diff --git a/src/content/docs/Custom Components/Callout.mdx b/src/content/docs/Custom Components/Callout.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1715a7c..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Custom Components/Callout.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: Callout
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-import { Cat } from 'lucide-react';
-## Callout
-The `Callout` component is designed to highlight important information, warnings, errors, or successes in your application. It is a versatile alert box with customizable variants and titles.
-### Props
-- **`variant`**
- Type: `string`
- Default: "info"
- Options: `"info" | "warning" | "danger" | "success"`
- Description: Defines the type of alert to display. The variant determines the color, icon, and default title of the alert.
-- **`title`**
- Type: `string`
- Default: Default titles based on the variant
- Description: Custom title for the alert. If not provided, the default title for the specified variant will be used.
-- **`icon`**
- Type: `LucideIcon` (optional)
- Default: Default icon based on the variant
- Description: A custom icon to use in the alert. If not provided, the default icon for the specified variant will be used. You can look for icons at [lucide.dev](https://lucide.dev/icons/).
-### Basic Usage
-To use the Callout component, import it and use it in your Astro files with the desired variant and title.
- This is an info message.
- This is a warning message with a custom title.
- This is a danger message with a custom icon.
- This is a success message with a custom title and custom icon.
-import Callout from '@/components/Callout.astro';
-import { Cat } from 'lucide-react';
- This is an info message.
- This is a warning message with a custom title.
- This is a danger message with a custom icon.
- This is a success message with a custom title and custom icon.
-### Default Behavior
-If no variant is provided, the info variant will be used by default. Similarly, if no title is provided, the default title for the specified variant will be used.
- This is an info message using the default settings.
-import Callout from '@/components/Callout.astro';
- This is an info message using the default settings.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 78b86a8..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Custom Components/Card.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: Card
-import Card from '@/components/Card.astro';
-import { Cat } from 'lucide-react';
-## Card
-The `Card` component is designed to present content in a styled container with support for custom icons and colors. It is a versatile component for displaying information with optional icon and color customization.
-### Props
-- **`title`**
- Type: `string`
- Description: The title text to display in the card.
-- **`icon`**
- Type: `LucideIcon` (optional)
- Default: `Terminal`
- Description: A custom icon to display in the card. If not provided, the default `Terminal` icon will be used. You can look for icons at [lucide.dev](https://lucide.dev/icons/).
-- **`color`**
- Type: `string` (optional)
- Default: `"primary"`
- Options:
- "Pink"
- "Purple"
- "Red"
- "Orange"
- "Yellow"
- "Green"
- "Teal"
- "Sky"
- "Blue"
- Description: The background color for the card. This is used for both the card's background and the button's hover state. If not provided, the default color is "primary".
-### Basic Usage
-To use the Card component, import it and use it in your Astro files with the desired title, optional custom icon, and color.
- This is a card with default settings.
- This is a card with a custom icon.
- This is a card with a custom icon and color.
- This is a card with a custom color.
-import Card from '@/components/Card.astro';
-import { Cat } from 'lucide-react';
- This is a card with default settings.
- This is a card with a custom icon.
- This is a card with a custom icon and color.
- This is a card with a custom color.
-### Default Behavior
-If no `icon` is provided, the `Terminal` icon will be used by default. Similarly, if no `color` is provided, the default color will be `"primary"`.
-import Card from '@/components/Card.astro';
- This is a card with default settings.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Custom Components/index.mdx b/src/content/docs/Custom Components/index.mdx
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index 5f5eafd..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Custom Components/index.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-title: Components
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-import Card from '@/components/Card.astro';
-import { Cat } from 'lucide-react';
-Components let you easily reuse a piece of UI or styling consistently. Examples might include a link card or a YouTube embed. CelestialDocs supports the use of components in [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/) files and provides some common components for you to use.
-## Callout
-The `Callout` component is designed to highlight important information, warnings, errors, or successes in your application. It is a versatile alert box with customizable variants and titles.
- See the [Callout](/custom-components/callout) for all custom props and their usages.
-## Card
-You can display content in a box matching CelestialDocs' styles using the `` component.
- This is a card with a custom icon and color.
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--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/authoring-content-in-md.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-title: Authoring Content in Markdown
-CelestialDocs supports the full range of Markdown syntax in `.md` files as well as frontmatter YAML to define metadata such as a tilte and description.
-## Frontmatter
-You can modify individual pages in CelestialDocs by setting values in their fromtmatter. Frontmetter is set at the top of your files between `---` separators.
-title: Sample
-Page content goes here, after `---`.
-Every page must include at least a `title`. See the [frontmatter reference](/reference/frontmatter-ref) for all available fields and how to add custom fields.
-## Inline styles
-Text can be **bold**, _italic_ or ~~strikethrough~~.
-Text can be **bold**, _italic_ or ~~strikethrough~~.
-You can [link to another page](/getting-started).
-You can [link to another page](/getting-started).
-You can highlight `inline code` with backticks.
-You can highlight `inline code` with backticks.
