diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index d2951a73..6fde7d4e 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ before_script:
- travis_retry wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api/gh-travis/phpunit.xml -O phpunit.xml
- travis_retry wget https://github.com/php-coveralls/php-coveralls/releases/download/v2.0.0/php-coveralls.phar -O coveralls.phar
- travis_retry wget https://github.com/codacy/php-codacy-coverage/releases/download/1.4.2/codacy-coverage.phar -O codacy.phar
- - travis_retry wget https://github.com/phpfmt-next/fmt/raw/master/bin/fmt.phar -O fmt.phar
+ - travis_retry wget https://github.com/dmzoneill/fmt/raw/master/fmt.phar -O fmt.phar
- travis_retry wget https://codecov.io/bash -O codecov.sh
- COMPOSER=composer-test.json composer -vvv install --no-interaction --no-suggest
- chmod -v +x codecov.sh
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index daf5b0cf..91e1063f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,22 +16,1357 @@ This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with t
> Special thank you to all contributors: **dmzoneill, dxjones, jokaorgua,** and others!! *This package needs help from the community.* Improvements contributed to this project are encouraged, and you will be given full credit for changes. All pull requests welcome.
+#### Installation
+composer require "jaggedsoft/php-binance-api @dev"
+ Click for help with installation
+## Install Composer
+If the above step didn't work, install composer and try again.
+#### Debian / Ubuntu
+sudo apt-get install curl
+curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
+php composer.phar install
+Composer not found? Use this command instead:
+php composer.phar require "jaggedsoft/php-binance-api @dev"
+#### Windows:
+[Download installer for Windows](https://github.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api/#installing-on-windows)
#### Getting started
`composer require jaggedsoft/php-binance-api`
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
+// 1. config in home directory
+$api = new Binance\API();
+// 2. config in specified file
+$api = new Binance\API( "somefile.json" );
+// 3. config by specifying api key and secret
$api = new Binance\API("","");
+See [additional options](https://github.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api/#config-file-in-home-directory) for more options and help installing on Windows
#### Get latest price of a symbol
$ticker = $api->prices();
print_r($ticker); // List prices of all symbols
-echo "Price of BNB: {$ticker['BNBBTC']} BTC";
+echo "Price of BNB: {$ticker['BNBBTC']} BTC.".PHP_EOL;
-### [Documentation](https://github.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api/wiki/1.-Getting-Started)
-> The primary documentation can be found on the [wiki](https://github.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api/wiki). There are also numerous other formats available. if you would like the markdown format of the wiki, you can clone it using:
+ View Response
+ [ETHBTC] => 0.05050800
+ [LTCBTC] => 0.00967400
+ [BNBBTC] => 0.00021479
+ [NEOBTC] => 0.00479300
+ [123456] => 0.00030000
+ [QTUMETH] => 0.03482000
+ [EOSETH] => 0.00176100
+ [SNTETH] => 0.00008766
+ [BNTETH] => 0.00662400
+ [BCCBTC] => 0.05629200
+ [GASBTC] => 0.00338500
+ [BNBETH] => 0.00418603
+ [BTMETH] => 0.00018900
+ [HCCBTC] => 0.00000180
+ [BTCUSDT] => 6028.95000000
+ [ETHUSDT] => 304.98000000
+ [HSRBTC] => 0.00289000
+ [OAXETH] => 0.00136700
+ [DNTETH] => 0.00020573
+ [MCOETH] => 0.02685800
+ [ICNETH] => 0.00395000
+ [ELCBTC] => 0.00000053
+ [MCOBTC] => 0.00133000
+ [WTCBTC] => 0.00117000
+ [WTCETH] => 0.02300000
+ [LLTBTC] => 0.00001669
+ [LRCBTC] => 0.00001100
+ [LRCETH] => 0.00016311
+ [QTUMBTC] => 0.00178400
+ [YOYOBTC] => 0.00000481
+ [OMGBTC] => 0.00125600
+ [OMGETH] => 0.02497000
+ [ZRXBTC] => 0.00003376
+ [ZRXETH] => 0.00067001
+ [STRATBTC] => 0.00052100
+ [STRATETH] => 0.00950200
+ [SNGLSBTC] => 0.00002216
+ [SNGLSETH] => 0.00043508
+ [BQXBTC] => 0.00010944
+ [BQXETH] => 0.00241250
+ [KNCBTC] => 0.00017060
+ [KNCETH] => 0.00340090
+ [FUNBTC] => 0.00000313
+ [FUNETH] => 0.00006184
+ [SNMBTC] => 0.00001761
+ [SNMETH] => 0.00035599
+ [NEOETH] => 0.09500000
+ [IOTABTC] => 0.00006783
+ [IOTAETH] => 0.00136000
+ [LINKBTC] => 0.00004476
+ [LINKETH] => 0.00087796
+ [XVGBTC] => 0.00000081
+ [XVGETH] => 0.00001611
+ [CTRBTC] => 0.00009408
+ [CTRETH] => 0.00187010
+ [SALTBTC] => 0.00044400
+ [SALTETH] => 0.00890000
+ [MDABTC] => 0.00021973
+ [MDAETH] => 0.00435550
+ [MTLBTC] => 0.00116900
+ [MTLETH] => 0.02470000
+ [SUBBTC] => 0.00002163
+ [SUBETH] => 0.00042901
+ [EOSBTC] => 0.00008822
+ [SNTBTC] => 0.00000438
+ [ETC] => 0.00000000
+ [ETCETH] => 0.03600000
+ [ETCBTC] => 0.00180800
+ [MTHBTC] => 0.00001425
+ [MTHETH] => 0.00028092
+ [ENGBTC] => 0.00007040
+ [ENGETH] => 0.00138220
+ [DNTBTC] => 0.00001052
+ [ZECBTC] => 0.00000000
+ [ZECETH] => 0.00000000
+ [BNTBTC] => 0.00033501
+ [ASTBTC] => 0.00004528
+ [ASTETH] => 0.00083990
+ [DASHBTC] => 0.04651300
+ [DASHETH] => 0.90520000
+Price of BNB: 0.00021479 BTC.
