- [feature] Navbar designer/manager
- [feature] Add Recent Topics block
- [feature] Add Popular Topics block
- [feature] Forum specific blocks
- [feature] Add legend to Whois block
- [feature] Ability to show blocks to only certain groups or exlude certain groups from viewing blocks
- Enable topic tracking by default on forum blocks
- Fix permission issues when adding/editing blocks/menus
- Improve sidebar width stepper for custom layout
- Correctly show uploaded images on route and non-route pages
- Minor bug fixes
- Add support for headers and dividers to Links block
- Fix display issues for lists as a result of templating change
- Rollback support for fontawesome5 since phpbb has rolled back
- Better support for other phpBB styles (WIP)
- Removed support for Responsive Filemanage as phpBB extension rules prohibit optional dependencies
- Removed noreferrer from external links
- Improved list display and list modifiers for block content
- Use error boundary to prevent block issues from breaking site
- Fix compatibility issues with extensions that use autowire for service container
- Support for fontawesome 5
- Fix issue with permission keys being added after uninstalling app
- Grant sitemaker admin rights to Administrators group
- Support for phpBB 3.3
- Switched from Bower/Gulp workflow to npm/yarn/babel/webpack
- [feature] Use code splitting and dynamic imports to reduce js/css bundle sizes (webpack)
- [feature] Added Google maps block
- [feature] Added RSS/Atom feeds block with ability to set display template (uses simplepie)
- [feature] Added block modifiers to enforce image aspect ratio (1x1, 4x3, 16x9)
- [feature] We no longer automatically delete orphaned blocks/routes/styles via cron as there are false positives. Give admin control over orphaned blocks
- Upgraded to Tinymce 5
- Switch Tinymce to distraction free mode
- Display Tinymce in users language if translation is available
- Upgraded to support Responsive Filemanager 9.14.0
- Ensure Admin Bar and menu items are fully responsive
- Switched to flexbox grid (gridlex) for layout
- [feature] Added ability to add js/css files to page using Custom block
- [feature] Added code editor block config type using codemirror
- [bug] Fix issue that returned ajax error when marking forums read: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/phpbb_sitemaker_2/support/topic/198911
- [feature] Add new Custom Layout that allows you to set sidebar widths
- [feature] Recent Forum topics block now uses the 'Context' setting to point to first or last post
- Created new localized documentation site
- Provide links to documentation site directly from the extension with english fallback if translation is not available
- Several other minor bug and display fixes
- [feature] Added twig filter to use phpBB's format_date function in template files e.g. {{ TOPIC_TIME|format_date('M d, Y') }}
- Fixed several bugs that caused the extension to fail in php 7.2
- Upgraded to Tinymce 4.7.13
- Upgraded to support Responsive Filemanager 9.13.1
- Use user lang and timezone preferences to display filemanager in correct language and timezone
- Fix issues with saving filemanager settings
- Provide means to automatically update filemanager config while retaining existing settings
- Remove max limit of 20 for blocks. So now you can have blocks that display more than 20 items
- Prevent form token conflicts - thanks kasimi
- Fixed bug that made it impossible to select multiple items in a multi-select dropdown in block settings
- Fixed several other minor bugs
- Added horizontal navbar
- Added support for Responsive Filemanager for uploading, browsing, and editing images. See instructions in the docs
- Add event to display acp settings form (blitze.sitemaker.acp_display_settings_form)
- Add event to save acp settings form (blitze.sitemaker.acp_save_settings)
- Only rename board index to 'home' if a custom start page is set
- Update to twig syntax
- Make 'hide all blocks' feature work again
- Fixed issue that made it impossible to select forum navbar icon in acp
- Fixed issue with uinstalling/re-enabling the extension (phpbb_sm_blocks does not exist)
- Renamed event blitze_sitemaker.modify_block_positions to blitze.sitemaker.modify_block_positions
- Renamed event blitze_sitemaker.modify_rendered_block to blitze.sitemaker.modify_rendered_block
- Added holy grail layout (fixed-width sidebars with flexible middle column)
- Updated responsive design to more standard responsive design patterns (no more floating sidebars)
- Added event to modify block positions (blitze_sitemaker.modify_block_positions)
- Added event to modify a rendered block (blitze_sitemaker.modify_rendered_block)
- Added javascript events for when blocks are added or updated, or layout is changed
- Support for phpBB 3.2.x
- Ability to choose icon for 'Forum' in navbar
- Ability to hide phpBB's login, birthday, and who's online boxes on forum index in ACP
- Ability to choose default block type (simple, boxed, or borderless) in ACP
- Ability to choose block type (simple, boxed, or borderless) per block
- Fix issue with massive topic icons and smiles
- Allow sub-folders as menu items
- Fix some drag & drop issues after deleting a block
- Only hide who is online on forum index if whois block is enabled
- Only hide birthday if birthday block is enabled
- Only hide stats if stats block is enabled
- Use codemirror instead of ace editor
- Add classes to show/hide blocks on small devices
- Fix relative paths in blocks contents returned via ajax
- Put main content before sidebar in html structure for better SEO
- Fix some issues with posting raw html content via ajax
- Force expand menu item if child items are unreachable
- Do not add session id to external URLs and directories
- Show last poster by default on Recent topics block
- Match phpBB's newest member in Recent Member block
- Fix issues with block display types for parent/child routes
- In edit mode, visually reveal blocks that will not be displayed outside of edit mode due to inactive status or no content
- First release