-## Images
-Images in CelestialDocs use [Astro's built-in optimized asset support](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/images/).
-Markdown and MDX support the Markdown syntax for displaying images that includes alt-text for screen readers and assistive technology.
-![An illustration of planets and stars featuring the word “astro”](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/withastro/docs/main/public/default-og-image.png)
-![An illustration of planets and stars featuring the word “astro”](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/withastro/docs/main/public/default-og-image.png)
-Relative image paths are also supported for images stored locally in your project.
-![A kitty in space](../../../assets/KittyAstronaut.svg)
-![A kitty in space](../../../assets/KittyAstronaut.svg)
-## Headings
-You can structure content using a heading. Headings in Markdown are indicated by a number of # at the start of the line.
-### How to structure page content in CelestialDocs
-CelestialDocs is configured to automatically use your page title as a top-level heading and will include an “Overview” heading at top of each page's table of contents. We recommend starting each page with regular paragraph text content and using on-page headings from `
` and down:
-title: Markdown Guide
-description: How to use Markdown in CelestialDocs
-This page describes how to use Markdown in CelestialDocs.
-## Inline Styles
-## Headings
-### Automatic heading anchor links
-Using headings in Markdown will automatically give you anchor links so you can link directly to certain sections of your page:
-title: My page of content
-description: How to use CelestialDocs's built-in anchor links
-## Introduction
-I can link to [my conclusion](#conclusion) lower on the same page.
-## Conclusion
-`https://my-site.com/page1/#introduction` navigates directly to my Introduction.
-Level 2 (`
`) and Level 3 (`
`) headings will automatically appear in the page table of contents.
-Learn more about how Astro processes heading ids in the [Astro Documentation](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/markdown-content/#heading-ids).
-## Blockquotes
-> This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.
-> Blockquotes are indicated by a `>` at the start of each line.
-> This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.
-> Blockquotes are indicated by a `>` at the start of each line.
-## Code blocks
-A code block is indicated by a block with three backticks ``` at the start and end. You can indicate the programming language being used after the opening backticks.
-// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
-var fun = function lang(l) {
- dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l);
- return true;
-// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
-var fun = function lang(l) {
- dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l);
- return true;
-## Details
-Details (also known as “disclosures” or “accordions”) are useful to hide content that is not immediately relevant. Users can click a short summary to expand and view the full content.
-Use the standard HTML `` and `` elements in your Markdown content to create a disclosure widget.
-You can nest any other Markdown syntax inside a `` element.
-Where and when is the Andromeda constellation most visible?
-The [Andromeda constellation]() is most visible in the night sky during the month of November at latitudes between `+90°` and `-40°`.
-Where and when is the Andromeda constellation most visible?
-The [Andromeda constellation]() is most visible in the night sky during the month of November at latitudes between `+90°` and `-40°`.
-## Other common Markdown features
-CelestialDocs supports all other Markdown authoring syntax, such as lists and tables. See the [Markdown Cheat Sheet from The Markdown Guide](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/) for a quick overview of all the Markdown syntax elements.
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index 5f6e445..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/authoring-content-in-mdx.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-title: Authoring Content in MDX
-CelestialDocs supports [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/) files, which extend Markdown by allowing the inclusion of React components within your content. This enables dynamic and interactive documentation. We specifically use [GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)](https://mdxjs.com/guides/gfm/). Markdown features, refer to the [Markdown documentation](/guides/authoring-content-in-md).
-## Using a component
-You can use a component by importing it into your MDX file and then rendering it as a JSX tag. These look like HTML tags but start with an uppercase letter matching the name in your import statement:
-title: Welcome to my docs
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-Sample callout
-See the [components](/guides/components) for all custom components and their available fields.
-## Using GFM (GitHub-Flavored Markdown)
-MDX in CelestialDocs supports [GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)](https://mdxjs.com/guides/gfm/), which includes additional features such as tables, task lists, and strikethrough text.
-### Task Lists
-You can create task lists using GFM syntax.
-- [x] Task 1
-- [ ] Task 2
-- [ ] Task 3
-- [x] Task 1
-- [ ] Task 2
-- [ ] Task 3
-### Tables
-You can also create tables using GFM.
-| Syntax | Description |
-| --------- | ----------- |
-| Header | Title |
-| Paragraph | Text |
-| Syntax | Description |
-| --------- | ----------- |
-| Header | Title |
-| Paragraph | Text |
-### Strikethrough
-Strikethrough text can be created using double tilde `~~`.
-This is ~~strikethrough~~ text.
-This is ~~strikethrough~~ text.
-## Frontmatter
-MDX files support frontmatter in the same way as Markdown files. You can define metadata at the top of the file.
-title: Sample MDX Page
-Page content goes here, after `---`.
-Refer to the frontmatter reference for all available fields and how to add custom fields.
-## Using JavaScript Expressions
-MDX allows you to use JavaScript expressions within your content. This can be useful for dynamic content and calculations.