-git clone https://github.com/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.wiki.git
+### Get miniTicker for all symbols
+$api->miniTicker(function($api, $ticker) {
+ print_r($ticker);
+ View Response
+ [7] => Array
+ (
+ [symbol] => LTCUSDT
+ [close] => 182.85000000
+ [open] => 192.62000000
+ [high] => 195.25000000
+ [low] => 173.08000000
+ [volume] => 238603.66451000
+ [quoteVolume] => 43782422.11276660
+ [eventTime] => 1520497914289
+ )
+ [8] => Array
+ (
+ [symbol] => ICXBTC
+ [close] => 0.00029790
+ [open] => 0.00030550
+ [high] => 0.00031600
+ [low] => 0.00026850
+ [volume] => 8468620.53000000
+ [quoteVolume] => 2493.60935828
+ [eventTime] => 1520497915200
+ )
+#### Get balances for all of your positions, including estimated BTC value
+$ticker = $api->prices(); // Make sure you have an updated ticker object for this to work
+$balances = $api->balances($ticker);
+echo "BTC owned: ".$balances['BTC']['available'].PHP_EOL;
+echo "ETH owned: ".$balances['ETH']['available'].PHP_EOL;
+echo "Estimated Value: ".$api->btc_value." BTC".PHP_EOL;
+ View Response
+ [WTC] => Array
+ (
+ [available] => 909.61000000
+ [onOrder] => 0.00000000
+ [btcValue] => 0.94015470
+ )
+ [BNB] => Array
+ (
+ [available] => 1045.94316876
+ [onOrder] => 0.00000000
+ [btcValue] => 0.21637426
+ )
+... (more)
+#### Get all bid/ask prices
+$bookPrices = $api->bookPrices();
+echo "Bid price of BNB: {$bookPrices['BNBBTC']['bid']}".PHP_EOL;
+ View Response
+Price of BNB: 0.00021491
+ [ETHBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.05053000
+ [bids] => 7.21000000
+ [ask] => 0.05076000
+ [asks] => 13.73600000
+ )
+ [LTCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00966500
+ [bids] => 62.57000000
+ [ask] => 0.00967100
+ [asks] => 5.48000000
+ )
+ [BNBBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00021010
+ [bids] => 6.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00021479
+ [asks] => 76.00000000
+ )
+ [NEOBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00476600
+ [bids] => 5.16000000
+ [ask] => 0.00479900
+ [asks] => 276.00000000
+ )
+ [QTUMETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.03515000
+ [bids] => 11.87000000
+ [ask] => 0.03599900
+ [asks] => 0.60000000
+ )
+ [EOSETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00176000
+ [bids] => 52.63000000
+ [ask] => 0.00177900
+ [asks] => 654.44000000
+ )
+ [SNTETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00008522
+ [bids] => 2347.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00008764
+ [asks] => 2151.00000000
+ )
+ [BNTETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00662400
+ [bids] => 1940.32000000
+ [ask] => 0.00683900
+ [asks] => 64.89000000
+ )
+ [BCCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.05614300
+ [bids] => 2.15000000
+ [ask] => 0.05710000
+ [asks] => 0.75900000
+ )
+ [GASBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00337800
+ [bids] => 597.29000000
+ [ask] => 0.00338500
+ [asks] => 14.63000000
+ )
+ [BNBETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00411497
+ [bids] => 375.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00418603
+ [asks] => 4.00000000
+ )
+ [BTMETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [HCCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [BTCUSDT] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 5970.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00500000
+ [ask] => 5989.96000000
+ [asks] => 0.26295200
+ )
+ [ETHUSDT] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 303.86000000
+ [bids] => 4.27000000
+ [ask] => 304.99000000
+ [asks] => 0.11361000
+ )
+ [HSRBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [OAXETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00137100
+ [bids] => 145.88000000
+ [ask] => 0.00139500
+ [asks] => 960.81000000
+ )
+ [DNTETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00020421
+ [bids] => 19401.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00020573
+ [asks] => 1.00000000
+ )
+ [MCOETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.02630000
+ [bids] => 20.36000000
+ [ask] => 0.02684100
+ [asks] => 75.35000000
+ )
+ [ICNETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00391600
+ [bids] => 51.07000000
+ [ask] => 0.00396800
+ [asks] => 146.69000000
+ )
+ [ELCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [MCOBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00132800
+ [bids] => 24.64000000
+ [ask] => 0.00133200
+ [asks] => 8.26000000
+ )
+ [WTCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00116640
+ [bids] => 104.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00118000
+ [asks] => 1572.00000000
+ )
+ [WTCETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.02311400
+ [bids] => 0.99000000
+ [ask] => 0.02330000
+ [asks] => 27.68000000
+ )
+ [LLTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [LRCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [LRCETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [QTUMBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00178700
+ [bids] => 328.30000000
+ [ask] => 0.00180500
+ [asks] => 50.00000000
+ )
+ [YOYOBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [OMGBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00126100
+ [bids] => 61.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00126400
+ [asks] => 8.50000000
+ )
+ [OMGETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.02467200
+ [bids] => 60.99000000
