To compile the code type: make or gmake
To run the event generator type:
root -b -q 'batch/GenParticles.C(13,100,7000,0.0,0.0)'
where the arguments are: ParticleType, Number of Events, Run Number, x position, z position
This creates a root file in the data/ directory
To run the simulation interactively type:
AnaBarMC [return] then at the prompt type: /control/execute macros/vis_single.mac
To run the simulation in batch mode type:
./ 13 7000 7010 100 0.0 0.0
where the arguments are: ParticleType, Run Number Start, Run Number End, Number of Events per run, x position, z position
For running on stand-alone Ubuntu systems, there are corresponding scripts with Ubuntu extensions.
For running on stand-alone Mac systems, there are corresponding scripts with Mac extensions.