-Current year: {new Date().getFullYear()}
-Current year: {new Date().getFullYear()}
-**Fibonacci Sequence**
-The first 10 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are:
- Array.from({ length: 10 }).map((_, i) => (
- {fibonacci(i)}
- ))
-## Syntax Highlighting
-MDX supports syntax highlighting for code blocks using backticks. You can specify the language for proper highlighting.
-const MyComponent = () => {
- return
Hello, MDX!
-MDX combines the best of Markdown and JSX, making it a powerful tool for creating rich, interactive documentation. For more details on Markdown syntax, please see the [Markdown documentation](/guides/authoring-content-in-md).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae6aa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/Guides/boom-smart-shops.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+title: Boom Smart Shops
+author: dan
+pubDatetime: 2024-08-12T22:52:00-06:00
+modDatetime: 2024-08-12T22:52:00-06:00
+description: Boom Smart Shops are the best place to create and manage your decentralized web3 shop.
+draft: false
+- shops
+- sbtc
+- merchant
+hide_toc: false
+hide_sidenav: false
+hide_breadcrumbs: false
+## Coming Soon
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5886e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/Guides/boom-wallet.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Boom Wallet
+author: dan
+pubDatetime: 2024-08-12T22:52:00-06:00
+modDatetime: 2024-08-12T22:52:00-06:00
+description: Boom is revolutionizing Bitcoin payments by simplifying the user experience with an innovative open-source wallet
+draft: false
+- wallet
+- sbtc
+hide_toc: false
+hide_sidenav: false
+hide_breadcrumbs: true
+## Boom Wallet Mobile App
+Boom is revolutionizing Bitcoin payments by simplifying the user experience with an innovative open-source wallet. At its core, Boom aims to make Bitcoin transactions more accessible and user-friendly, addressing the complexities that have historically hindered widespread adoption. By focusing on a streamlined interface and powerful features, Boom is poised to become a key player in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
+## Purpose and Vision
+Boom’s primary purpose is to bring simplified payment processes to users. The integration of sBTC as the primary payment layer highlights Boom's commitment to leveraging advanced technologies to facilitate smooth transactions. The Bitcoin peg-in and peg-out mechanism allows users to effortlessly move their Bitcoin between different layers, enhancing liquidity and usability.
+## Key Features and Functionality
+One of Boom’s standout features is its support for Stacks Pay payment links. Stacks Pay is an emerging standard for simplifying payments, cross-border transfers and much more. Additionally, Boom uses the Stacks blockchain's BNS (Blockchain Naming System) for user and merchant discovery, enabling straightforward, secure interactions without the need for complex addresses. Direct communication between users and merchants simplifies transactions, fostering a more efficient ecosystem.
+The wallet also provides simplified management tools for both Bitcoin and Stacks tokens, allowing users to transfer and track their assets effortlessly. Profile and contact management features support easy payments, ensuring that users can quickly send funds to their contacts without repeated address entries. This holistic approach to cryptocurrency management makes Boom not just a wallet, but a full-fledged financial tool.
+## Open Source and Future Roadmap
+Boom is committed to the open-source ethos, encouraging community participation in the development and enhancement of its platform. By making the wallet’s codebase open to the public, Boom invites developers to contribute to its ongoing improvement, ensuring that it evolves to meet the needs of its users. This approach not only fosters innovation but also builds trust within the community, as users can audit and verify the code themselves.
+Looking ahead, Boom plans to expand its feature set and improve its core functionalities. Future roadmap items include enhanced security features, additional fiat on-ramp options, and deeper integration with decentralized financial services. By continuously evolving and incorporating user feedback, Boom aims to remain at the forefront of Bitcoin payment solutions, driving broader adoption and making digital currency more accessible to all.
+Boom's dedication to user experience, combined with its robust feature set and open-source foundation, positions it as a transformative force in the cryptocurrency landscape. Whether you are a novice or an experienced user, Boom offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution for managing and utilizing Bitcoin and Stacks tokens.
+Open source repositories can be found here: [https://github.com/boomcrypto/](https://github.com/boomcrypto/)
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index 3b70b93..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/breadcrumbs.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-title: Breadcrumbs
-By default, CelestialDocs sites supports breadcrumbs. It is generated after scanning the folder structure of `docs` folder.
-## Hide breadcrumbs
-### Hide globally
-In `config.js`, you can disable the search function by keeping the value of `hide_breadcrumbs` as `true`.
-// config.js
-export const docconfig = {
- ...
- hide_breadcrumbs: true
- ...
-### Hide locally
-To hide ToC for specific pages only, then add `hide_breadcrumbs` in the frontmatter as `true`.
-hide_breadcrumbs: true
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Guides/index.mdx b/src/content/docs/Guides/index.mdx
index b13dafd..e3408c2 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/index.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/Guides/index.mdx
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
title: Guides
-Our Guides section offers in-depth tutorials and instructions on various features and best practices. Explore these guides to enhance your knowledge and make the most out of your documentation setup.
+Our Guides section offers in-depth tutorials and instructions on various features and best practices. Explore these guides to enhance your knowledge and make the most out of your Bitcoin experience.
-- [Authoring Content in Markdown](./authoring-content-in-md): Learn how to author content using Markdown.
