODO(bckenny): need to null at callsites? +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** @const */ +libtess.normal = {}; + +// TODO(bckenny): Integrate SLANTED_SWEEP somehow? +/* The "feature merging" is not intended to be complete. There are + * special cases where edges are nearly parallel to the sweep line + * which are not implemented. The algorithm should still behave + * robustly (ie. produce a reasonable tesselation) in the presence + * of such edges, however it may miss features which could have been + * merged. We could minimize this effect by choosing the sweep line + * direction to be something unusual (ie. not parallel to one of the + * coordinate axes). + * #if defined(SLANTED_SWEEP) + * #define S_UNIT_X 0.50941539564955385 // Pre-normalized + * #define S_UNIT_Y 0.86052074622010633 + * #endif + */ + +/** + * X coordinate of local basis for polygon projection. + * @private {number} + * @const + */ +libtess.normal.S_UNIT_X_ = 1.0; + +/** + * Y coordinate of local basis for polygon projection. + * @private {number} + * @const + */ +libtess.normal.S_UNIT_Y_ = 0.0; + +/** + * Determines a polygon normal and projects vertices onto the plane of the + * polygon. + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + */ +libtess.normal.projectPolygon = function(tess) { + var computedNormal = false; + + var norm = [ + tess.normal[0], + tess.normal[1], + tess.normal[2] + ]; + if (norm[0] === 0 && norm[1] === 0 && norm[2] === 0) { + libtess.normal.computeNormal_(tess, norm); + computedNormal = true; + } + + var sUnit = tess.sUnit; + var tUnit = tess.tUnit; + var i = libtess.normal.longAxis_(norm); + + // NOTE(bckenny): This branch is never taken. See comment on + // libtess.TRUE_PROJECT. + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (libtess.TRUE_PROJECT) { + // Choose the initial sUnit vector to be approximately perpendicular + // to the normal. + libtess.normal.normalize_(norm); + + sUnit[i] = 0; + sUnit[(i + 1) % 3] = libtess.normal.S_UNIT_X_; + sUnit[(i + 2) % 3] = libtess.normal.S_UNIT_Y_; + + // Now make it exactly perpendicular + var w = libtess.normal.dot_(sUnit, norm); + sUnit[0] -= w * norm[0]; + sUnit[1] -= w * norm[1]; + sUnit[2] -= w * norm[2]; + libtess.normal.normalize_(sUnit); + + // Choose tUnit so that (sUnit,tUnit,norm) form a right-handed frame + tUnit[0] = norm[1] * sUnit[2] - norm[2] * sUnit[1]; + tUnit[1] = norm[2] * sUnit[0] - norm[0] * sUnit[2]; + tUnit[2] = norm[0] * sUnit[1] - norm[1] * sUnit[0]; + libtess.normal.normalize_(tUnit); + + } else { + // Project perpendicular to a coordinate axis -- better numerically + sUnit[i] = 0; + sUnit[(i + 1) % 3] = libtess.normal.S_UNIT_X_; + sUnit[(i + 2) % 3] = libtess.normal.S_UNIT_Y_; + + tUnit[i] = 0; + tUnit[(i + 1) % 3] = (norm[i] > 0) ? + -libtess.normal.S_UNIT_Y_ : libtess.normal.S_UNIT_Y_; + tUnit[(i + 2) % 3] = (norm[i] > 0) ? + libtess.normal.S_UNIT_X_ : -libtess.normal.S_UNIT_X_; + } + + // Project the vertices onto the sweep plane + var vHead = tess.mesh.vHead; + for (var v = vHead.next; v !== vHead; v = v.next) { + v.s = libtess.normal.dot_(v.coords, sUnit); + v.t = libtess.normal.dot_(v.coords, tUnit); + } + + if (computedNormal) { + libtess.normal.checkOrientation_(tess); + } +}; + +/** + * Computes the dot product of vectors u and v. + * @private + * @param {!Array.} u + * @param {!Array.} v + * @return {number} + */ +libtess.normal.dot_ = function(u, v) { + return u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1] + u[2] * v[2]; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): only called from within libtess.normal.projectPolygon's +// TRUE_PROJECT branch, so ignoring for code coverage. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Normalize vector v. + * @private + * @param {!Array.} v + */ +libtess.normal.normalize_ = function(v) { + var len = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]; + + libtess.assert(len > 0); + len = Math.sqrt(len); + v[0] /= len; + v[1] /= len; + v[2] /= len; +}; + +/** + * Returns the index of the longest component of vector v. + * @private + * @param {!Array.} v + * @return {number} + */ +libtess.normal.longAxis_ = function(v) { + var i = 0; + + if (Math.abs(v[1]) > Math.abs(v[0])) { + i = 1; + } + if (Math.abs(v[2]) > Math.abs(v[i])) { + i = 2; + } + + return i; +}; + +/** + * Compute an approximate normal of the polygon from the vertices themselves. + * Result returned in norm. + * @private + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + * @param {!Array.} norm + */ +libtess.normal.computeNormal_ = function(tess, norm) { + var maxVal = [ + -2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD, + -2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD, + -2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD + ]; + var minVal = [ + 2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD, + 2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD, + 2 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD + ]; + var maxVert = []; + var minVert = []; + + var v; + var vHead = tess.mesh.vHead; + for (v = vHead.next; v !== vHead; v = v.next) { + for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + var c = v.coords[i]; + if (c < minVal[i]) { minVal[i] = c; minVert[i] = v; } + if (c > maxVal[i]) { maxVal[i] = c; maxVert[i] = v; } + } + } + + // Find two vertices separated by at least 1/sqrt(3) of the maximum + // distance between any two vertices + var index = 0; + if (maxVal[1] - minVal[1] > maxVal[0] - minVal[0]) { index = 1; } + if (maxVal[2] - minVal[2] > maxVal[index] - minVal[index]) { index = 2; } + if (minVal[index] >= maxVal[index]) { + // All vertices are the same -- normal doesn't matter + norm[0] = 0; norm[1] = 0; norm[2] = 1; + return; + } + + // Look for a third vertex which forms the triangle with maximum area + // (Length of normal == twice the triangle area) + var maxLen2 = 0; + var v1 = minVert[index]; + var v2 = maxVert[index]; + var tNorm = [0, 0, 0]; + var d1 = [ + v1.coords[0] - v2.coords[0], + v1.coords[1] - v2.coords[1], + v1.coords[2] - v2.coords[2] + ]; + var d2 = [0, 0, 0]; + for (v = vHead.next; v !== vHead; v = v.next) { + d2[0] = v.coords[0] - v2.coords[0]; + d2[1] = v.coords[1] - v2.coords[1]; + d2[2] = v.coords[2] - v2.coords[2]; + tNorm[0] = d1[1] * d2[2] - d1[2] * d2[1]; + tNorm[1] = d1[2] * d2[0] - d1[0] * d2[2]; + tNorm[2] = d1[0] * d2[1] - d1[1] * d2[0]; + var tLen2 = tNorm[0] * tNorm[0] + tNorm[1] * tNorm[1] + tNorm[2] * tNorm[2]; + if (tLen2 > maxLen2) { + maxLen2 = tLen2; + norm[0] = tNorm[0]; + norm[1] = tNorm[1]; + norm[2] = tNorm[2]; + } + } + + if (maxLen2 <= 0) { + // All points lie on a single line -- any decent normal will do + norm[0] = norm[1] = norm[2] = 0; + norm[libtess.normal.longAxis_(d1)] = 1; + } +}; + +/** + * Check that the sum of the signed area of all projected contours is + * non-negative. If not, negate the t-coordinates to reverse the orientation and + * make it so. + * @private + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + */ +libtess.normal.checkOrientation_ = function(tess) { + var area = 0; + var fHead = tess.mesh.fHead; + for (var f = fHead.next; f !== fHead; f = f.next) { + var e = f.anEdge; + if (e.winding <= 0) { continue; } + do { + area += (e.org.s - e.dst().s) * (e.org.t + e.dst().t); + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== f.anEdge); + } + + if (area < 0) { + // Reverse the orientation by flipping all the t-coordinates + var vHead = tess.mesh.vHead; + for (var v = vHead.next; v !== vHead; v = v.next) { + v.t = -v.t; + } + tess.tUnit[0] = -tess.tUnit[0]; + tess.tUnit[1] = -tess.tUnit[1]; + tess.tUnit[2] = -tess.tUnit[2]; + } +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** @const */ +libtess.render = {}; + +/** + * Takes a mesh, breaks it into separate triangles, and renders them. The + * rendering output is provided as callbacks (see the API). Set flagEdges to + * true to get edgeFlag callbacks (tess.flagBoundary in original libtess). + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh + * @param {boolean} flagEdges + */ +libtess.render.renderMesh = function(tess, mesh, flagEdges) { + var beginOrBeginDataCalled = false; + + // TODO(bckenny): edgeState needs to be boolean, but !== on first call + // force edge state output for first vertex + var edgeState = -1; + + // We examine all faces in an arbitrary order. Whenever we find + // an inside triangle f, we render f. + // NOTE(bckenny): go backwards through face list to match original libtess + // triangle order + for (var f = mesh.fHead.prev; f !== mesh.fHead; f = f.prev) { + if (f.inside) { + // We're going to emit a triangle, so call begin callback once + if (!beginOrBeginDataCalled) { + tess.callBeginOrBeginData(libtess.primitiveType.GL_TRIANGLES); + beginOrBeginDataCalled = true; + } + + // check that face has only three edges + var e = f.anEdge; + libtess.assert(e.lNext.lNext.lNext === e, + 'renderMesh called with non-triangulated mesh'); + // Loop once for each edge (there will always be 3 edges) + do { + if (flagEdges) { + // Set the "edge state" to true just before we output the + // first vertex of each edge on the polygon boundary. + var newState = !e.rFace().inside ? 1 : 0; // TODO(bckenny): total hack to get edgeState working. fix me. + if (edgeState !== newState) { + edgeState = newState; + // TODO(bckenny): edgeState should be boolean now + tess.callEdgeFlagOrEdgeFlagData(!!edgeState); + } + } + + // emit vertex + tess.callVertexOrVertexData(e.org.data); + + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== f.anEdge); + } + } + + // only call end callback if begin was called + if (beginOrBeginDataCalled) { + tess.callEndOrEndData(); + } +}; + +/** + * Takes a mesh, and outputs one contour for each face marked "inside". The + * rendering output is provided as callbacks (see the API). + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh + */ +libtess.render.renderBoundary = function(tess, mesh) { + for (var f = mesh.fHead.next; f !== mesh.fHead; f = f.next) { + if (f.inside) { + tess.callBeginOrBeginData(libtess.primitiveType.GL_LINE_LOOP); + + var e = f.anEdge; + do { + tess.callVertexOrVertexData(e.org.data); + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== f.anEdge); + + tess.callEndOrEndData(); + } + } +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): a number of these never return null (as opposed to original) and should be typed appropriately + +/* + * Invariants for the Edge Dictionary. + * - each pair of adjacent edges e2=succ(e1) satisfies edgeLeq_(e1,e2) + * at any valid location of the sweep event + * - if edgeLeq_(e2,e1) as well (at any valid sweep event), then e1 and e2 + * share a common endpoint + * - for each e, e.dst() has been processed, but not e.org + * - each edge e satisfies vertLeq(e.dst(),event) && vertLeq(event,e.org) + * where "event" is the current sweep line event. + * - no edge e has zero length + * + * Invariants for the Mesh (the processed portion). + * - the portion of the mesh left of the sweep line is a planar graph, + * ie. there is *some* way to embed it in the plane + * - no processed edge has zero length + * - no two processed vertices have identical coordinates + * - each "inside" region is monotone, ie. can be broken into two chains + * of monotonically increasing vertices according to VertLeq(v1,v2) + * - a non-invariant: these chains may intersect (very slightly) + * + * Invariants for the Sweep. + * - if none of the edges incident to the event vertex have an activeRegion + * (ie. none of these edges are in the edge dictionary), then the vertex + * has only right-going edges. + * - if an edge is marked "fixUpperEdge" (it is a temporary edge introduced + * by ConnectRightVertex), then it is the only right-going edge from + * its associated vertex. (This says that these edges exist only + * when it is necessary.) + */ + +/** @const */ +libtess.sweep = {}; + + +/** + * Make the sentinel coordinates big enough that they will never be + * merged with real input features. (Even with the largest possible + * input contour and the maximum tolerance of 1.0, no merging will be + * done with coordinates larger than 3 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD). + * @private + * @const + * @type {number} + */ +libtess.sweep.SENTINEL_COORD_ = 4 * libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD; + + +/** + * Because vertices at exactly the same location are merged together + * before we process the sweep event, some degenerate cases can't occur. + * However if someone eventually makes the modifications required to + * merge features which are close together, the cases below marked + * TOLERANCE_NONZERO will be useful. They were debugged before the + * code to merge identical vertices in the main loop was added. + * @private + * @const + * @type {boolean} + */ +libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_ = false; + + +/** + * computeInterior(tess) computes the planar arrangement specified + * by the given contours, and further subdivides this arrangement + * into regions. Each region is marked "inside" if it belongs + * to the polygon, according to the rule given by tess.windingRule. + * Each interior region is guaranteed be monotone. + * + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.computeInterior = function(tess) { + tess.fatalError = false; + + // Each vertex defines an event for our sweep line. Start by inserting + // all the vertices in a priority queue. Events are processed in + // lexicographic order, ie. + // e1 < e2 iff e1.x < e2.x || (e1.x == e2.x && e1.y < e2.y) + libtess.sweep.removeDegenerateEdges_(tess); + libtess.sweep.initPriorityQ_(tess); + libtess.sweep.initEdgeDict_(tess); + + // TODO(bckenny): don't need the cast if pq's key is better typed + var v; + while ((v = /** @type {libtess.GluVertex} */(tess.pq.extractMin())) !== null) { + for (;;) { + var vNext = /** @type {libtess.GluVertex} */(tess.pq.minimum()); + if (vNext === null || !libtess.geom.vertEq(vNext, v)) { + break; + } + + /* Merge together all vertices at exactly the same location. + * This is more efficient than processing them one at a time, + * simplifies the code (see connectLeftDegenerate), and is also + * important for correct handling of certain degenerate cases. + * For example, suppose there are two identical edges A and B + * that belong to different contours (so without this code they would + * be processed by separate sweep events). Suppose another edge C + * crosses A and B from above. When A is processed, we split it + * at its intersection point with C. However this also splits C, + * so when we insert B we may compute a slightly different + * intersection point. This might leave two edges with a small + * gap between them. This kind of error is especially obvious + * when using boundary extraction (GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY). + */ + vNext = /** @type {libtess.GluVertex} */(tess.pq.extractMin()); + libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_(tess, v.anEdge, vNext.anEdge); + } + libtess.sweep.sweepEvent_(tess, v); + } + + // TODO(bckenny): what does the next comment mean? can we eliminate event except when debugging? + // Set tess.event for debugging purposes + var minRegion = tess.dict.getMin().getKey(); + tess.event = minRegion.eUp.org; + libtess.sweepDebugEvent(tess); + libtess.sweep.doneEdgeDict_(tess); + libtess.sweep.donePriorityQ_(tess); + + libtess.sweep.removeDegenerateFaces_(tess.mesh); + tess.mesh.checkMesh(); +}; + + +/** + * When we merge two edges into one, we need to compute the combined + * winding of the new edge. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eDst [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eSrc [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.addWinding_ = function(eDst, eSrc) { + // NOTE(bckenny): from AddWinding macro + eDst.winding += eSrc.winding; + eDst.sym.winding += eSrc.sym.winding; +}; + + +/** + * Both edges must be directed from right to left (this is the canonical + * direction for the upper edge of each region). + * + * The strategy is to evaluate a "t" value for each edge at the + * current sweep line position, given by tess.event. The calculations + * are designed to be very stable, but of course they are not perfect. + * + * Special case: if both edge destinations are at the sweep event, + * we sort the edges by slope (they would otherwise compare equally). + * + * @private + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} tess + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion} reg1 + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion} reg2 + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.sweep.edgeLeq_ = function(tess, reg1, reg2) { + var event = tess.event; + var e1 = reg1.eUp; + var e2 = reg2.eUp; + + if (e1.dst() === event) { + if (e2.dst() === event) { + // Two edges right of the sweep line which meet at the sweep event. + // Sort them by slope. + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(e1.org, e2.org)) { + return libtess.geom.edgeSign(e2.dst(), e1.org, e2.org) <= 0; + } + + return libtess.geom.edgeSign(e1.dst(), e2.org, e1.org) >= 0; + } + + return libtess.geom.edgeSign(e2.dst(), event, e2.org) <= 0; + } + + if (e2.dst() === event) { + return libtess.geom.edgeSign(e1.dst(), event, e1.org) >= 0; + } + + // General case - compute signed distance *from* e1, e2 to event + var t1 = libtess.geom.edgeEval(e1.dst(), event, e1.org); + var t2 = libtess.geom.edgeEval(e2.dst(), event, e2.org); + return (t1 >= t2); +}; + + +/** + * [deleteRegion_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_ = function(tess, reg) { + if (reg.fixUpperEdge) { + // It was created with zero winding number, so it better be + // deleted with zero winding number (ie. it better not get merged + // with a real edge). + libtess.assert(reg.eUp.winding === 0); + } + + reg.eUp.activeRegion = null; + + tess.dict.deleteNode(reg.nodeUp); + reg.nodeUp = null; + + // memFree( reg ); TODO(bckenny) + // TODO(bckenny): may need to null at callsite +}; + + +/** + * Replace an upper edge which needs fixing (see connectRightVertex). + * @private + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} newEdge [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.fixUpperEdge_ = function(reg, newEdge) { + libtess.assert(reg.fixUpperEdge); + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(reg.eUp); + + reg.fixUpperEdge = false; + reg.eUp = newEdge; + newEdge.activeRegion = reg; +}; + + +/** + * Find the region above the uppermost edge with the same origin. + * @private + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.topLeftRegion_ = function(reg) { + var org = reg.eUp.org; + + // Find the region above the uppermost edge with the same origin + do { + reg = reg.regionAbove(); + } while (reg.eUp.org === org); + + // If the edge above was a temporary edge introduced by connectRightVertex, + // now is the time to fix it. + if (reg.fixUpperEdge) { + var e = libtess.mesh.connect(reg.regionBelow().eUp.sym, reg.eUp.lNext); + libtess.sweep.fixUpperEdge_(reg, e); + reg = reg.regionAbove(); + } + + return reg; +}; + + +/** + * Find the region above the uppermost edge with the same destination. + * @private + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.topRightRegion_ = function(reg) { + var dst = reg.eUp.dst(); + + do { + reg = reg.regionAbove(); + } while (reg.eUp.dst() === dst); + + return reg; +}; + + +/** + * Add a new active region to the sweep line, *somewhere* below "regAbove" + * (according to where the new edge belongs in the sweep-line dictionary). + * The upper edge of the new region will be "eNewUp". + * Winding number and "inside" flag are not updated. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regAbove [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eNewUp [description]. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} regNew. + */ +libtess.sweep.addRegionBelow_ = function(tess, regAbove, eNewUp) { + var regNew = new libtess.ActiveRegion(); + + regNew.eUp = eNewUp; + regNew.nodeUp = tess.dict.insertBefore(regAbove.nodeUp, regNew); + eNewUp.activeRegion = regNew; + + return regNew; +}; + + +/** + * [isWindingInside_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {number} n int. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.isWindingInside_ = function(tess, n) { + switch (tess.windingRule) { + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD: + return ((n & 1) !== 0); + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO: + return (n !== 0); + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE: + return (n > 0); + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE: + return (n < 0); + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO: + return (n >= 2) || (n <= -2); + } + + // TODO(bckenny): not reached + libtess.assert(false); + return false; +}; + + +/** + * [computeWinding_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.computeWinding_ = function(tess, reg) { + reg.windingNumber = reg.regionAbove().windingNumber + reg.eUp.winding; + reg.inside = libtess.sweep.isWindingInside_(tess, reg.windingNumber); +}; + + +/** + * Delete a region from the sweep line. This happens when the upper + * and lower chains of a region meet (at a vertex on the sweep line). + * The "inside" flag is copied to the appropriate mesh face (we could + * not do this before -- since the structure of the mesh is always + * changing, this face may not have even existed until now). + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} reg [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.finishRegion_ = function(tess, reg) { + // TODO(bckenny): may need to null reg at callsite + + var e = reg.eUp; + var f = e.lFace; + + f.inside = reg.inside; + f.anEdge = e; // optimization for tessmono.tessellateMonoRegion() // TODO(bckenny): how so? + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, reg); +}; + + +/** + * We are given a vertex with one or more left-going edges. All affected + * edges should be in the edge dictionary. Starting at regFirst.eUp, + * we walk down deleting all regions where both edges have the same + * origin vOrg. At the same time we copy the "inside" flag from the + * active region to the face, since at this point each face will belong + * to at most one region (this was not necessarily true until this point + * in the sweep). The walk stops at the region above regLast; if regLast + * is null we walk as far as possible. At the same time we relink the + * mesh if necessary, so that the ordering of edges around vOrg is the + * same as in the dictionary. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regFirst [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regLast [description]. + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_ = function(tess, regFirst, regLast) { + var regPrev = regFirst; + var ePrev = regFirst.eUp; + while (regPrev !== regLast) { + // placement was OK + regPrev.fixUpperEdge = false; + var reg = regPrev.regionBelow(); + var e = reg.eUp; + if (e.org !== ePrev.org) { + if (!reg.fixUpperEdge) { + /* Remove the last left-going edge. Even though there are no further + * edges in the dictionary with this origin, there may be further + * such edges in the mesh (if we are adding left edges to a vertex + * that has already been processed). Thus it is important to call + * finishRegion rather than just deleteRegion. + */ + libtess.sweep.finishRegion_(tess, regPrev); + break; + } + + // If the edge below was a temporary edge introduced by + // connectRightVertex, now is the time to fix it. + e = libtess.mesh.connect(ePrev.lPrev(), e.sym); + libtess.sweep.fixUpperEdge_(reg, e); + } + + // Relink edges so that ePrev.oNext === e + if (ePrev.oNext !== e) { + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(e.oPrev(), e); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(ePrev, e); + } + + // may change reg.eUp + libtess.sweep.finishRegion_(tess, regPrev); + ePrev = reg.eUp; + regPrev = reg; + } + + return ePrev; +}; + + +/** + * Purpose: insert right-going edges into the edge dictionary, and update + * winding numbers and mesh connectivity appropriately. All right-going + * edges share a common origin vOrg. Edges are inserted CCW starting at + * eFirst; the last edge inserted is eLast.oPrev. If vOrg has any + * left-going edges already processed, then eTopLeft must be the edge + * such that an imaginary upward vertical segment from vOrg would be + * contained between eTopLeft.oPrev and eTopLeft; otherwise eTopLeft + * should be null. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eFirst [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eLast [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eTopLeft [description]. + * @param {boolean} cleanUp [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_ = function(tess, regUp, eFirst, eLast, eTopLeft, + cleanUp) { + + var firstTime = true; + + // Insert the new right-going edges in the dictionary + var e = eFirst; + do { + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.vertLeq(e.org, e.dst())); + libtess.sweep.addRegionBelow_(tess, regUp, e.sym); + e = e.oNext; + } while (e !== eLast); + + // Walk *all* right-going edges from e.org, in the dictionary order, + // updating the winding numbers of each region, and re-linking the mesh + // edges to match the dictionary ordering (if necessary). + if (eTopLeft === null) { + eTopLeft = regUp.regionBelow().eUp.rPrev(); + } + var regPrev = regUp; + var ePrev = eTopLeft; + var reg; + for (;;) { + reg = regPrev.regionBelow(); + e = reg.eUp.sym; + if (e.org !== ePrev.org) { + break; + } + + if (e.oNext !== ePrev) { + // Unlink e from its current position, and relink below ePrev + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(e.oPrev(), e); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(ePrev.oPrev(), e); + } + // Compute the winding number and "inside" flag for the new regions + reg.windingNumber = regPrev.windingNumber - e.winding; + reg.inside = libtess.sweep.isWindingInside_(tess, reg.windingNumber); + + // Check for two outgoing edges with same slope -- process these + // before any intersection tests (see example in libtess.sweep.computeInterior). + regPrev.dirty = true; + if (!firstTime && libtess.sweep.checkForRightSplice_(tess, regPrev)) { + libtess.sweep.addWinding_(e, ePrev); + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, regPrev); // TODO(bckenny): need to null regPrev anywhere else? + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(ePrev); + } + firstTime = false; + regPrev = reg; + ePrev = e; + } + + regPrev.dirty = true; + libtess.assert(regPrev.windingNumber - e.winding === reg.windingNumber); + + if (cleanUp) { + // Check for intersections between newly adjacent edges. + libtess.sweep.walkDirtyRegions_(tess, regPrev); + } +}; + + +/** + * [callCombine_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} isect [description]. + * @param {Array.} data [description]. + * @param {Array.} weights [description]. + * @param {boolean} needed [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.callCombine_ = function(tess, isect, data, weights, needed) { + // Copy coord data in case the callback changes it. + var coords = [ + isect.coords[0], + isect.coords[1], + isect.coords[2] + ]; + + isect.data = null; + isect.data = tess.callCombineOrCombineData(coords, data, weights); + if (isect.data === null) { + if (!needed) { + // not needed, so just use data from first vertex + isect.data = data[0]; + + } else if (!tess.fatalError) { + // The only way fatal error is when two edges are found to intersect, + // but the user has not provided the callback necessary to handle + // generated intersection points. + tess.callErrorOrErrorData( + libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_NEED_COMBINE_CALLBACK); + tess.fatalError = true; + } + } +}; + + +/** + * Two vertices with idential coordinates are combined into one. + * e1.org is kept, while e2.org is discarded. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} e1 [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} e2 [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_ = function(tess, e1, e2) { + // TODO(bckenny): better way to init these? save them? + var data = [null, null, null, null]; + var weights = [0.5, 0.5, 0, 0]; + + data[0] = e1.org.data; + data[1] = e2.org.data; + libtess.sweep.callCombine_(tess, e1.org, data, weights, false); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(e1, e2); +}; + + +/** + * Find some weights which describe how the intersection vertex is + * a linear combination of org and dst. Each of the two edges + * which generated "isect" is allocated 50% of the weight; each edge + * splits the weight between its org and dst according to the + * relative distance to "isect". + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} isect [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} org [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} dst [description]. + * @param {Array.} weights [description]. + * @param {number} weightIndex Index into weights for first weight to supply. + */ +libtess.sweep.vertexWeights_ = function(isect, org, dst, weights, weightIndex) { + // TODO(bckenny): think through how we can use L1dist here and be correct for coords + var t1 = libtess.geom.vertL1dist(org, isect); + var t2 = libtess.geom.vertL1dist(dst, isect); + + // TODO(bckenny): introduced weightIndex to mimic addressing in original + // 1) document (though it is private and only used from getIntersectData) + // 2) better way? manually inline into getIntersectData? supply two two-length tmp arrays? + var i0 = weightIndex; + var i1 = weightIndex + 1; + weights[i0] = 0.5 * t2 / (t1 + t2); + weights[i1] = 0.5 * t1 / (t1 + t2); + isect.coords[0] += weights[i0] * org.coords[0] + weights[i1] * dst.coords[0]; + isect.coords[1] += weights[i0] * org.coords[1] + weights[i1] * dst.coords[1]; + isect.coords[2] += weights[i0] * org.coords[2] + weights[i1] * dst.coords[2]; +}; + + +/** + * We've computed a new intersection point, now we need a "data" pointer + * from the user so that we can refer to this new vertex in the + * rendering callbacks. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} isect [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} orgUp [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} dstUp [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} orgLo [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} dstLo [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.getIntersectData_ = function(tess, isect, orgUp, dstUp, orgLo, + dstLo) { + + // TODO(bckenny): called for every intersection event, should these be from a pool? + // TODO(bckenny): better way to init these? + var weights = [0, 0, 0, 0]; + var data = [ + orgUp.data, + dstUp.data, + orgLo.data, + dstLo.data + ]; + + // TODO(bckenny): it appears isect is a reappropriated vertex, so does need to be zeroed. + // double check this. + isect.coords[0] = isect.coords[1] = isect.coords[2] = 0; + + // TODO(bckenny): see note in libtess.sweep.vertexWeights_ for explanation of weightIndex. fix? + libtess.sweep.vertexWeights_(isect, orgUp, dstUp, weights, 0); + libtess.sweep.vertexWeights_(isect, orgLo, dstLo, weights, 2); + + libtess.sweep.callCombine_(tess, isect, data, weights, true); +}; + + +/** + * Check the upper and lower edge of regUp, to make sure that the + * eUp.org is above eLo, or eLo.org is below eUp (depending on which + * origin is leftmost). + * + * The main purpose is to splice right-going edges with the same + * dest vertex and nearly identical slopes (ie. we can't distinguish + * the slopes numerically). However the splicing can also help us + * to recover from numerical errors. For example, suppose at one + * point we checked eUp and eLo, and decided that eUp.org is barely + * above eLo. Then later, we split eLo into two edges (eg. from + * a splice operation like this one). This can change the result of + * our test so that now eUp.org is incident to eLo, or barely below it. + * We must correct this condition to maintain the dictionary invariants. + * + * One possibility is to check these edges for intersection again + * (i.e. checkForIntersect). This is what we do if possible. However + * checkForIntersect requires that tess.event lies between eUp and eLo, + * so that it has something to fall back on when the intersection + * calculation gives us an unusable answer. So, for those cases where + * we can't check for intersection, this routine fixes the problem + * by just splicing the offending vertex into the other edge. + * This is a guaranteed solution, no matter how degenerate things get. + * Basically this is a combinatorial solution to a numerical problem. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.checkForRightSplice_ = function(tess, regUp) { + // TODO(bckenny): fully learn how these two checks work + + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(eUp.org, eLo.org)) { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eLo.dst(), eUp.org, eLo.org) > 0) { + return false; + } + + // eUp.org appears to be below eLo + if (!libtess.geom.vertEq(eUp.org, eLo.org)) { + // Splice eUp.org into eLo + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eLo.sym); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eUp, eLo.oPrev()); + regUp.dirty = regLo.dirty = true; + + } else if (eUp.org !== eLo.org) { + // merge the two vertices, discarding eUp.org + // TODO(bckenny): fix pqHandle null situation + tess.pq.remove(/** @type {libtess.PQHandle} */(eUp.org.pqHandle)); + libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_(tess, eLo.oPrev(), eUp); + } + + } else { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eUp.dst(), eLo.org, eUp.org) < 0) { + return false; + } + + // eLo.org appears to be above eUp, so splice eLo.org into eUp + regUp.regionAbove().dirty = regUp.dirty = true; + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eUp.sym); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eLo.oPrev(), eUp); + } + + return true; +}; + + +/** + * Check the upper and lower edge of regUp to make sure that the + * eUp.dst() is above eLo, or eLo.dst() is below eUp (depending on which + * destination is rightmost). + * + * Theoretically, this should always be true. However, splitting an edge + * into two pieces can change the results of previous tests. For example, + * suppose at one point we checked eUp and eLo, and decided that eUp.dst() + * is barely above eLo. Then later, we split eLo into two edges (eg. from + * a splice operation like this one). This can change the result of + * the test so that now eUp.dst() is incident to eLo, or barely below it. + * We must correct this condition to maintain the dictionary invariants + * (otherwise new edges might get inserted in the wrong place in the + * dictionary, and bad stuff will happen). + * + * We fix the problem by just splicing the offending vertex into the + * other edge. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.checkForLeftSplice_ = function(tess, regUp) { + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + var e; + + libtess.assert(!libtess.geom.vertEq(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst())); + + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst())) { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eUp.dst(), eLo.dst(), eUp.org) < 0) { + return false; + } + + // eLo.dst() is above eUp, so splice eLo.dst() into eUp + regUp.regionAbove().dirty = regUp.dirty = true; + e = libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eUp); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eLo.sym, e); + e.lFace.inside = regUp.inside; + + } else { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eLo.dst(), eUp.dst(), eLo.org) > 0) { + return false; + } + + // eUp.dst() is below eLo, so splice eUp.dst() into eLo + regUp.dirty = regLo.dirty = true; + e = libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eLo); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eUp.lNext, eLo.sym); + e.rFace().inside = regUp.inside; + } + + return true; +}; + + +/** + * Check the upper and lower edges of the given region to see if + * they intersect. If so, create the intersection and add it + * to the data structures. + * + * Returns true if adding the new intersection resulted in a recursive + * call to addRightEdges_(); in this case all "dirty" regions have been + * checked for intersections, and possibly regUp has been deleted. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @return {boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.checkForIntersect_ = function(tess, regUp) { + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + var orgUp = eUp.org; + var orgLo = eLo.org; + var dstUp = eUp.dst(); + var dstLo = eLo.dst(); + + var isect = new libtess.GluVertex(); + + libtess.assert(!libtess.geom.vertEq(dstLo, dstUp)); + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstUp, tess.event, orgUp) <= 0); + libtess.assert(libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstLo, tess.event, orgLo) >= 0); + libtess.assert(orgUp !== tess.event && orgLo !== tess.event); + libtess.assert(!regUp.fixUpperEdge && !regLo.fixUpperEdge); + + if (orgUp === orgLo) { + // right endpoints are the same + return false; + } + + var tMinUp = Math.min(orgUp.t, dstUp.t); + var tMaxLo = Math.max(orgLo.t, dstLo.t); + if (tMinUp > tMaxLo) { + // t ranges do not overlap + return false; + } + + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(orgUp, orgLo)) { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstLo, orgUp, orgLo) > 0) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstUp, orgLo, orgUp) < 0) { + return false; + } + } + + // At this point the edges intersect, at least marginally + libtess.sweepDebugEvent(tess); + + libtess.geom.edgeIntersect(dstUp, orgUp, dstLo, orgLo, isect); + + // The following properties are guaranteed: + libtess.assert(Math.min(orgUp.t, dstUp.t) <= isect.t); + libtess.assert(isect.t <= Math.max(orgLo.t, dstLo.t)); + libtess.assert(Math.min(dstLo.s, dstUp.s) <= isect.s); + libtess.assert(isect.s <= Math.max(orgLo.s, orgUp.s)); + + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(isect, tess.event)) { + /* The intersection point lies slightly to the left of the sweep line, + * so move it until it's slightly to the right of the sweep line. + * (If we had perfect numerical precision, this would never happen + * in the first place). The easiest and safest thing to do is + * replace the intersection by tess.event. + */ + isect.s = tess.event.s; + isect.t = tess.event.t; + } + + // TODO(bckenny): try to find test54.d + /* Similarly, if the computed intersection lies to the right of the + * rightmost origin (which should rarely happen), it can cause + * unbelievable inefficiency on sufficiently degenerate inputs. + * (If you have the test program, try running test54.d with the + * "X zoom" option turned on). + */ + var orgMin = libtess.geom.vertLeq(orgUp, orgLo) ? orgUp : orgLo; + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(orgMin, isect)) { + isect.s = orgMin.s; + isect.t = orgMin.t; + } + + if (libtess.geom.vertEq(isect, orgUp) || libtess.geom.vertEq(isect, orgLo)) { + // Easy case -- intersection at one of the right endpoints + libtess.sweep.checkForRightSplice_(tess, regUp); + return false; + } + + // TODO(bckenny): clean this up; length is distracting + if ((!libtess.geom.vertEq(dstUp, tess.event) && + libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstUp, tess.event, isect) >= 0) || + (!libtess.geom.vertEq(dstLo, tess.event) && + libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstLo, tess.event, isect) <= 0)) { + + /* Very unusual -- the new upper or lower edge would pass on the + * wrong side of the sweep event, or through it. This can happen + * due to very small numerical errors in the intersection calculation. + */ + if (dstLo === tess.event) { + // Splice dstLo into eUp, and process the new region(s) + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eUp.sym); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eLo.sym, eUp); + regUp = libtess.sweep.topLeftRegion_(regUp); + eUp = regUp.regionBelow().eUp; + libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_(tess, regUp.regionBelow(), regLo); + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eUp.oPrev(), eUp, eUp, true); + return true; + } + + if (dstUp === tess.event) { + // Splice dstUp into eLo, and process the new region(s) + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eLo.sym); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eUp.lNext, eLo.oPrev()); + regLo = regUp; + regUp = libtess.sweep.topRightRegion_(regUp); + var e = regUp.regionBelow().eUp.rPrev(); + regLo.eUp = eLo.oPrev(); + eLo = libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_(tess, regLo, null); + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eLo.oNext, eUp.rPrev(), e, + true); + return true; + } + + /* Special case: called from connectRightVertex. If either + * edge passes on the wrong side of tess.event, split it + * (and wait for connectRightVertex to splice it appropriately). + */ + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstUp, tess.event, isect) >= 0) { + regUp.regionAbove().dirty = regUp.dirty = true; + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eUp.sym); + eUp.org.s = tess.event.s; + eUp.org.t = tess.event.t; + } + + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(dstLo, tess.event, isect) <= 0) { + regUp.dirty = regLo.dirty = true; + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eLo.sym); + eLo.org.s = tess.event.s; + eLo.org.t = tess.event.t; + } + + // leave the rest for connectRightVertex + return false; + } + + /* General case -- split both edges, splice into new vertex. + * When we do the splice operation, the order of the arguments is + * arbitrary as far as correctness goes. However, when the operation + * creates a new face, the work done is proportional to the size of + * the new face. We expect the faces in the processed part of + * the mesh (ie. eUp.lFace) to be smaller than the faces in the + * unprocessed original contours (which will be eLo.oPrev.lFace). + */ + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eUp.sym); + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(eLo.sym); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eLo.oPrev(), eUp); + eUp.org.s = isect.s; + eUp.org.t = isect.t; + eUp.org.pqHandle = tess.pq.insert(eUp.org); + libtess.sweep.getIntersectData_(tess, eUp.org, orgUp, dstUp, orgLo, dstLo); + regUp.regionAbove().dirty = regUp.dirty = regLo.dirty = true; + + return false; +}; + + +/** + * When the upper or lower edge of any region changes, the region is + * marked "dirty". This routine walks through all the dirty regions + * and makes sure that the dictionary invariants are satisfied + * (see the comments at the beginning of this file). Of course, + * new dirty regions can be created as we make changes to restore + * the invariants. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.walkDirtyRegions_ = function(tess, regUp) { + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + + for (;;) { + // Find the lowest dirty region (we walk from the bottom up). + while (regLo.dirty) { + regUp = regLo; + regLo = regLo.regionBelow(); + } + if (!regUp.dirty) { + regLo = regUp; + regUp = regUp.regionAbove(); + if (regUp === null || !regUp.dirty) { + // We've walked all the dirty regions + return; + } + } + + regUp.dirty = false; + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + + if (eUp.dst() !== eLo.dst()) { + // Check that the edge ordering is obeyed at the dst vertices. + if (libtess.sweep.checkForLeftSplice_(tess, regUp)) { + // If the upper or lower edge was marked fixUpperEdge, then + // we no longer need it (since these edges are needed only for + // vertices which otherwise have no right-going edges). + if (regLo.fixUpperEdge) { + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, regLo); + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eLo); + regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + eLo = regLo.eUp; + + } else if (regUp.fixUpperEdge) { + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, regUp); + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eUp); + regUp = regLo.regionAbove(); + eUp = regUp.eUp; + } + } + } + + if (eUp.org !== eLo.org) { + if (eUp.dst() !== eLo.dst() && !regUp.fixUpperEdge && + !regLo.fixUpperEdge && + (eUp.dst() === tess.event || eLo.dst() === tess.event)) { + /* When all else fails in checkForIntersect(), it uses tess.event + * as the intersection location. To make this possible, it requires + * that tess.event lie between the upper and lower edges, and also + * that neither of these is marked fixUpperEdge (since in the worst + * case it might splice one of these edges into tess.event, and + * violate the invariant that fixable edges are the only right-going + * edge from their associated vertex). + */ + if (libtess.sweep.checkForIntersect_(tess, regUp)) { + // walkDirtyRegions() was called recursively; we're done + return; + } + + } else { + // Even though we can't use checkForIntersect(), the org vertices + // may violate the dictionary edge ordering. Check and correct this. + libtess.sweep.checkForRightSplice_(tess, regUp); + } + } + + if (eUp.org === eLo.org && eUp.dst() === eLo.dst()) { + // A degenerate loop consisting of only two edges -- delete it. + libtess.sweep.addWinding_(eLo, eUp); + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, regUp); + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eUp); + regUp = regLo.regionAbove(); + } + } +}; + + +/** + * Purpose: connect a "right" vertex vEvent (one where all edges go left) + * to the unprocessed portion of the mesh. Since there are no right-going + * edges, two regions (one above vEvent and one below) are being merged + * into one. regUp is the upper of these two regions. + * + * There are two reasons for doing this (adding a right-going edge): + * - if the two regions being merged are "inside", we must add an edge + * to keep them separated (the combined region would not be monotone). + * - in any case, we must leave some record of vEvent in the dictionary, + * so that we can merge vEvent with features that we have not seen yet. + * For example, maybe there is a vertical edge which passes just to + * the right of vEvent; we would like to splice vEvent into this edge. + * + * However, we don't want to connect vEvent to just any vertex. We don't + * want the new edge to cross any other edges; otherwise we will create + * intersection vertices even when the input data had no self-intersections. + * (This is a bad thing; if the user's input data has no intersections, + * we don't want to generate any false intersections ourselves.) + * + * Our eventual goal is to connect vEvent to the leftmost unprocessed + * vertex of the combined region (the union of regUp and regLo). + * But because of unseen vertices with all right-going edges, and also + * new vertices which may be created by edge intersections, we don't + * know where that leftmost unprocessed vertex is. In the meantime, we + * connect vEvent to the closest vertex of either chain, and mark the region + * as "fixUpperEdge". This flag says to delete and reconnect this edge + * to the next processed vertex on the boundary of the combined region. + * Quite possibly the vertex we connected to will turn out to be the + * closest one, in which case we won't need to make any changes. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge} eBottomLeft [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.connectRightVertex_ = function(tess, regUp, eBottomLeft) { + var eTopLeft = eBottomLeft.oNext; + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + var degenerate = false; + + if (eUp.dst() !