PDM is used for dependency and package management. The steps for setting up the development environment:
Install PDM: either globally, or in a Python virtual environment (using
pip install pdm
). -
Install the project (if outside a virtual environment, PDM will create one):
$ pdm install -d
tox is being used to execute multiple code validation checks at once:
$ tox
This command will automatically run a number of code validation checks, as well as the unit test suite for multiple versions of Python.
Note: For local development, use pyenv
to install multiple versions of Python and set them up as local in the root directory of the project; for example:
$ pyenv install 3.8.13
$ pyenv install 3.9.12
$ pyenv install 3.10.4
$ pyenv local 3.8.13 3.9.12 3.10.4
There is a number of code quality checks that can be executed using PDM commands:
$ pdm run check-lint # validates code linting using tools like ruff, black or isort
$ pdm run check-typing # runs static type analysis using mypy
$ pdm run check-docs # checks docstring content and structure
$ pdm run checks # runs all of the above checks together
There is a separate command for running tests:
$ pdm run tests
Of course, tests can also be executed using pytest
The project documentation can be served locally by running:
$ mkdocs serve
To build the static documentation site, run:
$ mkdocs build
This will create the HTML documentation in the site
The online documentation is built and hosted on ReadTheDocs, and configured in the .readthedocs.yaml