-- [Authoring Content in MDX](./authoring-content-in-mdx): Discover how to use MDX for more dynamic content.
-- [Breadcrumbs](./breadcrumbs): Understand how to implement breadcrumbs for better navigation.
-- [Pages](./pages): A guide on managing and creating pages in your documentation.
-- [Sidebar Navigation](./sidebar-navigation): Learn about configuring sidebar navigation for a better user experience.
-- [Site Search](./site-search): Instructions on adding search functionality to your site.
-- [Table of Contents](./table-of-contents): How to add and configure a Table of Contents for your documentation.
+- [Boom wallet](./boom-wallet): Learn how to use Boom Wallet for payments and more.
+- [Boom Smart Shops](./boom-smart-shops): Discover more about the decentralized marketplace built on Clarity.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Guides/pages.mdx b/src/content/docs/Guides/pages.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b262b8..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/pages.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-title: Pages
-CelestialDocs creates your site's HTML pages from your content, offering flexible options through Markdown frontmatter. Additionally, CelestialDocs projects have complete access to [Astro's robust page generation tools](https://docs.astro.build/en/basics/astro-pages/). This guide explains how page generation works in CelestialDocs.
-## Content pages
-### File formats
-CelestialDocs supports authoring content in Markdown and MDX with no configuration required.
-### Add pages
-Add new pages to your site by creating `.md` or `.mdx` files in `src/content/docs/`. Use sub-folders to organize your files and to create multiple path segments.
-### Type-safe frontmatter
-All CelestialDocs pages share a customizable set of frontmatter properties that control their appearance:
-title: Sample
-author: hyperoot
-pubDatetime: 2024-04-09T12:00:00-05:30
-modDatetime: 2024-08-01T12:00:00-05:30
-description: 'Sample description'
-draft: true
-- anything
-- you
-- want
-A snippet template is also included with this project if you are using vscode. Just type `docs` in any `.md` or `.mdx` file and you will see a suggestion for a template named `docs`. Most of the frontmatter properties are commented. Uncomment them by removing `#`. For date and time we use [standard date-time string format](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date#date_time_string_format).
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index e7aac70..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/sidebar-navigation.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-title: Sidebar Navigation
-By default, CelestialDocs sites include sidebar navigation. It is generated after parsing the folder structure of `docs` folder.
-## Custom order
-By default, it will order the side navigation items (folders and files) alphabetically. But we can provide a custom order to the side navigation items.
-In `config.js` you can set `side_nav_menu_order` with an order of items. Mind that the type is an array of strings. Each string is just the `slug` of that page.
-// config.js
-export const side_nav_menu_order: string[] = [
- "getting-started",
- "guides",
- "guides/pages",
- "guides/table-of-contents",
- "guides/sidebar-navigation",
- "custom-components",
- "reference",
-You can include `folder-name`, `md` & `mdx` files. If you don't order every items, then the left out folders and files will the ordered after that alphabetically. Don't add extensions for `md` & `mdx` files.
-You can find the slug of any page, if you simply run an instance of your project and look for the path after the port number in the url. For instance, the url in my local machine for this exact page is
-The slug will be `guides/sidebar-navigation`.
-## Hide Sidebar Navigation
-### Hide globally
-In `config.js`, you can hide sidebar navigation by keeping the value of `hide_side_navigations` as `true`. This will hide the sidebar navigation for all pages.
-// config.js
-export const docconfig = {
- ...
- hide_side_navigations: true,
- ...
-### Hide locally
-To hide sidebar navigation for specific pages only, then add `hide_sidenav` in the frontmatter as `true`.
-hide_sidenav: true
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7cdc4..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/site-search.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-title: Site Search
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-By default, CelestialDocs sites include full-text search powered by [Fuse.js](https://www.fusejs.io/), which is a fast and low-bandwidth search tool for static sites.
-No configuration is required to enable search. Build and deploy your site, then use the search bar in the site header to find content.
-You can trigger search using keyboard shortcut also. Just press `ctrl` + `K`
-## Hide search
-In `config.js`, you can disable the search function by keeping the value of `hide_search` as `true`.
-// config.js
-export const docconfig = {
- ...
- hide_search: true,
- ...
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Guides/table-of-contents.mdx b/src/content/docs/Guides/table-of-contents.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b4326..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/Guides/table-of-contents.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-title: Table of Contents
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-By default, CelestialDocs sites include table of contents. It is generated by parsing through all the headers of supported files.
-Table of Contents is not generated for small and medium viewports.
-## Hide Table of Contents
-### Hide globally
-In `config.js`, you can hide table of contents by keeping the value of `hide_table_of_contents` as `true`. This will hide the ToC for all pages.
-// config.js
-export const docconfig = {
- ...
- hide_table_of_contents: true,
- ...
-### Hide locally
-To hide ToC for specific pages only, then add `hide_toc` in the frontmatter as `true`.
