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File metadata and controls

641 lines (470 loc) · 19.4 KB

The Masterfiles Policy Framework is the default policy that ships with both the CFEngine Enterprise and Community editions. The MPF includes policy to manage cfengine itself, the stdlib, and policy to inventory various aspects of the system.


  • - The update policy entry.
  • - The main policy entry.
  • lib/ - The standard library.
  • inventory/ - Inventory policy.
  • services - User defined custom policy.
  • services/ - Contains an empty bundle agent main where custom policy can be integrated.
  • services/autorun/ - Automatically included policy files.

The MPF is continually updated. You can track its development on github.


The most common controls reference variables in the def bundle in order to keep the modifications to the distributed policy contained within a single place. The recommended way to set classes and define variables in the def bundle is using an [augments file][Augments]. Keeping the modifications to the distributed policy set makes policy framework upgrades significantly easier.

Note: If you need to make modification to a shipped file consider opening a pull request to expose the tunable into the def bundle.

Note: controls/ contains the defaults and settings for and controls/ contains the defaults and settings for

Update Policy (

Synchronizing clients with the policy server happens here, in Its main job is to copy all the files on the policy server (usually the hub) under $(sys.masterdir) (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles) to the local host into $(sys.inputdir) (usually /var/cfengine/inputs).

This file should rarely if ever change. Should you ever change it (or when you upgrade CFEngine), take special care to ensure the old and the new CFEngine can parse and execute this file successfully. If not, you risk losing control of your system (that is, if CFEngine cannot successfully execute, it has no mechanism for distributing new policy files).

By default, the policy defined in is executed at the beginning of a cf-execd scheduled agent run (see schedule and exec_command as defined in body executor control in controls/ When the update policy completes (regardless of success or failure) the policy defined in is activated.

This is a standalone policy file. You can actually run it with cf-agent -KI -f ./ but if you don't understand what that command does, please hold off until you've gone through the CFEngine documentation. The contents of duplicate other things under lib sometimes, in order to be completely standalone.

To repeat, when is broken, things go bonkers. CFEngine will try to run a backup you can find in the C core under libpromises/ (that .cf file is written into the C code and can't be modified). If things get to that point, you probably have to look at why corrupted policies made it into production.

As is typical for CFEngine, the policy and the configuration are mixed. In controls/ you'll find some very useful settings. Keep referring to controls/ as you read this. We are skipping the nonessential ones.

Verify update transfers

Enable additional verrification after file transfers during policy update by defining the class cfengine_internal_verify_update_transfers. When this class is defined, the update policy will hash the transfered file and compare it against the hash given by the server

This [augments file][Augments] will enable this behavior for all clients.

  "classes": {
    "cfengine_internal_verify_update_transfers": [ "any" ]

Encrypted transfers

Note: When using protocol version 2 or greater all communications are encapsulated within a TLS session. This configuration option is only relevant for clients using protocol version 1 (default for versions 3.6 and prior).

To enable encryption during policy updates define the class cfengine_internal_encrypt_transfers.

Preserve permissions

By default the MPF enforces restrictive permissions for inputs. If the class cfengine_internal_preserve_permissions is defined the permissions of the policy server's masterfiles will be preserved when they are copied.

Enable CFEngine Enterprise HA

When the enable_cfengine_enterprise_hub_ha class is defined the policy to manage High Availability of Enterprise Hubs is enabled.

Note: This class is not defined by default.

Disable cf_promises_validated check

For non policy hubs the default update policy only performs a full scan of masterfiles if cf_promises_validated is repaired. This repair indicates that the hub has validated new policy that the client needs to refresh.

To disable this check define the cfengine_internal_disable_cf_promises_validated class.

It not recommended to disable this check as it both removes a safety mechanism that checks for policy to be valid before allowing clients to download updates, and the increased load on the hub will affect scalability.

If you want to periodically perform a full scan consider adding custom policy to simply remove $(sys.inputdir)/cf_promises_validated. This will cause the file to be repaired during the next update run triggering a full scan.

Automatically remove files not present upstream (SYNC masterfiles)

If the class cfengine_internal_purge_policies is defined the update behavior to change from only copying changed files down to performing a synchronization by purging files on the client that do not exist on the server.

This [augments file][Augments] will enable this behavior for all clients.

  "classes": {
    "cfengine_internal_purge_policies": [ "any" ]

Automatically deploy masterfiles from Version Control

On a CFEngine Enterprise Hub during the update policy if the class cfengine_internal_masterfiles_update is defined masterfiles will be automatically deployed from an upstream version control repository using the [settings defined via Mission Portal][Best Practices#Version Control and Configuration Policy] or directly in /opt/cfengine/dc-scripts.

Note: Any policy in the distribution location (/var/cfengine/masterfiles) will be deleted the first time this tooling runs. Be wary of local modifications before enabling.

Policy Permissions

By default the policy enforces permissions of 0600 meaning that inputs are only readable by their owner. If you are distributing scripts with your masterfiles, be sure there is a policy to ensure they are executable when you expect them to be.