+ [ask] => 0.02527500
+ [asks] => 7.98000000
+ )
+ [ZRXBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00003370
+ [bids] => 69.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00003377
+ [asks] => 7437.00000000
+ )
+ [ZRXETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00065565
+ [bids] => 68.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00069171
+ [asks] => 123.00000000
+ )
+ [STRATBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00051200
+ [bids] => 387.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00052100
+ [asks] => 17.90000000
+ )
+ [STRATETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00988800
+ [bids] => 299.97000000
+ [ask] => 0.01084600
+ [asks] => 133.91000000
+ )
+ [SNGLSBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00002211
+ [bids] => 1028.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00002217
+ [asks] => 536.00000000
+ )
+ [SNGLSETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00043801
+ [bids] => 892.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00043902
+ [asks] => 1585.00000000
+ )
+ [BQXBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00011061
+ [bids] => 1814.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00011496
+ [asks] => 1707.00000000
+ )
+ [BQXETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00220610
+ [bids] => 109.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00241190
+ [asks] => 2606.00000000
+ )
+ [KNCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00017061
+ [bids] => 1109.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00017297
+ [asks] => 63.00000000
+ )
+ [KNCETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00340090
+ [bids] => 3.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00342860
+ [asks] => 515.00000000
+ )
+ [FUNBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000314
+ [bids] => 17100.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000317
+ [asks] => 15600.00000000
+ )
+ [FUNETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00006186
+ [bids] => 4473.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00006467
+ [asks] => 42036.00000000
+ )
+ [SNMBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00001760
+ [bids] => 3695.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00001781
+ [asks] => 623.00000000
+ )
+ [SNMETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00034783
+ [bids] => 507.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00035350
+ [asks] => 1501.00000000
+ )
+ [NEOETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.09414500
+ [bids] => 12.38000000
+ [ask] => 0.09599700
+ [asks] => 23.38000000
+ )
+ [IOTABTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00006791
+ [bids] => 2000.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00006857
+ [asks] => 1861.00000000
+ )
+ [IOTAETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00135101
+ [bids] => 1461.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00138938
+ [asks] => 21.00000000
+ )
+ [LINKBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00004400
+ [bids] => 683.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00004491
+ [asks] => 7292.00000000
+ )
+ [LINKETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00086045
+ [bids] => 682.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00087683
+ [asks] => 4286.00000000
+ )
+ [XVGBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000080
+ [bids] => 96600.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000081
+ [asks] => 179622.00000000
+ )
+ [XVGETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00001556
+ [bids] => 96537.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00001675
+ [asks] => 4.00000000
+ )
+ [CTRBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00009346
+ [bids] => 2133.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00009470
+ [asks] => 1992.00000000
+ )
+ [CTRETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00187050
+ [bids] => 501.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00189230
+ [asks] => 105.00000000
+ )
+ [SALTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00044400
+ [bids] => 181.09000000
+ [ask] => 0.00044700
+ [asks] => 1144.81000000
+ )
+ [SALTETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00866500
+ [bids] => 216.71000000
+ [ask] => 0.00893900
+ [asks] => 237.00000000
+ )
+ [MDABTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00021328
+ [bids] => 555.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00021973
+ [asks] => 236.00000000
+ )
+ [MDAETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00425610
+ [bids] => 450.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00441450
+ [asks] => 511.00000000
+ )
+ [MTLBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00114500
+ [bids] => 194.48000000
+ [ask] => 0.00117000
+ [asks] => 1.40000000
+ )
+ [MTLETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.02156000
+ [bids] => 183.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.02436700
+ [asks] => 200.97000000
+ )
+ [SUBBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00002116
+ [bids] => 520.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00002177
+ [asks] => 957.00000000
+ )
+ [SUBETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00042121
+ [bids] => 202.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00044390
+ [asks] => 69.00000000
+ )