-hide_toc: true
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..771c552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/Newsletters/BoomTimes-001.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+title: Boom Times 001
+author: dan
+pubDatetime: 2024-08-12T23:01:00-06:00
+modDatetime: 2024-08-12T23:01:00-06:00
+description: Boom Times is your occasional update on Boom and more from the Boom team.
+draft: false
+- wallet
+- sbtc
+hide_toc: false
+hide_sidenav: false
+hide_breadcrumbs: false
+# **💥 Boom Times: Your Blast of Bitcoin Nuggets💥**
+Hey there, future financial freedom lovers\! 👋
+Welcome to the first-ever edition of Boom Times, the newsletter that's about to make your inbox explode with Bitcoin goodness. We're Boom Wallet, and we're here to replace your current sad, lonely digital wallet with an entire ecosystem.
+Here's what we're packing in today's powder keg:
+🎉 Meet Boom: Your New FWB (Friendly Wallet (for) Bitcoin)
+🗺️ The Boom Roadmap: Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads
+🚀 Latest in "What the Fork?": Crypto Edition
+💡 Boom Tip of the Week: How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandma
+🍪 Bite-sized Boom Biscuits: Quick News Crumbs
+Let's light this candle\! 🧨
+## **🎉 Meet Boom: Your New FWB (Friendly Wallet (for) Bitcoin)**
+Imagine if your wallet had a love child with a rocket scientist. That's us \- Boom Wallet. We're here to make your crypto journey smoother than a freshly waxed surfboard on a sea of butter.
+What makes us special? Glad you asked:
+1. **User-Friendly Interface**: So easy, even your technophobe uncle could use it (yes, the one who still uses a flip phone).
+2. **Multi-Token Support**: We're like Noah's Ark for your crypto \- all coins welcome\! (Starting with SIP-10 and Bitcoin..ahem..ahem)
+3. **Smart Contract Integration**: We're putting the 'smart' in smartphone. And wallet. And probably a few other things.
+4. **In-App Chat**: Because sometimes you need to slide into your crypto's DMs.
+Remember, we're not just a wallet. We're your ticket to the Bitcoin carnival, and every day's a ride\!
+Ready to join the Boom revolution? 🚀 **Sign up** for our beta waitlist now and be among the first to experience the future with Bitcoin wallet\! 👉 [**https://boom.money/**](https://boom.money/)
+## **🗺️ The Boom Roadmap: Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads**
+Buckle up, Boomers\! We're about to take you on a journey through time and space (mostly cyberspace) with our explosive roadmap. Here's what's coming up faster than you can say "To the moon\!":
+**Q3 2024: The Big Bang 💥**
+* Launch of Boom Wallet v1.0 (It's like the Big Bang, but with fewer cosmic particles and more crypto)
+* Complete the standardisation process and launch on the Stacks network (We’re ready to go ghostrider\!)
+**Q4 2024: The Expansion 🌌**
+* Achieve the mainnet launch with sBTC, marking a significant step in Boom's capability to handle Bitcoin transactions natively. (Because why should CEX and banks have all the fun?)
+* Roll out of our Boom Shop integration suite and launch the Basic Plan with a focus on onboarding.
+* Roll out initial marketing campaigns and user education materials (We'll teach you to fish... I mean, build)
+* Establish community engagement platforms (e.g., forums, social media groups)
+* Complete comprehensive audits of Boom's infrastructure and security protocols to ensure robustness and reliability. (You’ll think Avengers are securing the platform when we are done\!)
+* Launch the Boom Shops Pro Plan with advanced features and subscription options. (It's top secret, but let's just say it involves tacos and Bitcoin)
+**Q1 2025: The Evolution 🐒➡️👨🚀**
+* Introduce in-app group chats, enhancing user communication and collaboration within the Boom ecosystem. (For moments when you want to slide into DM’s)
+* Launch multi-sig and DAO-enabled Smart Shops, offering advanced features for collaborative financial management and decision-making. (Democracy, but make it crypto)
+Remember, in the world of Bitcoin, roadmaps are written in pencil, not pen. We're as agile as a cat on a hot tin roof, so expect some surprises along the way. After all, what's life without a little Boom?
+## **🚀 Latest in "What the Fork?": Crypto Edition**
+* Bitcoin took a rollercoaster ride faster than you can say "HODL". Some panic sold, some bought the dip, and the rest of us just watched in awe, eating popcorn.
+* Ethereum decided to play hide and dead with its lacklustre price action even with the ETF launch. Spoiler alert: We're still waiting to go to the Moooooonnn.
+* A new meme coin launched on Stacks based on being $fair. It's up more than 1000% since inception. How unfair is that\!
+## **💡 Boom Tip of the Week: How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandma**
+Step 1: Tell her it's digital gold.
+Step 2: When she asks to see it, order her a large pizza.
+Step 3: Explain that the Pizza is actually worth thousands of dollars.
+Step 4: When she looks confused, offer her a slice and change the subject.
+Congratulations\! You've just given the clearest explanation of Bitcoin ever.
+## **🍪 Bite-sized Boom Biscuits: Quick News Crumbs**
+* We've getting ready to launch Boom Wallet Beta edition. Strap onto your seat is all we're saying.
