Home assistant Custom Component for reading data from Solaredge inverter through modbus TCP. Implements Inverter registers from https://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/sunspec-implementation-technical-note.pdf.
- Installation through Config Flow UI.
- Separate sensor per register
- Auto applies scaling factor
- Configurable polling interval
- All modbus registers are read within 1 read cycle for data consistency between sensors.
- Possible to select other modbus address than the default of 1
- Supports reading inverter data and meter (1->3) data.
- Supports reading battery data (1->2)
- Supports controlling storedge: Change battery charge / discharge profile
- Export control: allows control of how much power is exported from the system to the grid
Go to the integrations page in your configuration and click on new integration -> SolarEdge Modbus