+ [EOSBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00008837
+ [bids] => 52.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00008901
+ [asks] => 565.00000000
+ )
+ [SNTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000431
+ [bids] => 11731.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000439
+ [asks] => 9000.00000000
+ )
+ [ETC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [ETCETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.03600000
+ [bids] => 460.15000000
+ [ask] => 0.03699600
+ [asks] => 30.00000000
+ )
+ [ETCBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00181200
+ [bids] => 6.90000000
+ [ask] => 0.00183700
+ [asks] => 2.72000000
+ )
+ [MTHBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00001400
+ [bids] => 400.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00001467
+ [asks] => 615.00000000
+ )
+ [MTHETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00027316
+ [bids] => 399.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00029096
+ [asks] => 24939.00000000
+ )
+ [ENGBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00006927
+ [bids] => 2896.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00007040
+ [asks] => 75.00000000
+ )
+ [ENGETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00138220
+ [bids] => 1111.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00142990
+ [asks] => 2010.00000000
+ )
+ [DNTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00001053
+ [bids] => 11295.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00001065
+ [asks] => 8272.00000000
+ )
+ [ZECBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [ZECETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00000000
+ [bids] => 0.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00000000
+ [asks] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [BNTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00033500
+ [bids] => 15.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00033996
+ [asks] => 679.00000000
+ )
+ [ASTBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00004133
+ [bids] => 9513.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00004528
+ [asks] => 4170.00000000
+ )
+ [ASTETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.00083830
+ [bids] => 4296.00000000
+ [ask] => 0.00084900
+ [asks] => 999.00000000
+ )
+ [DASHBTC] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.04651200
+ [bids] => 0.25000000
+ [ask] => 0.04659000
+ [asks] => 1.00000000
+ )
+ [DASHETH] => Array
+ (
+ [bid] => 0.90420000
+ [bids] => 63.96400000
+ [ask] => 0.94375000
+ [asks] => 0.36900000
+ )
+#### Place a LIMIT order
+$quantity = 1;
+$price = 0.0005;
+$order = $api->buy("BNBBTC", $quantity, $price);
+$quantity = 1;
+$price = 0.0006;
+$order = $api->sell("BNBBTC", $quantity, $price);
+#### Place a MARKET order
+$quantity = 1;
+$order = $api->marketBuy("BNBBTC", $quantity);
+$quantity = 0.01;
+$order = $api->marketSell("ETHBTC", $quantity);
+ View Response
+ [symbol] => BNBBTC
+ [orderId] => 7652393
+ [clientOrderId] => aAE7BNUhITQj3eg04iG1sY
+ [transactTime] => 1508564815865
+ [price] => 0.00000000
+ [origQty] => 1.00000000
+ [executedQty] => 1.00000000
+ [status] => FILLED
+ [timeInForce] => GTC
+ [type] => MARKET
+ [side] => BUY
+#### Place a STOP LOSS order
+// When the stop is reached, a stop order becomes a market order
+$type = "STOP_LOSS"; // Set the type STOP_LOSS (market) or STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, and TAKE_PROFIT (market) or TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT
+$quantity = 1;
+$price = 0.5; // Try to sell it for 0.5 btc
+$stopPrice = 0.4; // Sell immediately if price goes below 0.4 btc
+$order = $api->sell("BNBBTC", $quantity, $price, $type, ["stopPrice"=>$stopPrice]);
+#### Place an ICEBERG order
+// Iceberg orders are intended to conceal the true order quantity.
+$quantity = 1;
+$price = 0.5;
+$icebergQty = 10;
+$order = $api->sell("BNBBTC", $quantity, $price, $type, ["icebergQty"=>$icebergQty]);
+#### Getting 24hr ticker price change statistics for a symbol
+$prevDay = $api->prevDay("BNBBTC");
+echo "BNB price change since yesterday: ".$prevDay['priceChangePercent']."%".PHP_EOL;
+#### Complete Account Trade History
+$history = $api->history("BNBBTC");
+ View Response
+Array (
+ [0] => Array (
+ [id] => 831585
+ [orderId] => 3635308
+ [price] => 0.00028800
+ [qty] => 4.00000000
+ [commission] => 0.00200000
+ [commissionAsset] => BNB
+ [time] => 1504805561369
+ [isBuyer] => 1
+ [isMaker] =>
+ [isBestMatch] => 1
+ )
+ [1] => Array (
+ [id] => 1277334
+ [orderId] => 6126625
+ [price] => 0.00041054
+ [qty] => 16.00000000
+ [commission] => 0.00800000
+ [commissionAsset] => BNB
+ [time] => 1507059468604
+ [isBuyer] => 1
+ [isMaker] =>
+ [isBestMatch] => 1
+ )
+ [2] => Array (
+ [id] => 1345995
+ [orderId] => 6407202
+ [price] => 0.00035623
+ [qty] => 30.00000000
+ [commission] => 0.01500000
+ [commissionAsset] => BNB
+ [time] => 1507434311489
+ [isBuyer] => 1
+ [isMaker] => 1
+ [isBestMatch] => 1
+ )
+... (more)
+#### Get Market Depth
+$depth = $api->depth("ETHBTC");
+#### Get Open Orders
+$openorders = $api->openOrders("BNBBTC");
+#### Get Order Status
+$orderid = "7610385";
+$orderstatus = $api->orderStatus("ETHBTC", $orderid);
+#### Cancel an Order
+$response = $api->cancel("ETHBTC", $orderid);
+#### Market History / Aggregate Trades
+$trades = $api->aggTrades("BNBBTC");
+#### Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.