+* Our team successfully tested Bitcoin payment with fastblocks on Testnet….and let me tell you Lightning McQueen has nothing on us.
+* We're already busy working on upcoming roadmap features and we will be building in public.
+That's all for this week, Boomers\! (Can we call you that? We're calling you that.)
+Remember, in a world of HODLers and paper hands, be a Boomer \- smart, sleek, and always ready to go BOOM\! 💥
+Stay explosive, The Boom Wallet Team
+🔗 Stay Connected with Boom:
+Twitter (It’s X we know, but we like Twitter) **[https://x.com/boom\_wallet](https://x.com/boom\_wallet)**
+Discord [**https://discord.gg/SvmpVADA**](https://discord.gg/SvmpVADA)
+P.S. If you enjoyed this newsletter more than your first Bitcoin (and Stacks) purchase, smash that forward button and spread the Boom\! If you didn't... well, we'll just assume your sense of humor is temporarily offline. Remember you only need one FWB to rock your digital world and its Boom.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Newsletters/index.mdx b/src/content/docs/Newsletters/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c78206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/Newsletters/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Newsletters
+Our Newsletters section offers an archive of articles and random information published in our semi-occasional newsletters.
+- [Boom Times 001](./newsletters/boomtimes-001): Boom Times edition 001.
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-title: Configuration Reference
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-This document describes the available configuration options for your site. These settings are defined in the `config.ts` file and control various aspects of your site's behavior and appearance. Below is a detailed reference for each configuration property, including examples where applicable.
-## Site Configuration
-### `website`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The URL of your site. Replace this with the deployed domain of your site to direct users to the correct address.
-- **Example**: `"https://hyperoot.dev"`
-### `author`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The name of the author or creator of the site. This value will be used to attribute content and provide credit.
-- **Example**: `"HYP3R00T"`
-### `desc`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: A brief description of your site. This summary provides context and information about the purpose and content of the site.
-- **Example**: `"Documentation template using Astro and Shadcn"`
-### `title`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The title of your site. This will be displayed in the browser tab and used for branding purposes.
-- **Example**: `"CelestialDocs"`
-### `ogImage`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The filename of the image used for Open Graph (OG) sharing. This image will be shown when your site is shared on social media platforms.
-- **Example**: `"og-image.jpg"`
-### `repo`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The URL to the repository hosting the source code of your site. This provides a link to where the site's code can be found.
-- **Example**: `"https://github.com/HYP3R00T/CelestialDocs"`
-## Locale Configuration
-### `lang`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Default**: `"en"`
-- **Description**: The HTML language code for your site. Set this to specify the language used for the content. If left empty, it defaults to `"en"`.
-- **Example**: `"en"` (for English)
-### `langTag`
-- **Type**: `array of strings`
-- **Default**: `["en-EN"]`
-- **Description**: BCP 47 language tags used to specify the language and regional variations. Set this to customize the language settings. An empty array defaults to the environment's default language.
-- **Example**: `["en-EN"]` for English (United Kingdom)
-## Menu Configuration
-### `menu_items`
-- **Type**: `array of objects`
-- **Description**: An array of menu items for the site's navigation. Each item should have a `title` and `href` to define the menu link. This is currently empty but can be populated to create navigation links.
-- **Example**:
- ```ts
- export const menu_items = [
- { title: "Home", href: "/" },
- { title: "About", href: "/about" },
- { title: "Contact", href: "/contact" },
- ];
- ```
-If you don't want any menu item, then keep the array empty.
-## Sidebar Navigation Configuration
-### `side_nav_menu_order`
-- **Type**: `array of strings`
-- **Description**: An array defining the order of items in the sidebar navigation. The list should contain top-level folders and files (without extensions) to organize the sidebar menu.
-- **Example**:
- ```ts
- export const side_nav_menu_order = [
- "getting-started",
- "guides",
- "custom-components",
- "reference",
- ];
- ```
-If you don't want to order it manually, then keep the array empty.
-## Global Settings
-Don't comment or delete anything. Use `true` or `false` to enable disable or enable the feature.
-### `hide_table_of_contents`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Controls whether the Table of Contents (ToC) is hidden. Set this to `true` to prevent the ToC from being displayed.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide the ToC)
-### `hide_breadcrumbs`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Determines whether breadcrumbs should be hidden. Setting this to `true` will hide breadcrumbs from the site's pages.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide breadcrumbs)
-### `hide_side_navigations`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Controls whether sidebar navigation should be hidden. Setting this to `true` will hide the sidebar.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide sidebar navigation)
-### `hide_datetime`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Indicates whether the date and time should be hidden. If set to `true`, date and time information will not be displayed.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide date and time)
-### `hide_time`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `true`
-- **Description**: Controls whether the time should be hidden. This is set to `true` by default to omit time information from being shown.
