We drink a lot of coffee in the office, we spent 600 pounds on a professional coffee machine, buy the best beans and used to have a coffee can mountain until we destroyed it playing bowling with the office swivel chairs at a party...
You challenge is to take the interface below and write a class this implements and fully complies to this interface
We have already written a set of unit tests which will be used to test your implementation
- You MUST NOT change any of the existing methods defined in the interface
- You should not print or display anything
- You may add additional methods to your implementation
- Exceptions are listed in the order they should be thrown
- The standard WaterContainer contains 2 litres but other sizes can be attached. common sizes are the 10 litre or mains water supply
- The standard BeanContainer holds 50 beans but other sizes can be attached. a 200 bean container is common.
interface BeansContainer
* Adds beans to the container
* @param integer $numSpoons number of spoons of beans
* @throws ContainerFullException, EspressoMachineContainerException
* @return void
public function addBeans($numSpoons);
* Get $numSpoons from the container
* @throws EspressoMachineContainerException
* @param integer $numSpoons number of spoons of beans
* @return integer
public function useBeans($numSpoons);
* Returns the number of spoons of beans left in the container
* @return integer
public function getBeans();
interface WaterContainer
* Adds water to the coffee machine's water tank
* @param float $litres
* @throws ContainerFullException, EspressoMachineContainerException
* @return void
public function addWater($litres);
* Use $litres from the container
* @throws EspressoMachineContainerException
* @param float $litres
* @return integer
public function useWater($litres);
* Returns the volume of water left in the container
* @return float number of litres
public function getWater();
* A single espresso uses 1 spoon of beans and 0.05 litres of water
* A double espresso uses 2 spoons of beans and 0.10 litres of water
* The machine MUST be descaled after every 5 litres of Espresso made
* Descaling uses 1 litres of water
* You CANNOT make coffee while the machine needs descaling
* The machine will start with no beans or water in its containers
interface EspressoMachineInterface extends BeansContainer, WaterContainer
* Runs the process to descale the machine
* so the machine can be used make coffee
* uses 1 litre of water
* @throws NoWaterException
* @return void
public function descale();
* Runs the process for making Espresso
* @throws DescaleNeededException, NoBeansException, NoWaterException
* @return float of litres of coffee made
public function makeEspresso();
* @see makeEspresso
* @throws DescaleNeededException, NoBeansException, NoWaterException
* @return float of litres of coffee made
public function makeDoubleEspresso();
* This method controls what is displayed on the screen of the machine
* Returns ONE of the following human readable statuses in the following preference order:
* Descale needed
* Add beans and water
* Add beans
* Add water
* {Integer} Espressos left
* Please note you should return "Add water" if the machine needs descaling and doesn't have enough water
* @return string
public function getStatus();
* @param BeansContainer $container
public function setBeansContainer(BeansContainer $container);
* @return BeansContainer
public function getBeansContainer();
* @param WaterContainer $container
public function setWaterContainer(WaterContainer $container);
* @return WaterContainer
public function getWaterContainer();
class EspressoMachineException extends Exception {}
class NoWaterException extends EspressoMachineException {}
class NoBeansException extends EspressoMachineException {}
class DescaleNeededException extends EspressoMachineException {}
class EspressoMachineContainerException extends Exception {}
class ContainerFullException extends EspressoMachineContainerException {}