Agent binary upgrades

Remote agents can upgrade their own binaries using the built in binary upgrade policy. Packages must be placed in /var/cfengine/master_software_updates in the appropriate platform directory. Clients will automatically download and install packages when the trigger_upgrade class is defined during a run of

Note: This policy is specific to CFEngine Enterprise.

This [augments file][Augments] would define the trigger_upgrade class if the testhost5 class is defined.

  "classes": {
    "trigger_upgrade": [ "testhost5" ]


Files considered for copy during policy updates

The default update policy only copies files that match regular expressions listed in def.input_name_patterns.

This [augments file][Augments] ensures that only files ending in .cf, .dat, .mustache, .json, .yaml and the file cf_promises_release_id will be considered by the default update policy.

  "vars:" {
    "input_name_patterns": [ ".*\\.cf", ".*\\.dat",
                             ".*\\.json", ".*\\.yaml" ]

Note: This filter does not apply to bootstrap operations. During bootstrap the embedded failsafe policy is used and it decides which files should be copied.

Enable or disable CFEngine components


Description: Disable a CFEngine Enterprise daemon component persistently.

DAEMON can be one of cf_execd, cf_monitord or cf_serverd.

This will stop the AGENT from starting automatically.

This [augments file][Augments] will ensure that cf-monitord is disabled on hosts that have server1 or the redhat class defined.

  "classes": {
    "persistent_disable_cf_monitord": [ "server1", "redhat" ]


Description: Re-enable a previously disabled CFEngine Enterprise daemon component.

DAEMON can be one of cf_execd, cf_monitord or cf_serverd.

This [augments file][Augments] will ensure that cf-monitord is not disabled on redhat hosts.

  "classes": {
    "clear_persistent_disable_cf_monitord": [ "redhat" ]

Main Policy (

The following settings are defined in controls/ can be set from an [augments file][Augments].


The address that cf-execd should email agent output to.


The address that output mailed from cf-execd should come from.


The SMTP server that cf-execd should use to send emails.


This is a list of of network ranges that the hub should allow download of policy files from.


The list of network ranges that cf-serverd should trust keys from. This is should only be open on policy servers while new hosts are expected to be bootstrapped. It should be empty after your hosts have been bootstrapped to avoid unwanted hosts from being able to bootstrap.

By default the MPF configures cf-serverd to trust keys from any host. This is convenient for simplified bootstrapping. After initial deployment it is recommended that this setting be reviewed and adjusted appropriately according to the needs of your infrastructure.

The [augments][Augments] file (def.json) can be used to override the default setting. For example it can be restricted to to prevent keys from any foreign host from being automatically accepted.

  "vars": {
    "trustkeysfrom": [ "" ]

Prevent automatic trust for any host by specifying an empty value:

  "vars": {
    "trustkeysfrom": [ "" ]


When the services_autorun class is defined bundles tagged with autorun are actuated in lexical order.

bundle agent example
    "tags" slist => { "autorun" };

    "I will report when 'services_autorun' is defined."

Note: .cf files located in services/autorun/ are automatically included in inputs even when the services_autorun class is not defined. Bundles tagged with autorun are not required to be placed in services/autorun/ in order to be automatically actuated.


On CFEngine Enterprise policy hubs this class is defined by default on Sundays at 2am. To adjust when postgres maintenance operations run edit controls/ directly.


On CFEngine Enterprise policy hubs this class is defined by default at 2am when postgresql_maintenance_supported is defined except for Sundays.

To adjust when postgres maintenance operations run edit controls/ directly.


Set this class when you want to enable the CFEngine Enterprise HA policies.

This class can be defined by an [augments file][Augments]. For example:

  "classes" {
    "enable_cfengine_enterprise_hub_ha": [ "hub001" ]


This class enables policy that cleans up report diffs when they exceed def.maxclient_history_size. By default is is off unless a CFEngine Enterprise agent is detected.

Main Policy (

Allow connections from the classic/legacy protocol

By default since 3.9.0 cf-serverd disallows connections from the classic protocol by default. To allow clients using the legacy protocol (versions prior to 3.7.0 by default) define control_server_allowlegacyconnects as a list of networks.

Example definition in augments file:

  "vars": {
    "control_server_allowlegacyconnects": [ "" ]

Adjust the maximum amount of client side report data to retain (CFEngine Enterprise)

Enterprise agents cache detailed information about each agent run locally. The data is purged when the data is reported to a hub. If the volume of data exceeds def.max_client_history_size then the client will purge the local data in order to keep report collection from timing out.

The default 50M threshold can be configured using an [augments file][Augments], for example:

  "vars": {
    "max_client_history_size": "5M"

Exclude hosts from hub initiated report collection

You may want to exclude some hosts like community agents, hosts behind NAT, and hosts using client initiated reporting from hub initiated report collection. To exclude hosts from hub initiated report collection define def.control_hub_exclude_hosts in an [augments file][Augments].