-- **Example**: `false` (to show time)
-### `hide_search`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Determines if the search functionality should be hidden. Setting this to `true` will remove the search feature from the site.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide the search feature)
-### `hide_repo_button`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Controls whether the repository button is hidden. If set to `true`, the button linking to the repository will not be displayed.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide the repository button)
-### `hide_author`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Specifies whether the author's information should be hidden. Setting this to `true` will prevent the author's details from being shown.
-- **Example**: `true` (to hide author information)
-You can append the following section to your existing documentation:
-## Social Configuration
-- **Type**: `array of objects`
-- **Description**: An array defining the social media links that will appear in the footer of your site. Each object in the array should include `name`, `href`, `linkTitle`, and `active` properties to specify the social media platform, link, title, and whether the link is active.
-- **Example**:
- ```ts
- export const Socials: SocialObjects = [
- ...
- {
- name: "Github",
- href: "https://github.com/HYP3R00T/",
- linkTitle: `${SITE.title} on Github`,
- active: true,
- },
- ...
- ];
- ```
-If you don't want any social links, then disable it using `false` for `active`. Don't delete anything.
-This reference guide provides a comprehensive overview of the configuration options available for your site. Adjust these settings as needed to customize the appearance and behavior of your site according to your preferences.
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-title: Frontmatter Reference
-You can customize individual Markdown and MDX pages in CelestialDocs by setting values in their frontmatter. For example, a regular page might set `title` and `description` fields.
-title: Sample
-description: Sample description
-Page content goes here, after `---`.
-This document describes the available frontmatter properties for your content files. Frontmatter is a block of metadata that provides context and configuration for your content. Below is a detailed reference for each property, including their types, default values, and descriptions.
-## Properties
-### `title`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Description**: The title of the content. This is a required field that represents the main heading or name of your document.
-### `author`
-- **Type**: `string`
-- **Default**: The author defined in the site configuration (`SITE.author`)
-- **Description**: The name of the person or entity responsible for creating the content. If not specified, it defaults to the author defined in the site's configuration.
-### `pubDatetime`
-- **Type**: `Date` (optional)
-- **Description**: The date and time when the content was published. This field is optional and can be used to specify when the content was made available.
-### `modDatetime`
-- **Type**: `Date` (optional, nullable)
-- **Description**: The date and time when the content was last modified. This field is optional and can be null if no modification has occurred. It helps track the latest changes made to the content.
-### `description`
-- **Type**: `string` (optional)
-- **Description**: A brief summary or description of the content. This optional field provides additional context or a teaser for the document.
-### `draft`
-- **Type**: `boolean`
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Indicates whether the content is a draft. If set to `true`, the content is considered a draft and may not be published or visible on the site.
-### `tags`
-- **Type**: `array of strings`
-- **Default**: `[]` (empty array)
-- **Description**: A list of tags associated with the content. Tags can be used for categorization and filtering purposes. The default is an empty array, meaning no tags are assigned unless specified.
-### `hide_breadcrumbs`
-- **Type**: `boolean` (optional)
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Determines whether breadcrumbs should be hidden for the content. If set to `true`, breadcrumbs will not be displayed. This is useful for customizing the navigation experience.
-### `hide_toc`
-- **Type**: `boolean` (optional)
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Specifies whether the Table of Contents (ToC) should be hidden. Setting this to `true` will prevent the ToC from being shown, allowing for a cleaner layout if the ToC is not needed.
-### `hide_sidenav`
-- **Type**: `boolean` (optional)
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Indicates whether the sidebar navigation should be hidden. If set to `true`, the sidebar will not be displayed, which can be useful for pages where a sidebar is unnecessary.
-### `max_width`
-- **Type**: `boolean` (optional)
-- **Default**: `false`
-- **Description**: Controls whether the content should use the maximum available width. Setting this to `true` allows the content to stretch to the full width of the container, providing a more expansive layout.
-This reference guide should help you configure the frontmatter for your content effectively. Adjust these properties to control various aspects of how your content is presented and organized.
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new file mode 100644
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+title: Reference
+Coming Soon
diff --git a/src/content/docs/Resources/deployment.mdx b/src/content/docs/Resources/deployment.mdx
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-title: Deployment
-Deploying your site is straightforward with CelestialDocs. This guide will help you set up deployment using GitHub Actions and configure your domain with a CNAME file. Follow the steps below to get your site live.
-## Deploying with GitHub Actions
-CelestialDocs includes a `deploy.yml` file configured for GitHub Actions to automate the deployment process. Here's how you can use it:
-- Add the `deploy.yml` File
- Make sure the `deploy.yml` file is included in your project under the .github/workflows directory. This file contains the workflow configuration to handle the deployment.
-- Configure Your GitHub Repository
- Ensure that your GitHub repository is correctly set up to use GitHub Actions. You may need to grant the necessary permissions and configure your repository settings to enable deployments.
-- Set Up Deployment Secrets
-If your deployment requires secrets (e.g., API keys, deployment tokens), add them to your GitHub repository settings:
- - Go to your repository on GitHub.
- - Navigate to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.
- - Add your secrets here. For example, you might need to add deployment tokens or API keys for your hosting provider.
