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How to Collect Payments Using MoneyUnify with MTN MoMo Merchant account

How to Collect and Send Money Using MoneyUnify with - Airtel Merchant account

MTN to MTN, Instant mobile Money collections and disbursements in over 12 African countries with the flexibility of settling funds to your bank or mobile money account.


  • Login to your MTN MoMo account here.

  • Follow all instructions here on how to subscribe to the collection API if you have not yet done so

  • Go to Profile tab to order to obtain both your public/Secondary and private/Primary keys

  • Create your account on MoneyUnify and use your above obtained keys to create your muid (MoneyUnify ID) - This applies if you have not yet created your MoneyUnify Account. If you already have one, just login, you will find your MUI ID om your dashboard.

Collecting online Mobile Payments [example]

Use your favorite stack or programming language to collect money via USSD from customers in Zambia

PHP Curl Example - Request payment from customer


$curl = curl_init();

//Setup transaction details
$data = [
    'muid' => 'YOUR_MONEY_UNIFY_ID_HERE', //get it from your money unify dashboard
    'mode' => 'sandbox', // live for production and sandbox when testing the API
    'phone_number' => 'customer_phone_number', // Customer mobile money phone number where funds are to be deducted. 
    'transaction_details' => 'Dell Laptop 3400', //Description of transaction / product being purchased
    'amount' => '2500' // valid number amount e.g 2.45 or 2345 or 23213.04. 2500 is just an example

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL => "",

// Trigger payment
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
    echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
    echo $response;

// see API responses below image examples for your eased debugging

You love learning using videos?

We have API documentation videos here

Python Laravel
JavaScript using (fetch) PHP Curl

SUCCESS Message Examples

If transaction request is successful, you will get a response like this one.

  "message": "Request successful!",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "X-Reference-Id": "ca9cd07d-0f16-4b61-bac7-dc01c09bcba6",
      "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSMjU2In0.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6IaRkOTEzZDdkLTlmMTYtNGI2MS1iYWM3LWRjMDFjNjliY2JhNiIsImV4cGlyZXMiOiIyMDIzLTA3LTI1VDE5OjU4OjMxLjk2OCIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6ImIxOGFjMzEzLTQwMGItNDkzZS1iZGRmLWNiOGE0MzFlMzJjZCJ9.Q_L0Y0PstuBbgc2lxefTcRsB9rMywdjMsbKj2y3pfFB7qvUFdaxqsPX6EzV0qXtywHaErSObEd0-TvoLvGehKQbx4kyS-7UfI6AdQm2CRQXVj7ZBFiMXNReQA0uSQeOV-IFGPiS79rqMfKpxuPaJcN7gCxkYJ7nYUlGco-BvJBYeDPRQVpu7feHGMtB4BEh0oPrC4bZf3AN7IGnpehUt38uUoi7YFGsIYrpxZ-T5SJOMQlEklP-tHVWVZyimyon2tK7WFJ6tz_w4HkVnxAvrsjEp307chgDXsdrl7lmr1ElKzOShDG7uPWvzJQf8I7dnKJwgXPt7of07gYfFfvB8fg",
      "X-Target-Environment": "sandbox",
      "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "ed25112b0b624abdbc5f0063f31c21fe"
  "isError": false

Error Message examples

If transaction request has failed, you will get a response like this one. For debugging purposes, kindly refer to the official MoMo Developer site.

  "message": "Request payment Failed. Please try again: ",
  "console": {
    "debug": {
      "status_code": 400,
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json",
        "X-Reference-Id: 0d59da5c-8f7d-4a00-bab0-bae2334c8019",
        "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSMjU2In0.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6IjBkNTlkYTVjLThmN2QtNGEwMC1iYWIwLWJhZTIzMzRjODAxOSIsImV4cGlyZXMiOiIyMDIzLTA3LTI2VDIxOjM5OjMyLjY4OCIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6ImI2NWU2ODhiLTQ5NDItNGU5NS1hNGQ1LWFjYzVmOWIxNjg4OCJ9.AZ9pIpkqfmp-1qTcSw6ei_3teixZjHV-eaU9-DQ6vzZnj9rOA75MCqQnOQrvNUESvb3V0k7GOx-NXix6gYzzDdEaetCx42Ix757rqeh71DeVXatkMA8ZXTSSco-7ZRjDUlTC1lFqIccq5_hJzvWzpmzS7suAkX-dxMOvkfycoZ9A9AIvqUHBwzc0xGXmJsWgMxTXjeZy7ZDw_Ryxa9bMS447OwhqmV6xmiNrU5aU1JWWh6xA3hBarY4gHAqpLo8GHP6dcqzTaU373vmVgpCo-5s6bzQgchGW9DziWYuJpppwlwaV2eI21G_jksRjTQ_HZi-ftYzfxmTcFg1B4TkK-g",
        "X-Target-Environment: sandbox",
        "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 3925012b0b624abdbc5f0063f27c215e"
      "body": "{\"amount\":\"2500\",\"currency\":\"EUR\",\"externalId\":\"16904039737268\",\"payer\":{\"partyIdType\":\"MSISDN\",\"partyId\":\"\"},\"payerMessage\":\"Payment: Dell Laptop 3400\",\"payeeNote\":\"Dell Laptop 3400\"}",
      "response": ""
  "isError": true

This project was built/tested with

  • PHP 8


👤 Blessed Jason Mwanza - Buy me A Coffee

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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