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Form helper with Smarty

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 8 revisions


If you use Smarty as your template engine in CodeIgniter you may find this useful for generating form tags.


Regular form

[code] {form url='module/function'}

<input type="submit" />

{form} [/code]

'''Upload Form'''

[code] {form url='module/function' type='upload'}

<input type="submit" />

{form} [/code]


if you use {form} without the url parameter this will close the form.

==Installation== Create a file "function.form.php" in Smarty-x.y.z/libs/plugins where x.y.z are the version number of Smarty.

[code] <?php Author: Svetoslav Marinov; svetoslavm [] Inspired by: */

function smarty_function_form($params, &$smarty) { //check if the needed function exists //otherwise try to load it if (!function_exists('form_open')) { //return error message in case we can't get CI instance if (!function_exists('get_instance')) return "Can't get CI instance"; $CI= &get;_instance(); $CI->load->helper('form'); }

if (isset($params['url']) && $params['type'] == 'upload') {
    return form_open_multipart($params['url']);
} elseif (isset($params['url'])) {
    return form_open($params['url']);
} else {
    return form_close();

} ?> [/code]

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