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Use this utility to export your bans over HTTP to a standardized format which can be consumed by CentCom.Server instances.


This application exposes bans from a configured database on an HTTP REST API, available at api/ban from the root url. By default, without any query parameters, this URL will provide the latest collection of bans up to the configured limit. By providing a cursor parameter of a ban ID, the bans will be the collection of bans up to the limit starting at the cursor ID. Note: the cursor ID is not inclusive, so as to say the bans will start at the ID after the cursor. This is very helpful for any programmatic parsing of the bans, as you will never receive a duplicate of a ban you already processed.

Supported Codebases

This application currently supports the following codebases, and their downstreams assuming no extreme modification to ban database formats:

Don't see a codebase that applies to you? Feel free to provide your own implementation of IBanProvider in a PR, or request that #1 provide one.


Requires ASP.NET Core Runtime 5+.

Find the latest compiled executables for CentCom.Exporter here

To use the exporter, simply configure appsettings.json as described in the configuration section of this README, specifically the provider and connection string. Optionally configure hostsettings.json to control the port on which the application will bind to.

To implement HTTPS I personally recommend proxying the service through CloudFlare, or behind NGINX. If you wish to use HTTPS directly, edit hostsettings.json to use https and configure the other settings for Kestrel as appropriate.


Configure your exporter instance through appsettings.json. The possible configuration values are described below, along with their function. To see a complete example, see Sample Configuration.


The connection string used to connect to the ban source, specific to your CentCom.Provider value.


Controls the IBanProvider implementation used for your exporter, must be a valid BanProviderKind. See BanProviderKind for more information

If you are a /tg/ downstream and have not modified your ban format, you should be able to use the TgBanProvider by setting this value to Tgstation.


Controls what kind of job bans, if any, are provided by the API. See BanInclusionOption for possible values.


Controls what kind of server bans, if any, are provided by the API. See BanInclusionOption for possible values.


If provided, will only provide bans that are placed after this date.


If provided, will only provide bans that are placed after this ID.


The limit of bans provided per request to the API.


Boolean operator controlling if the ban provider should assume the timestamps from the data source are UTC, or a local timezone.


A TimeSpan value dictating a UTC offset override which, if not null, is used in combination with CentCom.UseLocalTimezone. Does nothing if CentCom.UseLocalTimezone is false.

Note that this assumes the timestamps coming from the database are offset with this UTC offset value, it does NOT convert the values at all.

Example value: -1:00 in combination with CentCom.UseLocalTimezone set to true will result in all bans returned from the API showing an offset of -1:00.

Sample Configuration

The following configuration will use the Tgstation provider, and will list all bans within the database in pages of 50 bans.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "provider": "Server=;Database=tgstation;Port=3306;Uid=root;Pwd=your-password-here;"
  "CentCom": {
    "Provider": "Tgstation",
    "JobBans": "All",
    "ServerBans": "All",
    "AfterDate": null,
    "AfterId": null,
    "Limit": 50,
    "UseLocalTimezone": false,
    "UtcOffset": null
  "AllowedHosts": "*"