You can contribute by creating an issue or submitting a PR.
Here is a list of things you can do right now to improve this package:
- add more builtin commands (always nice)
- propose a design for "scripts storage"
- add compatibility with Boop scripts
- propose a solution for text-based commands arguments (probably with a custom ui using MunifTanjim/nui.nvim)
Here is a list of ideas for builtin commands:
- Markdown quote
- Count characters (view only)
- Count words (view only)
- Count lines (view only)
- JSON to Query String
- Lorem ipsum
- HEX to RGB / RGB to HEX
- JSON to msgpack / msgpack to JSON
- rot13
- bcrypt
- ASCII encode/decode
- Markdown to HTML / HTML to Markdown
- Extract emails
- Extract IPs
- Extract URLs
- Caesar Cipher encode/decode, alphanumeric, cyrillyc and other alphabets
- Remove query parameters from the URL / Extract base URL