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File metadata and controls

80 lines (64 loc) · 2.6 KB


Get Started

Just copy RSACryptoProvider folder to your project, or. Reference this project as embedded library

##How to Use

  • Generate RSA Key Pair
[RSACryptoManager.instance generateKeyPair];
  • Encrypt & Decrypt using generated key
NSData* data = [RSACryptoManager.instance encrypt:@“This is the plain string”];
NSLog(@“Encrypted data: %@”, [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:kNilOptions]);
NSString* decrypted = [RSACryptoManager.instance decrypt:data];
NSLog(@"Decrypted string:%@", decrypted);
  • Export public key to PEM string
NSString* pem = [RSACryptoManager.instance exportPublicKeyToPEM];
NSLog(@"Public Key:\n%@", pem);
  • Add remote host public key
NSString* testKey = @"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
@"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";

//Only accept PEM format, tag is the key id in keychain
OSStatus status = [RSACryptoManager.instance addPublicKey:testKey tag:@"serverKey"];
assert(status == noErr);
  • Encrypt using remote host public key
NSString* str = @"This is the plain string"
NSData* data = [RSACryptoManager.instance encrypt:str withPublicKey:@"serverKey"];
assert(data != nil);
NSLog(@"Encrypted String: %@", [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:kNilOptions]);
  • Get generated public key
SecKeyRef publicKey = [RSACryptoManager.instance getPublicKey];
  • Sign using generated private key and verify
NSData* digitalSignature = [RSACryptoManager.instance sign:@"Sign this string!"];
assert(digitalSignature != nil);
NSString* base64signature = [digitalSignature base64EncodedStringWithOptions:kNilOptions];
NSLog(@"%@", base64signature);
SecKeyRef publicKey = [RSACryptoManager.instance getPublicKey];
assert(publicKey != nil);
bool verified = [RSACryptoManager.instance verify:@"Sign this string!" signature:digitalSignature publicKey:publicKey];
  • Verify signed data using remote host public key
//Suppose we have @“Hello, I’m Server!” as message from remote host
//And its digital signature in NSData format
SecKeyRef publicKey = [RSACryptoManager.instance getPublicKeyWithTag:@“serverKey”];
assert(publicKey != nil);
bool verified = [RSACryptoManager.instance verify:@“Hello, I’m Server!” signature:digitalSignature publicKey:publicKey];