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81 lines (72 loc) · 3.42 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (72 loc) · 3.42 KB


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A small mapper with a base set of functionality, that:

  • Is easy to set up and use;
  • Performs mapping as fast as lightning;
  • Available on Nuget as LightMapper;
  • Uses Reflection.Emit for creation of mapping methods dynamically;
  • Can map properties/fields from SourceT class type to TargetT class type;
  • Have an ability to set explicit property/field to property/field mapping (eg. TargetClass.DiffField2 = SourceClass.DiffField1);
  • Can execute explicit Action<SourceT, TargetT> before/after mapping;
  • Can execute explicit actions of TargetT base class;
  • Can create target class via func (for classes with non-parameterless constructors);
  • Can map enums to their underlying types (int in most cases) and vice versa;
  • Can map nested classes (in progress, can be done with help of explicit actions);


Initialization & Mapping creation

var mapper = LightMapper.Instance; // or new LightMapper(); 

// Creates a mapping from SourceClass to TargetClass
// including properties and fields
var mappingItem = _mapper.CreateMapping<SourceClass, TargetClass>(true);
// Registers a mapping

Setting custom target type constructor

// // Creates a mapping from SourceClass to TargetClass
var mappingItem = _mapper.CreateMapper<SourceClass, TargetClass>(true)
	// sets a custom constructor
	.SetConstructorFunc(() => new TargetClass());
// Registers a mapping

Setting Explicit actions and fields

// Creates a mapping from SourceClass to TargetClass
var mappingItem = _mapper.CreateMapper<SourceClass, TargetClass>(true)
    // sets BoolProp to true if DateTimeProp value is older than the week
    .Explicit((src, trg) => trg.BoolProp = src.DateTimeProp < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7))
    // sets that the DiffField1 of SourceClass will be mapped into DiffField2 of TargetClass
    .ExplicitMember(t => t.DiffField2, s => s.DiffField1);
// Registers a mapping (LightMapper will compile mapping methods)

Updating & Deleting a mapping

Updating a mapping

// gets existing mapping fo SourceClass to TargetClass
var mappingItem = _mapper.GetMapping<SourceClass, TargetClass>();
// sets that the DiffProp1 of SourceClass will be mapped into DiffProp2 of TargetClass
mappingItem.ExplicitMember(t => t.DiffProp2, s => s.DiffProp1);
// updates mapping (LightMapper will recompile mapping methods)

Removing a mapping

// removes mapping of SourceClass to TargetClass
var mappingItem = _mapper.RemoveMapping<SourceClass, TargetClass>();


Mapping of single instance of SourceClass to TargetClass

SourceClass src = GetFromDbOrCreateOne();
TargetClass targ = _mapper.Map<SourceClass, TargetClass>(src);

Mapping of collection of SourceClass to collection of TargetClass

IEnumerable<SourceClass> srcList = GetFromDbOrCreateCollection();
IEnumerable<TargetClass> = _mapper.Map<SourceClass, TargetClass>(srcList);