+$orders = $api->orders("BNBBTC");
+#### Get Kline/candlestick data for a symbol
+//Periods: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
+$ticks = $api->candlesticks("BNBBTC", "5m");
+ View Response
+ [1508560200000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019691
+ [high] => 0.00019695
+ [low] => 0.00019502
+ [close] => 0.00019503
+ [volume] => 0.13712290
+ )
+ [1508560500000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019502
+ [high] => 0.00019693
+ [low] => 0.00019501
+ [close] => 0.00019692
+ [volume] => 1.03216357
+ )
+ [1508560800000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019692
+ [high] => 0.00019692
+ [low] => 0.00019689
+ [close] => 0.00019692
+ [volume] => 0.22270990
+ )
+... (more)
+## WebSocket API
+#### miniTicker return the latest candlestick information for every symbol
+$api->miniTicker(function($api, $ticker) {
+ print_r($ticker);
+ View Response
+ [18] => Array
+ (
+ [symbol] => ONTBNB
+ [close] => 0.37649000
+ [open] => 0.30241000
+ [high] => 0.38112000
+ [low] => 0.29300000
+ [volume] => 975240.72000000
+ [quoteVolume] => 326908.77744250
+ [eventTime] => 1523395389582
+ )
+ [19] => Array
+ (
+ [symbol] => WANBTC
+ [close] => 0.00063657
+ [open] => 0.00054151
+ [high] => 0.00063900
+ [low] => 0.00053900
+ [volume] => 4443618.00000000
+ [quoteVolume] => 2637.76413131
+ [eventTime] => 1523395389551
+ )
+#### Realtime Complete Chart Updates via WebSockets
+$api->chart(["BNBBTC"], "15m", function($api, $symbol, $chart) {
+ echo "{$symbol} chart update\n";
+ print_r($chart);
+ View Response
+ [1508560200000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019691
+ [high] => 0.00019695
+ [low] => 0.00019502
+ [close] => 0.00019503
+ [volume] => 0.13712290
+ )
+ [1508560500000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019502
+ [high] => 0.00019693
+ [low] => 0.00019501
+ [close] => 0.00019692
+ [volume] => 1.03216357
+ )
+ [1508560800000] => Array
+ (
+ [open] => 0.00019692
+ [high] => 0.00019692
+ [low] => 0.00019689
+ [close] => 0.00019692
+ [volume] => 0.22270990
+ )
+... (more)
+#### Get latest candlestick data only
+$api->kline(["BTCUSDT", "EOSBTC"], "5m", function($api, $symbol, $chart) {
+ //echo "{$symbol} ({$interval}) candlestick update\n";
+ $interval = $chart->i;
+ $tick = $chart->t;
+ $open = $chart->o;
+ $high = $chart->h;
+ $low = $chart->l;
+ $close = $chart->c;
+ $volume = $chart->q; // +trades buyVolume assetVolume makerVolume
+ echo "{$symbol} price: {$close}\t volume: {$volume}\n";
+#### Trade Updates via WebSocket
+$api->trades(["BNBBTC"], function($api, $symbol, $trades) {
+ echo "{$symbol} trades update".PHP_EOL;
+ print_r($trades);
+#### Get ticker updates for all symbols via WebSocket
+$api->ticker(false, function($api, $symbol, $ticker) {
+ print_r($ticker);
+#### Get ticker updates for a specific symbol via WebSocket
+$api->ticker("BNBBTC", function($api, $symbol, $ticker) {
+ print_r($ticker);
+#### Realtime updated depth cache via WebSockets
+$api->depthCache(["BNBBTC"], function($api, $symbol, $depth) {
+ echo "{$symbol} depth cache update".PHP_EOL;
+ //print_r($depth); // Print all depth data
+ $limit = 11; // Show only the closest asks/bids
+ $sorted = $api->sortDepth($symbol, $limit);
+ $bid = $api->first($sorted['bids']);
+ $ask = $api->first($sorted['asks']);
+ echo $api->displayDepth($sorted);
+ echo "ask: {$ask}".PHP_EOL;
+ echo "bid: {$bid}".PHP_EOL;
+ View Response
+0.00020649 1,194 0.24654906
+0.00020600 375 0.07725000
+0.00020586 4 0.00823440
+0.00020576 1 0.00205760
+0.00020564 226 0.04647464
+0.00020555 38 0.00781090
+0.00020552 98 0.02014096
+0.00020537 121 0.02484977
+0.00020520 46 0.09439200
+0.00020519 29 0.05950510
+0.00020518 311 0.06381098
+0.00022258 5,142 1.14450636
+0.00020316 7 0.00142212
+0.00020315 82 0.01665830
+0.00020314 16 0.00325024
+0.00020313 512 0.10400256
+0.00020238 5 0.01011900
+0.00020154 1,207 0.24325878
+0.00020151 1 0.02015100
+0.00020150 3 0.60450000
+0.00020140 217 0.04370380
+0.00020135 1 0.02013500
+ask: 0.00020518
+bid: 0.00022258
+#### User Data: Account Balance Updates, Trade Updates, New Orders, Filled Orders, Cancelled Orders via WebSocket
+$balance_update = function($api, $balances) {
+ print_r($balances);
+ echo "Balance update".PHP_EOL;
+$order_update = function($api, $report) {
+ echo "Order update".PHP_EOL;
+ print_r($report);
+ $price = $report['price'];
+ $quantity = $report['quantity'];
+ $symbol = $report['symbol'];
+ $side = $report['side'];
+ $orderType = $report['orderType'];
+ $orderId = $report['orderId'];
+ $orderStatus = $report['orderStatus'];
+ $executionType = $report['orderStatus'];
+ if ( $executionType == "NEW" ) {
+ if ( $executionType == "REJECTED" ) {
+ echo "Order Failed! Reason: {$report['rejectReason']}".PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ echo "{$symbol} {$side} {$orderType} ORDER #{$orderId} ({$orderStatus})".PHP_EOL;
+ echo "..price: {$price}, quantity: {$quantity}".PHP_EOL;
+ return;
+ }
+ echo "{$symbol} {$side} {$executionType} {$orderType} ORDER #{$orderId}".PHP_EOL;
+$api->userData($balance_update, $order_update);
+ View Response
+Order update
+ [symbol] => BNBETH
+ [side] => BUY
+ [orderType] => LIMIT
+ [quantity] => 2.00000000
+ [price] => 0.00623005
+ [executionType] => NEW
+ [orderStatus] => NEW
+ [rejectReason] => NONE
+ [orderId] => 4102532
+ [clientOrderId] => ULtH25RPmICFH0jvsQiq8y
+ [orderTime] => 1508637831437
+ [eventTime] => 1508637831440
+..price: 0.00623005, quantity: 2.00000000
+Balance update
+ [BTC] => Array
+ (
+ [available] => 0.18167974
+ [onOrder] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [LTC] => Array
+ (
+ [available] => 0.00000000
+ [onOrder] => 0.00000000
+ )
+ [ETH] => Array
+ (
+ [available] => 26.68739238
+ [onOrder] => 2.55103500
+ )
+#### Withdraw
+$asset = "BTC";
+$address = "1C5gqLRs96Xq4V2ZZAR1347yUCpHie7sa";
+$amount = 0.2;
+$response = $api->withdraw($asset, $address, $amount);
+#### Withdraw with addressTag
+//Required for coins like XMR, XRP, etc.
