Test Driven Development (TDD) is a big deal in modern development.
- Start by writing automated tests
- BEFORE writing code that is being tested
Test-Running Systems in JavaScript:
- Mocha
- Jasmine
- Tape
- Jest
Syntax for all test running systems is very similar.
- Produces clean code that works (goal of TDD)
- Forces us to think through requirements/design before writing functional code
- Keeps you out of the debugger
- Reduces bugs in new/existing features
- Reduces cost of change
- Improves design
- Encourages refactoring
- Builds a safety net to defend against other programmers
- Is Fun
- Speeds up development by eliminating waste
- Reduces fear
- Improves productivity
- Helps devs maintain focus
- Improves communication
- Communicate design decisions
- Loosely-coupled design
npm i -D jest
// package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "jest",
"watch": "jest --watch *.js",
tdd syntax with Jest
// somefile.test.js
it("description", () => {
expect(1).toBe(1); // pass
it("ordertotal, single item", () => {
items: [{ name: "dragon candy", price: 2, quantity: 3 }],
running jest
npm run test # single test
npm run watch # continuous feedback loop
uses Object.is
to test exact equality.
To check the value of an object, use .toEqual()
or toStrictEqual()
is preferredtoEqual()
ignores undefined
test("object assignment", () => {
const data = { one: 1 };
data["two"] = 2;
expect(data).toEqual({ one: 1, two: 2 });
To test the inverse of something, add .not
to the matcher:
test("add positive numbers is not zero", () => {
for (let a = 1; a < 10; a++) {
for (let b = 1; b < 10; b++) {
expect(a + b).not.toBe(0);
Truthiness Matchers:
* floating point equality- ie:
0.1 + 0.2
-- NOT.toBe()
- ie:
Strings Using Regex
test("there is no I in team", () => {
test('but there is a "stop" in Christoph', () => {
Arrays & Iterables
const shoppingList = [
"trash bags",
"paper towels",
test("the shopping list has milk on it", () => {
expect(new Set(shoppingList)).toContain("milk");
Exceptions Error Throwing
To test if a function will throw an error: .toThrow
expect(() => compileAndroidCode()).toThrow();
expect(() => compileAndroidCode()).toThrow(Error);
test("the data is peanut butter", () => {
return fetchData().then((data) => {
expect(data).toBe("peanut butter");
test("the data is peanut butter", async () => {
const data = await fetchData();
expect(data).toBe("peanut butter");
test("fetch fails w/ error", async () => {
try {
await fetchData();
} catch (e) {
Async/Await with .resolves
or .rejects
test("data is peanut butter", async () => {
await expect(fetchData()).resolves.toBe("peanut butter");
test("fetch fails w/ error", async () => {
await expect(fetchData()).rejects.toMatch("error");
If work needs to be repeated for many tests, you can use beforeEach
and afterEach
Example: several tests that interact with a database
beforeEach(() => initializeCityDatabase());
afterEach(() => clearCityDatabase());
test("city database has Vienna", () => {
and afterEach
can handle async code like tests
- take a
parameter - return a
// if initializeCityDatabase() returned a promise that resolved
// when the db was initialized, we want to return that promise:
beforeEach(() => {
return initializeCityDatabase();
In some cases, you only need to setup once, at the beginning of a file. To prevent setups from running before each test, use beforeAll
and afterAll
beforeAll(() => {
return initializeCityDatabase();
afterAll(() => {
return clearCityDatabase();
test("city database has Vienna", () => {
test("city database has San Juan", () => {
expect(isCity("San Juan")).toBeTruthy();
By default, beforeAll
and afterAll
blocks apply to every test in a file.