-- Trigger the Deployment
- Once the `deploy.yml` file is in place and your secrets are configured, any push to the main branch (or the branch specified in the workflow) will trigger the deployment. GitHub Actions will automatically build and deploy your site based on the configuration in `deploy.yml`.
-### Adding a CNAME File
-If you're using a custom domain, you need to include a CNAME file in the public directory of your project. This file ensures that your site is correctly mapped to your custom domain.
-- Create the CNAME File
- In the public directory of your project, create a file named CNAME (with no file extension).
-- Add Your Domain Name
- Open the CNAME file and add your custom domain name. For example:
- ```
- www.yourcustomdomain.com
- ```
-- Commit and Push
- After creating the CNAME file, commit your changes and push them to your repository:
- ```bash
- git add public/CNAME
- git commit -m "Add CNAME file for custom domain"
- git push origin main
- ```
-- Verify Domain Configuration
- Ensure that your domain is correctly configured with your DNS provider to point to your deployment. This usually involves setting up DNS records such as A records or CNAME records to match your hosting provider's requirements.
-## Deploy with other services
-Publish your work with the [Deploy your site](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/deploy/) guide in the Astro docs.
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-title: Resources
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-title: CelestialDocs Showcase
-draft: true
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index 976b5c1..49012ee 100644
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@@ -1,54 +1,49 @@
title: Getting Started
-hide_breadcrumbs: true
+hide_breadcrumbs: true
-import Callout from "@/components/Callout.astro";
-**_Celestial Docs_** is a documentation theme built on top of the [Astro](https://astro.build/) framework. This guide will help you get started with a new project.
+**Boom** is built to leverage the Stacks blockchain & sBTC make a more decentralized, non-custodial, trust minimized Bitcoin payment layer for the rest of us.
-## Create a new project
+## Mission
-To create your own documentation site using CelestialDocs, follow these steps:
-- Visit the [CelestialDocs GitHub](https://github.com/HYP3R00T/CelestialDocs) repository.
-- Click on the "Use this template" button.
-- Follow the prompts to create a new repository using this template.
+Boom's mission is to revolutionise Bitcoin payments by making them as simple and user-friendly as possible, empowering individuals and businesses with financial freedom and inclusivity.
-Try CelestialDocs in your browser: [open the template on StackBlitz](https://stackblitz.com/github/HYP3R00T/CelestialDocs)
+## Vision
-## Local Setup
-After creating your repository, follow these steps to set up the project locally:
+Create a world where Bitcoin transactions are as easy as sending a message, enabling seamless global commerce and financial empowerment for all.
-Clone your repository:
+## Problem
-git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo-name.git
-cd your-repo-name
+1. Traditional financial systems are complex, exclusionary, and often inaccessible to many people worldwide.
+2. Bitcoin, while revolutionary, remains difficult for the average person to use in everyday transactions.
+3. Small businesses and individuals face barriers in participating in the global economy due to complicated payment systems.
+4. Current cryptocurrency wallets lack user-friendly interfaces and features that cater to both novice and experienced users.
-Install dependencies:
+## Solution
-npm install
+* Boom: A smart wallet focused on simplifying Bitcoin payments through:
+ * Integration with Bitcoin Naming System (BNS) for easy user and merchant discovery
+ * Payment links integrated with built-in chat for seamless transactions
+ * Multi-token payment protocols to accommodate various cryptocurrencies
+ * Easy integration with existing e-commerce platforms
+ * Support for decentralised, permissionless shops
-Start the development server:
+### Implications
-npm run dev
+* Increased financial inclusion for the unbanked and underbanked populations globally
+* Empowerment of small businesses to compete on a global scale
+* Reduction of transaction costs and elimination of intermediaries in international commerce
+* Acceleration of Bitcoin adoption for everyday use
+* Enhanced privacy and security in financial transactions
+* Democratisation of access to global markets for individuals and businesses of all sizes
-Your documentation site will be available at `http://localhost:4321`.
+## Values
-## Customizing Your Documentation
-CelestialDocs is built to be highly customizable. You can start editing the markdown files in the content folder to create your own documentation pages.
-To add new pages or sections, simply create new markdown files and folders inside the content directory, following the existing structure.
-## Next Steps
-- **Configure:** Learn about common options in ["Guides"](/guides).
-- **Authoring Content in Markdown:** Learn about options and features of ["Markdown"](/guides/authoring-content-in-md) guide.
-- **Components:** Discover built-in callout and more in the ["Components"](/custom-components) guide.
-- **Deploy:** Publish your work with the ["Deploy your site"](/resources/deployment) guide in the Astro docs.
\ No newline at end of file
+* Innovation: Constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in cryptocurrency payments
+* Simplicity: Making complex technology accessible and user-friendly for everyone
+* Empowerment: Giving individuals and businesses control over their financial futures
+* Inclusivity: Creating solutions that work for people from all walks of life
+* Transparency: Operating with openness and honesty in all our practices
+* Customer-Centric: Putting user needs at the forefront of our design and development processes
+* Global Mindset: Building solutions that transcend borders and connect people worldwide
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