+$address = "44tLjmXrQNrWJ5NBsEj2R77ZBEgDa3fEe9GLpSf2FRmhexPvfYDUAB7EXX1Hdb3aMQ9FLqdJ56yaAhiXoRsceGJCRS3Jxkn";
+$addressTag = "0e5e38a01058dbf64e53a4333a5acf98e0d5feb8e523d32e3186c664a9c762c1
+$amount = 0.1;
+$response = $api->withdraw($asset, $address, $amount, $addressTag);
+#### Get All Withdraw History
+$withdrawHistory = $api->withdrawHistory();
+#### Get Withdraw History for a specific asset
+$withdrawHistory = $api->withdrawHistory("BTC");
+#### Get Deposit Address
+$depositAddress = $api->depositAddress("VEN");
+#### Get All Deposit History
+$depositHistory = $api->depositHistory();
+### Troubleshooting
+If you get the following errors, please synchronize your system time.
+signedRequest error: {"code":-1021,"msg":"Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time."}
+signedRequest error: {"code":-1021,"msg":"Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow."}
+balanceData error: Please make sure your system time is synchronized, or pass the useServerTime option.
+#### useServerTime
+//Call this before running any functions
+#### Installing on Windows
+Download and install composer:
+1. https://getcomposer.org/download/
+2. Create a folder on your drive like C:\Binance
+3. Run command prompt and type `cd C:\Binance`
+4. ```composer require jaggedsoft/php-binance-api```
+5. Once complete copy the vendor folder into your project.
+#### Config file in home directory
+If you dont wish to store your API key and secret in your scripts, load it from your home directory
+mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/
+cat > ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF
+ "api-key": "",
+ "api-secret": ""
+#### Config file in home directory with curl options
+mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/
+cat > ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF
+ "api-key": "",
+ "api-secret": "",
+ "curlOpts": {
+ }
+Optionally add proxy configuration
+mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/
+cat > ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF
+ "api-key": "",
+ "api-secret": "",
+ "proto": "https",
+ "address": "proxy.domain.com",
+ "port": "1080"
+custom location
+$api = new Binance\API( "myfile.json" );
+#### Basic stats: Get api call counter
+#### Basic stats: Get total data transferred
+### Documentation
+> There are also numerous other formats available here:
diff --git a/examples/constructor.php b/examples/constructor.php
index 11e800d8..fb78fc7e 100644
--- a/examples/constructor.php
+++ b/examples/constructor.php
@@ -2,20 +2,27 @@
require '../php-binance-api.php';
-$api_key = "gW3TsYrpPoSBEX61rvGfor00ATivkbXNp3ODnNhmQpQjv4nfl8LnGXOX1iL9LcHa";
-$api_secret = "bqNINND57jzM8wDYVi6AWRjE9uzF4Q6BJ0V0FvJzdLUmq7c0uhvwUugeW67hx8Bm";
+$api_key = "z5RQZ9n8JcS3HLDQmPpfLQIGGQN6TTs5pCP5CTnn4nYk2ImFcew49v4ZrmP3MGl5";
+$api_secret = "ZqePF1DcLb6Oa0CfcLWH0Tva59y8qBBIqu789JEY27jq0RkOKXpNl9992By1PN9Z";
-$api1 = new Binance\API();
-$balances1 = $api1->balances();
-print count($balances1) . "\n";
+$api = new Binance\API($api_key, $api_secret);
+$result = $api->marketBuy( "BNBBTC", 1 );
+print_r( $result ) . "\n";
-$api2 = new Binance\API( "/home/dave/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json" );
-$balances2 = $api2->balances();
-print count($balances2) . "\n";
+$api_key = "z5RQZ9n8JcS3HLDQmPpfLQIGGQN6TTs5pCP5CTnn4nYk2ImFcew49v4ZrmP3MGl5";
+$api_secret = "intentionally wrong";
-$api3 = new Binance\API($api_key, $api_secret);
-$balances3 = $api3->balances();
-print count($balances3) . "\n";
+$api = new Binance\API($api_key, $api_secret);
+$result = $api->marketBuy( "BNBBTC", 1 );
+print_r( $result ) . "\n";
+$api_key = "YDjDADdXLCkY1BnjFxKVvBzheIyFjtafSU4yyadffiBXdezyViMi0ngiVBawwd3x";
+$api_secret = "CtWl7kkYB4eKePyosmuGbJH8FBH4ArTB2qOIedHcOYfzALDG2eD46mWVGsf7lrHJ"; // trading disabled
+$api = new Binance\API($api_key, $api_secret);
+$result = $api->marketBuy( "BNBBTC", 1 );
+print_r( $result ) . "\n";
diff --git a/php-binance-api.php b/php-binance-api.php
index 268bf825..35926396 100644
--- a/php-binance-api.php
+++ b/php-binance-api.php
@@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ private function setupApiConfigFromFile(string $file = null)
if (file_exists($file) === false) {
- die("Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL);
+ echo "Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL;
+ echo "Detected no API KEY or SECRET, all signed requests will fail" . PHP_EOL;
+ return;
$contents = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
$this->api_key = isset($contents['api-key']) ? $contents['api-key'] : "";
@@ -148,7 +150,9 @@ private function setupCurlOptsFromFile(string $file = null)
if (file_exists($file) === false) {
- die("Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL);
+ echo "Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL;
+ echo "No curl options will be set" . PHP_EOL;
+ return;
$contents = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