To group tests together, use a describe
block. When inside a describe
block, beforeAll
blocks apply to tests within the describe
block only.
describe("matching cities to foods", () => {
// Applies only to tests in this describe block
beforeEach(() => {
return initializeFoodDatabase();
test("Vienna <3 veal", () => {
expect(isValidCityFoodPair("Vienna", "Wiener Schnitzel")).toBe(true);
test("San Juan <3 plantains", () => {
expect(isValidCityFoodPair("San Juan", "Mofongo")).toBe(true);
Jest executes
handlers in a file first - Actual tests second
After describe
blocks are complete, Jest runs all the tests in the order they were encountered in the collection phase. Each test waits on the previous test to complete before beginning.
beforeEach(() => console.log("connection setup"));
beforeEach(() => console.log("database setup"));
afterEach(() => console.log("database teardown"));
afterEach(() => console.log("connection teardown"));
test("test 1", () => console.log("test 1"));
describe("extra", () => {
beforeEach(() => console.log("extra database setup"));
afterEach(() => console.log("extra database teardown"));
test("test 2", () => console.log("test 2"));
// connection setup
// database setup
// test 1
// database teardown
// connection teardown
// connection setup
// database setup
// extra database setup
// test 2
// extra database teardown
// database teardown
// connection teardown
If a test is failing, one of the first things to check should be:
- If that test fails when it's the only test that runs.
- To complete a single test within a test file containing many tests, change
// test.only
test.only("this will be the only test that runs", () => {
// ignored with test.only present
test("this test will not run", () => {
If a test passes when it's alone but fails as part of a larger suite, it's a good bet that something from a different test is interfering.
- Can often fix this by clearing a shared state with
- Can also use a
statement to log data
Mock functions allow you to:
- test links between code by erasing the actual implementation of a function
- capturing calls to the function & the parameters
- capturing instances of constructor functions when instantiated with
- test-time configuration of return values
Two ways to mock functions:
- Creating mock function to use in test code
- Writing
manual mock
to override a module dependency
Example: testing a function
> invokes a callback on each item in an array
function forEach(items, callback) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
To test this function, we can use a mock function & inspect the mock's state to ensure the callback is invoked as expected:
const mockCallback = jest.fn((x) => 42 + x);
forEach([0, 1], mockCallback);
All mock functions have a special .mock
property. It contains
- data about how the function has been called
- what the function returned
- tracks value of
for each call
const myMock1 = jest.fn();
const a = new myMock1();
// > [ <a> ]
const myMock2 = jest.fn();
const b = {};
const bound = myMock2.bind(b);
// > [ <b> ]
// The function was called exactly once
// The first arg of the first call to the function was 'first arg'
expect(someMockFunction.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe("first arg");
// The second arg of the first call to the function was 'second arg'
expect(someMockFunction.mock.calls[0][1]).toBe("second arg");
// The return value of the first call to the function was 'return value'
expect(someMockFunction.mock.results[0].value).toBe("return value");
// The function was called with a certain `this` context: the `element` object.
// This function was instantiated exactly twice
// The object returned by the first instantiation of this function
// had a `name` property whose value was set to 'test'
// The first argument of the last call to the function was 'test'
const filterTestFn = jest.fn();
// Make the mock return `true` for the first call,
// and `false` for the second call
const result = [11, 12].filter((num) => filterTestFn(num));
// > [11]
console.log(filterTestFn.mock.calls[0][0]); // 11
console.log(filterTestFn.mock.calls[1][0]); // 12
import axios from "axios";
class Users {
static all() {
return axios.get("/users.json").then((resp) => resp.data);
export default Users;
import axios from "axios";
import Users from "./users";
test("should fetch users", () => {
const users = [{ name: "Bob" }];
const resp = { data: users };
// or you could use the following depending on your use case:
// axios.get.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(resp))
return Users.all().then((data) => expect(data).toEqual(users));
Define the default implementation of a mock function that is created from another module:
jest.mock("../foo"); // this happens automatically with automocking
const foo = require("../foo");
// foo is a mock function
foo.mockImplementation(() => 42);
// > 42
Recreate complex behavior of a mock function - multiple function calls that produce different results:
const myMockFn = jest
.mockImplementationOnce((cb) => cb(null, true))
.mockImplementationOnce((cb) => cb(null, false));
myMockFn((err, val) => console.log(val)); // > true
myMockFn((err, val) => console.log(val)); // > false
// default implementation (calls beyond first/second)
const myMockFn = jest
.fn(() => "default")
.mockImplementationOnce(() => "first call")
.mockImplementationOnce(() => "second call");
console.log(myMockFn(), myMockFn(), myMockFn(), myMockFn());
// > 'first call', 'second call', 'default', 'default'
// methods that are chained (always need to return this)
const myObj = {
myMethod: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
// is the same as
const otherObj = {
myMethod: jest.fn(function () {
return this;
// Mock Function Names, instead of displaying jest.fn()
const myMockFn = jest
.mockImplementation((scalar) => 42 + scalar)
// The mock function was called at least once
// The mock function was called at least once with the specified args
expect(mockFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith(arg1, arg2);
// The last call to the mock function was called with the specified args
expect(mockFunc).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(arg1, arg2);
// All calls and the name of the mock is written as a snapshot
// sugar for common forms of inspecting .mock property
// The mock function was called at least once
// The mock function was called at least once with the specified args
expect(mockFunc.mock.calls).toContainEqual([arg1, arg2]);
// The last call to the mock function was called with the specified args
expect(mockFunc.mock.calls[mockFunc.mock.calls.length - 1]).toEqual([
// The first arg of the last call to the mock function was `42`
// (note that there is no sugar helper for this specific of an assertion)
expect(mockFunc.mock.calls[mockFunc.mock.calls.length - 1][0]).toBe(42);
// A snapshot will check that a mock was invoked the same number of times,
// in the same order, with the same arguments. It will also assert on the name.
expect(mockFunc.mock.calls).toEqual([[arg1, arg2]]);
expect(mockFunc.getMockName()).toBe("a mock name");
Running lots of tests to API's can become unfeasible: charging credit cards, etc.
Examples: VAT (value added tax) varies based on the country. VAT API.
- Change thinking process
function orderTotal(fetch, order) {
return Promise.resolve(
order.items.reduce((prev, cur) => cur.price * (cur.quantity || 1) + prev, 0)
module.exports = orderTotal;
// sandbox.js
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const result = fetch("vatapi.com/...")
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => data.rates.standard.value);
Change tests to expect a promise
const orderTotal = require("./order-total");
const emptyFunction = () => {};
it("calls vatapi.com if country code specified", () => {
let isFakeFetchCalled = false;
const fakeFetch = (url) => {
isFakeFetchCalled = true;
orderTotal(fakeFetch, {
country: "DE",
items: [{ name: "dragon waffles", price: 20, quantity: 2 }],
}).then((result) => expect(isFakeFetchCalled).toBe(true));
it("no qty specified", () =>
orderTotal(emptyFunction, {
items: [{ name: "dragon candy", price: 3 }],
}).then((result) => expect(result).toBe(3)));
Another important basic concept is testing in isolation. Only one method should be tested at a time and your tests should not depend on an external function behaving correctly --- especially if that function's being tested elsewhere.
Main reason for testing in isolation:
- When tests fail, you want to be able to narrow down the cause of this failure as quickly as possible
- If a test depends on several functions, it can be difficult to tell what exactly is going wrong
Tightly coupled code is hard to test.
For example:
function guessingGame() {
const magicNumber = 22;
const guess = prompt("guess a number between 1 and 100!");
if (guess > magicNumber) {
} else if (guess < magicNumber) {
} else if (guess == magicNumber) {
alert("YOU DID IT! π");
Making this testable requires splitting up all the different things that are happening. What we need to test is the number logic, which is much easier to untangle it:
function evaluateGuess(magicNumber, guess) {
// * Only function that needs to be tested*
if (guess > magicNumber) {
} else if (guess < magicNumber) {
} else if (guess == magicNumber) {
return "YOU DID IT! π";
function guessingGame() {
const magicNumber = 22;
const guess = prompt("guess a number between 1 and 100!");
const message = evaluateGuess(magicNumber, guess);
This implementation is much nicer:
- Clear input
- Clear output
- Doesn't call any external functions
- Easier to extend
If this was written with TDD, it would have looked more like the 2nd example.
TDD encourages better program architecture because it encourges us to write PURE FUNCTIONS.
Tightly coupled code has two solutions:
- Best*: Remove those dependencies, as we did in example 2.