== eLo.dst()) { + libtess.sweep.checkForIntersect_(tess, regUp); + } + + // Possible new degeneracies: upper or lower edge of regUp may pass + // through vEvent, or may coincide with new intersection vertex + if (libtess.geom.vertEq(eUp.org, tess.event)) { + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eTopLeft.oPrev(), eUp); + regUp = libtess.sweep.topLeftRegion_(regUp); + eTopLeft = regUp.regionBelow().eUp; + libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_(tess, regUp.regionBelow(), regLo); + degenerate = true; + } + if (libtess.geom.vertEq(eLo.org, tess.event)) { + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(eBottomLeft, eLo.oPrev()); + eBottomLeft = libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_(tess, regLo, null); + degenerate = true; + } + if (degenerate) { + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eBottomLeft.oNext, eTopLeft, + eTopLeft, true); + return; + } + + // Non-degenerate situation -- need to add a temporary, fixable edge. + // Connect to the closer of eLo.org, eUp.org. + var eNew; + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(eLo.org, eUp.org)) { + eNew = eLo.oPrev(); + } else { + eNew = eUp; + } + eNew = libtess.mesh.connect(eBottomLeft.lPrev(), eNew); + + // Prevent cleanup, otherwise eNew might disappear before we've even + // had a chance to mark it as a temporary edge. + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eNew, eNew.oNext, eNew.oNext, + false); + eNew.sym.activeRegion.fixUpperEdge = true; + libtess.sweep.walkDirtyRegions_(tess, regUp); +}; + + +/** + * The event vertex lies exacty on an already-processed edge or vertex. + * Adding the new vertex involves splicing it into the already-processed + * part of the mesh. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.ActiveRegion} regUp [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} vEvent [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.connectLeftDegenerate_ = function(tess, regUp, vEvent) { + var e = regUp.eUp; + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (libtess.geom.vertEq(e.org, vEvent)) { + // NOTE(bckenny): this code is unreachable but remains for a hypothetical + // future extension of libtess. See docs on libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_ + // for more information. Conditional on TOLERANCE_NONZERO_ to help Closure + // Compiler eliminate dead code. + // e.org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait + // for e.org to be pulled from the queue + libtess.assert(libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_); + if (libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_) { + libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_(tess, e, vEvent.anEdge); + } + return; + } + + if (!libtess.geom.vertEq(e.dst(), vEvent)) { + // General case -- splice vEvent into edge e which passes through it + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(e.sym); + + if (regUp.fixUpperEdge) { + // This edge was fixable -- delete unused portion of original edge + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(e.oNext); + regUp.fixUpperEdge = false; + } + + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(vEvent.anEdge, e); + + // recurse + libtess.sweep.sweepEvent_(tess, vEvent); + return; + } + + // NOTE(bckenny): this code is unreachable but remains for a hypothetical + // future extension of libtess. See docs on libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_ + // for more information. Conditional on TOLERANCE_NONZERO_ to help Closure + // Compiler eliminate dead code. + // vEvent coincides with e.dst(), which has already been processed. + // Splice in the additional right-going edges. + /* istanbul ignore next */ + libtess.assert(libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_); + + /* istanbul ignore next */ + if (libtess.sweep.TOLERANCE_NONZERO_) { + regUp = libtess.sweep.topRightRegion_(regUp); + var reg = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eTopRight = reg.eUp.sym; + var eTopLeft = eTopRight.oNext; + var eLast = eTopLeft; + + if (reg.fixUpperEdge) { + // Here e.dst() has only a single fixable edge going right. + // We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges. + + // there are some left edges too + libtess.assert(eTopLeft !== eTopRight); + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, reg); // TODO(bckenny): something to null? + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eTopRight); + eTopRight = eTopLeft.oPrev(); + } + + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(vEvent.anEdge, eTopRight); + if (!libtess.geom.edgeGoesLeft(eTopLeft)) { + // e.dst() had no left-going edges -- indicate this to addRightEdges() + eTopLeft = null; + } + + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eTopRight.oNext, eLast, eTopLeft, + true); + } +}; + + +/** + * Connect a "left" vertex (one where both edges go right) + * to the processed portion of the mesh. Let R be the active region + * containing vEvent, and let U and L be the upper and lower edge + * chains of R. There are two possibilities: + * + * - the normal case: split R into two regions, by connecting vEvent to + * the rightmost vertex of U or L lying to the left of the sweep line + * + * - the degenerate case: if vEvent is close enough to U or L, we + * merge vEvent into that edge chain. The subcases are: + * - merging with the rightmost vertex of U or L + * - merging with the active edge of U or L + * - merging with an already-processed portion of U or L + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} vEvent [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.connectLeftVertex_ = function(tess, vEvent) { + // TODO(bckenny): tmp only used for sweep. better to keep tmp across calls? + var tmp = new libtess.ActiveRegion(); + + // NOTE(bckenny): this was commented out in the original + // libtess.assert(vEvent.anEdge.oNext.oNext === vEvent.anEdge); + + // Get a pointer to the active region containing vEvent + tmp.eUp = vEvent.anEdge.sym; + var regUp = tess.dict.search(tmp).getKey(); + var regLo = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eUp = regUp.eUp; + var eLo = regLo.eUp; + + // try merging with U or L first + if (libtess.geom.edgeSign(eUp.dst(), vEvent, eUp.org) === 0) { + libtess.sweep.connectLeftDegenerate_(tess, regUp, vEvent); + return; + } + + // Connect vEvent to rightmost processed vertex of either chain. + // e.dst() is the vertex that we will connect to vEvent. + var reg = libtess.geom.vertLeq(eLo.dst(), eUp.dst()) ? regUp : regLo; + var eNew; + if (regUp.inside || reg.fixUpperEdge) { + if (reg === regUp) { + eNew = libtess.mesh.connect(vEvent.anEdge.sym, eUp.lNext); + + } else { + var tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.connect(eLo.dNext(), vEvent.anEdge); + eNew = tempHalfEdge.sym; + } + + if (reg.fixUpperEdge) { + libtess.sweep.fixUpperEdge_(reg, eNew); + + } else { + libtess.sweep.computeWinding_(tess, + libtess.sweep.addRegionBelow_(tess, regUp, eNew)); + } + libtess.sweep.sweepEvent_(tess, vEvent); + + } else { + // The new vertex is in a region which does not belong to the polygon. + // We don''t need to connect this vertex to the rest of the mesh. + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, vEvent.anEdge, vEvent.anEdge, + null, true); + } +}; + + +/** + * Does everything necessary when the sweep line crosses a vertex. + * Updates the mesh and the edge dictionary. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex} vEvent [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.sweepEvent_ = function(tess, vEvent) { + tess.event = vEvent; // for access in edgeLeq_ // TODO(bckenny): wuh? + libtess.sweepDebugEvent(tess); + + /* Check if this vertex is the right endpoint of an edge that is + * already in the dictionary. In this case we don't need to waste + * time searching for the location to insert new edges. + */ + var e = vEvent.anEdge; + while (e.activeRegion === null) { + e = e.oNext; + if (e === vEvent.anEdge) { + // All edges go right -- not incident to any processed edges + libtess.sweep.connectLeftVertex_(tess, vEvent); + return; + } + } + + /* Processing consists of two phases: first we "finish" all the + * active regions where both the upper and lower edges terminate + * at vEvent (ie. vEvent is closing off these regions). + * We mark these faces "inside" or "outside" the polygon according + * to their winding number, and delete the edges from the dictionary. + * This takes care of all the left-going edges from vEvent. + */ + var regUp = libtess.sweep.topLeftRegion_(e.activeRegion); + var reg = regUp.regionBelow(); + var eTopLeft = reg.eUp; + var eBottomLeft = libtess.sweep.finishLeftRegions_(tess, reg, null); + + /* Next we process all the right-going edges from vEvent. This + * involves adding the edges to the dictionary, and creating the + * associated "active regions" which record information about the + * regions between adjacent dictionary edges. + */ + if (eBottomLeft.oNext === eTopLeft) { + // No right-going edges -- add a temporary "fixable" edge + libtess.sweep.connectRightVertex_(tess, regUp, eBottomLeft); + + } else { + libtess.sweep.addRightEdges_(tess, regUp, eBottomLeft.oNext, eTopLeft, + eTopLeft, true); + } +}; + + +/** + * We add two sentinel edges above and below all other edges, + * to avoid special cases at the top and bottom. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + * @param {number} t [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.addSentinel_ = function(tess, t) { + var reg = new libtess.ActiveRegion(); + + var e = libtess.mesh.makeEdge(tess.mesh); + + e.org.s = libtess.sweep.SENTINEL_COORD_; + e.org.t = t; + e.dst().s = -libtess.sweep.SENTINEL_COORD_; + e.dst().t = t; + tess.event = e.dst(); //initialize it + + reg.eUp = e; + reg.windingNumber = 0; + reg.inside = false; + reg.fixUpperEdge = false; + reg.sentinel = true; + reg.dirty = false; + reg.nodeUp = tess.dict.insert(reg); +}; + + +/** + * We maintain an ordering of edge intersections with the sweep line. + * This order is maintained in a dynamic dictionary. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.initEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { + tess.dict = new libtess.Dict(tess, libtess.sweep.edgeLeq_); + + libtess.sweep.addSentinel_(tess, -libtess.sweep.SENTINEL_COORD_); + libtess.sweep.addSentinel_(tess, libtess.sweep.SENTINEL_COORD_); +}; + + +/** + * [doneEdgeDict_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.doneEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { + // NOTE(bckenny): fixedEdges is only used in the assert below, so ignore so + // when asserts are removed jshint won't error. + /* jshint unused:false */ + var fixedEdges = 0; + + var reg; + while ((reg = tess.dict.getMin().getKey()) !== null) { + // At the end of all processing, the dictionary should contain + // only the two sentinel edges, plus at most one "fixable" edge + // created by connectRightVertex(). + if (!reg.sentinel) { + libtess.assert(reg.fixUpperEdge); + libtess.assert(++fixedEdges === 1); + } + libtess.assert(reg.windingNumber === 0); + libtess.sweep.deleteRegion_(tess, reg); + } + + // NOTE(bckenny): see tess.dict.deleteDict_() for old delete dict function + tess.dict = null; +}; + + +/** + * Remove zero-length edges, and contours with fewer than 3 vertices. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.removeDegenerateEdges_ = function(tess) { + var eHead = tess.mesh.eHead; + + var eNext; + for (var e = eHead.next; e !== eHead; e = eNext) { + eNext = e.next; + var eLNext = e.lNext; + + if (libtess.geom.vertEq(e.org, e.dst()) && e.lNext.lNext !== e) { + // Zero-length edge, contour has at least 3 edges + libtess.sweep.spliceMergeVertices_(tess, eLNext, e); // deletes e.org + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(e); // e is a self-loop TODO(bckenny): does this comment really apply here? + e = eLNext; + eLNext = e.lNext; + } + + if (eLNext.lNext === e) { + // Degenerate contour (one or two edges) + if (eLNext !== e) { + if (eLNext === eNext || eLNext === eNext.sym) { + eNext = eNext.next; + } + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(eLNext); + } + + if (e === eNext || e === eNext.sym) { + eNext = eNext.next; + } + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(e); + } + } +}; + + +/** + * Construct priority queue and insert all vertices into it, which determines + * the order in which vertices cross the sweep line. + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.initPriorityQ_ = function(tess) { + // TODO(bckenny): libtess.geom.vertLeq needs cast? + var pq = new libtess.PriorityQ( + /** @type {function(Object, Object): boolean} */(libtess.geom.vertLeq)); + tess.pq = pq; + + var vHead = tess.mesh.vHead; + var v; + for (v = vHead.next; v !== vHead; v = v.next) { + v.pqHandle = pq.insert(v); + } + + pq.init(); +}; + + +/** + * [donePriorityQ_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.donePriorityQ_ = function(tess) { + // TODO(bckenny): probably don't need deleteQ. check that function for comment + tess.pq.deleteQ(); + tess.pq = null; +}; + + +/** + * Delete any degenerate faces with only two edges. walkDirtyRegions() + * will catch almost all of these, but it won't catch degenerate faces + * produced by splice operations on already-processed edges. + * The two places this can happen are in finishLeftRegions(), when + * we splice in a "temporary" edge produced by connectRightVertex(), + * and in checkForLeftSplice(), where we splice already-processed + * edges to ensure that our dictionary invariants are not violated + * by numerical errors. + * + * In both these cases it is *very* dangerous to delete the offending + * edge at the time, since one of the routines further up the stack + * will sometimes be keeping a pointer to that edge. + * + * @private + * @param {libtess.GluMesh} mesh [description]. + */ +libtess.sweep.removeDegenerateFaces_ = function(mesh) { + var fNext; + for (var f = mesh.fHead.next; f !== mesh.fHead; f = fNext) { + fNext = f.next; + var e = f.anEdge; + libtess.assert(e.lNext !== e); + + if (e.lNext.lNext === e) { + // A face with only two edges + libtess.sweep.addWinding_(e.oNext, e); + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(e); + } + } +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** @const */ +libtess.tessmono = {}; + +/** + * Tessellates a monotone region (what else would it do??). The region must + * consist of a single loop of half-edges (see mesh.js) oriented CCW. "Monotone" + * in this case means that any vertical line intersects the interior of the + * region in a single interval. + * + * Tessellation consists of adding interior edges (actually pairs of + * half-edges), to split the region into non-overlapping triangles. + * @private + * @param {!libtess.GluFace} face + */ +libtess.tessmono.tessellateMonoRegion_ = function(face) { + /* The basic idea is explained in Preparata and Shamos (which I don't + * have handy right now), although their implementation is more + * complicated than this one. The are two edge chains, an upper chain + * and a lower chain. We process all vertices from both chains in order, + * from right to left. + * + * The algorithm ensures that the following invariant holds after each + * vertex is processed: the untessellated region consists of two + * chains, where one chain (say the upper) is a single edge, and + * the other chain is concave. The left vertex of the single edge + * is always to the left of all vertices in the concave chain. + * + * Each step consists of adding the rightmost unprocessed vertex to one + * of the two chains, and forming a fan of triangles from the rightmost + * of two chain endpoints. Determining whether we can add each triangle + * to the fan is a simple orientation test. By making the fan as large + * as possible, we restore the invariant (check it yourself). + * + * All edges are oriented CCW around the boundary of the region. + * First, find the half-edge whose origin vertex is rightmost. + * Since the sweep goes from left to right, face.anEdge should + * be close to the edge we want. + */ + var up = face.anEdge; + libtess.assert(up.lNext !== up && up.lNext.lNext !== up); + + for (; libtess.geom.vertLeq(up.dst(), up.org); up = up.lPrev()) { } + for (; libtess.geom.vertLeq(up.org, up.dst()); up = up.lNext) { } + + var lo = up.lPrev(); + + var tempHalfEdge; + while (up.lNext !== lo) { + if (libtess.geom.vertLeq(up.dst(), lo.org)) { + // up.dst() is on the left. It is safe to form triangles from lo.org. + // The edgeGoesLeft test guarantees progress even when some triangles + // are CW, given that the upper and lower chains are truly monotone. + while (lo.lNext !== up && (libtess.geom.edgeGoesLeft(lo.lNext) || + libtess.geom.edgeSign(lo.org, lo.dst(), lo.lNext.dst()) <= 0)) { + + tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.connect(lo.lNext, lo); + lo = tempHalfEdge.sym; + } + lo = lo.lPrev(); + + } else { + // lo.org is on the left. We can make CCW triangles from up.dst(). + while (lo.lNext !