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110 lines (95 loc) · 3.97 KB

api proposal


  • module communication (<->)
  • dependency resolution
  • error handling

module communication

structs, etc

struct blmodule {
	char[256] libraryName;
	void* init;
	void* deinit;
	DWORD imageBase;
	DWORD imageSize;
	bool initialized;

enum blerrors {

proposed api

int bloader_load(const char* module);

  • usermode, will be called by the user ingame or by add-ons
  • will insert a blmodule struct into the global module table
  • possible return values:
    • 0: loaded successfully
    • n < 0: did not load successfully, call bloader_geterror with the return value.

const char* bloader_geterror(int errorcode)

  • get a string corresponding to the error code
  • can be called from usermode or by the library internally.

int bloader_unload(const char* module)

  • unload a module, calling it's deinitialization function.

  • grab the module struct from the global module table

  • also replace all of it's consolefunction declarations with a declaration that contains a function that does nothing-- avoiding the issue where unloading a dll and calling it's consolefunctions will result in a crash

  • possible return values:

    • 0: unloaded successfully
    • n < 0: did not unload successfully, call bloader_geterror

module communication

functions that will be available for modules to call

void* bloader_sym(const char* module, const char* fnName)

  • retrieve a pointer to an exported function from the module
  • will look up into the global module table for said module..
  • possible return values:
    • nullptr: could not find function
    • n != nullptr: a pointer to the exported function
void bloader_consolefunction_string(const char* nameSpace, const char* name, StringCallback callBack, const char* usage, int minArgs, int maxArgs)
void bloader_consolefunction_bool(const char* nameSpace, const char* name, BoolCallback callBack, const char* usage, int minArgs, int maxArgs)
void bloader_consolefunction_int(const char* nameSpace, const char* name, IntCallback callBack, const char* usage, int minArgs, int maxArgs)
void bloader_consolefunction_void(const char* nameSpace, const char* name, VoidCallback callBack, const char* usage, int minArgs, int maxArgs)
void bloader_consolefunction_float(const char* nameSpace, const char* name, FloatCallback callBack, const char* usage, int minArgs, int maxArgs)
  • will wrap ConsoleFunction, and call it with said parameters.
  • will also store an entry inside of the module's function table, which we will refer to upon deinitialization of said module
void bloader_consolevariable_int(const char* name, int* var)
void bloader_consolevariable_float(const char* name, float* var)
void bloader_consolevariable_string(const char* name, char* var)
void bloader_consolevariable_bool(const char* name, bool* var)
  • expose a c++ variable to torquescript
  • simple enough
const char* bloader_getvariable(const char* name)
void bloader_setvariable(const char* name, const char* value)
  • set a global torquescript variable
  • NOTE: getVariable will never return a nullptr.
int bloader_require(const char* module)
  • will load a module into the global module table, and call it's initialization function
  • possible return values:
    • 0: module loaded, ready to grab functions
    • n < 0: error occured, use bloader_geterror to get more info on what happened
void bloader_printf(const char* format, ...)
  • a wrapper around the game's internal printf function
  • truncate strings that are > 4096 characters long, and split them up into chunks
void bloader_printf_error(const char* format, ...)
void bloader_printf_warning(const char* format, ...)
void bloader_printf_info(const char* format, ...)
  • creature comfort
  • basically printf, except with special hex codes prepended to change the color of the text printed out to the console.

module documentation
