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Attribute Max Score Scoring Description
Cloud Infrastructure n/a n/a not scored
Regions 2 <=10 🟰 0
10-50 🟰 1
>50 🟰 2
sum over all cloud provider regions
Cluster Types 3 standalone 🟰 0
replica set 🟰 1
sharding 🟰 2
geo-distribution 🟰 3
Cluster Size (max) 2 <3 🟰 0
3-21 🟰 1
>21 🟰 2
Instance Types 2 <5 🟰 0
5-10 🟰 1
>10 🟰 2
sum over all instance types per provider
Instance Types (max) 2 <16 vCores/64 GB RAM 🟰 0
16 vCores/64 GB RAM - 64 vCores/256 GB RAM 🟰 1
>64 vCores/256 GB RAM 🟰 2
Storage Types 2 1 🟰 0
2-3 🟰 1
>3 🟰 2
sum over all storage types per cloud provider
Auto-scaling Compute (vertical) 2 no 🟰 0
manual 🟰 1
automated 🟰 2
Auto-scaling Storage (vertical) 2 no 🟰 0
manual 🟰 1
automated 🟰 2
Custom DBMS Configuration 1 no 🟰 0
yes 🟰 1
DBMS Auto-Tuning 2 no 🟰 0
automated recommendations 🟰 1
automated tuning 🟰 2
DBMS versions 2 major version 🟰 0
latest and previous major version 🟰 1
latest version and at least two previous major versions 🟰 2
no consideration of minor version because automated minor version upgrades is considered a standard DBaaS feature
DBMS auto-upgrade 2 no 🟰 0
automated minor version upgrade 🟰 1
on-demand major version upgrade 🟰 2
major version upgrade needs to be supported by pre-checks, roll-back support, ...
DBMS Version Support n/a n/a not scored
Private Networking 1 no 🟰 0
yes 🟰 1
TLS/SSL Support 1 no 🟰 0
yes 🟰 1
Disk Encryption 1 no 🟰 0
yes 🟰 1
Unique DBaaS Features 5 1 feature 🟰 1 point unique DBaaS features not covered in the general categories
Unique Database Features n/a n/a not scored, selection of unique database technology features


Attribute Max Score Scoring Description
Cloud Interfaces 5 Web Interface 🟰 0 point (default)
API 🟰 1 point
CLI 🟰 1 point
Ansible module 🟰 1 point
Terraform provider 🟰 1 point
K8s operator 🟰 1 point
1 point per supported interface
Backup 2 no 🟰 0
onDemand 🟰 1
scheduled 🟰 2
no 🟰 0
continous 🟰 3
sum over all cloud provider regions
System Monitoring 3 no 🟰 0
yes 🟰 1
Alerting Tools 3 no 🟰 0
custom 🟰 1
automated 🟰 2
automated+custom 🟰 3
Documentation Review 2 sufficient 🟰 0
good 🟰 1
comprehensive 🟰 2
subjective opinion based on experience integrating the DBaaS into the benchANT platform
EU GDPR Policy 4 EU GDPR Policy not available 🟰 0
EU GDPR Policy available 🟰 1
Company not under US Cloud Act 🟰 2
no Infrastructure under US Cloud Act IaaS 🟰 3
no Software under US Cloud Act 🟰 4
CCPA Policy 1 CCPA policy not available 🟰 0
CCPA policy available 🟰 1
Certifications 3 none compliance certifications listed 🟰 0
< 3 main compliance certifications listed 🟰 1
< 10 main compliance certifications listed 🟰 2
> 10 main compliance certifications listed 🟰 3
Community Rating 3 no external ratings 🟰 0
> 25 ratings AND < 4.5 ratings 🟰 1
> 4.5 rating AND 25 ratings OR > 100 github repos 🟰 2
> 50 ratings AND > 4.5 rating 🟰 3


