This repository is a MATLAB application that simulate the response of MRI RadioFrequency (RF) pulses. The app is a GUI, and the code also made to be used purely programmatically.
- Open the GUI app
- Click on a pulse in the library list.
- The selected
$RF$ pulse is loaded with default parameters, plotted in the GUI, and it's simulation triggered. The simulation is plotted automatically : magnetization vector across time$M_{xzy}(t)$ , slice profile$\Delta Z$ , chemical shift profile$\Delta B_0$ .
The application is highly object oriented, to take advantage of heritage and composition of several abstract classes.
Also, you can use your own pulses in the app by:
- A super fast method: fill the
$RF$ pulse shape ($B1$ curve$GZ$ curve) in the theUSER_DEFINED
pulse, then trigger the GUI so simulate the profile. - An ergonomic method made for interactivity: add your own
$RF$ pulse class in+mri_rf_pulse_sim/+rf_pulse/+local/
so it will appear in the GUI library. This directory is not versioned in this repo
The GUI have 3 independent panels:
Pulse definition: It shows the library of pulses, and the selected pulse, including its shape and the UI parameters.
Simulation parameters: You define the range and granularity (number of points) for the slice profile evaluation
$\Delta Z$ and the chemical shift$\Delta B_0$ evaluation. -
Simulation results: Displays
$M_{xzy}(t)$ , the slice profile$\Delta Z$ , and the chemical shift$\Delta B_0$ profile.
Here is some examples of non-GUI analysis:
- Why SINC is used for slice selection instead of to RECT ?
- Too much B1max ? RF clip ? maybe increase pulse duration
- FOCI is derived from HS pulse. But is it better ?
- Why do we need a slice selection gradient rewinder ?
All pulses are objects.
Pulses can inherit from others: FOCI
is derived from HyperbolicSecant
Pulses can be composed of several abstract classes.
For example, slr_mb_verse
is a SLR base waveform, then the MultiBand algorithm is applied to excite several slices, and finally the VERSE algorithm reduces it's duration and
One of the objectives here is to centralize the equations/algorithms of
One difficulty when looking in the literature is that different sources can have different vocabulary or different parameters. A typical example is the HyperbolicSecant, which is the extremely well described, but with a large variety of implementation using different input parameters.
- Copy your pulses into
. - In the GUI, select "BRUKER", this will fetch all files and display them in a list.
- Click on a pulse to load it and simulate it.
The parser is load_bruker_RFpulse.m
- Copy your
file from into<package_dir>/vendor/siemens/
. - In the GUI, select "SIEMENS", this will fetch all files and display them in a list.
- Click on a pulse to load it and simulate it.
The parser is load_siemens_RFpulse.m
- Clone the repository with
git clone --recurse-submodules
- In Matlab,
cd /path/to/mri_rf_pulse_simulation_matlab
- Start the app with
- MATLAB R2023a+ ? maybe few release earlier, but I did not test them.
None, except for :
- For SLR pulses :
- DSP System Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
MATLAB R2023a+
In all alternatives that I found, in Python, MATLAB, Julia, all of them have very nice features, but none has the same interactivity and ergonomy.
- Python :
- Matlab :
- Julia :