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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 27 revisions

[b][color=green]Category of approaches to common problems - user-supplied methods of achieving a goal, where no 'official CodeIgniter' approach is provided or obvious.[/color][/b]


This section is in response to the handful of regular forum posts that either cover old ground, or cover subjects for which there is no agreed Right Way of doing something.

What you'll find here is a bunch of [i]very subjective[/i] descriptions of [i]different[/i] ways of doing things. It's unlikely that you'll find complete solutions to things, but rather extracts from exiting projects that demonstrate a particular approach.

Under each '[b]How can you do this[/b]?' sub-category, each page belongs to a particular person, and consequently describes exactly one way of approaching a task or problem.

For the [b]novice[/b] this provides an excellent learning resource - they can examine different user's approach to the same problem, picking and choosing as they see fit.

For the more [b]experienced forum user[/b] it means they can point newbies at a more easily locatable and maintainable description of their preferred approach.


Here's the current list of approaches:

[b]o[/b] I have the welcome page - but now what [b]o[/b] Header and footer and menu on every page

Suggestions: [b]o[/b] [color=grey]Basic user authentication system - perhaps using thody's user-library as base[/color]

[color=grey][i]Note: this page created 2009-08-23 by jedd, and is very much a work in progress. The category/sub-category system of the wiki seems unnecessarily convoluted and difficult to revert changes to, plus I don't have a clear end-goal here - so I'm being especially cautious.[i][/color]

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