$this->curlOpts = isset($contents['curlOpts']) && is_array($contents['curlOpts']) ? $contents['curlOpts'] : [];
@@ -169,7 +173,9 @@ private function setupProxyConfigFromFile(string $file = null)
if (file_exists($file) === false) {
- die("Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL);
+ echo "Unable to load config from: " . $file . PHP_EOL;
+ echo "No proxies will be used " . PHP_EOL;
+ return;
$contents = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
if (isset($contents['proto']) === false) {
@@ -525,7 +531,7 @@ public function withdraw(string $asset, string $address, $amount, $addressTag =
"wapi" => true,
"name" => "API Withdraw",
- if (is_null($addressTag) == false && is_empty($addressTag) == false) {
+ if (is_null($addressTag) === false && is_empty($addressTag) === false) {
$options['addressTag'] = $addressTag;
return $this->httpRequest("v3/withdraw.html", "POST", $options, true);
@@ -564,7 +570,7 @@ public function depositAddress(string $asset)
public function depositHistory(string $asset = null, array $params = [])
$params["wapi"] = true;
- if (is_null($asset) == false) {
+ if (is_null($asset) === false) {
$params['asset'] = $asset;
return $this->httpRequest("v3/depositHistory.html", "GET", $params, true);
@@ -585,7 +591,7 @@ public function depositHistory(string $asset = null, array $params = [])
public function withdrawHistory(string $asset = null, array $params = [])
$params["wapi"] = true;
- if (is_null($asset) == false) {
+ if (is_null($asset) === false) {
$params['asset'] = $asset;
return $this->httpRequest("v3/withdrawHistory.html", "GET", $params, true);
@@ -660,7 +666,7 @@ public function account()
public function prevDay(string $symbol = null)
$additionalData = [];
- if (is_null($symbol) == false) {
+ if (is_null($symbol) === false) {
$additionalData = [
'symbol' => $symbol,
@@ -695,14 +701,14 @@ public function aggTrades(string $symbol)
public function depth(string $symbol)
- if (isset($symbol) == false || is_string($symbol) == false) {
+ if (isset($symbol) === false || is_string($symbol) === false) {
echo "asset: expected bool false, " . gettype($symbol) . " given" . PHP_EOL;
$json = $this->httpRequest("v1/depth", "GET", [
"symbol" => $symbol,
- if (isset($this->info[$symbol]) == false) {
+ if (isset($this->info[$symbol]) === false) {
$this->info[$symbol] = [];
$this->info[$symbol]['firstUpdate'] = $json['lastUpdateId'];
@@ -720,7 +726,7 @@ public function depth(string $symbol)
public function balances($priceData = false)
- if (is_array($priceData) == false) {
+ if (is_array($priceData) === false) {
$priceData = false;
@@ -757,7 +763,7 @@ public function getProxyUriString()
- if (in_array($uri, $supportedProtocols) == false) {
+ if (in_array($uri, $supportedProtocols) === false) {
echo "Unknown proxy protocol '" . $this->proxyConf['proto'] . "', supported protocols are " . implode(", ", $supportedProtocols) . PHP_EOL;
@@ -765,7 +771,7 @@ public function getProxyUriString()
$uri .= "://";
$uri .= isset($this->proxyConf['address']) ? $this->proxyConf['address'] : "localhost";
- if (isset($this->proxyConf['address']) == false) {
+ if (isset($this->proxyConf['address']) === false) {
echo "warning: proxy address not set defaulting to localhost" . PHP_EOL;
@@ -773,7 +779,7 @@ public function getProxyUriString()
$uri .= ":";
$uri .= isset($this->proxyConf['port']) ? $this->proxyConf['port'] : "1080";
- if (isset($this->proxyConf['address']) == false) {
+ if (isset($this->proxyConf['address']) === false) {
echo "warning: proxy port not set defaulting to 1080" . PHP_EOL;
@@ -819,7 +825,7 @@ public function setProxy(array $proxyconf)
private function httpRequest(string $url, string $method = "GET", array $params = [], bool $signed = false)
- if (function_exists('curl_init') == false) {
+ if (function_exists('curl_init') === false) {
throw new \Exception("Sorry cURL is not installed!");
@@ -832,7 +838,7 @@ private function httpRequest(string $url, string $method = "GET", array $params
$query = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
// signed with params
- if ($signed == true) {
+ if ($signed === true) {
if (empty($this->api_key)) {
throw new \Exception("signedRequest error: API Key not set!");
@@ -869,12 +875,12 @@ private function httpRequest(string $url, string $method = "GET", array $params
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PHP Binance API)");
// Post and postfields
- if ($method == "POST") {
+ if ($method === "POST") {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
// curl_setopt($curlch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
// Delete Method
- if ($method == "DELETE") {
+ if ($method === "DELETE") {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
// proxy settings
@@ -902,19 +908,17 @@ private function httpRequest(string $url, string $method = "GET", array $params
$output = curl_exec($curl);
// Check if any error occurred
if (curl_errno($curl) > 0) {
- // WPCS: XSS OK.
