Start your own lab environment and run the following:
docker container run hello-world
Start a container based on the debian image:
docker container run -it debian
What kernel is this image using?
uname -v
Check for other signs of the OS:
cat /etc/debian_version
apt --version
Exit the container and compare the kernel to the docker host:
uname -v
Lets try another base image:
docker container run -it centos
Compare versions in this container to the debian container:
uname -v
cat /etc/debian_version
apt --version
Notice that the Debian commands and paths don't work, lets try the CentOS equivalents:
cat /etc/redhat-release
yum --version
Create a sample file:
touch /demo.txt
ls -l /demo.txt
Exit the container and restart from the same image:
docker container run -it centos
ls -l /demo.txt
Notice how the container restarts from a clean state each time.