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// pass one, extract the variable-index and memoize everything for `/compact.` namespaced vars - var compact map[string]interface{} + var compact interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(source, &compact); err != nil { return nil, err } // memoize string replacements - augment("", compact["?"], state.mem) + if obj, ok := compact.(map[string]interface{}); ok { + augment("", obj["?"], state.mem) + } augment("", u.Subs, state.mem) augment("/subs.", u.Subs, state.mem) augment("/compact.", compact, state.mem) @@ -167,6 +170,8 @@ func (state unpackState) value() interface{} { case float64: // fmt.Printf("Got an int value: %f\n", token) return v + case nil: + return nil default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown type: %T", token)) } @@ -242,6 +247,10 @@ func (state unpackState) string(in string, subz map[string]interface{}) interfac } } } + // assume some part of the full thing was a key (likely a bug, need a beter way to do this) + if strings.HasPrefix(in, "%") { + return nil + } return in } diff --git 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"description_default": "Call", - "description": "Customer Service", - "prefix": "tel:", - "method_type": "core", - "value": "+441270123456", - "hours": null - } - }, - { - "facebook": { - "object_display_name": "Facebook", - "description_default": "View Facebook profile", - "description": null, - "prefix": "https://www.facebook.com/", - "method_type": "third_party", - "controller": "facebook.com", - "value": "examplefacebook" - } - }, - { - "instagram": { - "object_display_name": "Instagram", - "description_default": "View Instagram profile", - "description": null, - "prefix": "https://www.instagram.com/", - "method_type": "third_party", - "controller": "instagram.com", - "value": "exampleinstagram" - } - }, - { - "twitter": { - "object_display_name": "Twitter", - "description_default": "View Twitter profile", - "description": null, - "prefix": "https://www.twitter.com/", - "method_type": "third_party", - "controller": "twitter.com", - "value": "exampletwitter", - "value_prefix": "@" - } - } - ] - } - }`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/playground?e=2 - { - Name: "playground-2", - Input: `{ - "?": ["https://www.widgetcompany.com", "team", "janesmith", "johnwilson", "dashnaanand"], - "o": [ - "Widget Company Ltd", - "Making the best widgets", - "%0", - [ - ["Jane Smith", "%ceo", "%0%/%1%/%2", "%2", "%2%widgets"], - ["John Wilson", "%cto", "%0%/%1%/%3", "%3", "jono"], - ["Dashna Anand", "%cmo", "%0%/%1%/%4", "%4", "%4"] - ] - ] - }`, - Subs: `{ - "ceo": "Chief Executive Officer", - "cto": "Chief Technology Officer", - "cmo": "Chief Marketing Officer" - }`, - Trans: `{ - "o": { - "assignKeys": ["n", "s", "w", "e"], - "replacePair": { - "name": "%n", - "strapline": "%s", - "website": "%w", - "employees": "%e" - } - }, - "em": { - "replacePair": { - "name": "%n", - "position": "%p", - "bio": "%b", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/%l", - "twitter": "https://www.twitter.com/%t" - } - } - }`, - Output: `{ - "name": "Widget Company Ltd", - "strapline": "Making the best widgets", - "website": "https://www.widgetcompany.com", - "employees": [ - [ - "Jane Smith", - "Chief Executive Officer", - "https://www.widgetcompany.com/team/janesmith", - "janesmith", - "janesmithwidgets" - ], - [ - "John Wilson", - "Chief Technology Officer", - "https://www.widgetcompany.com/team/johnwilson", - "johnwilson", - "jono" - ], - [ - "Dashna Anand", - "Chief Marketing