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aboudjem edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 6 revisions


What Is Nexus?

Nexus is a smart contract suite developed by Biconomy to enhance blockchain transactions through a modular smart account architecture. It fully supports ERC-7579, enabling the creation of interoperable and customizable smart contract accounts.


Nexus utilizes a modular architecture for easy feature integration and customization.

Purpose of Nexus

Nexus aims to improve the Web3 user experience (UX) by making blockchain interactions more accessible and user-friendly. It provides a flexible approach for managing digital identities and transactions in the blockchain ecosystem.


Nexus simplifies blockchain interactions, making it user-friendly and efficient.

Problem Nexus Solves

Nexus addresses several key issues:

  • Fragmentation and Interoperability: Provides a standardized framework for seamless platform and application integration.
  • User Experience: Simplifies blockchain interactions.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Allows easy transitions between account providers, reducing dependencies.


Nexus is compliant with ERC-7579 and ERC-4337, ensuring broad compatibility and interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem.

Design Principles of Nexus

Nexus operates on several core principles:

  • Modular Architecture: Allows easy integration and modification of features.
  • Account Abstraction: Utilizes ERC-4337 for simplified user interactions through smart contracts.
  • Standards Compliance: Adheres to standards like ERC-7579 and ERC-7201 for compatibility.
  • Smart Contracts and Solidity: Developed using Solidity for robust and secure operations.

How Nexus Achieves Its Goals

Nexus leverages advanced technologies and standards:

  • Modular Architecture: Customizable functionalities through modules.
  • Account Abstraction: Smart contracts as user accounts for programmable execution.
  • Standards Compliance: Ensures broad compatibility.
  • Smart Contracts: Secure and efficient management using Solidity.


Always verify the security of external modules integrated into the Nexus smart account to avoid potential vulnerabilities.


Be cautious when implementing delegate calls within the Nexus architecture to prevent security risks.

Nexus is developed by Biconomy to enhance Web3 UX, offering a scalable and user-friendly platform for managing blockchain transactions and identities.