== up && (libtess.geom.edgeGoesRight(up.lPrev()) || + libtess.geom.edgeSign(up.dst(), up.org, up.lPrev().org) >= 0)) { + + tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.connect(up, up.lPrev()); + up = tempHalfEdge.sym; + } + up = up.lNext; + } + } + + // Now lo.org == up.dst() == the leftmost vertex. The remaining region + // can be tessellated in a fan from this leftmost vertex. + libtess.assert(lo.lNext !== up); + while (lo.lNext.lNext !== up) { + tempHalfEdge = libtess.mesh.connect(lo.lNext, lo); + lo = tempHalfEdge.sym; + } +}; + +/** + * Tessellates each region of the mesh which is marked "inside" the polygon. + * Each such region must be monotone. + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh + */ +libtess.tessmono.tessellateInterior = function(mesh) { + var next; + for (var f = mesh.fHead.next; f !== mesh.fHead; f = next) { + // Make sure we don't try to tessellate the new triangles. + next = f.next; + if (f.inside) { + libtess.tessmono.tessellateMonoRegion_(f); + } + } +}; + +/** + * Zaps (i.e. sets to null) all faces which are not marked "inside" the polygon. + * Since further mesh operations on null faces are not allowed, the main purpose + * is to clean up the mesh so that exterior loops are not represented in the + * data structure. + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh + */ +libtess.tessmono.discardExterior = function(mesh) { + var next; + for (var f = mesh.fHead.next; f !== mesh.fHead; f = next) { + // Since f will be destroyed, save its next pointer. + next = f.next; + if (!f.inside) { + libtess.mesh.zapFace(f); + } + } +}; + +/** + * Resets the winding numbers on all edges so that regions marked "inside" the + * polygon have a winding number of "value", and regions outside have a winding + * number of 0. + * + * If keepOnlyBoundary is true, it also deletes all edges which do not separate + * an interior region from an exterior one. + * + * @param {!libtess.GluMesh} mesh + * @param {number} value + * @param {boolean} keepOnlyBoundary + */ +libtess.tessmono.setWindingNumber = function(mesh, value, keepOnlyBoundary) { + var eNext; + for (var e = mesh.eHead.next; e !== mesh.eHead; e = eNext) { + eNext = e.next; + + if (e.rFace().inside !== e.lFace.inside) { + // This is a boundary edge (one side is interior, one is exterior). + e.winding = (e.lFace.inside) ? value : -value; + + } else { + // Both regions are interior, or both are exterior. + if (!keepOnlyBoundary) { + e.winding = 0; + + } else { + libtess.mesh.deleteEdge(e); + } + } + } +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * A list of edges crossing the sweep line, sorted from top to bottom. + * Implementation is a doubly-linked list, sorted by the injected edgeLeq + * comparator function. Here it is a simple ordering, but see libtess.sweep for + * the list of invariants on the edge dictionary this ordering creates. + * @constructor + * @struct + * @param {!libtess.GluTesselator} frame + * @param {function(!libtess.GluTesselator, !libtess.ActiveRegion, !libtess.ActiveRegion): boolean} leq + */ +libtess.Dict = function(frame, leq) { + + /** + * The head of the doubly-linked DictNode list. At creation time, links back + * and forward only to itself. + * @private {!libtess.DictNode} + */ + this.head_ = new libtess.DictNode(); + + /** + * The GluTesselator used as the frame for edge/event comparisons. + * @private {!libtess.GluTesselator} + */ + this.frame_ = frame; + + /** + * Comparison function to maintain the invariants of the Dict. See + * libtess.sweep.edgeLeq_ for source. + * @private + * @type {function(!libtess.GluTesselator, !libtess.ActiveRegion, !libtess.ActiveRegion): boolean} + */ + this.leq_ = leq; +}; + +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Formerly used to delete the dict. + * NOTE(bckenny): No longer called but left for memFree documentation. Nulled at + * former callsite instead (sweep.doneEdgeDict_) + * @private + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.deleteDict_ = function() { + // for (var node = this.head_.next; node !== this.head_; node = node.next) { + // memFree(node); + // } + // memFree(dict); +}; + +/** + * Insert the supplied key into the edge list and return its new node. + * @param {libtess.DictNode} node + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion} key + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.insertBefore = function(node, key) { + do { + node = node.prev; + } while (node.key !== null && !this.leq_(this.frame_, node.key, key)); + + // insert the new node and update the surrounding nodes to point to it + var newNode = new libtess.DictNode(key, node.next, node); + node.next.prev = newNode; + node.next = newNode; + + return newNode; +}; + +/** + * Insert key into the dict and return the new node that contains it. + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion} key + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.insert = function(key) { + // NOTE(bckenny): from a macro in dict.h/dict-list.h + return this.insertBefore(this.head_, key); +}; + +/** + * Remove node from the list. + * @param {libtess.DictNode} node + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.deleteNode = function(node) { + node.next.prev = node.prev; + node.prev.next = node.next; + + // NOTE(bckenny): nulled at callsite (sweep.deleteRegion_) + // memFree( node ); +}; + +/** + * Search returns the node with the smallest key greater than or equal + * to the given key. If there is no such key, returns a node whose + * key is null. Similarly, max(d).getSuccessor() has a null key, etc. + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion} key + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.search = function(key) { + var node = this.head_; + + do { + node = node.next; + } while (node.key !== null && !this.leq_(this.frame_, key, node.key)); + + return node; +}; + +/** + * Return the node with the smallest key. + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.getMin = function() { + // NOTE(bckenny): from a macro in dict.h/dict-list.h + return this.head_.next; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.Dict.getMax isn't called within libtess and isn't part +// of the public API. For now, leaving in but ignoring for coverage. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Returns the node with the greatest key. + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.Dict.prototype.getMax = function() { + // NOTE(bckenny): from a macro in dict.h/dict-list.h + return this.head_.prev; +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * A doubly-linked-list node with a libtess.ActiveRegion payload. + * The key for this node and the next and previous nodes in the parent Dict list + * can be provided to insert it into an existing list (or all can be omitted if + * this is to be the founding node of the list). + * @param {!libtess.ActiveRegion=} opt_key + * @param {!libtess.DictNode=} opt_nextNode + * @param {!libtess.DictNode=} opt_prevNode + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.DictNode = function(opt_key, opt_nextNode, opt_prevNode) { + /** + * The ActiveRegion key for this node, or null if the head of the list. + * @type {libtess.ActiveRegion} + */ + this.key = opt_key || null; + + /** + * Link to next DictNode in parent list or to self if this is the first node. + * @type {!libtess.DictNode} + */ + this.next = opt_nextNode || this; + + /** + * Link to previous DictNode in parent list or to self if this is the first + * node. + * @type {!libtess.DictNode} + */ + this.prev = opt_prevNode || this; +}; + +/** + * Get the key from this node. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} + */ +libtess.DictNode.prototype.getKey = function() { + return this.key; +}; + +/** + * Get the successor node to this one. + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.DictNode.prototype.getSuccessor = function() { + return this.next; +}; + +/** + * Get the predecessor node to this one. + * @return {!libtess.DictNode} + */ +libtess.DictNode.prototype.getPredecessor = function() { + return this.prev; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * Cached vertex data for single-countour polygons for quick-and-dirty + * decomposition. + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.CachedVertex = function() { + /** + * [coords description] + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.coords = [0, 0, 0]; + // TODO(bckenny): better way to init? + + /** + * [data description] + * @type {Object} + */ + this.data = null; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): create more javascript-y API, e.g. make gluTessEndPolygon +// async, don't require so many temp objects created + +/** + * The tesselator main class, providing the public API. + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.GluTesselator = function() { + // Only initialize fields which can be changed by the api. Other fields + // are initialized where they are used. + + // TODO(bckenny): many of these can be made private + // TODO(bckenny): can we combine call* and call*Data functions? + + /*** state needed for collecting the input data ***/ + + /** + * what begin/end calls have we seen? + * @type {libtess.tessState} + */ + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT; + + /** + * lastEdge_.org is the most recent vertex + * @private + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.lastEdge_ = null; + + /** + * stores the input contours, and eventually the tessellation itself + * @type {libtess.GluMesh} + */ + this.mesh = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): initialized in this.emptyCache_ + + /** + * Error callback. + * @private + * @type {?function((libtess.errorType|libtess.gluEnum))} + */ + this.callError_ = null; + + + /*** state needed for projecting onto the sweep plane ***/ + + /** + * user-specified normal (if provided) + * @type {!Array.} + */ + this.normal = [0, 0, 0]; + // TODO(bckenny): better way to init these arrays? + + /** + * unit vector in s-direction (debugging) + * @type {!Array.} + */ + this.sUnit = [0, 0, 0]; + + /** + * unit vector in t-direction (debugging) + * @type {!Array.} + */ + this.tUnit = [0, 0, 0]; + + /*** state needed for the line sweep ***/ + // TODO(bckenny): this could be moved to a sweep state object of some sort + + /** + * tolerance for merging features + * @type {number} + */ + this.relTolerance = libtess.GLU_TESS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; + + /** + * rule for determining polygon interior + * @type {libtess.windingRule} + */ + this.windingRule = libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD; + + /** + * fatal error: needed combine callback + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.fatalError = false; + + /** + * edge dictionary for sweep line + * @type {libtess.Dict} + */ + this.dict = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): dict initialized in sweep.initEdgeDict_, removed in sweep.doneEdgeDict_ + + /** + * priority queue of vertex events + * @type {libtess.PriorityQ} + */ + this.pq = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): pq initialized in sweep.initPriorityQ + + /** + * current sweep event being processed + * @type {libtess.GluVertex} + */ + this.event = null; + + /** + * Combine callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(Array., Array., Array.): Object} + */ + this.callCombine_ = null; + + /*** state needed for rendering callbacks (see render.js) ***/ + + /** + * Extract contours, not triangles + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.boundaryOnly = false; + + /** + * Begin callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(libtess.primitiveType)} + */ + this.callBegin_ = null; + + /** + * Edge flag callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(boolean)} + */ + this.callEdgeFlag_ = null; + + /** + * Vertex callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(Object)} + */ + this.callVertex_ = null; + + /** + * End callback. + * @private + * @type {?function()} + */ + this.callEnd_ = null; + + /** + * Mesh callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(libtess.GluMesh)} + */ + this.callMesh_ = null; + + /*** rendering callbacks that also pass polygon data ***/ + /** + * BeginData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(libtess.primitiveType, Object)} + */ + this.callBeginData_ = null; + + /** + * EdgeFlagData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(boolean, Object)} + */ + this.callEdgeFlagData_ = null; + + /** + * VertexData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(Object, Object)} + */ + this.callVertexData_ = null; + + /** + * EndData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(Object)} + */ + this.callEndData_ = null; + + /** + * ErrorData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function((libtess.errorType|libtess.gluEnum), Object)} + */ + this.callErrorData_ = null; + + /** + * CombineData callback. + * @private + * @type {?function(Array., Array., Array., Object): Object} + */ + this.callCombineData_ = null; + + /** + * client data for current polygon + * @private + * @type {Object} + */ + this.polygonData_ = null; + + /*** state needed to cache single-contour polygons for renderCache() ***/ + /** + * empty cache on next vertex() call + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.emptyCache = false; + // TODO(bckenny): possibly rename to be clear it's a boolean + + /** + * number of cached vertices + * @type {number} + */ + this.cacheCount = 0; + + /** + * the vertex data + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.cache = new Array(libtess.TESS_MAX_CACHE); + + // TODO(bckenny): fill now? or init on demand + for (var i = 0; i < libtess.TESS_MAX_CACHE; i++) { + this.cache[i] = new libtess.CachedVertex(); + } +}; + + +/** + * Destory the tesselator object. See README. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluDeleteTess = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): This does nothing but assert that it isn't called while + // building the polygon since we rely on GC to handle memory. *If* the public + // API changes, this should go. + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT); + // memFree(tess); TODO(bckenny) +}; + + +/** + * Set properties for control over tesselation. See README. + * @param {libtess.gluEnum} which [description]. + * @param {number|boolean} value [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessProperty = function(which, value) { + // TODO(bckenny): split into more setters? + // TODO(bckenny): in any case, we can do better than this switch statement + + switch (which) { + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: + if (value < 0 || value > 1) { + break; + } + // TODO(bckenny): libtess doesn't support any tolerance but 0. This should + // reject any non-zero tolerance accordingly. + this.relTolerance = /** @type {number} */(value); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: + var windingRule = /** @type {libtess.windingRule} */(value); + + switch (windingRule) { + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD: + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO: + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE: + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE: + case libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO: + this.windingRule = windingRule; + return; + default: + } + break; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: + // TODO(bckenny): added boolean param type. make sure ok. + this.boundaryOnly = !!value; + return; + + default: + this.callErrorOrErrorData(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_INVALID_ENUM); + return; + } + this.callErrorOrErrorData(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_INVALID_VALUE); +}; + + +/** + * Returns tessellator property + * @param {libtess.gluEnum} which [description]. + * @return {number|boolean} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluGetTessProperty = function(which) { + // TODO(bckenny): as above, split into more getters? and improve on switch statement + // why are these being asserted in getter but not setter? + + switch (which) { + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: + // tolerance should be in range [0..1] + libtess.assert(0 <= this.relTolerance && this.relTolerance <= 1); + return this.relTolerance; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: + var rule = this.windingRule; + libtess.assert(rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD || + rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO || + rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE || + rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE || + rule === libtess.windingRule.