For example to completely disable hub initiated report collection:

  "vars": {
    "control_hub_exclude_hosts": [ "" ]

Enable client initiated reporting

In the default configuration for Enterprise report collection the hub periodically polls agents that are bootstrapped to collect reports. Sometimes it may be desirable or necessary for the client to initiate report collection.

To enable client initiated reporting define the class client_initiated_reporting_enabled. You may also want to configure the report interval (how frequently an agent will try to report it's data to the hub) by default it is set to 5. The reporting interval def.control_server_call_collect_interval and the class can be defined in an [augments file][Augments].

For example:

  "classes" {
    "client_initiated_reporting_enabled": [ "any" ]
  "vars": {
    "control_server_call_collect_interval": "1",

Configure MPF to automatically restart components on relevant data change

While the agent itsef will reload its config upon notice of policy change this bundle specifically handles changes to variables used in the MPF which may come from external data sources which are unknown to the components themselves.

Note currently only cf-serverd and cf-monitord are handled. cf-execd is NOT automatically restarted.

To enable this functionality define the class mpf_augments_control_enabled

      "mpf_augments_control_enabled": [ "any" ]

History: Added 3.11.0

Configure maxconnections for cf-serverd

maxconnections in body server control configures the maximum number of connections allowed by cf-serverd. Recommended to be set greater than the number of hosts bootstrapped.

This can be configured via [augments][Augments]:

      "control_serverd_maxconnections": "1000"

History: Added 3.11.0

Configure networks allowed to make collect_calls (client initiated reporting)

By default the hub allows collect calls (client initiated reporting) from the networks defined in def.acl To configure which networks are allowed to initiate report collection define def.mpf_access_rules_collect_calls_admit_ips.

For example to allow client initiated reporting for hosts coming from

  "vars": {
    "mpf_access_rules_collect_calls_admit_ips": [ "" ]

Configure Enterprise Measurement/Monitoring Collection

Metrics recorded by measurement promises in cf-monitord are only collected by default for policy servers. In order to collect metrics for non policy servers simply define default_data_select_host_monitoring_include via in an [augments file][Augments].

For example to collect all measurements for remote agents and only cpu and memory related probes on policy servers:

  "vars": {
    "default_data_select_host_monitoring_include": [ ".*" ],
    "default_data_select_policy_hub_monitoring_include": [ "mem_.*", "cpu_.*" ]

Append to the main bundlesequence

You can specify bundles which should be run at the end of the default bundlesequence by defining control_common_bundlesequence_end in the vars of an [augments file][Augments].

For example:

    "control_common_bundlesequence_end": [ "mybundle1", "mybundle2" ]

  "inputs": [ "services/" ]


  • The order in which bundles are actuates is not guaranteed.
  • The agent will error if a named bundle is not part of inputs.

History: Added in 3.10.0

Configure files_single_copy via augments

Specify a list of regular expressions that when matched will prevent the agent from performing subsequent copy operations on the same promiser.

For example, to only allow any file to be copied a single time:

    "control_agent_files_single_copy": [ ".*" ]


History: Added in 3.11.0, 3.10.2

Configure default repository for file backups

By default the agent creates a backup of a file before it is edited in the same directory as the edited file. Defining the mpf_control_agent_default_repository class will cause these backups to be placed in $(sys.workdir)/backups. Customize the backup directory by setting def.control_agent_default_backup.

For example:

  "classes": {
    "mpf_control_agent_default_repository": [ "any" ]

  "vars": {
    "control_agent_default_repository": "/var/cfengine/edit_backups"

History: Added in 3.10.1

Enable logging of Enterprise License utilization

If the class enable_log_cfengine_enterprise_license_utilization is defined on an enterprise hub license utilization will be logged by the hub in $(sys.workdir)/log/license_utilization.log

Example enabling the class from an [augments file][Augments]:

  "classes": {
    "enable_log_cfengine_enterprise_license_utilization": ["policy_server"]

History: Added in 3.11, 3.10.2


Modules executed by the usemodule() function are expected to be found in $(sys.workdir)/modules the modules are distributed to all remote agents by in the default policy.


For convenience the templates shortcut is provided and by default the path is set to $(sys.workdir/templates) unless $(def.template_dir) is overridden via [augments][Augments].

  • NOTE: The templates directory is not currently managed by default policy. Unlike modules templates are not distributed to all hosts by default.

Copy a template from the templates directory:


    "$(def.dir_templates)/mytemplate.mustache" -> { "myservice" }
      copy_from => remote_dcp("templates/mytemplate.mustache", $(sys.policy_server) ),
      comment => "mytemplate is necessary in order to render myservice configuration file.";

Override the path for $(def.dir_templates) by setting vars.dir_templates in the [augments file][Augments] (def.json):

    "vars": {
        "dir_templates": "/var/cfengine/mytemplates"

Note: When overriding the templates directory a change to the [augments][Augments] alone will not cause cf-serverd to reload its configuration and update the access control lists as necessary. cf-serverd will only automatically reload its config when it notices a change in policy.

History: Added in 3.11.