- if ($this->httpDebug) {
- echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($curl) . "\n";
- }
+ // should always output error, not only on httpdebug
+ // not outputing errors, hides it from users and ends up with tickets on github
+ echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($curl) . "\n";
return [];
$json = json_decode($output, true);
if (isset($json['msg'])) {
- // WPCS: XSS OK.
- if ($this->httpDebug) {
- echo "signedRequest error: {$output}" . PHP_EOL;
- }
+ // should always output error, not only on httpdebug
+ // not outputing errors, hides it from users and ends up with tickets on github
+ echo "signedRequest error: {$output}" . PHP_EOL;
$this->transfered += strlen($output);
@@ -1026,6 +1030,16 @@ public function candlesticks(string $symbol, string $interval = "5m", int $limit
$response = $this->httpRequest("v1/klines", "GET", $opt);
+ if (is_array($response) === false) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (count($response) === 0) {
+ echo "warning: v1/klines returned empty array, usually a blip in the connection or server" . PHP_EOL;
+ return [];
+ }
$ticks = $this->chartData($symbol, $interval, $response);
$this->charts[$symbol][$interval] = $ticks;
return $ticks;
@@ -1234,7 +1248,11 @@ private function chartData(string $symbol, string $interval, array $ticks)
"ignored" => $ignored,
- $this->info[$symbol][$interval]['firstOpen'] = $openTime;
+ if (isset($openTime)) {
+ $this->info[$symbol][$interval]['firstOpen'] = $openTime;
+ }
return $output;
@@ -1414,7 +1432,7 @@ public function displayDepth(array $array)
] as $type) {
$entries = $array[$type];
- if ($type == 'asks') {
+ if ($type === 'asks') {
$entries = array_reverse($entries);
@@ -1654,7 +1672,7 @@ public function depthCache($symbols, callable $callback)
$json = json_decode($data, true);
$symbol = $json['s'];
- if ($this->info[$symbol]['firstUpdate'] == 0) {
+ if (intval($this->info[$symbol]['firstUpdate']) === 0) {
$this->depthQueue[$symbol][] = $json;
@@ -2021,10 +2039,10 @@ public function userData(&$balance_callback, &$execution_callback = false)
$json = json_decode($data);
$type = $json->e;
- if ($type == "outboundAccountInfo") {
+ if ($type === "outboundAccountInfo") {
$balances = $this->balanceHandler($json->B);
$this->info['balanceCallback']($this, $balances);
- } elseif ($type == "executionReport") {
+ } elseif ($type === "executionReport") {
$report = $this->executionHandler($json);
if ($this->info['executionCallback']) {
$this->info['executionCallback']($this, $report);
@@ -2102,6 +2120,10 @@ private function downloadCurlCaBundle()
$output_filename = getcwd() . "/ca.pem";
+ if (is_writable(getcwd()) === false) {
+ die(getcwd() . " folder is not writeable, plese check your permissions");
+ }
$host = "https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem";
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host);
@@ -2122,106 +2144,19 @@ private function downloadCurlCaBundle()
$result = curl_exec($curl);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ echo "Unable to to download the CA bundle $host" . PHP_EOL;
+ return;
+ }
$fp = fopen($output_filename, 'w');
+ if ($fp === false) {
+ echo "Unable to write $output_filename, please check permissions on folder" . PHP_EOL;
+ return;
+ }
fwrite($fp, $result);
- /**
- * Report
- */
- public function report()
- {
- $phpversion = phpversion();
- $curlversion = phpversion('curl');
- $dns1 = dns_get_record("api.binance.com", DNS_ANY, $authns, $addtl);
- $dns2 = dns_get_record($dns1[0]['target'], DNS_ANY, $authns, $addtl);
- $uname = php_uname();
- $platform = PHP_OS;
- $composer_installed = shell_exec("composer show 2>&1");
- $fp = @fsockopen("api.binance.com", 443, $errno, $errstr, 0.1);
- $api_access = false;
- if (!$fp) {
- $api_access = false;
- } else {
- fclose($fp);
- $api_access = true;
- }
- $fp = @fsockopen("stream.binance.com", 9443, $errno, $errstr, 0.1);
- $stream_access = false;
- if (!$fp) {
- $stream_access = false;
- } else {
- fclose($fp);
- $stream_access = true;
- }
- $this->downloadCurlCaBundle();
- $out = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- ob_start();
- $host = "https://api.binance.com";
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $out);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
- $result = curl_exec($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- fclose($out);
- $with_system_ca = ob_get_clean();
- $out = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- ob_start();
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $out);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd() . '/ca.pem');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAPATH, '/dev/null');
- $result = curl_exec($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- fclose($out);
- $with_downloaded_ca = ob_get_clean();
- $output = "## Uname: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . $uname . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Platform: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . $platform . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## PHP Version: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . $phpversion . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## PHP Curl Version: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . $curlversion . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## DNS : " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "```" . PHP_EOL . print_r($dns1, true) . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## DNS Extra: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "```" . PHP_EOL . print_r($dns2, true) . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Curl Using System CA: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "```" . PHP_EOL . $with_system_ca . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Curl Using Downloaded CA: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "```" . PHP_EOL . $with_downloaded_ca . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Port Access 443 api.binance.com: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . ($api_access ? "open" : "blocked") . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Port Access 9443 stream.binance.com: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= " - " . ($stream_access ? "open" : "blocked") . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "## Composer modules: " . PHP_EOL;
- $output .= "```" . PHP_EOL . $composer_installed . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL;
- file_put_contents("debug.txt", $output);
- }