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File metadata and controls

1102 lines (815 loc) · 32.1 KB

Available Rules

After: after:otherField[,timeZone]

This rule checks the field under validation is a datetime value after the given datetime. The after rule accepts two parameters, otherField and timeZone. The otherField is a mandatory parameter that specifies the field to compare the current field value.

Note that when using this rule, the field under validation must pass the datetime rule, and the otherField must be present and also pass the datetime rule.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"after:start"} 

In this example, then end and start must pass the datetime rule, and also start must be present.

The after rule does not imply the required rule on the field under validation.

Timezone parameter

If you want to compare the time values in a specified time zone, you can pass your desired time zone string as the second parameter.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"after:start,America/New_York"} 

The default value for the time zone parameter is UTC.


Key Params
validation.after field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
OtherField The other field that the current field is compare with.

After Or Equal: afterOrEqual:otherField[,timeZone]

This rule checks the field under validation is a datetime value after or equal to the given datetime. The afterOrEqual rule accepts two parameters, otherField and timeZone. The otherField is a mandatory parameter that specifies the field to compare the current field value.

Note that when using this rule, the field under validation must pass the datetime rule, and the otherField must be present and also pass the datetime rule.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"afterOrEqual:start"} 

In this example, then end and start must pass the datetime rule, and also start must be present.

The afterOrEqual rule does not imply the required rule on the field under validation.

Timezone parameter

If you want to compare the time values in a specified time zone, you can pass your desired time zone string as the second parameter.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"afterOrEqual:start,America/New_York"} 

The default value for the time zone parameter is UTC.


Key Params
validation.after_or_equal field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
OtherField The other field that the current field is compare with.

Alpha: alpha

This rule checks the field under validation is entirely alphabetic characters.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"name": {"alpha"} 


Key Params
validation.alpha field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Alpha Dash: alphaDash

This rule checks the field under validation has alphabetic characters as well as dashes and underscores.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"filename": {"alphaDash"} 


Key Params
validation.alpha_dash field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Alpha Num: alphaNum

This rule checks the field under validation has alphanumeric characters.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"title": {"alphaNum"} 


Key Params
validation.alpha_num field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Alpha Space: alphaSpace

This rule checks the field under validation has alphabetic characters as well as spaces.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"title": {"alphaSpace"} 


Key Params
validation.alpha_space field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Array: array

This rule checks the field under validation is an array or slice.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"title": {"array"} 


Key Params
validation.array field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Before: before:otherField[,timeZone]

This rule checks the field under validation is a datetime value before the given datetime. The before rule accepts two parameters, otherField and timeZone. The otherField is a mandatory parameter that specifies the field to compare the current field value.

Note that when using this rule, the field under validation must pass the datetime rule, and the otherField must be present and also pass the datetime rule.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"start": {"before:end"} 

In this example, then start and end must pass the datetime rule, and also end must be present.

The before rule does not imply the required rule on the field under validation.

Timezone parameter

If you want to compare the time values in a specified time zone, you can pass your desired time zone string as the second parameter.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"before:start,America/New_York"} 

The default value for the time zone parameter is UTC.


Key Params
validation.before field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
OtherField The other field that the current field is compare with.

Before Or Equal: beforeOrEqual:otherField[,timeZone]

This rule checks the field under validation is a datetime value before the given datetime. The beforeOrEqual rule accepts two parameters, otherField and timeZone. The otherField is a mandatory parameter that specifies the field to compare the current field value.

Note that when using this rule, the field under validation must pass the datetime rule, and the otherField must be present and also pass the datetime rule.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"start": {"beforeOrEqual:end"} 

In this example, then start and end must pass the datetime rule, and also end must be present.

The beforeOrEqual rule does not imply the required rule on the field under validation.

Timezone parameter

If you want to compare the time values in a specified time zone, you can pass your desired time zone string as the second parameter.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"end": {"beforeOrEqual:start,America/New_York"} 

The default value for the time zone parameter is UTC.


Key Params
validation.before_or_equal field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
OtherField The other field that the current field is compare with.

Between: between:min,max

This rule acts a little differently based on the type of field value.

  • If the value is numeric, the rule will check the value is between the given min and max.
  • If the value is a string, slice, array, or map, the rule will check the length of the value is between the given min and max.
  • Otherwise, the rule checks nothing.
rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"between:18,30"},       // assume age is an integer value
	"score": {"between:8.5,10"},    // assume score is a float value
	"title": {"between:5,50"},      // assume title is a string value
	"skills": {"between:2,5"},      // assume skills is a slice of strings

The between rule only checks the condition when the field under validation is present.