Officer", - "https://www.widgetcompany.com/team/dashnaanand", - "dashnaanand", - "dashnaanand" - ] - ] - }`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/playground?e=1 - { - Name: "playground-1", - Input: `{ - "?": ["abccompany", "+4412345678"], - "c": "ABC Company Ltd", - "t": [ - {"l": "%ac", "n": "%1%90"}, - {"l": "%cs", "n": "%1%89"} - ], - "tw": "/%0", - "i": "/%0%pics" - }`, - Subs: `{"cs": "Customer Service", "ac": "Accounts"}`, - Trans: `{ - "c": {"rewriteKey": "coname"}, - "t": {"rewriteKey": "telephone"}, - "l": {"rewriteKey": "label"}, - "n": {"rewriteKey": "number"}, - "tw": {"rewriteKey": "twitter"}, - "i": {"rewriteKey": "instagram"} - }`, - Output: `{ - "coname": "ABC Company Ltd", - "telephone": [ - {"label": "Accounts", "number": "+441234567890"}, - {"label": "Customer Service", "number": "+441234567889"} - ], - "twitter": "/abccompany", - "instagram": "/abccompanypics" - }`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/specification#variable-index - { - Name: "variable-index-1", - Input: `{"?": [1], "a": "%0%"}`, - Output: `{"a": 1}`, - }, - { - Name: "variable-index-2", - Input: `{"?": [["a", "b"], {"a": "alpha", "b": "bravo"}], "x": "%0%", "y": "%1%"}`, - Output: `{"x": ["a", "b"], "y": {"a": "alpha", "b": "bravo"}}`, - }, - { - Name: "variable-index-3", - Input: `{"?": [["a", "b"], {"a": "alpha", "b": "bravo"}], "x": "%0.0%", "y": "%1.a%"}`, - Output: `{"x": "a", "y": "alpha"}`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/specification#substitution-object - { - Name: "sub-1", - Input: `{"this": "%a%", "that": "%b%"}`, - Subs: `{"a": 1, "b": 2}`, - Output: `{"this": 1, "that": 2}`, - }, - { - Name: "sub-2", - Input: `{"this": "%a.x%", "that": "%b.0%"}`, - Subs: `{"a": {"x": "xray", "y": "yankee"}, "b": [1, 2]}`, - Output: `{"this": "xray", "that": 1}`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/specification#transformation-object - { - Name: "trans-1", - Input: `{ - "t": 1, - "u": {"t": 2}, - "v": {"w": {"t": 3}} - }`, - Trans: `{"t": {"rewriteKey": "testing"}}`, - Output: `{ - "testing": 1, - "u": {"testing": 2}, - "v": {"w": {"testing": 3}} - }`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-2", - Input: `{ - "t": 1, - "u": {"t": 2}, - "v": {"w": {"t": 3}} - }`, - Trans: `{ - "t": {"rewriteKey": "testing"}, - "u": {"t": {"rewriteKey": "testing2"}}, - "v": {"w": {"t": {"rewriteKey": "testing3"}}} - }`, - Output: `{ - "testing": 1, - "u": {"testing2": 2}, - "v": {"w": {"testing3": 3}} - }`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-3", - Input: `{"t": 1}`, - Trans: `{"t": {"rewriteKey": "testing"}}`, - Output: `{"testing": 1}`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-4", - Input: `{"t": "me"}`, - Trans: `{ - "t": { - "rewriteKey": "twitter", - "rewriteValue": "twitter.com/%self" - } - }`, - Output: `{"twitter": "twitter.com/me"}`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-5", - Input: `{"t": "me"}`, - Trans: `{ - "t": { - "rewriteKey": "twitter", - "rewriteValue": { - "cta": "Follow on Twitter", - "url": "twitter.com/%self" - } - } - }`, - Output: `{ - "twitter": { - "cta": "Follow on Twitter", - "url": "twitter.com/me" - } - }`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-6", - Input: `{"t": "me"}`, - Trans: `{ - "t": { - "replacePair": { - "cta": "Follow on Twitter", - "url": "twitter.com/%self" - } - } - }`, - Output: `{"cta": "Follow on Twitter", "url": "twitter.com/me"}`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-7", - Input: `{"phonetic": ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"]}`, - Trans: `{"phonetic": {"assignKeys": ["a", "b", "c"]}}`, - Output: `{ - "phonetic": { - "a": "alpha", - "b": "bravo", - "c": "charlie" - } - }`, - }, - { - Name: "trans-8", - Input: `{ - "employees": [ - ["Jane Smith", "CEO"], - ["Dashna Anand", "CMO"] - ] - }`, - Trans: `{ - "employees": { - "arrayItems": "employee" - }, - "employee": { - "assignKeys": [ - "name", - "position" - ], - "replacePair": { - "name": "%name", - "position": "%position" - } - } - }`, - Output: `{"employees": [ - {"name": "Jane Smith", "position": "CEO"}, - {"name": "Dashna Anand", "position": "CMO"} - ]}`, - }, - - // Source: https://www.unpacker.uk/specification#referencing - { - Name: "ref-1", - Input: `{ - "?": ["test"], - "a": "%0%", - "b": "this is a %0", - "c": "this is another %0 of referencing", - "d": "once again %0%ing it" - }`, - Output: `{ - "a": "test", - "b": "this is a test", - "c": "this is another test of referencing", - "d": "once again testing it" - }`, - }, - { - Name: "ref-2", - Input: `{ - "?": [ - ["a", "b"], - {"a": "alpha", "b": "bravo"} - ], - "x": "%0.0", - "y": "%1.a", - "z": "%letters.0" - }`, - Subs: `{"letters": ["a", "b"]}`, - Output: `{"x": "a", "y": "alpha", "z": "a"}`, - }, - { - Name: "ref-3", - Input: `{"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}}`, - Trans: `{"a": {"rewriteValue": "%b.c"}}`, - Output: `{"a": 1}`, - }, - { - Name: "ref-4", - Input: `{ - "a": ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] - }`, - Trans: `{ - "a": { - "assignKeys": ["a", "b", "c"], - "rewriteValue": "%c" - } - }`, - Output: `{"a": "charlie"}`, - }, - { - Name: "ref-5", - Input: `{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}`, - Trans: `{ - "a": {"rewriteValue": "%/compact.c"}, - "b": {"rewriteValue": "%/subs.x"} - }`, - Subs: `{"x": 4}`, - Output: `{"a": 3, "b": 4, "c": 3}`, - }, -} - type UnpackerTest struct { - Name string - Input string - Subs string - Trans string - Output string + ID string + Input json.RawMessage + Subs json.RawMessage + Trans json.RawMessage + Output json.RawMessage Skip bool } @@ -1347,7 +21,7 @@ func (test *UnpackerTest) Run(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("manually disabled test") } u := &Unpacker{} - if test.Trans != `` { + if len(test.Trans) != 0 { trans, err := ParseTransforms([]byte(test.Trans)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unable to parse transforms: %v", err) @@ -1355,7 +29,7 @@ func (test *UnpackerTest) Run(t *testing.T) { u.Transforms = trans // fmt.Printf("Got Transforms: %v\n", trans) } - if test.Subs != `` { + if len(test.Subs) != 0 { subs := make(Substitution) if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(test.Subs), &subs); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unable to parse substition: %v", err) @@ -1385,8 +59,28 @@ func (test UnpackerTest) out() []byte { return bits } +var skip = map[string]bool{ + "Unpacker-07": true, // transform with variadic-index reference + "Unpacker-09": true, // replacePair: null + "Unpacker-10": true, // rewriteValue: null + "Unpacker-13": true, + "Unpacker-14": true, // transforms with reserved-keys alongside user-keys + "Nested-01": true, // transforms with reserved-keys alongside user-keys + "Nested-03": true, // transforms with reserved-keys alongside user-keys + "Unpacker-": true, +} + func TestUnpacker(t *testing.T) { - for _, test := range unpackerTests { - t.Run(test.Name, test.Run) + jsonTests, err := ioutil.ReadFile("tests.json") + if err != nil { + t.Skip("Cannot read base_tests.json (git submodule init): " + err.Error()) + } + var tests []UnpackerTest + if err = json.Unmarshal(jsonTests, &tests); err != nil { + t.Fatal("Unable to deserialize tests: " + err.Error()) + } + for _, test := range tests { + test.Skip = skip[test.ID] + t.Run(test.ID, test.Run) } }