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO); + return rule; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: + libtess.assert(this.boundaryOnly === true || this.boundaryOnly === false); + return this.boundaryOnly; + + default: + this.callErrorOrErrorData(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_INVALID_ENUM); + break; + } + return false; +}; + + +/** + * Lets the user supply the polygon normal, if known. All input data + * is projected into a plane perpendicular to the normal before + * tesselation. All output triangles are oriented CCW with + * respect to the normal (CW orientation can be obtained by + * reversing the sign of the supplied normal). For example, if + * you know that all polygons lie in the x-y plane, call + * "tess.gluTessNormal(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)" before rendering any polygons. + * + * @param {number} x [description]. + * @param {number} y [description]. + * @param {number} z [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessNormal = function(x, y, z) { + this.normal[0] = x; + this.normal[1] = y; + this.normal[2] = z; +}; + + +/** + * Specify callbacks. See README. A null or undefined opt_fn removes current callback. + * + * @param {libtess.gluEnum} which [description]. + * @param {?Function=} opt_fn [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessCallback = function(which, opt_fn) { + var fn = !opt_fn ? null : opt_fn; + // TODO(bckenny): better opt_fn typing? + + switch (which) { + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BEGIN: + this.callBegin_ = /** @type {function(libtess.primitiveType)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: + this.callBeginData_ = + /** @type {function(libtess.primitiveType, Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG: + this.callEdgeFlag_ = /** @type {function(boolean)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: + this.callEdgeFlagData_ = /** @type {function(boolean, Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_VERTEX: + this.callVertex_ = /** @type {function(Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: + this.callVertexData_ = /** @type {function(Object, Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_END: + this.callEnd_ = /** @type {function()} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_END_DATA: + this.callEndData_ = /** @type {function(Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_ERROR: + this.callError_ = /** @type {function((libtess.errorType|libtess.gluEnum))} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: + this.callErrorData_ = + /** @type {function((libtess.errorType|libtess.gluEnum), Object)} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_COMBINE: + this.callCombine_ = /** @type {function(Array., Array., Array.): Object} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: + this.callCombineData_ = /** @type {function(Array., Array., Array., Object): Object} */ (fn); + return; + + case libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_MESH: + this.callMesh_ = /** @type {function(libtess.GluMesh)} */ (fn); + return; + + default: + this.callErrorOrErrorData(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_INVALID_ENUM); + return; + } +}; + + +/** + * Specify a vertex and associated data. Must be within calls to + * beginContour/endContour. See README. + * + * @param {Array.} coords [description]. + * @param {Object} data [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessVertex = function(coords, data) { + var tooLarge = false; + + // TODO(bckenny): pool allocation? + var clamped = [0, 0, 0]; + + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_IN_CONTOUR); + + if (this.emptyCache) { + this.emptyCache_(); + this.lastEdge_ = null; + } + + for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + var x = coords[i]; + if (x < -libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD) { + x = -libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD; + tooLarge = true; + } + if (x > libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD) { + x = libtess.GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD; + tooLarge = true; + } + clamped[i] = x; + } + + if (tooLarge) { + this.callErrorOrErrorData(libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE); + } + + if (this.mesh === null) { + if (this.cacheCount < libtess.TESS_MAX_CACHE) { + this.cacheVertex_(clamped, data); + return; + } + + // cache is full, create mesh and add cached verts to it + this.emptyCache_(); + } + + this.addVertex_(clamped, data); +}; + + +/** + * [gluTessBeginPolygon description] + * @param {Object} data Client data for current polygon. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessBeginPolygon = function(data) { + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT); + + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON; + this.cacheCount = 0; + this.emptyCache = false; + this.mesh = null; + + this.polygonData_ = data; +}; + + +/** + * [gluTessBeginContour description] + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessBeginContour = function() { + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON); + + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_IN_CONTOUR; + this.lastEdge_ = null; + if (this.cacheCount > 0) { + // Just set a flag so we don't get confused by empty contours + // -- these can be generated accidentally with the obsolete + // NextContour() interface. + // TODO(bckenny): we aren't implementing NextContour() interface. + this.emptyCache = true; + } +}; + + +/** + * [gluTessEndContour description] + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessEndContour = function() { + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_IN_CONTOUR); + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON; +}; + + +/** + * [gluTessEndPolygon description] + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gluTessEndPolygon = function() { + this.requireState_(libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON); + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT; + + if (this.mesh === null) { + // TODO(bckenny): can we eliminate more cache functionality? + this.emptyCache_(); + } + + // Determine the polygon normal and project vertices onto the plane + // of the polygon. + libtess.normal.projectPolygon(this); + + // computeInterior(tess) computes the planar arrangement specified + // by the given contours, and further subdivides this arrangement + // into regions. Each region is marked "inside" if it belongs + // to the polygon, according to the rule given by this.windingRule. + // Each interior region is guaranteed be monotone. + libtess.sweep.computeInterior(this); + + if (!this.fatalError) { + // If the user wants only the boundary contours, we throw away all edges + // except those which separate the interior from the exterior. + // Otherwise we tessellate all the regions marked "inside". + // NOTE(bckenny): we know this.mesh has been initialized, so help closure out. + var mesh = /** @type {!libtess.GluMesh} */(this.mesh); + if (this.boundaryOnly) { + libtess.tessmono.setWindingNumber(mesh, 1, true); + } else { + libtess.tessmono.tessellateInterior(mesh); + } + + this.mesh.checkMesh(); + + if (this.callBegin_ || this.callEnd_ || this.callVertex_ || + this.callEdgeFlag_ || this.callBeginData_ || this.callEndData_ || + this.callVertexData_ || this.callEdgeFlagData_) { + + if (this.boundaryOnly) { + // output boundary contours + libtess.render.renderBoundary(this, this.mesh); + + } else { + // output triangles (with edge callback if one is set) + var flagEdges = !!(this.callEdgeFlag_ || this.callEdgeFlagData_); + libtess.render.renderMesh(this, this.mesh, flagEdges); + } + } + + if (this.callMesh_) { + // Throw away the exterior faces, so that all faces are interior. + // This way the user doesn't have to check the "inside" flag, + // and we don't need to even reveal its existence. It also leaves + // the freedom for an implementation to not generate the exterior + // faces in the first place. + libtess.tessmono.discardExterior(this.mesh); + // user wants the mesh itself + this.callMesh_(this.mesh); + + this.mesh = null; + this.polygonData_ = null; + return; + } + } + + libtess.mesh.deleteMesh(this.mesh); + this.polygonData_ = null; + this.mesh = null; +}; + + +/** + * Return the tessellator to its original dormant state. + * @private + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.makeDormant_ = function() { + if (this.mesh) { + libtess.mesh.deleteMesh(this.mesh); + } + this.state = libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT; + this.lastEdge_ = null; + this.mesh = null; +}; + + +/** + * [requireState_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.tessState} state [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.requireState_ = function(state) { + if (this.state !== state) { + this.gotoState_(state); + } +}; + + +/** + * [gotoState_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.tessState} newState [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.gotoState_ = function(newState) { + while (this.state !== newState) { + // We change the current state one level at a time, to get to the desired + // state. + if (this.state < newState) { + switch (this.state) { + case libtess.tessState.T_DORMANT: + this.callErrorOrErrorData( + libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_POLYGON); + this.gluTessBeginPolygon(null); + break; + + case libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON: + this.callErrorOrErrorData( + libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_CONTOUR); + this.gluTessBeginContour(); + break; + } + + } else { + switch (this.state) { + case libtess.tessState.T_IN_CONTOUR: + this.callErrorOrErrorData( + libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_CONTOUR); + this.gluTessEndContour(); + break; + + case libtess.tessState.T_IN_POLYGON: + this.callErrorOrErrorData( + libtess.errorType.GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_POLYGON); + // this.gluTessEndPolygon() is too much work! + this.makeDormant_(); + break; + } + } + } +}; + + +/** + * [addVertex_ description] + * @private + * @param {Array.} coords [description]. + * @param {Object} data [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.addVertex_ = function(coords, data) { + var e = this.lastEdge_; + if (e === null) { + // Make a self-loop (one vertex, one edge). + e = libtess.mesh.makeEdge(this.mesh); + libtess.mesh.meshSplice(e, e.sym); + + } else { + // Create a new vertex and edge which immediately follow e + // in the ordering around the left face. + libtess.mesh.splitEdge(e); + e = e.lNext; + } + + // The new vertex is now e.org. + e.org.data = data; + e.org.coords[0] = coords[0]; + e.org.coords[1] = coords[1]; + e.org.coords[2] = coords[2]; + + // The winding of an edge says how the winding number changes as we + // cross from the edge''s right face to its left face. We add the + // vertices in such an order that a CCW contour will add +1 to + // the winding number of the region inside the contour. + e.winding = 1; + e.sym.winding = -1; + + this.lastEdge_ = e; +}; + + +/** + * [cacheVertex_ description] + * @private + * @param {Array.} coords [description]. + * @param {Object} data [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.cacheVertex_ = function(coords, data) { + var v = this.cache[this.cacheCount]; + + v.data = data; + v.coords[0] = coords[0]; + v.coords[1] = coords[1]; + v.coords[2] = coords[2]; + ++this.cacheCount; +}; + + +/** + * [emptyCache_ description] + * @private + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.emptyCache_ = function() { + // NOTE(bckenny): surprise! + this.mesh = new libtess.GluMesh(); + + for (var i = 0; i < this.cacheCount; i++) { + var v = this.cache[i]; + this.addVertex_(v.coords, v.data); + } + + this.cacheCount = 0; + this.emptyCache = false; +}; + + +// TODO(bckenny): all following conditional callbacks could be simplified +// TODO(bckenny): using null for now, but may rework +// TODO(bckenny): should add documentation that references in callback are volatile (or make a copy) +// see README callback descriptions +/** + * [callBeginOrBeginData description] + * @param {libtess.primitiveType} type [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callBeginOrBeginData = function(type) { + if (this.callBeginData_) { + this.callBeginData_(type, this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callBegin_) { + this.callBegin_(type); + } +}; + + +/** + * [callVertexOrVertexData description] + * @param {Object} data [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callVertexOrVertexData = function(data) { + if (this.callVertexData_) { + this.callVertexData_(data, this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callVertex_) { + this.callVertex_(data); + } +}; + + +/** + * [callEdgeFlagOrEdgeFlagData description] + * @param {boolean} flag [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callEdgeFlagOrEdgeFlagData = function(flag) { + if (this.callEdgeFlagData_) { + this.callEdgeFlagData_(flag, this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callEdgeFlag_) { + this.callEdgeFlag_(flag); + } +}; + + +/** + * [callEndOrEndData description] + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callEndOrEndData = function() { + if (this.callEndData_) { + this.callEndData_(this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callEnd_) { + this.callEnd_(); + } +}; + + +/** + * [callCombineOrCombineData description] + * @param {Array.} coords [description]. + * @param {Array.} data [description]. + * @param {Array.} weight [description]. + * @return {Object} Interpolated vertex. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callCombineOrCombineData = + function(coords, data, weight) { + + var interpData; + if (this.callCombineData_) { + interpData = this.callCombineData_(coords, data, weight, this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callCombine_) { + interpData = this.callCombine_(coords, data, weight); + } + + // TODO(bckenny): can't be undefined + if (interpData === undefined) { + interpData = null; + } + return interpData; +}; + + +// TODO(bckenny): combine the enums in libtess +/** + * [callErrorOrErrorData description] + * @param {(libtess.errorType|libtess.gluEnum)} errno [description]. + */ +libtess.GluTesselator.prototype.callErrorOrErrorData = function(errno) { + if (this.callErrorData_) { + this.callErrorData_(errno, this.polygonData_); + + } else if (this.callError_) { + this.callError_(errno); + } +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * Each face has a pointer to the next and previous faces in the + * circular list, and a pointer to a half-edge with this face as + * the left face (null if this is the dummy header). There is also + * a field "data" for client data. + * + * @param {libtess.GluFace=} opt_nextFace + * @param {libtess.GluFace=} opt_prevFace + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.GluFace = function(opt_nextFace, opt_prevFace) { + // TODO(bckenny): reverse order of params? + + /** + * next face (never null) + * @type {!libtess.GluFace} + */ + this.next = opt_nextFace || this; + + /** + * previous face (never NULL) + * @type {!libtess.GluFace} + */ + this.prev = opt_prevFace || this; + + /** + * A half edge with this left face. + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.anEdge = null; + + /** + * room for client's data + * @type {Object} + */ + this.data = null; + + /** + * This face is in the polygon interior. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.inside = false; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * The fundamental data structure is the "half-edge". Two half-edges + * go together to make an edge, but they point in opposite directions. + * Each half-edge has a pointer to its mate (the "symmetric" half-edge sym), + * its origin vertex (org), the face on its left side (lFace), and the + * adjacent half-edges in the CCW direction around the origin vertex + * (oNext) and around the left face (lNext). There is also a "next" + * pointer for the global edge list (see below). + * + * The notation used for mesh navigation: + * sym = the mate of a half-edge (same edge, but opposite direction) + * oNext = edge CCW around origin vertex (keep same origin) + * dNext = edge CCW around destination vertex (keep same dest) + * lNext = edge CCW around left face (dest becomes new origin) + * rNext = edge CCW around right face (origin becomes new dest) + * + * "prev" means to substitute CW for CCW in the definitions above. + * + * The circular edge list is special; since half-edges always occur + * in pairs (e and e.sym), each half-edge stores a pointer in only + * one direction. Starting at eHead and following the e.next pointers + * will visit each *edge* once (ie. e or e.sym, but not both). + * e.sym stores a pointer in the opposite direction, thus it is + * always true that e.sym.next.sym.next === e. + * + * @param {libtess.GluHalfEdge=} opt_nextEdge + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge = function(opt_nextEdge) { + // TODO(bckenny): are these the right defaults? (from gl_meshNewMesh requirements) + + /** + * doubly-linked list (prev==sym->next) + * @type {!libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.next = opt_nextEdge || this; + + // TODO(bckenny): how can this be required if created in pairs? move to factory creation only? + /** + * same edge, opposite direction + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.sym = null; + + /** + * next edge CCW around origin + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.oNext = null; + + /** + * next edge CCW around left face + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.lNext = null; + + /** + * origin vertex (oVertex too long) + * @type {libtess.GluVertex} + */ + this.org = null; + + /** + * left face + * @type {libtess.GluFace} + */ + this.lFace = null; + + // Internal data (keep hidden) + // NOTE(bckenny): can't be private, though... + + /** + * a region with this upper edge (see sweep.js) + * @type {libtess.ActiveRegion} + */ + this.activeRegion = null; + + /** + * change in winding number when crossing from the right face to the left face + * @type {number} + */ + this.winding = 0; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): the following came from macros in mesh +// TODO(bckenny): using methods as aliases for sym connections for now. +// not sure about this approach. getters? renames? + + +/** + * [rFace description] + * @return {libtess.GluFace} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.rFace = function() { + return this.sym.lFace; +}; + + +/** + * [dst description] + * @return {libtess.GluVertex} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.dst = function() { + return this.sym.org; +}; + + +/** + * [oPrev description] + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.oPrev = function() { + return this.sym.lNext; +}; + + +/** + * [lPrev description] + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.lPrev = function() { + return this.oNext.sym; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.GluHalfEdge.dPrev is called nowhere in libtess and +// isn't part of the current public API. It could be useful for mesh traversal +// and manipulation if made public, however. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * The edge clockwise around destination vertex (keep same dest). + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.dPrev = function() { + return this.lNext.sym; +}; + + +/** + * [rPrev description] + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.rPrev = function() { + return this.sym.oNext; +}; + + +/** + * [dNext description] + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} [description]. + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.dNext = function() { + return this.rPrev().sym; +}; + + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.GluHalfEdge.rNext is called nowhere in libtess and +// isn't part of the current public API. It could be useful for mesh traversal +// and manipulation if made public, however. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * The edge CCW around the right face (origin of this becomes new dest). + * @return {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ +libtess.GluHalfEdge.prototype.rNext = function() { + return this.oPrev().sym; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * Creates a new mesh with no edges, no vertices, + * and no loops (what we usually call a "face"). + * + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.GluMesh = function() { + /** + * dummy header for vertex list + * @type {libtess.GluVertex} + */ + this.vHead = new libtess.GluVertex(); + + /** + * dummy header for face list + * @type {libtess.GluFace} + */ + this.fHead = new libtess.GluFace(); + + /** + * dummy header for edge list + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.eHead = new libtess.GluHalfEdge(); + + /** + * and its symmetric counterpart + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.eHeadSym = new libtess.GluHalfEdge(); + + // TODO(bckenny): better way to pair these? + this.eHead.sym = this.eHeadSym; + this.eHeadSym.sym = this.eHead; +}; + + +// TODO(bckenny): #ifndef NDEBUG +/** + * Checks mesh for self-consistency. + */ +libtess.GluMesh.prototype.checkMesh = function() { + if (!libtess.DEBUG) { + return; + } + + var fHead = this.fHead; + var vHead = this.vHead; + var eHead = this.eHead; + + var e; + + // faces + var f; + var fPrev = fHead; + for (fPrev = fHead; (f = fPrev.next) !== fHead; fPrev = f) { + libtess.assert(f.prev === fPrev); + e = f.anEdge; + do { + libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); + libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); + libtess.assert(e.lFace === f); + e = e.lNext; + } while (e !== f.anEdge); + } + libtess.assert(f.prev === fPrev && f.anEdge === null && f.data === null); + + // vertices + var v; + var vPrev = vHead; + for (vPrev = vHead; (v = vPrev.next) !== vHead; vPrev = v) { + libtess.assert(v.prev === vPrev); + e = v.anEdge; + do { + libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); + libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); + libtess.assert(e.org === v); + e = e.oNext; + } while (e !== v.anEdge); + } + libtess.assert(v.prev === vPrev && v.anEdge === null && v.data === null); + + // edges + var ePrev = eHead; + for (ePrev = eHead; (e = ePrev.next) !== eHead; ePrev = e) { + libtess.assert(e.sym.next === ePrev.sym); + libtess.assert(e.sym !== e); + libtess.assert(e.sym.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.org !== null); + libtess.assert(e.dst() !== null); + libtess.assert(e.lNext.oNext.sym === e); + libtess.assert(e.oNext.sym.lNext === e); + } + libtess.assert(e.sym.next === ePrev.sym && + e.sym === this.eHeadSym && + e.sym.sym === e && + e.org === null && e.dst() === null && + e.lFace === null && e.rFace() === null); +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +/** + * Each vertex has a pointer to next and previous vertices in the + * circular list, and a pointer to a half-edge with this vertex as + * the origin (null if this is the dummy header). There is also a + * field "data" for client data. + * + * @param {libtess.GluVertex=} opt_nextVertex [description]. + * @param {libtess.GluVertex=} opt_prevVertex [description]. + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.GluVertex = function(opt_nextVertex, opt_prevVertex) { + // TODO(bckenny): reverse order of params? + + /** + * Next vertex (never null). + * @type {!libtess.GluVertex} + */ + this.next = opt_nextVertex || this; + + /** + * Previous vertex (never null). + * @type {!libtess.GluVertex} + */ + this.prev = opt_prevVertex || this; + + /** + * A half-edge with this origin. + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.anEdge = null; + + /** + * The client's data. + * @type {Object} + */ + this.data = null; + + /** + * The vertex location in 3D. + * @type {!Array.} + */ + this.coords = [0, 0, 0]; + // TODO(bckenny): we may want to rethink coords, either eliminate (using s + // and t and user data) or index into contiguous storage? + + /** + * Component of projection onto the sweep plane. + * @type {number} + */ + this.s = 0; + + /** + * Component of projection onto the sweep plane. + * @type {number} + */ + this.t = 0; + + /** + * To allow deletion from priority queue. + * @type {?libtess.PQHandle} + */ + this.pqHandle = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): pqHandle inited in sweep + // TODO(bckenny): can we have a numeric default value? null may do bad things +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): more specific typing on key + +/** + * [PQHandleElem description] + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.PQHandleElem = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): if key could instead be an indexed into another store, makes heap storage a lot easier + + /** + * [key description] + * @type {libtess.PQKey} + */ + this.key = null; + + /** + * [node description] + * @type {libtess.PQHandle} + */ + this.node = 0; +}; + + +/** + * Allocate a PQHandleElem array of size size. If oldArray is not null, its + * contents are copied to the beginning of the new array. The rest of the array + * is filled with new PQHandleElems. + * + * @param {?Array.} oldArray [description]. + * @param {number} size [description]. + * @return {Array.} [description]. + */ +libtess.PQHandleElem.realloc = function(oldArray, size) { + var newArray = new Array(size); + + // TODO(bckenny): better to reallocate array? or grow array? + var index = 0; + if (oldArray !== null) { + for (; index < oldArray.length; index++) { + newArray[index] = oldArray[index]; + } + } + + for (; index < size; index++) { + newArray[index] = new libtess.PQHandleElem(); + } + + return newArray; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): maybe just have these created inline as literals +// (or unboxed directly - PQHandle is just an array index number) + +/** + * [PQNode description] + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.PQNode = function() { + /** + * [handle description] + * @type {libtess.PQHandle} + */ + this.handle = 0; +}; + + +/** + * Allocate a PQNode array of size size. If oldArray is not null, its contents + * are copied to the beginning of the new array. The rest of the array is + * filled with new PQNodes. + * + * @param {?Array.} oldArray [description]. + * @param {number} size [description]. + * @return {Array.} [description]. + */ +libtess.PQNode.realloc = function(oldArray, size) { + var newArray = new Array(size); + + // TODO(bckenny): better to reallocate array? or grow array? + var index = 0; + if (oldArray !== null) { + for (; index < oldArray.length; index++) { + newArray[index] = oldArray[index]; + } + } + + for (; index < size; index++) { + newArray[index] = new libtess.PQNode(); + } + + return newArray; +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): preallocating arrays may actually be hurting us in sort +// performance (esp if theres some undefs in there) + +/** + * [PriorityQ description] + * @constructor + * @struct + * @param {function(Object, Object): boolean} leq [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ = function(leq) { + /** + * [keys description] + * @private + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.keys_ = libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.PQKeyRealloc_(null, + libtess.PriorityQ.INIT_SIZE_); + + /** + * Array of indexes into this.keys_ + * @private + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.order_ = null; + + /** + * [size description] + * @private + * @type {number} + */ + this.size_ = 0; + + /** + * [max_ description] + * @private + * @type {number} + */ + this.max_ = libtess.PriorityQ.INIT_SIZE_; + + /** + * [initialized description] + * @private + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.initialized_ = false; + + // TODO(bckenny): leq was inlined by define in original, but appears to just + // be vertLeq, as passed. keep an eye on this as to why its not used. + /** + * [leq description] + * @private + * @type {function(libtess.PQKey, libtess.PQKey): boolean} + */ + this.leq_ = + /** @type {function(libtess.PQKey, libtess.PQKey): boolean} */(leq); + + /** + * [heap_ description] + * @private + * @type {libtess.PriorityQHeap} + */ + this.heap_ = new libtess.PriorityQHeap(this.leq_); +}; + + +/** + * [INIT_SIZE_ description] + * @private + * @const + * @type {number} + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.INIT_SIZE_ = 32; + + +/** + * [deleteQ description] + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.deleteQ = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): unnecessary, I think. + this.heap_.deleteHeap(); + this.heap_ = null; + this.order_ = null; + this.keys_ = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): nulled at callsite (sweep.donePriorityQ_) +}; + + +/** + * [init description] + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.init = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): reuse. in theory, we don't have to empty this, as access is + // dictated by this.size_, but array.sort doesn't know that + this.order_ = []; + + // Create an array of indirect pointers to the keys, so that + // the handles we have returned are still valid. + // TODO(bckenny): valid for when? it appears we can just store indexes into + // keys_, but what did this mean? + for (var i = 0; i < this.size_; i++) { + this.order_[i] = i; + } + + // sort the indirect pointers in descending order of the keys themselves + // TODO(bckenny): make sure it's ok that keys[a] === keys[b] returns 1 + // TODO(bckenny): unstable sort means we may get slightly different polys in + // different browsers, but only when passing in equal points + // TODO(bckenny): make less awkward closure? + var comparator = (function(keys, leq) { + return function(a, b) { + return leq(keys[a], keys[b]) ? 1 : -1; + }; + })(this.keys_, this.leq_); + this.order_.sort(comparator); + + this.max_ = this.size_; + this.initialized_ = true; + this.heap_.init(); + + // TODO(bckenny): + // #ifndef NDEBUG + if (libtess.DEBUG) { + var p = 0; + var r = p + this.size_ - 1; + for (i = p; i < r; ++i) { + libtess.assert(this.leq_(this.keys_[this.order_[i + 1]], + this.keys_[this.order_[i]])); + } + } + // #endif +}; + + +/** + * [insert description] + * @param {libtess.PQKey} keyNew [description]. + * @return {libtess.PQHandle} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.insert = function(keyNew) { + // NOTE(bckenny): originally returned LONG_MAX as alloc failure signal. no + // longer does. + if (this.initialized_) { + return this.heap_.insert(keyNew); + } + + var curr = this.size_; + if (++this.size_ >= this.max_) { + // If the heap overflows, double its size. + this.max_ *= 2; + this.keys_ = + libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.PQKeyRealloc_(this.keys_, this.max_); + } + + this.keys_[curr] = keyNew; + + // Negative handles index the sorted array. + return -(curr + 1); +}; + + +/** + * Allocate a PQKey array of size size. If oldArray is not null, its + * contents are copied to the beginning of the new array. The rest of the array + * is filled with nulls. + * + * @private + * @param {?Array.} oldArray [description]. + * @param {number} size [description]. + * @return {Array.<(?libtess.PQKey)>} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.PQKeyRealloc_ = function(oldArray, size) { + // TODO(bckenny): double check return type. can we have ? there? + var newArray = new Array(size); + + // TODO(bckenny): better to reallocate array? or grow array? + var index = 0; + if (oldArray !== null) { + for (; index < oldArray.length; index++) { + newArray[index] = oldArray[index]; + } + } + + for (; index < size; index++) { + newArray[index] = null; + } + + return newArray; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.PriorityQ.keyLessThan_ is called nowhere in libtess +// and isn't part of the public API. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Whether x is less than y according to this.leq_. + * @private + * @param {number} x + * @param {number} y + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.keyLessThan_ = function(x, y) { + // NOTE(bckenny): was macro LT + var keyX = this.keys_[x]; + var keyY = this.keys_[y]; + return !this.leq_(keyY, keyX); +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.PriorityQ.keyGreaterThan_ is called nowhere in libtess +// and isn't part of the public API. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Whether x is greater than y according to this.leq_. + * @private + * @param {number} x + * @param {number} y + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.keyGreaterThan_ = function(x, y) { + // NOTE(bckenny): was macro GT + var keyX = this.keys_[x]; + var keyY = this.keys_[y]; + return !this.leq_(keyX, keyY); +}; + + +/** + * [extractMin description] + * @return {libtess.PQKey} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.extractMin = function() { + if (this.size_ === 0) { + return this.heap_.extractMin(); + } + + var sortMin = this.keys_[this.order_[this.size_ - 1]]; + if (!this.heap_.isEmpty()) { + var heapMin = this.heap_.minimum(); + if (this.leq_(heapMin, sortMin)) { + return this.heap_.extractMin(); + } + } + + do { + --this.size_; + } while (this.size_ > 0 && this.keys_[this.order_[this.size_ - 1]] === null); + + return sortMin; +}; + + +/** + * [minimum description] + * @return {libtess.PQKey} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.minimum = function() { + if (this.size_ === 0) { + return this.heap_.minimum(); + } + + var sortMin = this.keys_[this.order_[this.size_ - 1]]; + if (!this.heap_.isEmpty()) { + var heapMin = this.heap_.minimum(); + if (this.leq_(heapMin, sortMin)) { + return heapMin; + } + } + + return sortMin; +}; + +// NOTE(bckenny): libtess.PriorityQ.isEmpty_ isn't called within libtess and +// isn't part of the public API. For now, leaving in but ignoring for coverage. +/* istanbul ignore next */ +/** + * Returns whether the priority queue is empty. + * @private + * @return {boolean} + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.isEmpty_ = function() { + return (this.size_ === 0) && this.heap_.isEmpty(); +}; + + +/** + * [remove description] + * @param {libtess.PQHandle} curr [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQ.prototype.remove = function(curr) { + if (curr >= 0) { + this.heap_.remove(curr); + return; + } + curr = -(curr + 1); + + libtess.assert(curr < this.max_ && this.keys_[curr] !== null); + + this.keys_[curr] = null; + while (this.size_ > 0 && this.keys_[this.order_[this.size_ - 1]] === null) { + --this.size_; + } +}; + + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): keys appear to always be GluVertex in this case? + +/** + * [PriorityQHeap description] + * @constructor + * @struct + * @param {function(libtess.PQKey, libtess.PQKey): boolean} leq [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap = function(leq) { + /** + * The heap itself. Active nodes are stored in the range 1..size. Each node + * stores only an index into handles. + * @private + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.nodes_ = libtess.PQNode.realloc(null, + libtess.PriorityQHeap.INIT_SIZE_ + 1); + + /** + * Each handle stores a key, plus a pointer back to the node which currently + * represents that key (ie. nodes[handles[i].node].handle == i). + * @private + * @type {Array.} + */ + this.handles_ = libtess.PQHandleElem.realloc(null, + libtess.PriorityQHeap.INIT_SIZE_ + 1); + + // TODO(bckenny): size and max should probably be libtess.PQHandle for correct + // typing (see PriorityQ.js) + /** + * The size of the queue. + * @private + * @type {number} + */ + this.size_ = 0; + + /** + * The queue's current allocated space. + * @private + * @type {number} + */ + this.max_ = libtess.PriorityQHeap.INIT_SIZE_; + + /** + * The index of the next free hole in the handles array. Handle in that slot + * has next item in freeList in its node propert. If there are no holes, + * freeList === 0 and one at the end of handles must be use. + * @private + * @type {libtess.PQHandle} + */ + this.freeList_ = 0; + + /** + * Indicates that the heap has been initialized via init. If false, inserts + * are fast insertions at the end of a list. If true, all inserts will now be + * correctly ordered in the queue before returning. + * @private + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.initialized_ = false; + + // TODO(bckenny): leq was inlined by define in original, but appears to + // be vertLeq, as passed. Using injected version, but is it better just to + // manually inline? + /** + * [leq description] + * @private + * @type {function(libtess.PQKey, libtess.PQKey): boolean} + */ + this.leq_ = leq; + + // so that minimum returns null + this.nodes_[1].handle = 1; +}; + + +/** + * [INIT_SIZE_ description] + * @private + * @const + * @type {number} + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.INIT_SIZE_ = 32; + + +/** + * [deleteHeap description] + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.deleteHeap = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): unnecessary, I think. + this.handles_ = null; + this.nodes_ = null; + // NOTE(bckenny): nulled at callsite in PriorityQ.deleteQ +}; + + +/** + * Initializing ordering of the heap. Must be called before any method other + * than insert is called to ensure correctness when removing or querying. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.init = function() { + // This method of building a heap is O(n), rather than O(n lg n). + for (var i = this.size_; i >= 1; --i) { + this.floatDown_(i); + } + + this.initialized_ = true; +}; + + +/** + * Insert a new key into the heap. + * @param {libtess.PQKey} keyNew The key to insert. + * @return {libtess.PQHandle} A handle that can be used to remove the key. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.insert = function(keyNew) { + var curr = ++this.size_; + + // if the heap overflows, double its size. + if ((curr * 2) > this.max_) { + this.max_ *= 2; + this.nodes_ = libtess.PQNode.realloc(this.nodes_, this.max_ + 1); + this.handles_ = libtess.PQHandleElem.realloc(this.handles_, this.max_ + 1); + } + + var free; + if (this.freeList_ === 0) { + free = curr; + } else { + free = this.freeList_; + this.freeList_ = this.handles_[free].node; + } + + this.nodes_[curr].handle = free; + this.handles_[free].node = curr; + this.handles_[free].key = keyNew; + + if (this.initialized_) { + this.floatUp_(curr); + } + + return free; +}; + + +/** + * @return {boolean} Whether the heap is empty. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.isEmpty = function() { + return this.size_ === 0; +}; + + +/** + * Returns the minimum key in the heap. If the heap is empty, null will be + * returned. + * @return {libtess.PQKey} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.minimum = function() { + return this.handles_[this.nodes_[1].handle].key; +}; + + +/** + * Removes the minimum key from the heap and returns it. If the heap is empty, + * null will be returned. + * @return {libtess.PQKey} [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.extractMin = function() { + var n = this.nodes_; + var h = this.handles_; + var hMin = n[1].handle; + var min = h[hMin].key; + + if (this.size_ > 0) { + n[1].handle = n[this.size_].handle; + h[n[1].handle].node = 1; + + h[hMin].key = null; + h[hMin].node = this.freeList_; + this.freeList_ = hMin; + + if (--this.size_ > 0) { + this.floatDown_(1); + } + } + + return min; +}; + + +/** + * Remove key associated with handle hCurr (returned from insert) from heap. + * @param {libtess.PQHandle} hCurr [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.remove = function(hCurr) { + var n = this.nodes_; + var h = this.handles_; + + libtess.assert(hCurr >= 1 && hCurr <= this.max_ && h[hCurr].key !== null); + + var curr = h[hCurr].node; + n[curr].handle = n[this.size_].handle; + h[n[curr].handle].node = curr; + + if (curr <= --this.size_) { + if (curr <= 1 || + this.leq_(h[n[curr >> 1].handle].key, h[n[curr].handle].key)) { + + this.floatDown_(curr); + } else { + this.floatUp_(curr); + } + } + + h[hCurr].key = null; + h[hCurr].node = this.freeList_; + this.freeList_ = hCurr; +}; + + +/** + * [floatDown_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.PQHandle} curr [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.floatDown_ = function(curr) { + var n = this.nodes_; + var h = this.handles_; + + var hCurr = n[curr].handle; + for (;;) { + // The children of node i are nodes 2i and 2i+1. + // set child to the index of the child with the minimum key + var child = curr << 1; + if (child < this.size_ && + this.leq_(h[n[child + 1].handle].key, h[n[child].handle].key)) { + + ++child; + } + + libtess.assert(child <= this.max_); + + var hChild = n[child].handle; + if (child > this.size_ || this.leq_(h[hCurr].key, h[hChild].key)) { + n[curr].handle = hCurr; + h[hCurr].node = curr; + break; + } + n[curr].handle = hChild; + h[hChild].node = curr; + curr = child; + } +}; + + +/** + * [floatUp_ description] + * @private + * @param {libtess.PQHandle} curr [description]. + */ +libtess.PriorityQHeap.prototype.floatUp_ = function(curr) { + var n = this.nodes_; + var h = this.handles_; + + var hCurr = n[curr].handle; + for (;;) { + var parent = curr >> 1; + var hParent = n[parent].handle; + if (parent === 0 || this.leq_(h[hParent].key, h[hCurr].key)) { + n[curr].handle = hCurr; + h[hCurr].node = curr; + break; + } + + n[curr].handle = hParent; + h[hParent].node = curr; + curr = parent; + } +}; + + +/* global libtess */ + +// TODO(bckenny): apparently only visible outside of sweep for debugging routines. +// find out if we can hide + +/** + * For each pair of adjacent edges crossing the sweep line, there is + * an ActiveRegion to represent the region between them. The active + * regions are kept in sorted order in a dynamic dictionary. As the + * sweep line crosses each vertex, we update the affected regions. + * @constructor + * @struct + */ +libtess.ActiveRegion = function() { + // TODO(bckenny): I *think* eUp and nodeUp could be passed in as constructor params + + /** + * The upper edge of the region, directed right to left + * @type {libtess.GluHalfEdge} + */ + this.eUp = null; + + /** + * Dictionary node corresponding to eUp edge. + * @type {libtess.DictNode} + */ + this.nodeUp = null; + + /** + * Used to determine which regions are inside the polygon. + * @type {number} + */ + this.windingNumber = 0; + + /** + * Whether this region is inside the polygon. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.inside = false; + + /** + * Marks fake edges at t = +/-infinity. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.sentinel = false; + + /** + * Marks regions where the upper or lower edge has changed, but we haven't + * checked whether they intersect yet. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.dirty = false; + + /** + * marks temporary edges introduced when we process a "right vertex" (one + * without any edges leaving to the right) + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.fixUpperEdge = false; +}; + +/** + * Returns the ActiveRegion below this one. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} + */ +libtess.ActiveRegion.prototype.regionBelow = function() { + return this.nodeUp.getPredecessor().getKey(); +}; + +/** + * Returns the ActiveRegion above this one. + * @return {libtess.ActiveRegion} + */ +libtess.ActiveRegion.prototype.regionAbove = function() { + return this.nodeUp.getSuccessor().getKey(); +}; + +/* global libtess, module */ + +/** + * node.js export for non-compiled source + */ +if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { + module.exports = libtess; +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index ce3fbd1..9d39501 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ "files": [ "libtess.min.js", "libtess.cat.js", + "libtess.debug.js", "LICENSE" ], "scripts": { @@ -51,10 +52,14 @@ "gulp-jscs": "^1.2.0", "gulp-jshint": "^1.8.5", "gulp-mocha": "^1.1.2", + "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0", "gulp-replace": "^0.4.0", "jshint-stylish": "^1.0.0", "mocha": "^1.21.5", "rfolderify": "^1.3.0", + "rocambole": "^0.3.6", + "rocambole-token": "^1.2.1", + "vinyl-map": "^1.0.1", "vinyl-source-stream": "^1.0.0" } } diff --git a/src/sweep.js b/src/sweep.js index c886243..732b1e9 100644 --- a/src/sweep.js +++ b/src/sweep.js @@ -1375,6 +1375,9 @@ libtess.sweep.initEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { * @param {libtess.GluTesselator} tess [description]. */ libtess.sweep.doneEdgeDict_ = function(tess) { + // NOTE(bckenny): fixedEdges is only used in the assert below, so ignore so + // when asserts are removed jshint won't error. + /* jshint unused:false */ var fixedEdges = 0; var reg; diff --git a/test/browser/expectations-viewer-browserified.js b/test/browser/expectations-viewer-browserified.js index b982a9c..6e866db 100755 --- a/test/browser/expectations-viewer-browserified.js +++ b/test/browser/expectations-viewer-browserified.js @@ -354,11 +354,11 @@ var chai = require('chai'); var assert = chai.assert; // TODO(bckenny): not sure of a better way of doing this yet. Want to inject -// libtess.cat.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. +// libtess.debug.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. // gulp-mocha takes file names, though. Write to temp files first? exports.libtess = (function() { if ("browserify" === 'coverage') { - return require('../libtess.cat.js'); + return require('../libtess.debug.js'); } else { return require('../libtess.min.js'); @@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ exports.createPlaneRotation = function(normal) { })(transform); }; -},{"../libtess.cat.js":undefined,"../libtess.min.js":undefined,"chai":undefined}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"../libtess.debug.js":undefined,"../libtess.min.js":undefined,"chai":undefined}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /* Copyright 2000, Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. diff --git a/test/browser/tests-browserified.js b/test/browser/tests-browserified.js index 1dff725..9550ce4 100755 --- a/test/browser/tests-browserified.js +++ b/test/browser/tests-browserified.js @@ -698,11 +698,11 @@ var chai = require('chai'); var assert = chai.assert; // TODO(bckenny): not sure of a better way of doing this yet. Want to inject -// libtess.cat.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. +// libtess.debug.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. // gulp-mocha takes file names, though. Write to temp files first? exports.libtess = (function() { if ("browserify" === 'coverage') { - return require('../libtess.cat.js'); + return require('../libtess.debug.js'); } else { return require('../libtess.min.js'); @@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ exports.createPlaneRotation = function(normal) { })(transform); }; -},{"../libtess.cat.js":undefined,"../libtess.min.js":undefined,"chai":undefined}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"../libtess.debug.js":undefined,"../libtess.min.js":undefined,"chai":undefined}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /* Copyright 2000, Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. diff --git a/test/common.js b/test/common.js index 350efaf..02ca005 100644 --- a/test/common.js +++ b/test/common.js @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ var chai = require('chai'); var assert = chai.assert; // TODO(bckenny): not sure of a better way of doing this yet. Want to inject -// libtess.cat.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. +// libtess.debug.js for coverage, but libtess.min.js for all other runs. // gulp-mocha takes file names, though. Write to temp files first? exports.libtess = (function() { if (process.env.testType === 'coverage') { - return require('../libtess.cat.js'); + return require('../libtess.debug.js'); } else { return require('../libtess.min.js');