Port: 7545
Network ID: 5777
Hostname: - lo
Number of Accounts: >=3
Account 1: Contract Owner (subsidizer eg. government)
Account 2: Energy Provider (eg. EWZ)
Account 3: Client
$ truffle test
$ truffle console
truffle(development)> compile
truffle(development)> migrate --reset
## Get accounts on network
truffle(development)> accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
# Get deployed Contracts
truffle(development)> MMETokenInstance = await MMEToken.deployed()
truffle(development)> BillInstance = await Bill.deployed()
truffle(development)> FondInstance = await Fond.deployed()
# Get Token balance of account[2]
truffle(development)> (await MMETokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[2])).toString()
# Add Energy Producer
# Check for Bill
truffle(development)> await BillInstance.hasBill(accounts[2])
# Add Bill
truffle(development)> BillInstance.createBill(accounts[2], web3.utils.toWei("10","ether"), {from: accounts[1]})
truffle(development)> await BillInstance.hasBill(accounts[2])
# Check for Bill amount
truffle(development)> (await BillInstance.getInvoiceAmount({from: accounts[2]})).toString()
truffle(development)> BillInstance.payBill(0, {from: accounts[2]})
truffle(development)> await BillInstance.hasBill(accounts[2])
To successfully claim tokens you have to adjust config.json in src/smartcontracts/examples and then run:
$ node examples/claimToken.js
If you receive an VM Exception while processing transaction: revert message the signature of the data is probably wrong or used two time the same nonce.