- Mocking: writing fake versions of a function that always behaves exactly how you want.
Mocking example: testing a function that gets info from DOM input. You don't want to have to setup a webpage and dynamically insert something into the input just to run your tests.
With a mock function, we can create a fake version of the input-grabbing that always returns a specific value --- and use THAT in your test.
Too much mocking can be a bad thing. It is sometimes necessary, but if you have to setup an elaborate system of mocks to test any bit of your code, that means your code is too tightly coupled.
One thing you should NEVER do: Share state between tests.
Testing is NOT what you should spend most of your time doing.
Test assertions (.equal
, .deepEqual
) should be dead simple and completely free of magic. WHY?
- Provide quality info about expectations
- Lead to concise test cases
- Easy to read & maintain
Test cases should be written just like a bug report:
- Describe the feature you're testing in plain English.
- Provide expected outcome.
- Compare expectation to the actual value.
When a unit test fails, the error message is your bug report.
- Your automated test error messages are your bug reports.
Your test descriptions should be clear enough to use as documentation:
import test from "tape";
test("A passing test", (assert) => {
assert.pass("This test will pass.");
test("Assertions with tape.", (assert) => {
const expected = "something to test";
const actual = "sonething to test";
"Given two mismatched values, .equal() should produce a nice bug report"
Mocking becomes a requirement when there is coupling between units and unit isolation is needed for testing.
Tight Coupling: Rigid, brittle code - more likely to break when changes are needed
Less Coupling: Easy to extend & maintain. Testing becomes easier, which is a bonus side effect.
If we're mocking something, there may be a way to reduce coupling and make our code more flexible.
Coupling: Degree to which a module, function, class, etc. depends on other units of code. Coupling comes in many forms:
- Subclass Coupling: inheritance
- Control Dependencies: code that controls its dependencies by telling them what to do.
- Passing method names
- If control API of dependency changes, dependent code breaks.
- Mutable State Dependencies: code that shares a mutable state w/ other code
- Can change properties on a shared object
- If relative timing of mutations change, dependent code can break
- State Shape Dependencies: code that shres data structures with other code & only uses a subset of the structure
- Event/message coupling: code that communicates w/ units via message passing, events, etc.
Tight Coupling:
- Mutation vs immutability
- Side-Effects vs purity/isolated side-effects
- Responsibility Overload vs Do One Thing (DOT)
- Procedural Instructions vs describing structure
- Class Inheritance vs composition
Imperative/Object-oriented code is more susceptible to tight coupling.
Functional code is less susceptible. Functional code uses pure functions as the core unit of composition and are less vulnerable to tight coupling by nature.
Pure Functions:
- Given the same input, always return the same output
- Produce no side-effects
- Immutability: Don't mutate existing values. They return new ones instead.
- No Side Effects: Only thing pure functions do is return a value. It doesn't interfere with the operation of other functions.
- Do One Thing (DOT): Avoid responsibility overload, which plague object & class-based code.
- Structure, not instructions: Pure functions can be replaced with a lookup table (input/output values).
- Pure functions describe the structural relationship between data - NOT instructions for the computer to follow
Software development: process of breaking large problem into smaller, independent pieces (decomposition) and composing the solutions to form an app that solves the large problem (composition).
Mocking is required WHEN our decomposition strategy has failed.
When decomposition succeeds, we can use a generic composition utility to compose the pieces back together:
- Function composition:
- Component Composition: composing higher-order components w/ function composition
- State store/model composition: Redux combineReducers
- Object or factory composition: mixins, functional mixins
- Process composition: transducers
- Promise/monadic composition:
Function composition = applying a function to the return value of another function.
- Create pipeline of functions
- Pass value to pipeline
- Value goes thru each function (stage in an assembly line)
- Transforms value in some way before it's passed to the next function in the pipeline
- Last function returns final value
const pipe =
(...fns) =>
(x) =>
fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
// Applying a function to the return value of another function
const pipe =
(...fns) =>
(val) =>
fns.reduce((prevVal, fun) => fun(prevVal), val);
// initialValue -> [plusOne] -> [timesTwo] -> result
const plusOne = (n) => n + 1;
const timesTwo = (n) => n * 2;
const declarativeComposition = pipe(plusOne, timesTwo);
This is the primary means of organizing application code in every mainstream language, regardless of paradigm.
