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MoonPadUSer edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 15 revisions

List of things that might be a good idea.


  • Make the damage text black/another color when you hit a team mate so you know you hit a team mate. This will provide a visual counterpart to the sound feedback you already get.
  • Add an easy to use way to browse and upload user created content.
  • Add Cancel button to loading screen.
  • Ability to change voice pitch (in character customization), so everybody can have his "own voice"
  • Add easy way to setup custom "servers" so you can play with friends without having to join a public server
  • implement autocompletion for players' names
  • implement a voting option to enable/disable weapon set
  • implement a local mute (to ignore all messages from some players)
  • swap teams spawns on map symmetry changes, so that colors do not change (reduce player confusion)
  • Multi-Language Support

In-Game (Gameplay)

  • Allow other thresholds than Never, 50% and 100% for voting
  • Allow different threshold settings for in-game and mid-game votings
  • Allow bots to take mines, grenades and rockets
  • implement a voting option for game's durationn
  • allow a game to end when a team/player reach a certain score
  • bots should not be considered the same value as human when teamkilling (they're too dumb and sometimes one must kill them)
  • allow giving bots more advanced instructions:
    • drop flag/pass bomb
    • stop following me
  • implement local statistics:
    • precision with a specific weapon
    • K/D ratio
    • (can't be seen by other players, to prevent people being insulted/bullied/whateveryouwanttocallit because of their stats - MoonPadUSer)
  • move bots in a different binary. Would allow:
    • forbid client bots
    • exploiting more than 1 CPU core
    • scripted bots


  • Documentation/Tutorial for Edit-Mode
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