Attribute Max Score Scoring Description
Support Plans n/a n/a not scored
Severity Levels n/a n/a not scored
Support Price (free) 2 no information OR > $100 🟰 0
< $100 🟰 1
included 🟰 2
Support Price (basic) 2 no information OR > $500 🟰 0
< $500 🟰 1
included 🟰 2
Support Price (enterprise) 2 no information OR > $1000 🟰 0
< $1000 🟰 1
included 🟰 2
subjective opinion based on experience integrating the DBaaS into the benchANT platform
Support Price (premium) 2 no information OR > $1000 🟰 0
< $1000 🟰 1
included 🟰 2
Response Time (free) 2 community support only 🟰 0
> 8 hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
< 8 hours for urgent issues 🟰 2
Response Time (basic) 2 > 8 hours for urgent issues 🟰 0
> 4 hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
< 4 hours for urgent issues 🟰 2
Response Time (enterprise) 2 > 4 hours for urgent issues 🟰 0
> 2 hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
< 2 hours for urgent issues 🟰 2
Response Time (premium) 2 > 2 hours for urgent issues 🟰 0
> 1 hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
< 1 hours for urgent issues 🟰 2
Response Hours (free/basic/enterprise) 2 community support only 🟰 0
business hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
24x7 for urgent issues 🟰 2
Response Hours (premium) 2 community support only 🟰 0
business hours for urgent issues 🟰 1
24x7 for all issues 🟰 2
Response Channels (free/basic/enterprise/premium) 3 community/forum 🟰 0
ticket/mail 🟰 1
phone/live-chat 🟰 2
screen-sharing/expert contact 🟰 3
SLA Goals (free/basic/enterprise/premium) 2 < 99,90 🟰 0
> 99,90 🟰 1
> 99.95 🟰 2
SLA Downtime Compensation 2 no or lower 25% compensation 🟰 0
up to 25% 🟰 1
up to 100% 🟰 2
Further Services 3 1 support service 🟰 1 point 1 point per additional support service not covered in the previous categories


Attribute Max Score Scoring Description
Throughput (avg.) [ops/s] 5 benchANT score relative score over all available measurements
Read Latency (95%) [ms] 5 >25 ms 🟰 0
>20 ms AND <= 25 ms 🟰 1
>15 ms AND <= 20 ms 🟰 2
>10 ms AND <= 15 ms 🟰 3
>5 ms AND <= 10 ms 🟰 4
<= 5 ms 🟰 5
Write Latency (95%) [ms] 5 >25 ms 🟰 0
>20 ms AND <= 25 ms 🟰 1
>15 ms AND <= 20 ms 🟰 2
>10 ms AND <= 15 ms 🟰 3
>5 ms AND <= 10 ms 🟰 4
<= 5 ms 🟰 5
Throughput Stability (Variance) [%] 2 > 5 % 🟰 0
> 2.5 % AND < 5 % 🟰 1
> < 2.5 % 🟰 2
variance of at least three measurements
Read Stability (Variance) [%] 2 > 5 % 🟰 0
> 2.5 % AND < 5 % 🟰 1
> < 2.5 % 🟰 2
variance of at least three measurements
Write Stability (Variance) [%] 2 > 5 % 🟰 0
> 2.5 % AND < 5 % 🟰 1
> < 2.5 % 🟰 2
variance of at least three measurements
Deployment Time [h] 2 >1h OR manual steps required 🟰 0
< 1h 🟰 1
< 30 minutes 🟰 2
< 15 minutes 🟰 3
< 10 minutes 🟰 4
< 5 minutes 🟰 5
time required to automatically deploy a ready-to-use cluster


Attribute Max Score Scoring Description
Performance / Costs [ops/s / $/month] 5 benchANT score relative score over all available measurements
Monthly Costs [$] 5 benchANT score relative score over all available measurements
Resource Costs (monthly) [$] n/a n/a not scored
Storage Costs (monthly) [$] n/a n/a not scored
Backup Costs (monthly) [$] n/a n/a not scored
Network Traffic Costs (monthly) [$] n/a n/a not scored
Support Costs - Basic (monthly) [$] n/a n/a not scored
Pricing Model 2 day 🟰 0
> hour 🟰 1
> Minute/Operations-based/Serverless / Auto-Scaling 🟰 2
Network Cost Details 2 > $0.01 per GB 🟰 0
> partly included 🟰 1
> included 🟰 2
Payment Options n/a n/a not scored
Payment Terms n/a n/a not scored
Termination Terms n/a n/a not scored
Discount Programs 3 1 discount program 🟰 1 point 1 point per discount program