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Bldr 💪

TL;DR: Bldr is a (very opinionated) configuration based task runner for css, js, sass, and image.


We recommend installing Bldr as a project dependency: npm i @bluecadet/bldr

You can then add scripts to package.json to run commands:

  scripts: {
    'dev': 'bldr dev',
    'build': 'bldr build',
    'devOnce': 'bldr dev --once'

but you can also install it globally: npm i -g @bluecadet/bldr

Then run npm run dev, which will run bldr dev, etc.

If you need to pass parameters to a script, add -- between the command and the parameter: npm run dev -- env=SampleEnv




$ bldr init

Running init will run a simple interactive config setup.


$ bldr dev

Running dev will run postcss and esbuild without minification. Additionally:

  • files in watch and watchReload arrays will be observed and appropriate processes will be ran when files are added/removed/updated based on file type
  • a browsersync instance will be created. Edit bldrConfigLocal.js to add browsersync options as needed.
    • Set browsersync.disable is set to true in the config (see )
  • bldr watch is an alias for bldr dev


$ bldr build

Running build will run postcss and rollup with minification. Rollup will also run babel.

Command Options

--env=some_key (or -e some_key)

If the env object is setup in config, you can run a command with --env=env_key_name to run that config setup. See env config below.

--once (or -o)

For the dev command only.

Running bldr dev -o will run a single build of all assets using the dev settings.

--start (or -s)

For the dev command only.

Running bldr dev -s will run a single build of all assets before starting up browsersync and watch tasks. By default, bldr dev does not do this.

Configuration Overview

Bldr relies on a bldrConfig.js file to point to where files should be sourced, distributed to, and watched.

Bldr was created to allow multiple configurations within bldrConfig.js based on the need of a project. Config can be setup to either export a single object (see Basic Configuration below), or an object with seperate dev and build objects (see Advanced Configuration below).

Bldr can handle processing css, js, sass, and image files. Each of these processes is configured in a key, and can be added or removed as required by the project. Each process configuration requires an object (or array of objects) that point to file sources, destinations, and 'watch' sources.

Basic Configuration

Bldr configuration determines the processes that are ran. At minimum, bldrConfig.js should export an object:

module.exports = {
  // file configuration

The following processes can be added:

module.exports = {
  css: {
    // processes .css files with postcss
  sass: {
    // processes .sass files with node-sass and then postcss
  js: {
    // processes .js files with esbuild (bldr dev) or rollup (bldr build)
  // Images are no longer optimized but will still be copied
  // images: {
    // processes image files with imagemin (via imagemin-mozjpeg, imagemin-pngquant, and imagemin-svgo)
  // }

Each process can also accept and array of config object if multiple file locations should be processed:

module.exports = {
  css: [
      // process config
      // process config

If an array of config objects is present, each config object will be ran as its own process. In other words, if css is an array, two seperate postcss processes will be ran, one for each configuration object.

Process Configuration Objects

For each process, the following config is required:

  src: './path/to/src/files/**/*.[ext]',
  dest: './path/to/destination/directory/',
  watch: [

src, dest, watch configuration

  • src config expects a path (string). This path is the 'incoming' path for processing, and should include a file extension as needed for the process. Glob patterns can be used.

  • dest config expects a path (string). This path is the 'destination' for processing. This is the directory where builds will be created.

  • watch config is only used in the dev process, and expects an array of paths (array of strings). These paths will be 'watched' by chokidar.

Example js config:

module.exports = {
  js: {
    src: './path/to/src/js/**/*.js',
    dest: './path/to/destination/js/',
    watch: [

Example js config with multiple build locations:

module.exports = {
  js: [
      src: './path/to/theme/src/js/**/*.js',
      dest: './path/to/theme/dest/js/',
      watch: [
      src: './path/to/child-theme/src/js/*.js',
      dest: './path/to/child-theme/dest/js/',
      watch: [

watchReload config

When running bldr dev you may want additional files or file types to trigger an automatic reload. To do this, add a watchReload key with a value of an array to config:

Example basic config:
module.exports = {
  css: {
  js: {
  watchReload: [

env config

Projects can have many parts. Some may have just one source for assets, some may have multiple. For example, you may be working on a theme for a CMS, but also need bldr to process assets for a plugin. With env configuration, you can setup 'environments' with their own process configurations:

module.exports = {
  css: [
      src: './path/to/theme/css/**/*.css',
      dest: './path/to/public/css/',
      watch: [
      src: './path/to/plugin/src/css/**/*.css',
      dest: './path/to/plugin/build/css/',
      watch: [
  js: {
  env: {
    'themeOnly': {
      css: {
        src: './path/to/theme/css/**/*.css',
        dest: './path/to/public/css/',
        watch: [
      js: {
    'pluginOnly': {
      css: {
        src: './path/to/plugin/src/css/**/*.css',
        dest: './path/to/plugin/build/css/',
        watch: [
      js: {


Each environment key is treated as its own set of configuration. Configuration for each environment is not inherited, or other wise read, from the basic configuration. In other words, each environment needs its own processes defined as needed. This allows you to, for example, run just css in an environment if desired.

If similar config is required in both basic and environment, its best to setup config in variables before the module.exports = {} in the config file:

const themeCSS = {
  src: './path/to/theme/css/**/*.css',
  dest: './path/to/public/css/',
  watch: [

module.exports = {
  css: [
      src: './path/to/plugin/src/css/**/*.css',
      dest: './path/to/plugin/build/css/',
      watch: [
  js: {
  env: {
    'themeCssOnly': {
      css: themeCSS,

CLI commands and env

To use configuration from an env key, add the env= (or -e=) param with a value equal to the key of the env object you want to run.


// bldrConfig.js
const themeCSS = {
  src: './path/to/theme/css/**/*.css',
  dest: './path/to/public/css/',
  watch: [

module.exports = {
  css: [
      // some other config
  env: {
    'themeCssOnly': {
      css: themeCSS,
    'whateverNameYouWant': {
      js: {
        // some other config

In command line, to use the themeCssOnly env config, you would run:

$ bldr dev env=themeCssOnly # or bldr dev -e=themeCssOnly

In command line, to use the whateverNameYouWant env config, you would run:

$ bldr dev env=whateverNameYouWant

Advanced Configuration

Bldr supports dev and build configuration keys at the root of the config object. Think of them as bldr command environments.

This allows bldr dev and bldr build:dev to have a seperate set of process configurations (via the dev key) from the process configurations used in bldr build (via the build key):

module.exports = {
  dev: {
    css: {
      src: './path/to/src/css/**/*.css',
      dest: './path/to/public/css/',
      watch: [
  build: {
    css: [
        src: './path/to/src/css/**/*.css',
        dest: './path/to/public/css/',
        watch: [
        src: './path/to/some-plugin/src/css/**/*.css',
        dest: './path/to/some-plugin/build/css/',
        watch: [

The dev key can take all settings in the Basic Configuration section. The build key can as well, but the watchReload and env keys aren't needed, as they will not be relevant in the bldr build processing.

PostCSS config

Configure postcss by adding a postcss.config.js file to the root of your project. bldr uses postcss-load-config under the hood. As such, make sure to add plugins using the object syntax in the postcss-load-config documentation here.

In addition to the default context variables of (ctx.env (process.env.NODE_ENV) and ctx.cwd (process.cwd())), there is an additional bldrEnv, which will have the value of the current build command (dev, build). Other options based on commands are available in the ctx object under settings (such as watch and once if applicable)

Again, refer to the postcss-load-config documentation here for further details.

Process Settings Configuration

In addition to processes, you can also add config to override or add to the default esBuild and Rollup process.

