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Matlab scripts implementing the model from our work Autoconvolution for Unsupervised Feature Learning on unsupervised layer-wise training of a convolution neural network based on recursive autoconvolution (AutoCNN).

We present scripts for MNIST (autocnn_mnist.m), CIFAR-10 (CIFAR-100) (autocnn_cifar.m) and STL-10 (autocnn_stl10.m). Our slighly optimized scripts are much faster (see Tables below) than those used to produce results in the paper. Moreover, the classification results are also a little bit improved.

Example of running

opts.matconvnet = 'home/code/3rd_party/matconvnet';
opts.vlfeat = 'home/code/3rd_party/vlfeat/toolbox/mex/mexa64';
opts.gtsvm = '/home/code/3rd_party/gtsvm/mex';
opts.n_folds = 10;
opts.n_train = 4000;
opts.arch = '1024c11-2p-conv0_4__256g-4ch-160c9-4p-conv2_3';
autocnn_cifar(opts, 'augment', true)

This script should obtain an average accuracy of about 78.5% on CIFAR-10 (400).


For faster filter learning it's recommended to use VLFeat, and for faster forward pass - MatConvNet. Although, in the scripts we try to make it possible to choose between built-in Matlab and third party implementations.

For classification it's required to install either GTSVM, LIBLINEAR or LIBSVM. Compared to LIBSVM, GTSVM is much faster (because of GPU) and implements a one-vs-all SVM classifier (which is usually better for datasets like CIFAR-10 and STL-10). LIBLINEAR shows worse performance compared to the RBF kernel available both in GTSVM and LIBSVM. If neither of these is available, the code will use Matlab's LDA.

Learning methods

Currently, the supported unsupervised learning methods are k-means, convolutional k-means, k-medoids, GMM, PCA, ICA and ISA. We use VLFeat's k-means to obtain our results.

Testing environment

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Matlab R2015b
  • CUDA 7.5 (installed via apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit)
  • MatConvNet
  • cuDNN-v5
  • VLFeat
  • 64GB RAM
  • NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti
  • Xeon CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz


  • So far, the model is purely unsupervised, i.e., label information is not used to train filters.
  • Also, no data augmentation and no cropping is applied, other than horizontal flipping when specified (see Tables below).
  • flip - indicates that flipping (horizontal reflection, mirroring) is applied both for training and test samples.
  • We report 2 results (in table cells): with a single SVM / SVM committee.
  • For 2 layers, an average number of filters used after prunning is indicated in layer 1 (i.e., 90 instead of 192, or 650 instead of 1024), see the paper for details.

We have minor fixes in code, so the results are updated according to the current version of the code.


Test error (%) on MNIST (100), MNIST (300) with 100 or 300 labeled images per class, and using all (60k) MNIST training data (full test). In both cases we report average % for 10 tests. SVM committees consist of 7-11 models (see code for details). In our paper, the results on MNIST were obtained using LIBSVM. Here, we use GTSVM.

Model MNIST (100) MNIST (300) MNIST MNIST (total time for 1 full test)
256c13 2.15 / 2.00 1.41 / 1.31 0.46 / 0.45 1 min / 2 min
90c11-32g-64c9 1.58 / 1.54 0.94 / 0.93 0.40 / 0.39 6 min / 8.5 min

For MNIST we observe a very large variance of the classification error. Among 10 runs on full MNIST, our minimum error with a single SVM (PCA = 350) was 0.33%, with an SVM committee - 0.34%.

Full definitions of architectures are following:

1 layer: 256c13-4p-conv1_3

2 layers: 192c11-2p-conv1_3__32g-3ch-64c9-2p-conv2_3


Test accuracy (%) on CIFAR-10 (400) with 400 labeled images per class and using all (50k) CIFAR-10 training data. In all cases we report average % for 10 tests unless otherwise specified. SVM committees consist of 9-21 models (see code for details).

Model CIFAR-10 (400) CIFAR-10
1024c13 69.6 / 71.8 81.7 / 83.4
1024c13+flip 72.6 / 74.6 84.1 / 85.3
650c11-256g-160c9 74.2 / 76.4 84.8 / 85.6 (1 test)
650c11-256g-160c9+flip 76.9 / 78.5 86.9 / 87.3 (1 test)

Full definitions of architectures are following:

1 layer: 1024c13-8p-conv0_4

2 layers: 1024c11-2p-conv0_3__Ng-4ch-160c9-4p-conv2_3


Approximate total (training+prediction) time for 1 test. We also report prediction time required to process and classify all 10k test samples.

Model CIFAR-10 (400) CIFAR-10 CIFAR-10 (prediction)
1024c13 3 min / 3.5 min 4.5 min / 15 min 9 sec / 18 sec
1024c13++flip 3 min / 4 min 6 min / 25 min 17 sec / 48 sec
650c11-256g-160c9 29 min / 30 min 40 min / 70 min 3.7 min / 4.2 min
650c11-256g-160c9+flip 30 min / 31.5 min 65 min / 130 min 7.5 min / 9 min

Our SVM committee is several times cheaper computationally compared to a more traditional form of a committee (i.e., when a model is trained from scratch several times).

Learned filters and connections

Filters and connections are learned with architecture opts.arch = '256c11-2p-conv0_3__64g-3ch-128c9-4p-conv2_3'. Filters are sorted according to their joint spatial and frequency resolution.

256 filters learned with k-means and conv_orders = [0:4] in layer 1 (left); same, buth with l2-norm before k-means (right)

conv0_4_layer1_kmeans_cifar10 conv0_4_layer1_kmeans_l2_cifar10

64 connections from layer 1 to layer 2 visualized as the filters of layer 1 (on the left above) connected into 64 groups of 3


128 filters learned with k-means and conv_orders = [2:3] in layer 2 in case of 3 channels per feature map group (left); same, buth with l2-norm before k-means (right)

conv2_3_layer2_kmeans_cifar10 conv2_3_layer2_kmeans_l2_cifar10

For classification, the filters on the left are better.


Average test accuracy (%) on CIFAR-100 for 10 tests. All model settings are identical to CIFAR-10.

Model CIFAR-100 CIFAR-100 (total time for 1 full test)
1024c13 56.5 / 59.6 10 min / 75 min
1024c13+flip 60.3 / 62.7 14 min / 120 min
650c11-256g-160c9 61.8 / 64.1 (1 test) 45 min / 160 min
650c11-256g-160c9+flip 65.9 / 67.1 (1 test) 70 min / 300 min


Average test accuracy (%) on STL-10 using 10 predefined folds. SVM committees consist of 16 models in case of 1 layer and 19 models in case of 2 layers (see code for details).

Model STL-10 STL-10 (total time for 10 folds)
1024c29 60.0 / 62.8 32 min / 34 min
1024c29+flip 64.1 / 66.1 43 min / 46 min
670c21-256g-160c13 66.7 / 69.8 57 min / 63 min
670c21-256g-160c13+flip 70.8 / 72.6 75 min / 85 min

Full definitions of architectures are following:

1 layer: 1024c29-20p-conv0_4

2 layers: 1024c21-4p-conv0_4__Ng-4ch-160c13-8p-conv2_3