- We test
on a AVNET Zedboard Zynq-7000 Development Board, XC7Z020 - We test
on a Digilent Nexys Video Artix-7 FPGA, XC7A200T.
- Python 3.10 with packages
numba pycryptodome pyfinite libconf
- Vivado v2022.1 on Ubuntu 18.04
- RTL simulation tools:
├── test_files // Hardware configuration files
├── Makefile // Used for simulation
├── onboard // Tickle files to generate the system
├── scripts // Scripts for simulation and sythesis
├── gen_processor.py // Use this python code to config and generate verilog codes
├── simulator // Python simulator providing behavior simulation
├── rtl // Verilog codes
├── gen_processor_v2.py // Use this python code to config and generate verilog codes (v2)
├── simulator_v2 // Python simulator providing behavior simulation (v2)
└── rtl_v2 // Verilog codes (v2)
- RTL simulation (may take a while)
python gen_processor.py test_files/one-round-aes/gauss-10round-aes/SL1-p/classic.cfg // configuration for 1p classic with 1round AES
./scripts/csh_run_sim (./scripts/run_simulation if using iverilog) // This script includes csh file to use vcs or ncverilog, modify it to the path your computer
- Vivado synthesis
python gen_processor.py test_files/one-round-aes/gauss-10round-aes/SL1-p/classic.cfg
// It will generate a folder "test_files_one-round-aes_gauss-10round-aes_SL1-p_classic_cfg"
// Get the hardware result
vivado -mode tcl -source ./scripts/report.tcl -tclargs "test_files_one-round-aes_gauss-10round-aes_SL1-p_classic_cfg"
- Run simulation and sythesis for all configuration files in a path
python scripts/run_all_simulation.py test_files/one-round-aes/ // Run simulation
python scripts/run_all_synthesis.py test_files/one-round-aes/gauss-10round-aes/ // Run synthesis and generate xsa file
./scripts/hardware_result // Report all synthesized results
- Test version 2 (use additional multipliers)
python gen_processor_v2.py test_files/v2/1p-classic.cfg
- Experiments for the paper
Cycle count
python scripts/run_all_simulation.py test_files/one-round-aes/ python scripts/run_all_simulation.py test_files/pipelined-aes/ // collect results from test_files/one-round-aes/logs and test_files/pipelined-aes/logs
python scripts/run_all_synthesis.py test_files/one-round-aes/ python scripts/run_all_synthesis.py test_files/pipelined-aes/ ./scripts/hardware_result
We also provide python simulator to perform behavioral simulation.
python simulator/codegen.py -n 16 -v 68 -o 44 -g 8 -m classic -r 10 -e // Generate test.data and simulate python simulator/codegen.py -h // See the meaning of parameters
Sepcify the variables in this file
N = 16; V = 68; O = 44; GF_bit = 8; row_layout = [8, 8]; col_layout = [4, 4, 4, 4]; right_delay_every_X_resource_unit = 1; mode = "classic"; aes_round = 10; use_inversion = false; use_tower_field = false; use_pipelined_aes = false; platform = "zedboard";