The following configuration options are available:

module.exports = {
  processSettings: {
    esBuild: {
      plugins: [
        // Array of esbuild plugins to add (install in your root package.json)
        // if `esBuild.overridePlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overridePlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      esBuild: require('esbuild'), // overrides bldr version of esbuild. Default: null
    rollup: {
      useBabel: false, // set to true if babel should not be ran
      useTerser: true,  // set to false if terser should not be ran
      babelPluginOptions: {
        // see @rollup/plugin-babel options at
        // default: { babelHelpers: 'bundled' }
      inputOptions: {
        // see rollups inputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
        // default additions: { external: [/@babel\/runtime/] }
      inputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup input plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideInputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default input plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideInputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      outputOptions: {
        // see rollups outputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
      outputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup output plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideOutputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideOutputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      rollup: require('rollup') // if you wish to use a specific version of rollup, you can require it here. Default: null


module.exports = {
  processSettings: {
    esBuild: {
      plugins: [
        // Array of esbuild plugins to add (install in your root package.json)
        // if `esBuild.overridePlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overridePlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins


module.exports = {
  processSettings: {
    rollup: {
      useBabel: true, // set to false if babel should not be ran. Default: true
      useTerser: true,  // set to false if terser should not be ran. Default: true
      babelPluginOptions: {
        // see @rollup/plugin-babel options at
        // default: { babelHelpers: 'bundled' }
      inputOptions: {
        // see rollups inputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
        // default: { external: [/@babel\/runtime/] }
      inputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup input plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideInputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default input plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideInputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      outputOptions: {
        // see rollups outputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
      outputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup output plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideOutputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideOutputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      rollup: require('rollup') // if you wish to use a specific version of rollup, you can require it here. Default: null


module.exports = {
  processSettings: {
    browsersync: {
      disable: false, // set to true to prevent browsersync from instatiating in watch env. Default: true


🚨 Sass is now limited to sass - node-sass is no longer supported. 🚨

As a result, sass options are removed from processSettings

module.exports = {
  processSettings: {
    // sass: {
    //   sassProcessor: null, // defaults to node sass. You can require dart-sass here if preferred
    //   importers: null,      // defaults to node-sass-magic-importer
    //   importerOpts: {},    // options for the importer, defaults to empty object
    // },

Babel (via @rollup/plugin-babel)

If a valid babel config file exists in the same root as where bldr was ran, bldr will include @rollup/plugin-babel with the default options of {babelHelpers: 'bundled'}, and Babel will be ran using your local config file. To override, see the documentation for rollup.babelPluginOptions above.

If you do not want Babel to be ran, simply do not include a

Note: Babel will only conditionally be ran when using the bldr build command.

Babel Config

While you can setup babel config however you like, here is a working example to get it working.

  1. Install the following packages to your projects package.json:
npm i --save-dev @babel/preset-env core-js
  1. Create a babel.config.json file containing:
  "compact" : false,
  "presets": [
        "useBuiltIns": "usage",
        "corejs": 3

Browsersync Config

If you would like to run watch mode without browsersync, you can disable broswersync by adding processSettings: {browsersync: {disable: true}} to your bldrConfig.js file.

Local Config

Create a local config file by running bldr init or creating a file in root named bldrConfigLocal.js.

Local config is primarily used to store browsersync settings. As such, it is not a file that needs to be tracked.

Example dev/build config:

module.exports = {
  browserSync: {
    proxy: 'http://site.local'
    // other browsersync options as per


Default Rollup input plugins:

  • @rollup/plugin-commonjs
  • @rollup/plugin-babel
  • @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
  • rollup-plugin-inject-process-env

Default Rollup output plugins:

  • none

Complete Config Example:

module.exports = {
  // ----------------------- BASIC CONFIG ----------------------- //
  css: {
    src: 'path/to/css/files/**/*.css',
    dist: 'path/to/css/destination',
    watch: ['paths/to/watch/css/files/**/*.css'],
  // css: [
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/css/files/**/*.css',
  //     dist: 'path/to/css/destination',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/css/files/**/*.css'],
  //   },
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/css/files/2/**/*.css',
  //     dist: 'path/to/css/destination/2',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/css/files/2/**/*.css'],
  //   }
  // ],
  // --!
  sass: {
    src: 'path/to/sass/files/**/*.scss',
    dist: 'path/to/sass/destination',
    watch: ['paths/to/watch/sass/files/**/*.scss'],
  // sass: [
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/sass/files/**/*.scss',
  //     dist: 'path/to/sass/destination',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/sass/files/**/*.scss'],
  //   },
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/sass/files/2/**/*.scss',
  //     dist: 'path/to/sass/destination/2',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/sass/files/2/**/*.scss'],
  //   }
  // ],
  // --!
  js: {
    src: 'path/to/js/files/**/*.js',
    dist: 'path/to/js/destination',
    watch: ['paths/to/watch/js/files/**/*.js'],
  // js: [
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/js/files/**/*.js',
  //     dist: 'path/to/js/destination',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/js/files/**/*.js'],
  //   },
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/js/files/2',
  //     dist: 'path/to/js/destination/2',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/js/files/2/**/*.js'],
  //   }
  // ],
  // --!
  images: {
    src: 'path/to/image/files/*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,gif,png,svg}',
    dist: 'path/to/image/files/destination',
    watch: ['paths/to/watch/image/files/**/*'],
  // images: [
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/image/files/*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,gif,png,svg}',
  //     dist: 'path/to/image/files/destination',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/image/files/**/*'],
  //   },
  //   {
  //     src: 'path/to/image/files/2/*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,gif,png,svg}',
  //     dist: 'path/to/image/files/destination/2',
  //     watch: ['paths/to/watch/image/files/2/**/*'],
  //   },
  // ],
  // --!
  watchReload: [
  env: { // Optional - add custom enviornments (run with `-e=SampleEnv` or `env=SampleEnv)
    SampleEnv: { // name of env in cli `env=` parameter
      css: { ... },    // Can also be array. Same as basic css config above.
      js: { ... },     // Can also be array. Same as basic js config above.
      images: { ... }, // Can also be array. Same as basic image config above.
      watchReload: []  // Same as basic watchReload config above.
  // --------------------- END BASIC CONFIG --------------------- //

  // ---------- SEPERATE DEV/BUILD ENVIRORNMENT CONFIG ---------- //
  dev: {
    // see basic config above
  build: {
    // see basic config above

  // -------------------- PROCESS CONFIG -------------------- //
  processSettings: {

    // -------------------- BROWSERSYNC CONFIG -------------------- //
    browsersync: {
      disable: false, // set to true to prevent browsersync from instatiating in watch env. Default: true

    // ---------------------- ESBUILD CONFIG --------------------- //
    esBuild: {
      plugins: [
        // Array of esbuild plugins to add (install in your root package.json)
        // if `esBuild.overridePlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overridePlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      esBuild: require('esbuild'), // overrides bldr version of esbuild. Default: null

    // ---------------------- ROLLUP CONFIG --------------------- //
    rollup: {
      useBabel: true, // set to false if babel should not be ran. Default: true
      useTerser: true,  // set to false if terser should not be ran. Default: true
      babelPluginOptions: {
        // see @rollup/plugin-babel options at
        // default: { babelHelpers: 'bundled' }
      inputOptions: {
        // see rollups inputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
        // default: { external: [/@babel\/runtime/] }
      inputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup input plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideInputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default input plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideInputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      outputOptions: {
        // see rollups outputOptions object at
        // `file` will automatically be added, so no need to add here
      outputPlugins: [
        // array of rollup output plugins.
        // if `rollup.overrideOutputPlugins` is set to true, this array will replace the default bldr array.
        // if not, then these will be added after bldrs default plugin set. See Processing documentation below
      overrideOutputPlugins: false, // set to true to override default bldr plugins
      rollup: require('rollup') // if you wish to use a specific version of rollup, you can require it here. Default: null

    // ---------------------- ESLint CONFIG --------------------- //
    eslint: {
      omit: null,              // set to true to skip eslint
      forceBuildIfError: null, // set to true to force builds to run if linting errors are found

    // ---------------------- SASS CONFIG --------------------- //
    sass: {
      sassProcessor: null, // defaults to node sass. You can require [dart-sass]( here if preferred
      importer: null,      // defaults to [node-sass-magic-importer](
      importerOpts: {},    // options for the importer, defaults to empty object