Key Params
validation.between field, min, max
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
min The minimum value set in the rule.
max The maximum value set in the rule.

Boolean: boolean

This rule checks the field under validation has a boolean value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"accept": {"boolean"} 


Key Params
validation.boolean field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Datetime: datetime

This rule checks the field under validation is a valid datetime string.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"start": {"datetime"} 


Key Params
validation.datetime field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Datetime Format: datetimeFormat:format

This rule checks the field under validation matches the given datetime layout format.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"start": {"datetimeFormat:2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}

The datetimeFormat rule only checks the condition when the field under validation is present.


Key Params
validation.datetime_format field, format
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
format The datetime layout format.

Different: different:otherField

This rule checks the field under validation has a different value than the given field.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"newPassword": {"different:oldPassword"} 


Key Params
validation.different field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field that current field is compared to.

Digits: digits:count

This rule checks the field under validation is all digits and has exact digits as given count.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"code": {"digits:6"} 


Key Params
validation.digits field, digitsCount
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
digitsCount The number of digits set in rule.

Digits Between: digitsBetween:min,max

This rule checks the field under validation is all digits and has digits between the given min and max.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"code": {"digits:4,6"} 


Key Params
validation.digits_between field, min, max
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
min The minimum digits count set in the rule.
max The maximum digits count set in the rule.

Email: email[:mx]

This rule checks the field under validation has a valid email format.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"email": {"email"}

There is also an optional parameter called mx which doing extra check on email address and checks the MX record in given email host dns records.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"email": {"email:mx"}


Key Params field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Ends With: ends_with:suffix

This rules checks the field under validation ends with the given suffix string.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"className": {"endsWith:Model"}

The suffix parameter is case-sensitive.


Key Params
validation.ends_with field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The suffix value set in rule.

Greater Than: gt:value

This rule acts a little differently based on the type of field value.

  • If the value is numeric, the rule will check the value is greater than given value.
  • If the value is a string, slice, array, or map, the rule will check the length of the value is greater than given value.
  • Otherwise, the rule checks nothing.
rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"gt:18"},       // assume age is an integer value
	"score": {"gt:8.5"},    // assume score is a float value
	"title": {"gt:5"},      // assume title is a string value
	"skills": {"gt:2"},     // assume skills is a slice of strings


Key Params field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The min value set in rule.

Greater Than or Equal: gte:value

This rule acts a little differently based on the type of field value.

  • If the value is numeric, the rule will check the value is greater than or equal to given value.
  • If the value is a string, slice, array, or map, the rule will check the length of the value is greater than or equal to given value.
  • Otherwise, the rule checks nothing.
rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"gte:18"},       // assume age is an integer value
	"score": {"gte:8.5"},    // assume score is a float value
	"title": {"gte:5"},      // assume title is a string value
	"skills": {"gte:2"},     // assume skills is a slice of strings


Key Params
validation.gte field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The min value set in rule.

In: in:value1,value2[,value3,...]

This rule check the field under validation exists in one of the given options.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"currency": {"in:usd,eur,gbp"},


Key Params field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Integer: integer

This rule checks the field under validation is an integer.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"integer"},


Key Params
validation.integer field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Length: length:value

This rule checks the field under validation length is as the given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"skills": {"length:3"},

The length rule only apply on strings, arrays, slices and maps.


Key Params
validation.length field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The given value in the rule.

Lowercase: lowercase

This rule checks the field under validation is all lowercase.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"name": {"lowercase"},


Key Params
validation.lowercase field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Less Than: lt:value

This rule acts a little differently based on the type of field value.

  • If the value is numeric, the rule will check the value is less than given value.
  • If the value is a string, slice, array, or map, the rule will check the length of the value is less than given value.
  • Otherwise, the rule checks nothing.
rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"lt:18"},       // assume age is an integer value
	"score": {"lt:8.5"},    // assume score is a float value
	"title": {"lt:5"},      // assume title is a string value
	"skills": {"lt:2"},     // assume skills is a slice of strings


Key Params field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The max value set in rule.

Less Than or Equal: lte:value

This rule acts a little differently based on the type of field value.

  • If the value is numeric, the rule will check the value is less than or equal to given value.
  • If the value is a string, slice, array, or map, the rule will check the length of the value is less than or equal to given value.
  • Otherwise, the rule checks nothing.
rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"lte:18"},       // assume age is an integer value
	"score": {"lte:8.5"},    // assume score is a float value
	"title": {"lte:5"},      // assume title is a string value
	"skills": {"lte:2"},     // assume skills is a slice of strings


Key Params
validation.lte field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The max value set in rule.