JavaScript has first-class functions, which allows you to compose functions automatically (declaratively).
- Imperative: commanding the computer to do something step by step
- Declarative: telling computer the relationships between things
- A description of structure using equational reasoning
is the piped composition of plusOne
and timesTwo
Loose Coupling:
- Module imports without side-effects
- Message passing/pubsub
- Immutable parameters
To remove coupling:
- Use Pure Functions as the atomic unit of composition
- Instead of classes, imperative procedures, mutating functions
- Isolate Side-Effects from the rest of your logic.
- Don't mix logic with I/O (network I/O, rendering UI, logging)
- Remove Dependent Logic from imperative compositions
DON'T unit test I/O.
I/O is for integrations. Use integration tests, instead.
It's perfectly okay to mock and fake for integration tests.
Pure functions
- Can't mutate global variables
- Can't mutate arguments passed into them
- Can't mutate the network
- Can't mutate the disk
- Can't mutate the screen
Pure functions can ONLY return a value.
If passed an array/object, pure functions have to create a new copy of the array/object with the require changes.
- Arrays methods:
- Object methods:
const signInUser = (user) => (user.isSignedIn = true);
const foo = {
name: "Foo",
isSignedIn: false,
// Foo was mutated * BAD
signInUser(foo), // true
foo // { name: "Foo", isSignedIn: true }
// PURE * GOOD -> returns a new object
const signInUser = (user) => ({ ...user, isSignedIn: true });
const foo = {
name: "Foo",
isSignedIn: false,
// Foo was not mutated
signInUser(foo), // { name: "Foo", isSignedIn: true }
foo // { name: "Foo", isSignedIn: false } * NOT MUTATED
Performance hits due to returning a new object
- Side-effect: we can detect changes to objects by using
identity comparison - Don't have to traverse through an entire object to discover changes
Pure functions can be memoized: cache/save pre-calculated values in a lookup table.
Pure functions allow you to safely distribute complex computations over large clusters of processors (divide & conquer).
Side Effects include, but are not limited to:
- Making HTTP Request
- Mutating data
- Printing to a screen or console
- DOM query/manipulation
- Getting current time
Incoming Messages > (Object Under Test > Messages Sent to Self) > Outgoing Messages
Query Message
- Return something
- Change nothing
- Return nothing
- Change something
Command & queries are often used together: queue.pop()
Message | Query | Command |
Incoming | Assert Results | Assert direct public side effects |
Sent to Self | IGNORE | IGNORE |
Outgoing | IGNORE | Expect to send (Mocks / test double) |
Incoming Query Messages
- Test incoming query messages by making assertions about what they send back
- Gear Inches >
ratio * wheel.diameter
- Gear Inches >
- Test the interface NOT the implementation
Incoming Command Messages
- Test incoming command messages by making assertions about direct public side effects
- Create instance of an object
- Create a side effect
- Assert about the value of the side effect
gear = new Gear()
>assert(27, gear.cog)
DRY It Out
Receiver of incoming message has sole responsibility for asserting the result direct public side effects
Messages Sent To Self
- DO NOT test private methods
- Do NOT make assertions about their result
- Do NOT expect to send them
- Caveat: Break rule if it saves $$$ during development
Outgoing Query Message
- Same rules as sent to self
gear_inches > GEAR > diameter (outgoing) > incoming query > WHEEL
If a message has no visible side-effects, the sender should NOT send it
Outgoing Command Message
Expect to send outgoing command messages
Break rule if side effects are stable and cheap
Mocks: Honor the contract
- Ensure test doubles stay in sync with the API
- Further away & more expensive
gear_inches ----> GEAR set_cog --------> * outgoing, side effects
diameter -------> WHEEL
changed --------> OBS * side effects
- Be a minimalist
- Use good judgement
- Test everything once
- Test the interface
- Trust collaborators
- Insist on simplicity
- Practice the tricks