Max: max:value

This rule checks the field under validation value be less than given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"max:30"}


Key Params
validation.max field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The max value set in rule.

Max Digits: maxDigits:value

This rule checks the field under validation has length less than given max digits.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"code": {"maxDigits:5"}


Key Params
validation.max_digits field, digitsCount
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
digitsCount The max number of digits set in rule.

Max Length: maxLength:value

This rule checks the field under validation has length less than given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"title": {"maxLength:50"}


Key Params
validation.max_length field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The maximum length set in rule.

Min: min:value

This rule checks the field under validation value be greater than given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"age": {"min:30"}


Key Params
validation.min field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The min value set in rule.

Min Digits: minDigits:value

This rule checks the field under validation has length greater than given min digits.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"code": {"minDigits:5"}


Key Params
validation.min_digits field, digitsCount
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
digitsCount The min number of digits set in rule.

Min Length: minLength:value

This rule checks the field under validation has length greater than given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"title": {"minLength:10"}


Key Params
validation.min_length field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The minimum length set in rule.

Not Equal: neq:value

This rule checks the field under validation is not equal to given value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"neq:admin"}


Key Params
validation.not_equal field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The maximum length set in rule.

Not Empty: notEmpty

This rule checks the field under validation presents and have a non-empty or non-zero value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"notEmpty"}


Key Params
validation.not_empty field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Not In: notIn:value1,value2[,value3,...]

This rule check the field under validation not exists in one of the given options.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"notIn:admin,god,superuser"},


Key Params
validation.not_in field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Not Regex: notRegex:pattern

This rule checks the field under validation does not match the given regex pattern.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"notRegex:[\\s]+"},


Key Params
validation.not_regex field, pattern
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
pattern The given pattern in the rule.

Numeric: numeric

This rule checks the field under validation has a numeric value.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"amount": {"numeric"},


Key Params
validation.numeric field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Regex: regex:pattern

This rule checks the field under validation matches the given regex pattern.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"regex:[a-zA-z0-9\\._]+"},


Key Params
validation.regex field, pattern
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
pattern The given pattern in the rule.

Required: required

This rule checks the field under validation exists.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"required"},


Key Params
validation.required field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

Required If: requiredIf:otherField,value

This rule check the field under validation exists if the given condition is true. The condition is consists of another field name and a value. If the value of the other field is equal to the given value, the field under validation is required.

Note that the only supported type for value parameter is string.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredIf:type,user"},


Key Params
validation.required_if field, otherField, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field to check its value.
value The given value for the other value.

Required Unless: requiredUnless:otherField,value

This rule check the field under validation exists unless the given condition is true. The condition is consists of another field name and a value. Unless the value of the other field is equal to the given value, the field under validation is required.

Note that the only supported type for value parameter is string.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredUnless:type,admin"},


Key Params
validation.required_unless field, otherField, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field to check its value.
value The given value for the other value.

Required With: requiredWith:otherField[,anotherField,...]

This rule check the field under validation exists if any of given fields exist.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredWith:phone,email"},


Key Params
validation.required_with field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field to check its value.

Required With All: requiredWithAll:otherField,anotherField[,...]

This rule check the field under validation exists if all given fields exist.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredWithAll:phone,email"},


Key Params
validation.required_with_all field, otherFields
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherFields The other field to check its value.

Required Without: requiredWithout:otherField[,anotherField,...]

This rule check the field under validation exists if any of given fields doesn't exist.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredWithout:phone,email"},


Key Params
validation.required_without field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field to check its value.

Required Without All: requiredWithoutAll:otherField,anotherField[,...]

This rule check the field under validation exists if all given fields not exist.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"username": {"requiredWithoutAll:phone,email"},


Key Params
validation.required_without_all field, otherFields
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherFields The other field to check its value.

Same As: sameAs:otherField

This rule check the field under validation has the value same as the other given field.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"passwordConfirmation": {"sameAs:password"},


Key Params
validation.same_as field, otherField
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
otherField The other field to check its value.

Start With: startWith:prefix

This rule check the field under validation starts with given sub string.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"functionName": {"startWith:Set"}

The prefix parameter is case-sensitive.


Key Params
validation.ends_with field, value
Param name Description
field The field under validation.
value The prefix value set in rule.

Uppercase: uppercase

This rule checks the field under validation is all uppercase.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"code": {"uppercase"},


Key Params
validation.uppercase field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.

UUID: uuid

This rule checks field under validation is a valid uuid.

rulesMap := validation.RulesMap{
	"id": {"uuid"},


Key Params
validation.uuid field
Param name Description
field The field under validation.